2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (05) ◽  
pp. 406-415
Hanaa Mohammed Hossein AL-TAMMIMY‎

The purposes of Islamic Shari are to bring utilities and ‎benefits and also to avoid depravation.This sharia is very ‎suitable for human instinct ; it is valid for every place and ‎time.‎ Our respectable jurists said that non of difficulties hasn't a ‎rule in our god's book so we have to be aware of the rules ‎and judgments' of those troubles and what is expected to ‎happen.‎ In this research, in God's willing, we declare the jurisprudent ‎regionalization (adaptation) of electronic digital money ‎‎(system of transferring electronic money) and what is related ‎to this system of jurisprudent restrains because the electronic ‎money is people's needs which contributes in accomplish their ‎finance dealings by great quickness to transfer their money ‎with reducing its expenses that the finance dealing is ‎considered as a practical life nerve that pours in individual's ‎controlled benefits which doesn't contradict with Islamic ‎sharia goals and principles.‎ So, it is important to know the jurisprudent terms and to ‎evaluate economic and banking work that is included in ‎principles of Islamic sharia, according to jurisprudent rules ‎connected with Islamic banks work‎. Keywords: The purposes of Islamic Shari, Islamic jurisprudence, Numeral Finance.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-41
Amrizal Amrizal

Banking industry is very tight competition in all aspects. Results review from some literatures: journals and empirical data indicates that the banking industry has been applied information technology in order to provide excellent service to customers in the form of electronic transactions such as ATM, sms banking, e-commerce and so forth. Based on Bank Indonesia reports, the type of electronic transaction has been growing very rapidly between the transaction and Bilyetgiro Elekteronik Checks, ATM, Credit Card, Account Card Based (ATM and Debit Cards), Electronic Money, Delivery Chanel and RTGS. Those above transactions are relating to the Technology Information System and Integrated System. Integrated system is the combination of Hardskill which focus on knowledge and more to the integrity softskill (shidiq, trustworthy, tablig, fathonah). Islamic banks are ready to face competition both nationally and internationally, primarily face competition from the aspect of Integrated Systems. Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) developed e-banking features on an ongoing basis, among others

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-145
Adi Martono ◽  
Yuddy Yudawirawan

The use of electronic money as a transaction tool in everyday life is a necessity, people use the money to pay for various needs such as buying goods in the marketplace, buying food online, KRL train tickets, paying toll tickets and others. On the other hand, the use of electronic money in society raises questions, especially for Muslims. Is electronic money as a medium of exchange in accordance with the Qur'an and As-Sunnah? Several Indonesian Muslim scholars who are concerned about the practice of Muamalah Maaliyah have given their thoughts and opinions on the use of electronic money. This paper is a step in answering this question. This paper will try to provide an explanation why the use of electronic money is not in accordance with the Qur'an and As-Sunnah. This research uses case study – qualitative research as research methodology. For this study, data were collected from documentation: Bank Indonesia regulations, the fatwa of the Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI), fatwas of world scholars, instructions for the use of electronic money from banks/issuing companies, participant observations and observations, namely as users of electronic money who also use electronic money. Experienced as a banker in a state-owned bank. Using this method, this research will explore and explain how electronic money is managed and why some Muslims doubt this money. The conclusion of this study is that Bank Indonesia as the regulator and DSN-MUI issued a fatwa and this is in line with the fatwa issued by Majma' al-Fiqh al-Islami under the World Muslim League in its decision No. 86, 3/9 explains that “bank deposits, both in Islamic banks and conventional banks, from the fiqh point of view are debt, having different views on the concept and characteristics of electronic money used in Indonesia. The solution to this problem is that Bank Indonesia as a regulator needs to open space so that electronic money that is in accordance with sharia provisions can be realized so that the interests of the Muslim community are met. Abstrak Penggunaan uang elektronik sebagai alat transaksi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah suatu keniscayaan, masyarakat menggunakan uang tersebut untuk membayar berbagai keperluan seperti membeli barang di marketplace, membeli makanan secara online, tiket kereta api KRL, membayar tiket tol dan lain-lain. Di sisi lain, penggunaan uang elektronik di masyarakat menimbulkan pertanyaan terutama bagi umat Islam. Apakah uang elektronik sebagai alat tukar sesuai dengan Al-Qur'an dan As-Sunnah? Beberapa cendekiawan muslim Indonesia yang concern terhadap praktik Muamalah Maaliyah telah memberikan pemikiran dan pendapatnya tentang penggunaan uang elektronik. Tulisan ini merupakan langkah dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Tulisan ini akan mencoba memberikan penjelasan mengapa penggunaan uang elektronik tidak sesuai dengan Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunnah. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus – penelitian kualitatif sebagai metodologi penelitian. Untuk penelitian ini data dikumpulkan dari dokumentasi: ketentuan Bank Indonesia, fatwa Dewan Syariah-Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI), fatwa ulama sedunia, instruksi penggunaan uang elektronik dari bank/perusahaan penerbit, observasi dan observasi partisipan yaitu sebagai pengguna uang elektronik yang juga berpengalamanan sebagai bankir di bank milik pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan metode ini, penelitian ini akan mengeksplorasi dan menjelaskan bagaimana uang elektronik dikelola dan mengapa sebagian umat Islam meragukan uang ini. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Bank Indonesia selaku regulator dan DSN-MUI yang mengeluarkan fatwa dan ini sejalan dengan fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh Majma’ al-Fiqh al-Islami di bawah Liga Muslim Dunia dalam keputusannya No. 86, 3/9 menerangkan bahwa “simpanan bank, baik di bank Islam maupun bank konvensional, dari sudut pandang fiqih merupakan hutang, memiliki pandangan yang berbeda mengenai konsep dan karakteristik uang elektronik yang digunakan di Indonesia. Solusi dari permasalahan ini adalah Bank Indonesia sebagai regulator perlu membuka ruang agar uang elektronik yang sesuai dengan ketentuan syariah dapat diwujudkan sehingga kepentingan masyarakat muslimin terpenuhi. Kata Kunci: Uang Elektronik, Bank, Penerbit Uang Elektronik, Riba

