Development of Students' Programming Abilities With the Means of Non-Programming Disciplines and Activities

Sakibayev Spartak Razakhovich ◽  
Sakibayeva Bela Razakhovna

The chapter contains the results of the research dedicated to the topic that has not been given much attention so far in the professional literature – discovering effective ways of developing students' programming abilities with the means of non-programming disciplines and activities. The authors argue that the process of forming capacities of students in programming becomes effective if students participate not only in programming lessons themselves but also dedicate a significant amount of time to other academic disciplines and extracurricular activities such as solving number-theoretic and chess endgame problems. The authors find that these disciplines and activities provide efficient means for developing programming capacities and therefore, their methods are the essential prerequisites for programming course. The significance of the obtained results is that they provide an effective alternative approach to organization of programming teaching process in those educational institutions where the traditional methodology does not bring the desired pedagogical effect.

Razakh Sakibayev ◽  
Spartak Sakibayev ◽  
Bela Sakibayeva

This article is dedicated to the topic of discovering effective ways of developing students' programming abilities with the means of non-programming disciplines and activities. The authors argue that the process of educating students in programming becomes effective if students participates not only in programming lessons themselves, but also dedicates a significant amount of time to other academic disciplines and extracurricular activities. For example, these other activities are solving number-theoretics and chess endgame problems. The authors find that these disciplines and activities provide efficient means for developing programming capacities and therefore, their methods are the essential prerequisites for programming course. The significance of the obtained results is that they provide an effective alternative approach to the teaching process in educational institutions where the traditional methodology does not bring the desired pedagogical effect.

2020 ◽  
Galina Kozhuhar' ◽  
Nikita Kochetkov ◽  
Tat'yana Krasilo ◽  
Aleksandra Novgorodceva ◽  
Alla Pogodina ◽  

The workshop presents classic and original author's methods that can be effectively used in project and research work, in consulting practice, in the development of academic disciplines that consider the issues of harmonization of interaction in the educational environment. Meets the requirements of the Federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For practical classroom and extracurricular activities of undergraduate students studying in the areas of "Psychology" and "Psychological and pedagogical education", as well as for teachers of psychology, pedagogy and psychological and pedagogical disciplines, graduate students and researchers of the relationship of subjects of the educational space. The workshop is addressed to undergraduate students of higher educational institutions who are preparing for professional activities related to the solution of socio-psychological problems of education, upbringing, communication in educational institutions, as well as child-parent and marital relations. Для практических аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятий студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по направлениям «Психология» и «Психолого-педагогическое образование», а также для преподавателей психологии, педагогики и психолого-педагогических дисциплин, аспирантов и исследователей взаимоотношений субъектов образовательного пространства. Практикум адресован студентам бакалавриата высших учебных заведений, которые готовятся к профессиональной деятельности, связанной с решением социально-психологических проблем обучения, воспитания, общения в образовательных учреждениях, а также детско-родительских и супружеских отношений.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-196

This research shows the importance of applying character education to extracurricular activities through habituation methods. Extracurricular activities are educational activities outside the subjects to assist the development of students according to their needs, potential, talents, and interests through activities specifically organized by capable educators or education staff who have authority in schools. Therefore, in order to accelerate the implementation of character education as a reflection of the implementation of national education goals, namely by applying character education into the curriculum of educational institutions or extracurricular activities through habituation methods that aim to develop potential, talent, interest, ability, personality, cooperation and independence optimally students who in the end have good character.

2021 ◽  
pp. 49-53
Andrievskii B.M.

