scholarly journals Politik Hukum Terhadap Qanun Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hukum Jinayah

SASI ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Rahmiati Rahmiati

One of the provinces that get a portion of special autonomy is the province of Aceh. Privilege in Aceh include organizing the life of religion, culture, education, and the role of the clergy in the determination of regional policy. Laws enacted in Aceh is a law which is based on the teachings of Islam, namely: Syari teachings "at Islam which further implemented in Qanun. The people of Aceh in a fairly long history has made Islam as a way of life and part of the Acehnese people. One application of Islamic law in force in Aceh today is arranged in the form of Qanun. Qanun is the rule in the region, especially in Aceh, butbefore a Qanun will be set to qanuns official, would be a debate about whether or not Qanun is to be ratified. Feasibility will be tested politically through the involvement of community members to provide feedback, comments and suggestions for improvements to a bylaws. This process is called the politics of law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-144
Dini Maulana Lestari ◽  
M Roif Muntaha ◽  
Immawan Azhar BA

Islamic banks are present in the community as financial institutions whose activities are based on the principles of Islamic law for the benefit of the people. This study aims to determine the strategic role of Islamic Banks as financial service institutions, the importance of the existence of Islamic Banks and Islamic-based markets and financial instruments in them. In its development, Islamic banks have a role as institutions that turn on public funds, channel funds to the public, transfer assets, liquidity, reallocation of income and transactions. In the Indonesian economic system, the existence of Islamic Banks is important as an alternative solution to the problem of conflict between bank interest and usury. Islamic financial markets and instruments provide a free society of interest and follow a different set of principles. Distribution of profit/ loss according to evidence of participation in the management fund. The division of rental income in the form of musharaka.

2018 ◽  
Vol 150 ◽  
pp. 05056
Abdulrahman M.A.Albelahi ◽  
A. Ali ◽  
Faten Mohmed ◽  
Metwally Ali

Since the beginning, legal theory has concerned itself with the establishment of principles and precepts that govern the procedure of legal interpretation, from the initial stages of the judicial reasoning down to the promulgation of ruling and their implementation, Islam is a total way of life. Muslims are obliged to abide by the rules of Allah in every aspect of their lives, always and wherever they live. However, the actual rules of Allah as given in the Qur’an and the sunna are limited. The Qur’an contains only six hundred verses directly related to laws, and there are approximately two thousand hadiths. The function of interpretation is to discover the intention of the Lawmaker of the matter, therefore, interpretat primarily concerned with the discovery of that which is rot self-evident the objective of interpretation is to ascertain the intention c the Lawmaker with regard to what has been left unexpressed as a matter of necessary interference from the surrounding circumstances. Sometimes, the textual sources did not provide detailed guidelines in which to derive the law, and then the role of interpretation is important to determine the law. In Islamic law the role of Ijtihad undoubtedly important in order to meet new problems. But some of the Jurist contended that the role of Ijtihad had ended and we have to follow the rule that has been stated. An explanation given to this trend is that a point had been reached at which all essential question of law had been thoroughly discussed and further deliberation was deemed unnecessary. In Common law, man-made law and legislation are related to one another within a philosophy of law. Parliament makes law and it is the duty of the courts to give effect to them if properly enacted. While courts may rule that a particular statute or section is invalid for various reasons such as unconstitutionality, they cannot say, "We shall change this Act because it is not appropriate". That function belongs to Parliament (Wu Min Aun 1990: 120). So as in Islamic law, the Lawmaker is Allah S.w.t and the sacred text (Quran) is legislated due to His intention whereas Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is enacted due to the Prophet's intention. Therefore, Ulama of Usul Fiqh, in making any Ijtihad, they are du y bound to be guided by Quran and Sunnah.

Halima Kadirova ◽  

This scientific article highlights the place and role of the Karakalpak ethnic culture in the development and preservation of the identity of the people. The authors analyze the culture and life of the modern Karakalpak family, which inherits to the next generation the traditional way of life associated with national holidays and traditions, dastans performed by Karakalpak bakhshi (singers), legends and legends of the past, told by the older generation. The article argues that social changes in the global space contribute to the emergence of certain changes in the content of cultural identity, language, art, spiritual categories, which are elements of the basis of the national identity of each nation and various ethno-regional units, which further strengthens the study of this issue under the influence of the process of globalization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Helza Lita

