Applied Ethics and ICT-Systems in Healthcare

Göran Collste

What are the ethical implications of information and communication technology in healthcare and how can new ICT-systems fit in an ethically based healthcare system? In this chapter, new ICT-applications in healthcare are assessed from an ethical perspective. The first application assessed is a system making patient information accessible for all healthcare units at a district, county or even national level. The second application, the so-called patient portal, is a system for patient Internet access to his or her medical record. The third application is the use of the Internet as a source of medical information, a means for medical consultation and for marketing of drugs. The systems are primarily assessed by the following ethical principles; the principle of doctor-patient relationship, the principle of responsibility and the principle of autonomy.

Nikos Astroulakis

<p>The paper challenges the mainstream stance in the study of applied ethics<br />in international development. Applied ethics is positioned at the macro-social level<br />of global ethics while a specific codification is attempted by formulating international development based on its structural synthesis, in a threefold level: First, the structural synthesis –associated with the framework of existing international development policy–can be found in the ‘market relations’. Second, the analysis specifies the policies applied at the national level and the role of nation-state policy. Third, the paper criticizes the international development institutions’ policies. In each of the levels mentioned above, the analysis reveals the fundamental policy theory issues of neoclassical economics, as the intellectual defender of free market economics.</p>

Henk Addink

The pivotal aim of this book is to explain the creation, development, and impact of good governance from a conceptual, principal perspective and in the context of national administrative law. Three lines of reasoning have been worked out: developing the concept of good governance; specification of this concept by developing principles of good governance; and implementation of these principles of good governance on the national level. In this phase of further development of good governance, it is important to have a clear concept of good governance, presented in this book as the third cornerstone of a modern state, alongside the concepts of the rule of law and democracy. That is a rather new national administrative law perspective which is influenced by regional and international legal developments; thus, we can speak about good governance as a multilevel concept. But the question is: how is this concept of good governance further developed? Six principles of good governance (which in a narrower sense also qualify as principles of good administration) have been further specified in a systematic way, from a legal perspective. These are the principles of properness, transparency, participation, effectiveness, accountability, and human rights. Furthermore, the link has been made with integrity standards. The important developments of each of these principles are described on the national level in Europe, but also in countries outside Europe (such as Australia, Canada, and South Africa). This book gives a systematic comparison of the implementation of the principles of good governance between countries.

1989 ◽  
Vol 15 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 189-197
Rachael N. Pine

The Missouri statute at issue in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, contained three related prohibitions on speech about abortion. The statute: (1) prohibited public employees from encouraging or counseling a woman to have an abortion except where necessary to save her life; (2) banned such counseling in a public facility; and (3) prohibited the expenditure of public funds for such a purpose in any context. In essence, Missouri's statute attempted to censor the speech of physicians and counselors, even where an abortion would be medically indicated though not necessary to save the woman's life. The statutory scheme thus invades the doctor-patient relationship, jeopardizes free speech and access to medical information, and seeks to manipulate and mislead women who are considering the appropriate course of action for their unwanted pregnancies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1711
Maja Batez

Background: (1) The COVID-19 pandemic has generated significant changes in teaching methods around the world, and the ideal of online education has become a reality. (2) Methods: A questionnaire was modified for this study in order to determine the following levels of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) skills: file creation, file management, the use of emails, the use of the internet, and online communication. In total, 360 students from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education (FSPE), University of Novi Sad, participated in the study. (3) Results: The results show that there are differences between the estimated level of ICT skills and the ICT skills used in online education, such that students estimate their level of ICT skills as being higher than is necessary for online education (p < 0.05). There is also a correlation between the satisfaction with online education and ICT skills, showing that students with higher ICT knowledge are more satisfied with online education (p < 0.05). There is another correlation between the satisfaction with online education and the frequency of ICT use—the more ICTs are included, the more satisfied the students will be (p < 0.05). (4) Conclusions: The results of this study can serve as a recommendation for the implementation of FSPE students’ training in ICT skills, as well as an important basis for the systematic creation, improvement, and sustainability of online education in universities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
V A Sironi ◽  
M A Riva

