scholarly journals Un año de teletrabajo en la Generalitat de Catalunya


Laburpena: Helburu orokorrago eta handinahiago bat burutzeko ezarri da telelana Generalitat-ean: lan-modu berriak ezartzeko. Zentzu horretan, helburu hori aurrera eramateko eragile pragmatiko eta abiarazle gisa jotzen da telelana. Telelana arautzen duen arau-esparrua oinarrizkoa eta beharrezkoa izan arren, horretaz gainera hainbat elementu landu behar dira: mugigarritasuneko lan-profilaren definizioa, beharrezko ekipamenduen hornidura, azpiegituren eta sistemen prestakuntza, heziketa, inguru digitalen erabilera, talde-arduradunaren eginkizuna eta gaitasun digitalen jabetzea, besteak beste. Hortaz, telelana aldaketa kulturala behar du nahitaez, eta horretarako, langile publikoei ekimen zehatzen bidez lagundu behar diegu eta aldaketak sortzen dituen beldurrak gainditu behar ditugu. Telelana abiarazteak estrategia argia behar du, hainbat erabaki hartzeaz aparte. Erabaki horien artean hurrengoak ditugu: nor eta zenbat denboraz aritu daiteke telelanean? Zer bitarteko daude? Nola prestatuko gara? Segurtasunez lan egingo al dugu? Laburbilduz, telelanak lidergo-ereduaren aldaketak dakartza berekin. Lider kontrolatzailea lider bideratzaile bihurtu beharko da, produktibitatearen neurrian eta emaitzak era nabarmenean helburu izanda, eta konfiantza inposatuko da zer bitarteko bidez eta zer denbora tartean egin behar den argi badago. Abstract: The introduction of teleworking to the Catalan Government responds to a more general and ambitious intention which is the incorporation of the new working methods. Teleworking is therefore conceived as the pragmatic and accelerating lever which enables progress to be made in this respect. Although the normative framework which regulates telework is basic and necessary, work must also be carried out on a series of elements such as definition of the profile of the mobile work, providing the necessary equipment, the preparation of infrastructures and systems, training, the use of digital environments, the role of the team leader and the acquisition of digital skills. Thus, teleworking is only possible if it is associated with a cultural change and, to achieve this, we must accompany the publicly employed staff with specific initiatives and overcome the fears the change instills in us. The promotion of teleworking requires a clear-cut strategy and the making of decisions with respect to questions such as: Who can telework and for how long? What means are available? How do we prepare for it? Are we working with security? etc. At the end of the day, teleworking entails changes of paradigm in leadership, shifting from the controlling leader to the facilitator, according to productivity, with a clear-cut focus on results, where confidence takes hold provided that what has to be done is clearly established, with what means and in what period of time. Resumen: La introducción del teletrabajo en la Generalitat responde a un propósito más general y ambicioso como es la incorporación de las nuevas formas de trabajo. En este sentido, el teletrabajo se concibe como la palanca pragmática y aceleradora que permite avanzar en este propósito. Si bien el marco normativo que regula el teletrabajo es básico y necesario se precisa, además, trabajar una serie de elementos como son la definición del perfil de trabajo en movilidad, la dotación del equipo necesario, la preparación de la infraestructuras y sistemas, la formación, la utilización de los entornos digitales, el rol del responsable de equipo y la adquisición de las competencias digitales. Por tanto, el teletrabajo solo es posible si lleva asociado un cambio cultural y, para ello, debemos acompañar al personal empleado público con iniciativas concretas y superar los miedos que nos produce el cambio. El impulso del teletrabajo requiere de una estrategia clara y de la toma de decisión ante cuestiones tales cómo ¿quién puede teletrabajar y durante cuánto tiempo? ¿con qué medios se cuenta? ¿cómo nos preparamos? ¿trabajamos con seguridad?, etc. En resumen, el teletrabajo lleva asociados cambios de paradigma en el liderazgo pasando del líder controlador al facilitador, en la medida de la productividad con una orientación clara a resultados, donde la confianza se impone siempre y cuando se tenga claro qué hacer, con qué medios y en qué periodo de tiempo.

2021 ◽  

Change is at the heart of the definition of fashion, as many theorists, designers and cultural analysts have shown. This article takes up this perspective to question the role of fashion design in the 21st century in the relation to cultural, media and technological changes. Adopting a field research approach, the paper analyses the interaction between fashion, designers and digital technologies that are emerging in Italy in order to re-grasp Made in Italy in a futuring perspective. The case studies were selected for their relevance to the digital in terms of design, production, and display. The paper analyses that the pandemic crisis is having on the Made in Italy, stimulating new ways of designing, understanding, producing, and consuming fashion.