Economic justice is one of the objectives of the implementation of Islamic economic system. Waqf is one of the instruments of Islamic economics. It is interesting to study the implementation of economic justice through waqf and how its regulation in Indonesia. This article employed normative juridical method. Based on the Article 22 of the Law Number 41 of 2004 on Waqf, the purpose of waqf is not solely for the purpose of ritual. It can also be used to realize economic prosperity. Based on these provisions, waqf can be managed for the economic empowerment of the people. This is related to the efforts of the improvement of the economic welfare of the people, especially for the weak economic class. According to Islamic teachings, distributive justice is economic justice based on the Holy Quran, Chapter al-Hasyr (59): 7. Waqf has the potential to create the economic balance of society. Because the principle of ownership, according to Islam, regulates that individuals or certain community members are not the only party who control the management of assets. The weak economic class also have the right. It is to avoid economic inequality. Thus, waqf is a solution to actualize economic justice in order to realize public welfare, which is one of Indonesia’s national goals as stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-182
Ahmad Arif Masdar Hilmy ◽  
Ria Cahyaning Utami

The determination of the dowry in the marriage of the people of Karangsono Village was originally based on the rules of Islamic law, namely by using the principles of convenience, lightness, and simplicity. However, people's lives that are never stagnant make them always interact with each other, thus forming a new concept of dowry determination in the community. The purpose of this article is to determine the description and implementation of the concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village and to review it using the perspective of the social construction theory. This field research used a qualitative descriptive method and data analysis used Berger and Luckmann's social construction theory. Data were collected through document study, interviews, and observations. This research resulted in conclusions: (1) The concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village is based on the classification of the prospective bride, which is seen from the status of a virgin or widow, her beauty, and age. The higher the quality of the woman, the higher the dowry she can get, (2) The determination of the dowry in Karangsono Village has undergone a social construction based on three simultaneous processes. The externalization process is illustrated through adaptation to religious texts and life being experienced. The process of objectivation here gives birth to new meanings, which are manifested in the actions of the wider community so that they become objective facts. The process of internalization is illustrated by the affirmation in the consciousness experienced subjectively.(Penentuan mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono mulanya didasarkan pada aturan hukum Islam, yakni dengan menggunakan asas kemudahan, keringanan dan kesederhanaan. Namun kehidupan masyarakat yang tidak pernah stagnan, membuat mereka selalu berinteraksi satu sama lain, Tujuan artikel ini ialah untuk mengetahui deskripsi dan implementasi konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono, serta ditinjau menggunakan perspektif teori konstruksi sosial. Penelitian lapangan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis datanya menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial Berger dan Luckmann. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan: (1) Konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono ialah berdasarkan klasifikasi yang dimiliki calon pengantin perempuan, yakni dilihat dari status perawan atau janda, paras kecantikan dan usianya. Semakin tinggi kualitas yang dimiliki perempuan, maka semakin tinggi pula mahar yang bisa didapatkannya, (2) Penentuan mahar di Desa Karangsono telah mengalami konstruksi sosial berdasarkan tiga proses simultan. Proses eksternalisasi tergambar melalui adaptasi dengan teks-teks keagamaan dan kehidupan yang sedang dialami. Proses objektivasi disini melahirkan pemaknaan baru, yang termanifestasikan ke dalam tindakan-tindakan masyarakat luas sehingga menjadi kenyataan objektif dan biasa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Proses internalisasi tergambar oleh penegasan dalam kesadaran yang dialami secara subjektif dan pentransferan akan pengetahuan tentang makna-makna objektif)

