scholarly journals Comportamentos de bullying em jovens praticantes de desporto (Bullying behaviours in young athletes)

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 861-871
Philippe Marracho ◽  
Eduarda Maria Rocha Teles de Castro Coelho ◽  
Miguel Venda da Graça Nery ◽  
Antonino Manuel Almeida Pereira

  O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a natureza dos comportamentos de bullying de atletas do desporto federado na Região Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal. Através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas foram inquiridos 13 atletas do desporto federado. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados sugerem que existem ocorrência de comportamentos de bullying no desporto. Os inqueridos caracterizam o conceito de bullying como comportamentos de gozo, violência física e brincadeira, considerando os tipos de bullying mais usuais, o bullying verbal e o bullying físico. Os locais mais propícios à ocorrência de episódios de bullying são os balneários, o treino e a prática desportiva, que ocorrem pela falta de vigilância de adultos e agressividade entre pares. Os atletas referem que o treinador tem um papel importante na diminuição de comportamentos de bullying no desporto. Os atletas referiram que o bullying deve ser um tema crucial nas investigações científicas, bem como, em programas de prevenção e intervenção no contexto desportivo e contexto escolar, com a finalidade de sensibilizar a sociedade para esta temática. Abstract. The aim of the paper was to describe the nature of bullying behaviours among federated sport athletes in the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro region, Portugal. Thirteen federated sports athletes were interviewed, using semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed using the content analysis technique. The results suggest that bullying behaviours occur in sport. The respondents characterized bullying as behaviours of mockery, play and physical violence. They also identified the most common types of bullying as verbal and physical. The most likely places for bullying episodes to occur are changing rooms, training and games, due to the lack of adult supervision and aggressiveness between peers. Athletes reported that the coach has an important role in reducing bullying behaviours in sport. The athletes mentioned that bullying should be the object of scientific investigation, as well as in prevention and intervention programs both in sport and school contexts, in order to increase awareness on this issue.

Elkletícia Carvalho Arrais ◽  
Bruna Fernanda da Silva Oliveira

Este estudo objetivou descrever como os diabéticos acondicionam a insulina em seu domicílio e identificar o responsável pela orientação sobre o acondicionamento da insulina. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo, que percorreu a trajetória metodológica qualitativa. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo temática. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 14 pacientes diabéticos assistidos pela Estratégia Saúde da Família. Os dados foram coletados através de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e para sua análise utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Minayo. Frente aos resultados considera-se que os usuários de insulina entrevistados têm um conhecimento superficial do local adequado para o acondicionamento da insulina e como transportá-lo e tem a segurança que o enfermeiro é responsável pelas orientações do acondicionamento da insulina e nos remete a uma reflexão sobre a qualidade das informações prestadas em visto que muitos têm um baixo nível de escolaridade.Descritores: Enfermagem; Diabetes Mellitus, Insulina. Insulin of packaging at home diabeticAbstract: This study aimed to describe the pack diabetic insulin in your home and identify the person responsible for guidance on the packaging of insulin. This is an exploratory-descriptive study, which covered the qualitative methodological approach. Data analysis was performed using thematic content analysis technique. The study subjects were 14 diabetic patients assisted by the Family Health Strategy. Data were collected through a semi-structured interviews and their analysis was used to Minayo content analysis technique. Based on the results it is considered that the respondents insulin users have a superficial knowledge of the appropriate place for the packaging of insulin and how to transport it and have the security that the nurse is responsible for insulin packaging guidelines and leads us to a reflection on the quality of information provided in as many have a low level of education.Descriptors: Nursing. Diabetes Mellitus. Insulin. Insulina de envasado en casa diabetesResumen: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la insulina para diabéticos acondicionar en su casa e identificar a la persona responsable de la orientación en el envase de la insulina. Este es un estudio exploratorio-descriptivo, que cubría el enfoque metodológico cualitativo. Se realizó el análisis de datos utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. Los sujetos del estudio fueron 14 pacientes diabéticos con la asistencia de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de una entrevista semi-estructurada y se utilizó el análisis de Minayo técnica de análisis de contenido. Con base en los resultados se considera que los usuarios encuestados insulina tienen un conocimiento superficial del lugar apropiado para el envasado de la insulina y cómo transportarlo y tener la seguridad de que la enfermera es responsable de las directrices de embalaje de insulina y nos lleva a una reflexión en la calidad de la información proporcionada en hasta tener un bajo nivel de educación.Descriptores: Enfermería; Diabetes Mellitus; La insulina.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
Camila Arantes Ferreira Brecht D’ Oliveira ◽  
Márcia Tereza Luz Lisboa ◽  
Carolina Cabral Pereira da Costa ◽  
Sheila Nascimento Pereira de Farias ◽  
Thereza Christina Mó y Mó Loureiro Varella ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: To identify and analyze the perceptions of nursing teachers on the new configurations of the job world and the repercussions for their labor activities. Methods: Qualitative, descriptive, exploratory research, carried out at two federal nursing colleges in Rio de Janeiro. Data collection occurred with 27 nursing teachers, between May and June 2016, through semi-structured interviews. The data were treated using the thematic content analysis technique. Results: The results showed contradictions in the teachers’ perceptions about the job world, which has been guided by neoliberal precepts. Such contradictions are characterized by manifestations in favor of incorporating these precepts, highlighting their negative effects on nursing teaching work. Final considerations: There are incongruities in the way of perceiving the current configuration of the job world, proposing more and profound reflections on such a work scenario.