2001 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-138
E. V. Levitina ◽  
G. A. Ivanichev ◽  
M. M. Minnibaev

2/3 of all diseases of the nervous system in children begin to develop in the perinatal period. In recent decades, great strides have been made in perinatal neurology in the development of criteria for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Further study of the biochemical foundations of perinatal lesions of the nervous system with the definition of objective markers of the severity of the lesion will reveal new links in its pathogenesis and develop more effective methods of treatment.

Francesc Xavier Carrera Farran ◽  
Eduard Vaquero Tió ◽  
MªAngels Balsells Bailón

En este artículo se describe la creación y validación de un instrumento de evaluación de competencias digitales dirigido a adolescentes en riesgo social de 12 a 18 años. Éste, se elaboró a partir de un despliegue de competencias digitales y fue validado con un grupo de jueces expertos y una muestra de adolescentes en riesgo. La definición de criterios objetivos permitió evaluar los datos obtenidos y modificar los ítems del instrumento. El resultado es un cuestionario de 205 ítems.Digital skills evaluation instrument for adolescents in social risk situationAbstractThis article describes the creation and validation processes of a digital skill evaluation instrument for adolescents from 12 to 18 years that are at social risk. This instrument was developed from an array of digital skills, and it was validated with a group of expert judges and a group of adolescents at social risk. The definition of objective criteria allowed us to evaluate the data and modify the instrument items. The result is a questionnaire of 205 items.

McLachlan Campbell ◽  
Shore Laurence ◽  
Weiniger Matthew

Chapter 6 explores the central concept of ‘investment’. It first considers the core question of the definition of ‘investment’ under the ICSID Convention and under investment treaties. It then takes up four important issues: (1) the time when an investment is made in relation to the temporal scope of the treaty protections; (2) the extent to which pre-contract investment may obtain treaty protection; (3) the place of an investment; and (4) the role of host State law in defining ‘investment’. It then analyses a set of problems that arise out of indirect investments: the relation between the losses suffered by a subsidiary in the host State and the investor’s investment; the rights of minority shareholders; claims brought by holding companies; corporate restructuring as a means to gain the advantage of investment treaties; the position of ultimate beneficiaries; and the position of portfolio investments.

2004 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 87-113
Marta Ungermanová

This paper describes the syntactic properties of three types of locative complements in Czech that are compatible with verbs of movement. The distinction between these complements (each with its own interpretation) is made in the first place on the basis of several formal criteria (in particular, involving the rich Czech morphology), and, in addition, on semantic criteria. It is examined whether there exists sufficient correspondence between these criteria, and in particular, to what extent they can satisfactorily classify locative complements into essential and circumstantial ones. It is shown that there is no clear-cut distinction between these two categories of locative complements with Czech movement verbs. Furthermore, the syntactic role of the locative complements is shown to depend mainly on the verb, but also on other elements of the sentence. Finally, on the basis of several examples, it is argued that, on the one hand, the form of the complement does not predict its syntactic role and interpretation and, on the other hand, that two different forms can share the same syntactic role and interpretation.

Legal Studies ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 609-630
Daithí Mac Síthigh

Following a century of legislation about film and the film industry in the UK, and the latest in a series of reports on ‘film policy’, this paper investigates the relationship between law, policy and film. Case studies on the definition of ‘film’ in a time of technological and cultural change consider the privileged position of the cinema in terms of censorship and tax, including the new phenomenon of ‘alternative content’; that is, live relays of theatrical performances. Institutional change is assessed and criticised, particularly the abolition of the UK Film Council and the steady move from statute to executive action. The paper sets out a case for the role of the state to be set out in legislation and the cultural consequences of legal definitions to be taken more seriously.

Mutmainnah Mutmainnah

The terms gender and sex are often overlapped. The term sex in our society is often used in a dual sense. One of the factors that influence the occurrence of gender disparities is due to the variety of interpretations of the definition of gender itself. Often gender is equated with sex (sex), and the division of roles and responsibilities of each has been made in such a way and passed from year to year even from century to century, even the role of gender by society is then believed as if it was God's nature.