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Muzayyin Muzayyin

Abstrak.One of the great thinkers in the contemporary era is Khaleed Abou El Fadl, a prominent public intellectual on Islamic law. Through his works, Speaking in The God’s Name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Woman, Abou El Fadl offers a frame of new methodology in the study of Islamic law by using a hermeneutics approach. Abou El-Fadl’s hermeneutics can be called the negotiated hermeneutics because the core of  his hermeneutics analysis is to negotiate the role of the text (al-Qur’an, hadits, and fatwa), author (Mufti, special agent), and reader (Islamic society, common agent) in determining the meaning of authoritative text. These three parties should be a balancing and negotiating progress in which that one party ought not to dominate the determination of meaning. Abou El Fadl’s hermeneutics theory embraces the idea of autonomous and open texts. Therefore, the interpretation of the text does not always focus on efforts to locate the author’s desired intent. Hence, He further argues that integrity of text being damaged, not dynamic, and be unable to perform  its functions in responding the challenges and demand of the global era due to the authoritarianism, or interpretative despotism by way of locking the will of the divine behind the text, its interpretation, or fatwa based on certain ideology as performed by those Mufti who speak in God’s name. in short, From above description emphasis the significance of Abou El Fadl’s hermeneutics in contemporary Islamic law studies is to stem the authoritarianism that has become  a common phenomenon in the contemporary era. This paper  using the critical-analysis of method to examines or look at critically Mufti in making various judicial decision and legal opinion (fatwa) in case of Permanent Council for Specific Research And Legal Opinion (CRLO)in Egypt and Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) in Indonesia that assessedreapmuchcontroversy and even rejections from part of Muslim community.Keywords:Islamic law, hermeneutics, authoritarianism, legal opinion, MUI Abstrak .Salah satu pemikir besar di era kontemporer adalah Khaleed Abou El Fadl , seorang intelektual publik terkemuka tentang hukum Islam. Melalui karyanya ,Speaking in The God’s Name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Woman, Abou El Fadl menawarkan kerangka metodologi baru dalam studi hukum Islam dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika . Hermeneutika Abou El Fadl disebut hermeneutika negosiasi karena inti dari analisis hermeneutikanya adalah menegosiasikan peran teks ( al-Qur'an , hadits , dan fatwa ), pengarang ( Mufti ,agen khusus), dan pembaca (masyarakat Islam,agen umum) dalam menentukan makna teks otoritatif .Ketiga pihak harus seimbang dan bernegosiasi di mana salah satu pihak tidak seharusnya mendominasi penentuan makna.Teori hermeneutika Abou El Fadl yang mencakup gagasan teks otonom dan terbuka sehingga penafsiran teks tidak selalu fokus pada upaya untuk mencari maksud penulis yang diinginkan . Oleh karena itu, Abou El-Fadl menyatakan bahwa integritas teks menjadi rusak, tidak dinamis , dan tidak dapat menjalankan fungsinya dalam merespon tantangan dan tuntutan era global karena otoritarianisme , atau penafsiran despotic dengan cara mengunci kehendak Tuhan di belakang teks, interpretasi, atau fatwa berdasarkan ideologi tertentu seperti yang dilakukan oleh mereka para Mufti yang mengatas namakan dirinya sebagai pembicara atas nama Tuhan. Singkatnya , dari uraian di atas pentingnya hermeneutika Abou El Fadl dalam studi hukum Islam kontemporer adalah untuk membendung otoritarianisme yang telah menjadi fenomena umum di era kontemporer. Makalah ini menggunakan metode kritis-analisis untuk menguji atau melihat secara kritis seorang Mufti dalam membuat berbagai keputusan hukum atau fatwa dalam kasus Indonesian Council of Ulama( MUI ) di Indonesia yang dinilai menuai banyak kontroversi dan bahkan beberapa penolakan dari sebagian masyarakat Muslim Kontemporer .Kata kunci :hermeneutika, hokum Islam, otoritarianisme, fatwa , MUI

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 272-293
Syandri ◽  
Iskandar ◽  
Sulaiman Kadir

This study aimed to identify the process and purpose of the grave pilgrimage tradition after marriage in Manisa village, Baranti subdisctrict, Sidrap district, South Sulawesi, and also to examine the law of the custom in the view of Islamic law. This research employed a qualitative approach with the field study method (Field Research) and library research. The study shows that: 1. People ini Manisa village after celebrating their wedding they make grave pilgrimage in forms of such as: Determining a certain time according to the agreement of the bride and groom, preparing the necessary preparations such as water, kettles, and pandanus leaves, making ablution before going to the graveyard, praying before entering the cemetery, watering the grave with water mixed with pandanus leaves, holding the gravestone, praying for the late by reciting certain chapters finalized by surah Al-Fatihah. 2. Grave pilgrimage is one of the prescribed acts of worship but it should be in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet. As for what is found in the people of Manisa Urban Village, there are still a number of differences between what they do and what had been exemplified by the Messenger of Allah such as the determination of a special time for the grave pilgrimage, watering the grave, and seeking for blessing from the graves visited.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Hazi Kurniva Sari

Muslims believe that marriage is the best way to have children and maintain self-respect. In the Compilation of Islamic Law Article 3 paragraph (1) it is explained: the purpose of marriage is to realize a sakinah, mawaddah, warohmah household life. There are many ways to form a family, but the people of Ngabar Village, Siman District, Ponorogo Regency, and also other people do not know how to form a harmonious family. This study aims to (1) determine the understanding of the Ngabar Village community towards Law Number 11 of 2009 concerning Social Welfare, (2) to determine the role of KUA Siman District in the formation of a sakinah family in Ngabar Village, Siman District, Ponorogo Regency. This type of research is Field Research. A descriptive approach is used in this study. The results of this study indicate: The people of Ngabar Village do not understand the meaning of social welfare even though the employees of the Siman District Religious Affairs Office have socialized Law Number 11 of 2009 concerning social welfare. As a result, the formation of a sakinah family in Ngabar Village has not been carried out as much as expected.