In the article an attempt is made to substantiate the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional skills of teachers of higher pedagogical educational institutions. The results of research of formation of the specified quality are presented, actual factors of stimulation of process of professional growth of the teacher are outlined. Generalization of theoretical and practical analysis of the research problem shows that a significant number of teachers have insufficient psychological and pedagogical training, do not show a desire to improve their skills, their self-education is unsystematic and is insufficiently motivated. We consider professional skill as a high art of motivated educational activity on the basis of the acquired system of knowledge, skills and abilities, personal qualities and pedagogical experience, which is manifested in the complex solution of problems of education, upbringing and development on a reflexive basis. According to the results of our study, professional growth occurs in the presence of a set of knowledge, technological and mental entities, which in synchronous integration provide quality mastery of relevant knowledge, skills, motivation, ability to professional self-improvement. The implementation of this process is ensured by all types of classroom and extracurricular activities in the integral mode of educational activities of higher education.The materials of research and experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the following organizational and pedagogical conditions for the development of professional skills of teachers of higher educational institutions: the creation of the necessary methodological and information-educational environment; optimization of potential opportunities of academic disciplines and other types of teacher's activity; combination of traditional and innovative methods; scientific, methodical and psychological support of the process of professional development of a teacher in the educational space of the university; formation of motivation for professional growth; taking into account the influence of a complex of external and internal factors; implementation of systematic pedagogical monitoring, which in its focus can be considered as a diagnosis of the state and quality of professional activity of teachers. Using the results of such a study allows you to identify the causes and justify effective ways to improve the professional level of each of the teachers and the teaching staff as a whole in accordance with modern requirements.Key words: professional skill, organizational and pedagogical conditions, methodological principles, factors of professional growth. У статті зроблено спробу обґрунтувати організаційно-педагогічні умови розвитку професійної майстерності викладачів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів. Представлено результати дослідження сформованості означеної якості, окреслено актуальні чинники стимулювання процесу професійного зростання педагога. Узагальнення теоретичного і практичного аналізу проблеми дослідження показує, що значна частина викладачів має недостатню психолого-педагогічну підготовку, не виявляє бажання вдосконалювати свою майстерність, їхня самоосвіта носить несистемний характер і не є досить вмотивованою. Професійна майстерність нами розглядається як високе мистецтво здійснення вмотивованої навчально-виховної діяльності на основі засвоєної системи знань, умінь і навичок, особистісних якостей і педагогічного досвіду, яке виявляється в комплексному розв’язанні завдань освіти, виховання і розвитку на рефлексивному підґрунті. Як засвідчують результати нашого дослідження, «професійне зростання відбувається за умов наявності сукупності знаннєвих, технологічних і ментальних сутностей, які в синхронній інтеграції забезпечують якісне оволодіння системою відповідних знань, навичок, мотивацію, здатність до професійного самовдосконалення» (Андрієвський, 2014). Безумовно, реалізувати якісні показники можна в умовах спеціально створеного навчально-пізнавального середовища. Кожний ЗВО, факультет, кафедра мають свої ресурси, які можна запропонувати науково-педагогічним працівникам для вдалої самореалізації, формування траєкторії професійного зростання (майстерності).Матеріали дослідно-експериментальної роботи з проблеми розвитку професійної майстерності викладача ЗВО дозволяють стверджувати, що обов’язковою умовою реалізації професійних якостей викладача є запровадження низки чинників, зокрема таких, як: створення необхідного методологічного та інформаційно-освітнього середовища; оптимізація потенційних можливостей навчальних дисциплін та психологізації освітнього процесу на заняттях; урахування в практиці викладання нових вимог щодо організації навчання здобувачів вищої освіти; раціональне поєднання традиційних та інноваційних методів; наукове, методичне й психологічне забезпечення процесу професійного вдосконалення майбутнього педагога в освітньому просторі ЗВО; реалізація системи мотивування до професійного самозростання; врахування середовищного фактору; здійснення діагностики стану і якості професійної діяльності викладачів (feedback). Використання результатів такого вивчення дозволяє виявити причини та обґрунтувати ефективні шляхи підвищення професійного рівня як кожного з педагогів, так і професорсько-викладацького колективу в цілому у відповідності із сучасними вимогами.Ключові слова: професійна майстерність, організаційно-педагогічні умови, методологічні засади, чинники професійного зростання.

V. P. Kuznetsov ◽  
S. N. Kuznetsova ◽  
N. A. Bakulina

The article considers the necessity of introducing new information technologies into the educational process of higher educational institutions. Such information technology requirements as high level of distribution of the information processing process, systematic nature, the inclusion of a full set of elements necessary to achieve the goal have been highlighted. The key components that must be taken into account by the teacher when organizing the educational process, namely the formation and development of students’ abilities and skills of effective and optimal use of information technologies in the assimilation of educational information, the implementation of didactic material of information technologies in educational process are discussed. The conclusion is made that the use of information technologies in the organization of the educational process and teaching of academic disciplines stimulates students to the most successful assimilation of educational information, and students’ motivation increases.