WCET Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 15-19
Yterfania Soares Feitosa ◽  
Luis Rafael Leite Sampaio ◽  
Déborah Albuquerque Alves Moreira ◽  
Francisco Antonio da Cruz Mendonça ◽  
Tatyelle Bezerra Carvalho ◽  

Problem statement: To identify the causes attributed by people with stomas or by their caregivers to complications arising in the stoma and peristomal skin. Method: A qualitative study performed in the period March–June 2018 on a group of 19 people with intestinal stomas. The data were collected through the process of structured interviews and were analysed by applying a content analysis technique. Results: It was possible to perceive that the causes attributed to complications of the stoma and peristomal skin were alterations associated with or related to: the use of the ostomy appliance; personal conditions; knowledge about self-care; and the condition of the stoma or surgical technique. Conclusions: People who live with a stoma can identify the possible causes for the complications to which they are predisposed. These are described by: the use of the ostomy appliance used; personal conditions; knowledge of the person on self-care of their stoma; condition of the stoma and peristomal skin; and the surgical technique employed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 4292
Ümit Çimen Çoşğun ◽  
Mediha Sarı

While people like social acceptance, they do not like social rejection. Unlike grownups, social rejection can be quite challenging for children in terms of social and psychological aspects and may cause problems such as loneliness, academic failure, and behaviour disorders. Studies show that students rejected by their friends can demonstrate undesirable classroom behaviours more frequently. While some of these behaviours such as speaking between the activities, not attending the courses for some time, or being careless can be seen in the non-problematic behaviours category because they do not prevent learning or teaching, behaviours such as walking around, making noise, disturbing friends, and insulting friends are seen as moderate level undesirable behaviours and can affect learning-teaching atmosphere in a negative way. Therefore, in situations like these, teachers’ approach to socially rejected students is of great importance.The purpose of this study is to investigate general classroom behaviours of students who experience social rejection, the effects of these undesirable behaviours on the classroom atmosphere, and the methods teachers use for these students. This qualitative study was conducted in two schools located in the city of Hatay, in the 2014-2015 education year. The data were collected via interviews from 13 teachers (five male and eight female) and observations on four (two female, two male) students. The data collected from semi-structured interviews were analysed using content analysis techniques.Analysis of the data obtained from the teachers’ interviews demonstrated two themes regarding the socially rejected students’ classroom behaviours: “participation in the lesson” and “psycho-social environment”. Findings show that frequently demonstrated behaviours of the students who experience social rejection included trying to answer questions they do not know, walking around aimlessly, not doing homework, asking questions unrelated to the lesson, and making other people do homework for them, taking no responsibilities, trying to attract attention, teasing friends, being silent, using physical violence, violating the rules, sitting alone, sitting next to other students