Yutakai Kurihara

Approximately 10 years have passed since the words such as digital cash, digital money, electronic money, and e-cash have been introduced. Progress has increased rapidly in the fields of communication and information technology (IT) and in the field of digital cash; its use and transaction volume have been increasing. However, little analysis has been done about this phenomenon especially from the academic field. The continued increase in its use is inevitable, and it is important to investigate its influence and problems from both practical and theoretical perspectives. The spread of the use of digital cash impacts economic activity and social structure. This article considers both the merits and the problems of digital cash in the modern economy. This article analyzes characteristics of relationships between digital money, financial institutions, and financial authorities; considers the relation between digital cash and financial institutions; and analyzes the relation between digital cash and monetary policy authorities.

Merinova S. ◽  
Polovenko L.

Today's situation of global development of the cyber economy and the spread of digital technologies have contributed to the creation of a new asset – digital cartographic currency, which is rapidly gaining popularity. Most scientists understand crypto-currency as digital money that is encrypted and protected by special algorithms that operate independently of the central bank. Cryptocurrency differs from electronic money primarily by the anonymity of its use. This state-of-the-art means of payment is gaining more and more popularity in use not only by individuals but also by legal entities around the world, which is why there is an objective need to determine the economic category to which cryptocurrency should be attributed and accounted for. Among a number of different cryptocurrencies, the most common is Bitcoin. Taking into account the popularization of cryptocurrency in the world as a completely new, innovative payment instrument of the XXI century. and the active use of Bitcoin and other types of cryptocurrencies, the development and use of this payment instrument in Ukraine and the world need further research. The article considers the functional roles of cryptocurrencies in the digital economy, examines trends and prospects for their development. Approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "cryptocurrency" are revealed, the main types of the most pop-ular cryptocurrencies today are considered, their general features are unified. It was found that the most common cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, analyzed the dynamics of changes in the exchange rate of this currency, compared the exchange rates of the 10 most common cryptocurrencies. It is noted that the first Ukrainian cryptocurrency was Karbowanec, an analysis of changes in the exchange rate of the domestic cryptocurrency. The legal status of cryptocurrency in some countries and in Ukraine has been stud-ied, and it has been found that more and more countries give cryptocurrency the status of a legal and legal means of payment, sometimes equating it to electronic money. It is noted that cryptocurrency today has both positive features and disadvantages, the main of which is the increased risk of fraud and fraud using digital currency.Keywords: cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, blockchain, electronic money, digital currency, digital economy, cryptocurrency market. У статті розглянуто функціональні ролі криптовалюти у цифровій економіці, досліджено тенденції та перспективи їх розвитку. Виявлено підходи до трактування сутності поняття «криптовалюта», розглянуто основні види найбільш популярних на сьогодні криптовалют, уніфіковано їх загальні ознаки. Встановлено, що найбільш розповсюдженою криптовалютою є Bitcoin, здійснено порівняння курсів 10 найбільш поширених криптовалют, проаналізовано зміну курсу вітчизняної криптовалюти. Досліджено правовий статус криптоваюти, виявлено, що все більше країн надають криптовалюті статус легального та правового засобу платежу, подекуди прирівнюючи її до електронних грошей. Зазначено, що криптовалюта має як позитивні риси, так і недоліки, головним з яких є підвищення ризику виникнення шахрайства та махінацій з використанням цифрової валюти.Ключові слова: криптовалюта, Bitcoin, блокчейн, електронні гроші, цифрова валюта, цифрова економіка, ринок крип-то валюти.

