2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Nuniek Tri Wahyuni ◽  
Selly Oktaviany Prasetya

Imunisasi dasar yang terdiri atas BCG, DPT, Hepatitis B, polio, dan campak sangat penting diberikan pada bayi berusia 0-12 bulan untuk memberikan kekebalan dari penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi (PD3I) antara lain Tuberkulosis, Difteri, Pertusis, Tetanus, Polio, Hepatitis B dan Campak.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengalisis hubungan pemberian imunisasi dasar dengan tumbuh kembang pada bayi (0-1 Tahun). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS), antropometri status gizi dan Denver II. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan 58 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu accidental sampling.Analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pemberian imunisasi dasar dengan pertumbuhan dan pemberian imunisasi dasar dengan perkembangan bayi. Analisis penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil pertumbuhan p value = 0,034 dan perkembangan p value = 0,046 (α ≤ 0,05).Artinya pada penelitian ini terdapat hubungan pemberian imunisasi dasar dengan pertumbuhan dan terdapat hubungan pemberian imunisasi dasar dengan perkembangan bayi.Kata Kunci : Imunisasi Dasar, Tumbuh Kembang   ABSTRACTBasic immunization consisting of BCG, DPT, Hepatitis B, polio, and measles is very important given to infants aged 0-12 months to provide immunity from diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PD3I) including Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio , Hepatitis B and measles. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between basic immunization and growth and development in infants (0-1 years). This type of research used in this research is analytic descriptive using a cross sectional approach. The instruments used in this study were the Card to Health (KMS), anthropometry of nutritional status and Denver II. The number of samples used 58 respondents with a sampling technique that is accidental sampling. The analysis used in this study is univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between basic immunization with growth and basic immunization with infant development. The analysis of this study shows the results of the growth of p value = 0.034 and the development of p value = 0.046 (α ≤ 0.05). This means that in this study there is a relationship between basic immunization and growth and there is a relationship between basic immunization and infant development.Keywords: Basic Immunization, Growth and Development

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (03) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Sofiya Rahmawati ◽  
Diah Ratnawati

Abstract Introduction: Healthy the card serves as a tool for monitoring the motion of growth. The population in this study were a number of mothers in the Posyandu Dadali III, Tugu, Cimanggis, Depok. Objective: This research was conducted to find out the relationship between the mother's knowledge about healthy cards with the nutritional status of children. Method: The design of this study was cross-sectional with 83 respondents were used as samples. The univariate analysis used frequency and proportion. The bivariate analysis in this study used the Chi-Square test with a p-value <0.05. Results: The results of this study obtained a p-value of 0.021 which means that there is a relationship between a mother's knowledge about a healthy card with the nutritional status of children. Conclusion: The results of this study obtained a p-value of 0.021 which means that there is a relationship between a mother's knowledge about a healthy card with the nutritional status of children.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 146
Nelfi Sarlis ◽  
Cindy Netta Ivanna