without permission, and scribbling on others’ homework. As for the teachers’ approach to these students, they used such techniques as ignoring, warning, giving responsibilities, rewarding/acknowledging, meeting one to one, talking with the parents more frequently than the techniques such as giving a break, tranquilizing, providing psychological counselling or directing to RAM. Findings show that teachers should be trained about the approaches and intervention methods for students who experience social rejection, and the schools should organize intervention programs for the students who are socially rejected. Özetİnsanlar, sosyal kabulden hoşlanırken, sosyal reddedilmeyi sevmezler. Reddedilme yaşayan çocuklar için bu durum, günlük yaşamlarında olduğu kadar okul yaşamlarında da bir takım sorunlara yol açabilmektedir. Araştırmalar, arkadaşları tarafından reddedilen öğrencilerin sınıf içi istenmeyen davranışları daha çok sergileyebildiklerini göstermektedir. Sınıftaki öğrenme-öğretme sürecinin aksamaması bakımından öğretmenlerin sosyal reddedilme yaşayan öğrencilere yaklaşımları ve bu öğrencilerin gösterdikleri problem davranışlarla başa çıkma stratejileri oldukça önemlidir. Bu öğrencilere yönelik uygun müdahale yaklaşımlarının belirlenmesi için de öncelikle bu öğrencilerin tipik davranış biçimlerinin anlaşılması gerekmektedir.Bu çalışmanın amacı sosyal reddedilme yaşayan öğrencilerin sınıftaki genel davranışlarının, sınıf için istenmeyen davranışlarının, sınıf içi öğrenme-öğretme atmosferine etkilerinin ve öğretmenlerin bu öğrencilere yönelik kullandıkları yöntemlerin incelenmesidir. Nitel bir çalışma olan bu araştırma 2014- 2015 Öğretim yılında, Hatay ilinde bulunan bir ilkokul ve ortaokulda yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu görüşme yapmak üzere belirlenen 13 öğretmen ve gözlem yapmak üzere belirlenen 4 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme ve gözlem formları kullanılarak toplanan veriler, içerik analizleri ile çözümlenmiştir.Bulgulara göre sosyal reddedilme yaşayan öğrencilerin derse katılımlarıyla ilgili sık görülen davranışları yanıtını bilmediği soruları yanıtlamaya çalışma, amaçsız dolaşma, ders dışı ilgisiz konuşma, ödev yapmama, dersle ilgisiz sorular sorma, ders dışı yanıtlar verme, ödevleri başkasına yaptırma şeklinde iken; sınıftaki psiko-sosyal çevreyle ilgili sık sergiledikleri davranışlar ise sorumluluk almama, dikkat çekmeye çalışma, arkadaşlarına sataşma, kendini öne çıkarmaya çalışma, sessiz olma, fiziksel şiddet, kurallara uymama, düşük ses tonu ile konuşma, çekingen olma, yalnız oturma, izinsiz başkalarının yanına oturma, bireysel çalışmak isteme ve başkasının ödevini karalamadır. Bu öğrencilerin öğrenme çevresini olumsuz etkileyen davranışları sınıfın dikkatini dağıtma, dersin akışını ve öğrenme ortamını engelleme, diğer öğrencilere olumsuz örnek olma, diğer öğrencilerin dinlemesine engel olma, sınıfın huzurunu bozma, öğretmen ve diğer öğrenciler arasında gerginliğe neden olmadır. Öğretmenlerin bu öğrencilere yönelik görmezden gelme, uyarma, sorumluluk verme, ödüllendirme/takdir etme, bireysel görüşme, veliyle görüşme gibi yöntemleri daha ağırlıklı olarak kullandıkları, fakat mola verme, sakinleştirme, psikolojik danışmana ve RAM’a yönlendirme yapmayı daha az kullandıkları belirlenmiştir.Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Sosyal reddedilme yaşayan öğrencilere yaklaşım ve müdahale yöntemleri konusunda öğretmenlere eğitim verilmesi gereklidir. Okullarda sosyal reddedilme yaşayan öğrencilere yönelik önleme ve müdahale programları düzenlenmelidir.   