Elvira Fitriyani Pakpahan ◽  
Jessica Jessica ◽  
Corris Winar ◽  
Andriaman Andriaman

The purpose of this research is to give insights on how Fintech and the role of OJK in supervising the services of Fintech in Indonesia. The presence of Fintech in Indonesia greatly helps citizens in accessing and provide easiness in financial transactions. At the moment, Fintech provides several functions that are believed to develop rapidly and Fintech also provides services on electronic money, virtual account, aggregator, lending, crowdfunding and other online monetary transactions. Various businesses that are part of Fintech are startups and online businesses. Therefore, the government should provide legal protection in order to protect both parties, the business organizers and the possible customers. In this case, business organizers with legal Fintech development have potential that is related to consumer protection, stable financial system, economy, and payment methods. The method of the research that is used in conducting this journal is the applied law research method. This research is using normative law with the facts approach and Constitution approach. In this case, Bank Indonesia has issued the Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 18/40/PBI/2016 about the implementation of the payment transaction and the Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 19/12/PBI/2017 about the implementation of Financial Technology. Along with OJK Regulation No. 13/POJK.02/2018 about the innovation of digital money in the financial services sector as a provision that covers the supervision and stipulates financial technology (fintech) industry issued by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan bagaimana Fintech dan peran OJK dalam mengawasi maraknya pelayanan Fintech di Indonesia. Munculnya Fintech di Indonesia sangat membantu masyarakat untuk mengakses dan mempermudah transaksi keuangan. Saat ini, Fintech memiliki berbagai fungsi yang diyakini mampu berkembang cepat dan Fintech mampu melayani electronic money, virtual account, agregator, lending, crowdfunding dan transaksi keuangan online lainnya. Berbagai usaha yang termasuk dalam Fintech adalah bisnis startup dan bisnis online. Dengan demikian Pemerintah harus memberikan suatu bentuk perlindungan hukum baik itu dari segi penyelenggara bisnis maupun untuk masyarakat yang berperan sebagai nasabah. Dalam hal ini, Pelaksanaan bisnis yang dijalankan secara legalitas untuk pengembangan fintechnya memiliki potensi resiko yang berhubungan dengan perlindungan konsumen, stabilitas sistem keuangan dan ekonomi ,serta sistem pembayaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penyusunan jurnal ini adalah metode hukum yuridis normatif. Dimana penelitian ini meneliti hukum secara normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan fakta dan pendekatan Undang-Undang. Dalam Hal ini Bank Indonesia (BI) mengeluarkan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No 18/40/PBI/2016 dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No 19/12/PBI/2017 serta Peraturan OJK No. 13/POJK.02/2018 sebagai bentu pengawasan dan pengaturan industri financial technology (fintech) yang dikeluarkan oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 636-647
Daniyar Sarsembayev ◽  