Brooke B. Chambers ◽  
Joachim J. Savelsberg

Genocide and ethnic cleansing are among the most deadly human-made catastrophes. Together with other forms of government violence, such as war crimes and crimes against humanity, the death toll they caused during the 20th century alone approximates 200 million. This is an estimated ten times higher than the number of deaths resulting from all violence committed in civil society during the same period. Yet the definition of genocide, its perception as a social problem, and the designation of responsible actors as criminals are all relatively recent. Globalization, international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and cultural shifts are interrelated contributors to this process of redefinition. While genocide and ethnic cleansing often appear to be unpredictable and chaotic, they nonetheless underlie a socio-logic across time and space. As the field of study evolved, scholars debated the role of authority and ideology in enabling violence. Today, consensus has shifted away from deterministic explanations about intrinsic hatred engrained in particular groups to sociological factors. They include the role of political regimes, war, organization, and narratives of ethnic hatred, each of which can play a role in facilitating violence. Recent developments also include the creation of new institutional mechanisms that seek to punish perpetrators and prevent the occurrence of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Among them are criminal justice responses that work potentially through deterrence, but also—more fundamentally—through the initiation of cultural change. Prosecutions, as well as supplemental mechanisms such as truth commissions, may indeed lead to a radical shift in the perception of mass violence and those responsible for it, thereby delegitimizing genocidal and ethnic cleansing campaigns.

Alex Maltman

We have seen in previous chapters how grapevines interact with rocks and soils, and in Chapter 10 I discussed the role of geology in terroir. But a question remains, one that is probably uppermost in the mind of many a wine lover: to what extent does geology affect the taste of the wine in your glass? I argued in Chapter 9 that the perception of a mineral taste in wine can’t have a literal meaning, but what about other tastes ascribed to geology? We might reasonably expect that the geological influences on vine growth have at least some role in wine flavor, but what? Many populist wine writings imply that the answers to such questions are clear-cut, but unfortunately they aren’t. Claims are routinely made in wine descriptions that sound fine but that don’t easily tally with scientific understanding. In other words, there’s some divergence between popular beliefs and scientific understanding of the geology—wine flavor connection. Part of the explanation may be that many of the populist assertions seem to be based on custom and on anecdote—narratives passed on enthusiastically but unquestioningly between wine fans. Two situations are common. First, a description of a wine casually mentions the kind of geology where it originated, implying a significance but without any justification or indication of how it might come about. I give illustrations of this in the following section. Second, some character of a wine is ascribed to particular rocks and soils but without providing any rationale. For example, a Riesling from Kamptal’s Gaisberg vineyard (Austria) is said to have “complexity because of the slaty para-gneiss, amphibolite, and mica” soils. But there’s no indication of how these two very specific rock types together with this particular mineral bring this complexity about.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Verónica Jacqueline Guamán Gómez ◽  
Brígida Amalin Daquilema Cuásquer ◽  
Eimy Eliana Espinoza Guamán

El pensamiento computacional es una de las competencias necesarias a lograr en la alfabetización del ciudadano del siglo XXI. El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de analizar la información actualizada sobre el pensamiento computacional en aras de contribuir a su divulgación, para ello se desarrolló un estudio de revisión bibliográfica, fundamentado en los métodos histórico-lógico, análisis de contenido y revisión bibliográfica. Entre los principales hallazgos se destacan que la definición del pensamiento computacional es un constructo no acabado, su concepción ha de estar en correspondencia con los adelantos científicos y tecnológicos, los resultados de las investigaciones relativas al tema, los resultados de los estudios sobre las competencias digitales, la influencia de la robótica en el aprendizaje y el esclarecimiento de las zonas de solapamiento entre las competencias del pensamiento computacional, las mediáticas y las informacionales. Palabras clave: pensamiento computacional, proceso educativo, antecedentes, implementación, impacto ABSTRACT Computational thinking is one of the necessary skills to achieve in the literacy of the 21st century citizen. The present work has the objective of analyzing the updated information on computational thinking in order to contribute to its dissemination, for this a bibliographic review study was developed, based on the historical-logical methods, content analysis and bibliographic review. Among the main findings are that the definition of computational thinking is an unfinished construct, its conception must be in correspondence with scientific and technological advances, the results of research on the subject, the results of studies on digital skills, the influence of robotics on learning and the clarification of the areas of overlap between computational, media and informational thinking skills. Keywords: computational thinking, educational process, background, implementation, impact.

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