Rahmat Pulungan

<em>Kafaah aims to create harmony and balance in marriage. Criteria of kafaah in jurisprudence according to scholarly is nasab, wealth, beauty, diyanah, hirfah and self independence. The problem that occurs is when determining kafaah in Bagan Batu, the Malay community has its own way in the process or determine kafaah, they carry the tradition called merasi to ensure compatibility between their children who will carry out the marriage. The main problem to be answered through this research is to determine how the process of merasi in determinig kafaah conducted by Malay community in Bagan Batu, what is the purpose of this tradition and how the views of Islamic law against the tradition. The purpose of this study: 1). To know the procedures of merasi tradition 2). To find out the purpose of merasi in determining kafaah 3). To find out the views of the Islamic law in the determination of kafaah through merasi process undertaken by the community of Bagan Batu , Bagan Sinembah ,Riau Province. The research is a field research that is descriptive qualitative. In the collection of necessary data, the author uses interview and observation techniques. While in the data analysis techniques, used qualitative method that describe the situation on the ground systematically. The results of this research is merasi tradition that conducted by people in Bagan Batu by combining both the name of the bride, and the progenitor will predict the state of their household after marriage. The way of this merasi may vary according to the progenitor who will perform it. Whereas the purpose of this merasi to reduce the disadvantages and for the achievement of the benefit in marriage. Merasi tradition in determining kafaah that happened inBagan Batu may be accepted and enforced. Because, during the process nothing contrary to Islamic law, also aimed to benefit of the people. In fact, before merasi the progenitor will ask the religious understanding of the bride, and it is also used as a basic foundation for determining the kafaah between the couple.</em> Kafaah bertujuan untuk menciptakan keserasian dan keseimbangan dalam perkawinan. Kriteria kafaah dalam fiqih menurut jumhur ulama ialah nasab, kekayaan, kecantikan, diyanah, hirfah, dan kemerdekaan diri. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah saat menentukan kafaah, di Kel. Bagan Batu, para masyarakat Melayu mempunyai proses atau cara tersendiri dalam menentukan kafaah, mereka melaksanakan tradisimerasi untuk memastikan keserasian antara anak mereka yang akan melaksanakan perkawinan. Masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses merasi dalam menentukan kafaah yang dilakukan masyarakat Melayu di Kel. Bagan Batu, apa tujuan dari tradisimerasi dan bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terhadap tradisimerasi tersebut. Riau. proses merasi yang dilakukan masyarakat Bagan Batu yaitu dengan cara menggabungkan kedua nama calon mempelai, dan datuk yang bersangkutan akan meramal keadaan rumah tangga mereka setelah menikah. Cara merasi ini beragam metodenya sesuai dengan datuk yang akan mem-faal. Sedangkantujuan dari merasi ini untuk mengurangi kemudharatan dan demi tercapainya kemaslahatan dalam pernikahan. Tradisimerasi dalam penentuan kafaah yang terjadi di Kel. Bagan Batu ini boleh diterima dan diberlakukan. Karena, selama proses merasi tidak ada hal yang bertentangan dengan hukum Islam yang juga menginginkan kemaslahatan umat. Bahkan, sebelum merasi para datuk akan menanyakan pemahaman agama para calon pengantin, dan hal ini juga dijadikan sebai landasan dasar dalam menentukan kafaah antara pasangan tersebut.

rahatulquloob ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 01-12
Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Siddique ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Atif Aslam

The subject matter of any case contains many facts proved by anyone of the parties to have a decision in his favour from a court of law. The primary objective of the law of evidence is to prescribe the rules to prove the facts of the case assisting the court of law in any case. The Law of Evidence forms a foundation for administration of justice in every legal system. This is considered a system of rules for disputed questions of fact in judicial inquiries. This law determines and helps to enforce the liability or grant aright on the basis of facts presented in the court of law. Islamic Law of Evidence is manifest due to the Islamic System of administration of justice and it rules are framed by the Law giver on the basis of primary sources of Islamic Law whereas the rules of other evidence law are made by the people. The current paper discusses the process of Islamization in Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It focuses on the Law of Evidence that how it is Islamized. It also highlights the specific legal provisions of Pakistani Law of Evidence were Islamized and indicates the role of some other constitutional institutions of Pakistan in Islamization of Law of Evidence. 

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