This article is an attempt to explain a new way of the cause of the emergence of the state with simultaneous consideration of previously known theories in legal science. Several arguments are presented in favor of the new theory, which, in the author's opinion, are sufficiently valid. The author analyzes the dynamics of the development of the causes of the emergence of state and law and its influence on the transformation of the latest civilizations, which took place in history. Based on the historical chronology of the emergence and functioning of money, the author conventionally differs three stages in its development: 1) the period of the gold standard or a chronic shortage of monetary liquidity; 2) the period of paper money and inflationary pressure; 3) the digital money period. The author upholds a new position regarding the essence of international law, believing that international law is not a separate system of law, but only the result of the evolution of law from national to international, which became possible thanks to the development of the institution of money. The author shares his thoughts on the true reason for justifying the state's right to war in international law a while back, expressed in a persistent shortage of monetary liquidity, which took place from the moment the first civilizations appeared until the 20th century. This article establishes a projection for the further development of state and law, including international law, alongside the inevitable transition of the world community to the digital money supply. The article reveals not only the vision of the new monetary system, its absolute transparency, and clarity but also the various opportunities we face in such a transition. In this regard, the states and the world community will come to clear and effective outcomes in management, to the practical abolition of corruption and economic crime, to legal methods of conducting all competitions and public procurement, to fair and effective justice, and the establishment of highly moral relations in society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-161
Nur Wahid

The involvement of lease (ijārah) contract in pawn practice in syari’ah bank resulted in a combination of contract known as multi-‘aqd. Concerning multiple contracts (multi-‘aqd), there are a number of Prophetic traditions, at least three hadiths that are outwardly (textual meaning) indicating a ban on the use of multiple covenants. For example, the hadith about the prohibition of trading and debts (bai’ wa salaf), the prohibition to trade with two contracts (bai’atain fī bai’ah), and two sales and purchase contracts in one transaction (ṣafqatain fī ṣafqah). The contract of lease (ijārah) and the pawn agreement (rahn) are two different types of contract, in which the lease includes the type of sale and purchase agreement, while the pawn includes the type of loan contract. This combination of contracts is a type of multi-contract which is prohibited based on the hadith above. Transactions with this multi-contract form almost exist in all Islamic banking products today. This paper concludes that the law of engagement of lease contracts in pawn practices in Islamic banks is allowed. The Islamic jurisprudence scholars argue that this combination of contracts is compatible with the purpose of sharia (maqāṣid al-sharī’ah), namely the ease in muamalah, lightening in the burden, and provide opportunities for innovation and the relevance of the development of the times and human needs in transactions.

بخت الرحمن عثماني بن عبد الحميد ◽  
عارف علي عارف ◽  
عزمان محمد نور

يركز البحث على أحكام الصيانة في الإجارة المنتهية بالتمليك، وهو بحثٌ تحليليٌ لأحكام الصيانة بين النظرية في الفقه الإسلامي والتطبيق المعاصر في العقد الذي تقوم به المصارف الإسلامية والمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية. وقصد الباحث من هذا البحث بيان مفهوم الصيانة وحكمها الشرعي في هذا العقد، ومن الذي يتحمل الصيانة المؤجر أو المستأجر؟ وهل يمكن اشتراطها على العميل فقط؟ وذلك لغرض الوصول إلى مدى التوافق بين النظرية والتطبيق العملي لأحكام الصيانة في هذا العقد في المصارف الإسلامية والمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية. وأهم النتائج التي توصل إليها الباحث هو أن للصيانة ثلاثة أنواع: نوعٌ من الصيانة تتجه إلى المؤجر، ولا يصح تحميلها على المستأجر لا شرعًا ولا تحمُّلًا لا عرفًا ولا شرطًا إلا عند تعديه أو تقصيره فيها، وهي الصيانة الأساسية، فهي كل ما يتعلق بذات العين المؤجرة ويتوقف عليه الانتفاع. ونوع ثاني من الصيانة ما يتجه إلى المستأجر، وهي الصيانة التشغيلية، فهي كل ما يتعلق باستيفاء المنافع والذي تحتاج إليه العين المؤجرة نتيجة استعمالها. ونوع ثالث من الصيانة ما لا يتجه إلى المؤجر ولا إلى المستأجر إلا حسب العرف وعوائد أهل البيئة وحسب تغير الزمان والمكان، وهي الصيانة العرفية. وهذا النوع من الصيانة لا تدخل في الصيانة الأساسية ولا في الصيانة التشغيلية بل هو تابع للعرف والبيئة، ولتغير الزمان والمكان. وأما الصيانة الأساسية والصيانة التشغيلية فلا دخل للعرف فيهما. الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الصيانة، الأساسية، التشغيلية، العرفية، الإجارة المنتهية بالتمليك، النظرية والتطبيق. Abstract The study is focusing on the ruling of maintenance (al-Ṣiyānah) in Al-Ijārah al-Muntahiyyah bi al-Tamlīk. It analytically studies the ruling in theory of Islamic Jurisprudence and in the contemporary practice in the contract applied by Islamic Banks and Islamic Financial Institutions. The study aims to explain the concept of the maintenance and its legislative rules in the contract, the responsibility of the leased asset—lessor or lessee? Is it permissible to impose it on the lessee only? This is to find out the extant of the compatibility between the theoretical and the practical implementations of the sharÊÑah ruling of maintenance in the ijÉrah contracts of Islamic Banks. The important result of the research conducted is that there are three types of maintenance (al-Ṣiyānah): The first type of al-Ṣiyānah pertains to the lessor only, and it is not permissible to be imposed on the lessee neither from the SharÊÑah or liability perspective, but in the case of fault or short coming from the lessee, and this is called major maintenance (al-Ṣiyānah al-Asāsiyyah). This type of al-Ṣiyānah denotes all such maintenance of the leased asset that is related to the essence of the leased asset on which the benefit depends. The second type of the al-Ṣiyānah pertains to the lessee only; this is called minor maintenance (al-Ṣiyānah al-Tashghīliyyah). This refers to all such things that are linked with the fulfilment of benefits and the operation of the leased asset. And the third type of the al-Ṣiyānah does not pertain to lessor or the lessee except because of custom of the time and circumstances. And this is called al-Ṣiyānah al-ʻUrfiyyah. This type of maintenance is not linked with major maintenance or with minor maintenance, but its ruling is according to the time and custom. Keywords: Maintenance, al-Ṣīyānah, al-Asāsiyyah, al-Tashghīliyyah, al-ʻUrfiyyah, Al-Ijārah al-Muntahiyyah bi al-Tamlīk, Theory, Practice. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 74
Abubakar Balarabe ◽  
Md. Faruk Abdullah