<p><em>Based on data in 2010 show 4 million children </em><em>under</em><em> five</em><em> are malnourished in Indonesia</em><em>, 700 thousand of them </em><em>suffering from severe </em><em>malnutrition. The purpose of this </em><em>study was </em><em>to </em><em>determine the  </em><em>factorsassociated with the nutritional status of children</em><em> in the </em><em>Puskesmas Sidomulyo Pekanbaru </em><em> in </em><em>2016. </em><em>Type of </em><em>quantitative</em><em> research with </em><em> analytic</em><em>correlations and in </em><em>cross sectional study design.The place</em><em> is in the puskesma</em><em>s</em><em> research Sidomulyo Pekanbaru, population that will be taken are mothers who have children numbering 280 people in the period on August to October 2015. The total sample of 165 people. The sampling technique using consecutive sampling. Analysis processing techniques with univariate  and bivariate. The result of the bivariate analysis of the relationship between knowledge of the nutritional status of children, in the can P-value= 0.000, a=0,05. ThenHo is rejected and Ha received means that there is a significant relationship between knowledge of the nutritional status of children, there is a relationship between the opinion of the nutritional status of children, in the P-value=0.000, a= 0,05. Then Ho is rejected and Ha received means that there is a significant relationship between the opinion of the nutritional status of children, while the relationship between Exclusive breastfeeding with infant nutritional status, P-value= 0.709, a= 0,05. Then Ho is accepted and Ha rejected meaning there is no significant relationship between breastfeeding with infant nutritional status in Puskesmas Sidomulyo Pekanbaru 2016.</em></p><p> </p><p>Berdasarkan data tahun 2010 memperlihatkan 4 juta balita di Indonesia kekurangan gizi, 700 ribu diantaranyamengalami gizi buruk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuifaktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status gizi balita di Puskesmas Sidomulyo Pekanbaru Tahun 2016.Jenis penelitian <em>kuantitatif</em> dengan <em>analitik kolerasi</em> dan desain penelitian secara <em>crosssectional</em>. Tempat penelitian yaitu di Puskesmas Sidomulyo Pekanbaru. Populasi yang akan diambil adalah seluruh ibu yang memiliki balita berjumlah 280 orang periode bulan Agustus hingga Oktober 2015. Jumlah sample sebanyak 165 orang. Denganteknikpengambilansampelmenggunakan <em>consecutive sampling</em>. Teknik pengolahan dengan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil analisis bivariatterdapat hubunganantara pengetahuan dengan status gizi balita, didapat P-value = 0.000,α=0,05. Maka disimpulkan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dengan status gizi balita, terdapat hubungan antara pendapatan dengan status gizi balita, didapat  P-value = 0.000, α=0,05. Maka disimpulkanterdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pendapatan dengan status gizi balita, sedangkan hubungan antara ASI Ekslusif dengan status gizi balita, P-value = 0.709, α=0,05. Maka disimpulkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara ASI Ekslusif dengan status gizi balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Sidomulyo Pekanbaru Tahun 2016.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Suci Saftari Apriani ◽  
Ranti Lestari ◽  
Elizabeth Widayati ◽  
Yani Suryani ◽  
Karlina Angga P

The nutritional status of pregnant women before and during pregnancy can affect the growth of the fetus in the womb. The purpose of this study was to look at the risk factors of  LBW events based on nutritional status based on the MUAC size of pregnant women. This research is analytical with cross sectional study design by sampling using the total sampling technique of 98 pregnant women in Kubang Village, Sukaresmi District, Cianjur Regency. Analyze data using Chi Square. Univariate analysis results from 98 respondents have good nutritional status (MUAC≥23.5 cm) which is as much as 78 (80%) and normal birth weight 64 (65.3%) pregnant women. The results of bivariate analysis there is a meaningful relationship between the nutritional status of pregnant women based on LBW and the incidence of LBW value P value = 0.006 (P value<0.05). In conclusion there is a meaningful relationship between the nutritional status of pregnant women based on MUAC and the incidence of LBW value P value = 0.006 (P value<0.05) value (OR=3.345, CI 2.234-8.562), respondents who have a history of malnutrition status while pregnant have a risk of 3,354 times giving birth to babies with LBW

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 983
Bettywati E Tumanggor

Early mobilization is a prominent factor in accelerating post-section cesarean recovery and can prevent post-section cesarean complications. The principle of early mobilization in post section Caesarea is carried out gradually and regularly followed by rest and adjusted to the client's physical condition. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with early mobilization behavior in post-section Caesarea mothers in the combined obstetrics ward at H. Abdul Manap Hospital Jambi City in 2018. The research method used descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The research design used cross-sectional. The sample in the study amounted to 40 people from the entire population of post-section Caesarea mothers who were treated in the combined obstetrics ward of RSUD H. Abdul Manap Jambi City in 2018. The sampling technique was accidental sampling. The univariate analysis aims to obtain an overview of the frequency distribution of each variable studied and bivariate analysis to analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitudes with early mobilization behavior post section Caesarea. Test analysis using chi-square statistical test. The results showed that from 23 respondents with good knowledge, 18 respondents (78.2%) with good early mobilization behavior, and five respondents (21.8%) with poor early mobilization behavior. Statistical test of the relationship of knowledge with early mobilization behavior obtained p-Value = 0.006 and OR = 7.00, meaning that there is a relationship between knowledge and early mobilization behavior in post-Sectio Caesarea. The results showed 31 respondents had good attitudes, 26 respondents (83.87%) with good early mobilization behavior, and five respondents (16.12%) with poor early mobilization behavior. The results of the statistical test of the relationship between attitudes and early mobilization behavior obtained p-value = 0.000 and OR = 22,235, meaning that there was a relationship between attitudes and early mobilization behavior in post-section Caesarea mothers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 232
Iin Nilawati ◽  
Nur Elly ◽  
Erli Zainal