2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 864-872 ◽  
Elizelaine de Chico Cicogna ◽  
Lucila Castanheira Nascimento ◽  
Regina Aparecida Garcia de Lima

This study aimed to comprehend chemotherapy from the perspective of children and adolescents with cancer. Ten children and adolescents between eight and 18 years of age, in different phases of chemotherapy, participated in this exploratory, qualitative study. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews and analysis of the patients’ medical records. Analysis of the empirical material followed the content analysis technique. The study allowed the comprehension that, for the children and adolescents, chemotherapy is mainly remembered for its collateral effects and suffering. After the initial impact, mainly due to physical changes, preoccupations are related to disease recovery, i.e. a cure. Over time, they also mentioned that the disease was seen as something to be overcome and, due to the chemotherapy, likely to be the outcome.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Thalys Maynnard Costa Ferreira ◽  
Carla Lidiane Jácome de Lima ◽  
Josefa Danielma Lopes Ferreira ◽  
Patrícia Simplício de Oliveira ◽  
Glenda Agra ◽  

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar o conhecimento de enfermeiros sobre a utilização da colagenase em lesões por pressão. Método: estudo qualitativo, exploratório, descritivo, realizado em duas instituições hospitalares com 20 enfermeiros atuantes nos setores de clínica médica. Os dados foram coletados por intermédio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo na modalidade Análise Categorial Temática. Resultados: o conhecimento dos enfermeiros acerca da colagenase no tratamento das lesões por pressão demonstrou-se satisfatório, no entanto melhorias pertinentes às peculiaridades inerentes aos critérios avaliativos da lesão e do uso da substância enzimática são evidentes e necessárias para que o alcance de uma assistência exímia seja concretizado. Conclusão: o conhecimento técnico e científico torna-se de suma importância, pois favorece a elaboração das estratégias de tratamento e cuidado destinadas à evolução das lesões por pressão, incluindo o uso do enzimático em estudo. Descritores: Enfermagem; Úlcera por Pressão; Conhecimento; Tratamento.  ABSTRACTObjective: to verify the nurses’ knowledge about the use of collagenase in pressure injuries. Method: qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study performed in two hospital institutions with 20 nurses working in medical clinics. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the Content Analysis technique in the Thematic Categorical modality. Results: the nurses' knowledge about collagenase in the treatment of pressure injuries was satisfactory; however, improvements pertinent to the inherent peculiarities of the evaluation criteria of the injuries and the use of the enzymatic substance are evidently necessary to achieve a more skilled assistance. Conclusion: technical and scientific knowledge is of paramount importance as it favors the elaboration of treatment and care strategies for the evolution of pressure injuries, including the use of the enzyme under study. Descriptors: Nursing; Pressure ulcer; Knowledge; Treatment.RESUMENObjetivo: verificar el conocimiento de enfermeros sobre la utilización de la colagenasis en lesiones por presión. Método: estudio cualitativo, exploratorio, descriptivo, realizado en dos instituciones hospitalares con 20 enfermeros actuantes en los sectores de clínica médica. Los datos fueron recogidos por intermedio de entrevista semi-estructurada y analizados por la técnica de Análisis de Contenido en la modalidad Análisis Categorial Temático. Resultados: el conocimiento de los enfermeros acerca de la colagenasis en el tratamiento de las lesiones por presión se demostró satisfactorio, sin embargo mejorías pertinentes a las peculiaridades inherentes a los criterios evaluativos de la lesión y del uso de la sustancia enzimática son evidentes y necesarias para que el alcance de una asistencia eximia sea concretizada. Conclusión: el conocimiento técnico y científico se torna de suma importancia, pues favorece la elaboración de las estrategias de tratamiento y cuidado destinados a la evolución de las lesiones por presión, incluyendo el uso del enzimático en estudio. Descriptores: Enfermería; Úlcera por presión; Conocimiento; Tratamiento.