Islam is a way of life that seeks to protect the human being from financial harm through prohibiting riba, maysir, and gharar. Islamic credit card is one of the alternative banking products offered by Islamic financial institutions to replace the conventional credit card. The Islamic credit card was initially based on the Inah concept. However, this concept was criticized by both contemporary and classical Islamic jurists, especially in the Hambali, Maliki, and Hanafi school of thought. Therefore, some Islamic banks of Malaysia offer a better alternative, developing the credit card on the concept of ujrah, which is less ambiguous among Islamic scholars. This study will explore the background of Islamic credit card base on the concept of ujrah. It will then further discuss the justification for the permissibility of the concept. Finally, this paper will highlight the issues related to the practice of ujrah in Islamic credit card operations. The findings indicate that the credit cards based on ujrah (fee) are permitted from the Sharia perspective as long as they do not involve any element of riba (interest). However, it involves Shariah issues on its practice of ibra (rebate) and penalty charge. To fulfil the objective of the study, it will refer to the Quran, Hadith, classical Islamic jurisprudence, juristic opinion of Islamic scholars, Shariah standards of international Islamic standard-setting bodies, and other policy documents of the Islamic banks.

rahatulquloob ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 197-224
Dr. Zilli Huma

Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani is one of the leading Deoband Hanafi Islamic Scholars living today from Pakistan. He is the son of late Molana Muhammad Shafi, the grand mufti of Pakistan. He is the brother of Islamic scholars Muhammad Rafi Usmani, Muhammad Wali Razi, Muhammad Razi Usmani as well as of Urdu poet Muhammad Zaki Kaifi. He is regarded as an expert in the fields of Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Economics and Tasawwuf. He served as a judge on the Federal Shariat Court of Pakistan from 1980 to 1982 and the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan between 1982 and 2002. He is generally known as one of the leading Shariah Scholars active in the field of Islamic finance. For more than a decade he has served as Chairman or Member of Shariah Supervisory boards of a dozen Islamic banks and prestigious financial institutions in various parts of the world. Allah Almighty has blessed him with the writing skill. He has written translations of the Holy Quran in both English and Urdu. He has been writing on various Islamic topics in Arabic, Urdu & English and is author of more than 70 books and numerous articles, published in a number of journals and magazines. In his books, Justice Taqi Usmani has discussed the solutions of individual, collective, social, political and economic problems in the light of Islamic principles. His books are very famous not only in Pakistan but also in India, Malaysia, Bangladesh and many other countries in the world. With this perspective, the present article deals with the introduction of important books of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani.

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