<p>Hypertension in pregnancy often progresses to pre-eclampsia as one of the biggest contributors to maternal mortality. Mineral and nutritional factors have an important role in the etiology of hypertension in pregnancy, especially pre-eclampsia. Mineral factors associated with hypertension are calcium. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship of calcium levels with the incidence of hypertension in pregnancy. This study uses a cross-sectional study design that measures / observes independent variables (calcium levels) with dependent variables (hypertension in pregnancy). The number of samples was 43 trimester II pregnant women taken by consecutive sampling technique. This study uses primary data by examining blood pressure and calcium levels in the blood serum of pregnant women. Univariate analysis results showed 30% of pregnant women experience hypertension in pregnancy, and 44% of pregnant women have insufficient calcium levels. The results of calcium levels and the incidence of hypertension in second trimester pregnant women (p value 0,000).the bivariate analysis prove that there is a significant correlation between maternal blood</p>

2020 ◽  
Kristin Natal Riang Gea

AbstrakKeselamatan pasien merupakan dasar dari pelayanan kesehatan yang baik. Pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan dalam sasaran keselamatan pasien terdiri dari ketepatan identifikasi pasien, peningkatan komunikasi yang efektif, peningkatan keamanan obat yang perlu diwaspadai, kepastian tepat lokasi, prosedur, dan tepat pasien operasi, pengurangan risiko infeksi, pengurangan risiko pasien jatuh. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan penerapan keselamatan pasien pada petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas Kedaung Wetan Kota Tangerang. Metode Penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelasi menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi sebanyak 50 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar kuesioner. Teknik analisa diatas menggunakan analisa Univariat dan Bivariat. Hasil Penelitian ada Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien pada Petugas Kesehatan, dengan hasil, p value sebesar 0,013 &lt; 0,05 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penerapa Keselamatan Pasien pada Petugas Kesehatan. Kesimpulan penelitian ada Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien.. AbstrackPatient safety is the basis of good health services. Knowledge of health personnel in patient safety targets consists of accurate patient identification, increased effective communication, increased safety of the drug that needs to be watched, certainty in the right location, procedure, and precise patient surgery, reduction in risk of infection, reduction in risk of falling patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the application of patient safety to health workers in the Kedaung Wetan Health Center, Tangerang City. The research method uses descriptive correlation using cross sectional approach. The population is 50 respondents. The sampling technique uses total sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet. The analysis technique above uses Univariate and Bivariate analysis. The results of the study there is a Relationship of Knowledge with the Implementation of Patient Safety in Health Officers, with the result, p value of 0.013 &lt;0.05, it can be concluded that there is a Relationship between Knowledge and Patient Safety Implementation in Health Officers. The conclusion of the study is the Relationship between Knowledge and the Implementation of Patient Safety.Keywords Knowledge, Patient safety, Health workers

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Yeviza Puspitasari

Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the clinical phenomena most often found in neonates occurring in the first week of life, which is also one of the factors causing infant death is influenced by the immature liver function of the baby to process erythrocytes (red blood cells), resulting in the accumulation of bilirubin. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of birth weight of infants with the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in RSUD dr. Ibnu Soetowo Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2019. This study uses analytic methods with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was all infants aged 0-7 days in the neonatal room at RSUD dr. Ibnu Soetowo Baturaja Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2019, with a random sampling. Data analysis uses univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using distribution tables and Chi-Square statistical tests, with a 95% confidence level. In the univariate analysis, of 203 respondents found 26.5% had hyperbilirubinemia and those without hyperbilirubinemia 72.5%, 24.6% of infants with LBW and non-LBW infants 75.4%. Bivariate analysis showed that there was an LBW relationship with the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia (p-value 0,000).