Rev Rene ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. e43870
Rebecca Camurça Torquato ◽  
Giselle Pereira Rovere ◽  
Mardênia Gomes Vasconcelos Pitombeira ◽  
Aline de Souza Pereira ◽  
Luciana Kelly Ximenes dos Santos

Objective: to describe the caregivers' perception of preparation to care for children with chronic diseases. Methods: qualitative research, carried out with nine caregivers in a home transition unit in a tertiary hospital. Semi-structured interviews were used to obtain the data, and the content analysis technique was used to describe the results. Results: with the qualitative material analysis process, the main perceptions of the reported care were obtained: Knowing the Care Unit; Training, learning and guidance and Difficulties faced. Conclusion: the preparation for the care of children with chronic diseases is complex and was perceived as a fundamental step towards leaving hospital, requiring from these caregivers donation and effort to face this process.

2009 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 933-939 ◽  
Débora Duarte Gelesson ◽  
Liliane Yumi Hiraishi ◽  
Letícia Alves Ribeiro ◽  
Sonia Regina Pereira ◽  
Maria Gaby Rivero de Gutiérrez ◽  

This study aimed to understand the meanings caregivers attributed to the process of caring for a neutropenic child at home and know their needs for orientation related to care for these children. This descriptive study was carried out at the Pediatric Oncology Institute through semi-structured interviews, involving eleven caregivers. Data were organized according to the content analysis technique and interpreted according to Social Representations theory. Results indicate changes in the physical environment, people and human relationships, evidencing crises and transition towards stability. The following care procedures raised doubts: hyperthermia, body, food and environmental hygiene, risks of interpersonal contact and special care. The conclusion is that caregivers need technical and emotional preparedness to cope with the reported difficulties, including aggravating situations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 311 ◽  
Ramin Akbari ◽  
Reza Ghafar Samar ◽  
Gholam Reza Kiany ◽  
Mohammad Tahernia

This study aimed to explore the nature of emotion regulation behavior among EFL teachers. To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 EFL teachers teaching general English courses in both private language institutes and public schools in Iran. All interviews, conducted in Farsi, were first transcribed and translated into English. Then, through the use of conceptual content analysis technique, the data were scrutinized for emotion regulation strategies. Overall, five main categories, namely, Teaching Context Preference / Avoidance, Teaching Context Adjustments, Attention Direction, Reappraisal, and Reactive Strategies emerged in the interviews. The emerging categories from the conceptual content analysis corresponded, to a great extent, to the Process Model of Emotion Regulation proposed by Gross (1998).

Bruno de Souza Lessa ◽  
Italo Cavalcante Aguiar ◽  
Roberto Cunha Ferreira ◽  
José Carlos Lázaro Da Silva Filho

The Instituto da Primeira Infância (IPREDE) is an extension program of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Students from the school of Medicine collaborate with the Institute by exercising their knowledge practically. The community, the University and the organization harvest advantages out of this cooperation. In this regard, the research question asks which would be the benefits to each part. To analyse the benefits of this collaboration, this study uses three categories of benefits drawn on from Cruz et al. (2011), which identify advantages (i) for the NGO and for society; (ii) for the researchers involved; (iii) for the university. This research was exploratory, qualitative and used semi-structured interviews. The data analysis utilized Bardin’s (1977) content analysis technique. Findings highlighted how the relationship between NGOs, community and university has been beneficial for all parties, as this interaction tackles an important social demand: the lack of appropriate paediatric healthcare.

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