Abstract The recent epidemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, which originated in China and then spread rapidly, can rightly be defined as the real 'first' epidemic in the social era. In an increasingly globalized world other recent epidemics (but more circumscribed, even if severely more lethal, such as Ebola and Sars) have been experienced with less media and emotional involvement, while the recent epidemic due to the new coronavirus has generated deserving reactions of analysis from an anthropological and social point of view, rather than on a health aspect. In Italy the epidemic event provoked sometimes excessive and irrational psychological reactions (from an unjustified panic to an irresponsible underestimation) and a cognitive distortion on anthropological level (wrong perspective perception of the pathological event). It has also generated disproportionate social repercussions at national level (refusal of stay for subjects coming from the lands in which diseased people are present) and at international level (foreclosure of landing of Italian tourists in some foreign countries). There was also incorrect medical information (confusion between infected - asymptomatic and/or non-hospitalized paucisymptomatic -, real patients with important symptoms - hospitalized - and sometimes in need of intensive care, subjects - the elderly and carriers of other serious diseases - died not for but with the Covid-19 infection) generated and amplified also by the pounding informative role of the mass media and by the news (often inaccurate and generating fake-news) spread in real time through social media. Key messages Irrational reactions must be avoided. Correct medical information are indispensable.

Andres Chiappe ◽  
Ricardo Alfonso Pinto ◽  
Vivian Arias

<p class="3">Open Assessment of Learning (OAoL) is an emerging educational concept derived from the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to education and is related with the Open Education Movement. In order to improve understanding of OAoL a literature review was conducted as a meta-synthesis of 100 studies on ICT-based assessment published from 1995 to 2015, selected from well-established peer-reviewed databases. The purpose of this study focused on identifying the common topics between ICT-based assessment and OAoL which is considered as an Open Educational Practice.</p><p class="3">The review showed that extensive use of the Internet makes it easy to achieve some special features of OAoL as collaboration or sharing, which are considered negative or inconvenient in traditional assessment but at the same time become elements that promote innovation on that topic. It was also found that there is still a great resistance to accept change (as OAoL does) when structural elements of traditional assessment are questioned or challenged.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Lukis Alam

Abstrak: Teknologi  informasi  dan  komunikasi  yang  berkembang  saat  ini, telah  menciptakan  perubahan  pada  banyak  hal.  Terlebih  dengan kehadiran  internet,  berbagai  keunggulannya  semakin  menambah keunggulan  dalam  dinamika  kehidupan  modern.  Ratusan juta manusia di seluruh dunia mengakses internet setiap harinya, dan jumlahnya terus bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Hal ini berdampak pada penggunaan internet untuk kegiatan dakwah.Secara umum dakwah dilaksanakan secara konvensional. Namun, seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi, bermunculan dakwah yang menggunakan internet, yang biasa disebut dengan cyber dakwah. Terkait dengan hal tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk melihat keterkaitan keduanya dalam konstruksi keberagamaan, yang karenanya media internet memberikan kemudahan dalam penyebaran informasi kepada masyarakat. Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode field work yang dipadukan dengan studi kepustakaan.Diharapkan penelitian ini akan membuka ruang diskusi baru mengenai studi keislaman kontemporer yang lebih integratif dengan isu-isu kekinian. Selain itu, untuk memperkaya cakrawala terhadap diskursus perkembangan media yang menjadi bagian dari wacana keislaman global dan masyarakat modern. Abtsract: Information and communication technology that has developed at this time has created changes in many things. Especially with the presence of the internet, various advantages have added to the dynamics of modern life. Hundreds of millions of people around the world access the internet every day, and the number continues to increase from time to time. This has an impact on the use of the internet for da'wah activities.In general, preaching is carried out conventionally. However, along with the development of information technology, da'wah has sprung up using the internet, commonly referred to as cyber da'wah. Related to this, this study seeks to see the relationship between the two in religious construction, which is why internet media makes it easy to disseminate information to the public. The type of this study is qualitative, using the field work method combined with library studies.It is hoped that this research will open up new discussion space regarding contemporary Islamic studies that are more integrative with current issues. In addition, to enrich the horizon of the discourse of media development which is part of a global Islamic discourse and modern society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-85
Pandu Bimantara

  The phenomenon of the use of the internet as a learning media at the Al-Ihya (Unisa) Islamic University of Kuningan is increasingly passionate about the existence of hotspot facilities, so students can access the internet anywhere and anytime as long as they are active on the Unisa Kuningan campus. This interesting phenomenon is investigated because every new use of information and communication technology will have social consequences for the Unisa Kuningan academic community. The results of the study show that there are accessibility, frequency, and duration of internet usage by students who are quite high among students in accessing the internet. The social consequences that arise have not shown the existence of negative trends such as internet addiction and social alienation.   Keywords: Internet, learning media, social consequences.  

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