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-106
Dwi Saputri Mayang Sari

Asphyxia Neonatorum is a failure to start and continue breathing spontaneously and regularly when a new baby is born or some time after birth. Babies may be born in asphyxia or may be able to breathe but then experience asphyxia some time after birth. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between parity and old parturition with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum in the pre-Sumatran city general hospital in 2019. This study uses an Analytical Survey using a Cross Sectional approach. The population of this research is the babies born in the prehumulih city general hospital in 2019 amounted to 1763 people. The number of samples in this study were 326 respondents. In the univariate analysis it was found that from 326 respondents it was found that parity of high risk mothers was 168 respondents (51.5%) while parity of low risk mothers was 158 respondents (48.5%) and mothers who were diagnosed with prolonged labor were 149 respondents (45.7 %) while mothers who were not diagnosed with prolonged labor were 177 respondents (54.3%). Bivariate analysis shows parity has a significant relationship with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum (p value 0,000) and old parturition has a significant relationship with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum (p value 0,000). The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between parity and old parturition with the incidence of asphyxia neonatorum.

Suryono ◽  
Bambang Wiseno ◽  
Fannidya Hamdani Zeho

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has had a very significant impact on every area of ​​the organization, especially the health sector, especially hospitals. One of the impacts experienced is the work pressure felt by hospital employees. This study aims to analyze the work pressure experienced by hospital employees during the covid-19 pandemic which was obtained from the type of work and stressor factors that influenced it. This type of research was quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 120 employees at Hospital "X" in Indonesia. The sampling technique is probability sampling with random sampling method. Univariate analysis test was used to see the distribution of frequency and percentage of each variable and bivariate analysis with chi-square test to determine the relationship between variables (p value <0.05). It was found that the type of employee's work was significantly related to the employee's work pressure. Then an analysis of the level of work pressure is carried out with the influencing work pressure stressor. Based on the Spearman Correlation Test, a correlation value of 0.589 with a sig value of 0.000 means that the sig value is smaller than 0.05 (0.000 <0.05) indicating that there is a significant effect between stressor and work pressure at Hospital "X". The cause of high work pressure from this type of work is the demands of the organization in relation to the high role of tasks, especially medical personnel, which increases during the pandemic. Then the stressor factors that influence are role overload, role conflict and role ambiguity caused by the demands of the duties and roles of employees, poor communication, and lack of direct guidance from the leadership on the tasks and regulations given.

Festy Ladyani ◽  
Nur Fitria Dewi

Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the most common acute abdominal pain. A late check up and diagnosis could bring harms which is turning into perforated appendicitis. Leukocyte count is a laboratory collation that is generous and quick to diagnose the acute apendicitis and perforated appendicitis, however there’s no certain limit of the leukocytes count to recognize whether it is acute apendicitis or perforated appendicitis.Purpose: This research was to find out the comparison of leucocyte count average between acute appendicitis and perforation appendicitis in Dr. H. Abdul Moeleok public hospital of Lampung province in 2014-2016.Methods: An analytic research with cross sectional approach. Population was 382 patients with appendicitis in Dr. Hi. Abdul Moeloek public hospital. Samples were taken using total sampling technique with 196 respondent samples for acute appendicitis and 196 respondent samples for perforation appendicitis. Data were analyzed by using univariate analysis with percentage and bivariate analysis with t-test.Results: the average of leucocyte count of acute appendicitis patients was 10,907 with minimum and maximum leucocyte count of 5,000 and 18,500 respectively. The average of leucocyte count of perforation appendicitis patients was 22,789 with minimum and maximum leucocyte count of 16,500 and 31,000 respectively. There were differences of leucocyte counts between acute appendicitis patients and perforation appendicitis patients with p-value < 0.05.Conclusion: there were significant differences of leucocyte count averages between acute appendicitis and perforation appendicitis.

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