2020 ◽  
pp. 32-41
V. P. Zudin

The article presents new, more accurate algorithms and formulas for calculating the area of a circle, volume of a ball, surface area of a ball. To prove these algorithms and formulas and their practical application, programs have been developed in the Visual Basic for Application in Microsoft Word. These algorithms and formulas should be studied and applied in all educational institutions, as they are closer to the truth. From a more accurate calculation using these formulas, you can get an economic effect when calculating trajectories of movements in space, on the surface of the globe, in the construction and maintenance of products in the form of a circle or a ball. The study of this material in informatics lessons contributes to the development of students' creative thinking, increasing their motivation to study informatics and IT.

Yusup Ganievich Mahmudov ◽  
Yunusjon Abdiravupovich Khakkulov ◽  

The active use of interactive methods, including the widespread use of trends in improving the quality of teaching mathematics and physics in educational institutions of many foreign countries, which are recognized for the high quality of teaching, contributes to the development of students skills in solving and choosing problems in physics in the course of mathematics, the formation of their skills of creative thinking and professional orientation on the basis of interdisciplinary connections. Therefore, the article describes a methodology for choosing, constructing and solving various types of interdisciplinary algebra problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (S367) ◽  
pp. 451-452
Rafael R. Ferreira ◽  
Isabelly M.C. Teixeira ◽  
Eliane T. de Melo ◽  
Marlia T. de Melo

AbstractThis investigation was derived from the observation and teaching process carried out in elementary classes at the Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes Municipal Middle School (Natal, Brazil) at the end of 2019. The sciences classes taught were the following: the development of astronomy and astronautics from antiquity to the modern era and, introduction to stellar evolution. The goal was to focus on preparing for the Brazilian Astronomical Olympics (OBA) for students in these classes. The results, both quantitative and qualitative, were quite satisfactory. Taking into account the region’s socio-economic vulnerability profile. In this context, the study of Astronomy in the classroom in search of creating new mechanisms to improve pedagogical activities encourages the critical and creative development of students, showing that they have the potential and want to make use of it.

2019 ◽  
Rahma Juita

In the world of education the name of the supervision of education has long been known by people or has long been known, which is meant by the supervision of education is not far from the problem of improvement regarding the problem of education in the learning and teaching process. However, in its discussion, the supervision of education is more about the differences of opinion, so because of differences in opinions there will be many differences in their implementation. In the process of developing supervisory education supervision in higher education it is demanded to better understand what is in the supervision of education in order to be more optimal in the practice of compilation in the learning process or improve, learn and teach, therefore supervisors must be more can help and have good skills.This educational supervision process is part of the activities carried out in the supervision of education. In this process what has been seen is what goals in the learning and teaching process, supervision techniques are ways to achieve certain goals, both related to the solution of the problems of the teachers in the learning and teaching process, the problem of the principal in developing safety and other issues related to and oriented to improving the quality of education. The process and technique of educational supervision is necessary and very important to be applied and applied properly and correctly in educational institutions, because in the second case it will also discuss the quality of schools.

Intan Juwita ◽  
Zulinka Manissha ◽  
Joko Supriyanto ◽  
Karmila Sari ◽  
Aang Praboyo ◽  

This research discusses about the management of extracurricular activities in developing students' interests and talents in SMA Negeri 2 Mendo Barat. Extracurricular activities are educational activities outside the subject and counseling services to assist the development of students according to their needs, potential, interests, and talents through activities specifically organized by education or education staff who are capable and authorized in school. The purpose of this research was to determine extracurricular management in developing students' interests and talents. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection by observation, interview, documentation, and questionnaire. The research findings that extracurricular activities at SMA Negeri 2 Mendo Barat are required for all students and have been running well according to the provisions set by the school although there are still some obstacles in their implementation such as lack of experts in their fields, lack of facilities and infrastructure that support the implementation of activities, the lack of motivation from students so that there are still some students who do not follow extracurricular activities. In addition, the extracurricular activities that have just been active in SMA Negeri 2 Mendo Barat amounted to 8 extracurriculars, namely soccer, volleyball, scouting, rohis, 4 pillars of education, Taekwondo, KIR, PKS. The very limited number of extracurricular activities is one of the reasons students do not participate in extracurricular activities at school.

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