2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
AL Manaf

This article aim to analyze Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on education and its relevance to modern world education. This research uses qualitative approach (Library Research) by analyzing the sources collected and summarized in the article. Result this research shows that education is not only a teaching and learning process that is limited by time and space, but education is a process where students are able to live, absorb and even capture natural events throughout the ages. Ibn Khaldun's thoughts are also very relevant to modern education when viewed from various aspects, namely educators, learning methods, curriculum and educational goals. Positive impact What is expected from the results of this study is the adoption of the concept of Modern Education with the Concept of Education according to Ibn Khaldun.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Ruslandi Ruslandi ◽  
Chaerul Rochman

In the management of the school, the Headmaster must have responsible to take care of  all the facilities and infrastructure. The headmaster and all of the members of the school must be able to maintain and pay attention to the facilities and infrastructure already there is. With the availability of facilities and infrastructure in schools, the students can learn maximally. The management of the schools must emphasize more attention to the facilities and infrastructure. Every people must be responsible manage and take care of these facilities and infrastructure. The head of the schools must have plans, notes, and record to any facilities and infrastructure used in the school. If all management steps have been carried out with good as expected it will have a positive impact towards students in the teaching and learning process, then the achievement of educational goals reach effectively and efficiently

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Andy Novitriastuti Rahmatjati

ABSTRAK   Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilakukan oleh karena rendahnya hasil belajar siswa pada materi konsep mol dan masih belum terlaksana dengan baik penerapan metode pembelajaran terutama pada proses pembelajaran Kimia di kelas X MIPA Sma Negeri 6 Kota Bekasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode pembelajaran Problem Solving memiliki dampak positif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data, aktivitas guru dalam proses pembelajaran Problem Solving dalam setiap siklus juga mengalami peningkatan serta berdampak positif terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Hal ini dapat ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata – rata siswa pada setiap siklus yang terus mengalami peningkatan. Dengan demikian hipotesis tindakan dalam penelitian ini terbukti bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran problem Solving dalam proses belajar mengajar dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi konsep mol.   Kata kunci: Hasil Belajar , Kimia, Konsep Mol, Metode Pembelajaran Problem Solving ABSTRACT   The Classroom Action Research was conducted because of the low learning achievements of MOL concept and still has not done well the use of  learning methods, especially in the learning process in Chemistry class of X MIPA SMAN 6 Bekasi . This research outputs indicated that Problem Solving has a positive impact in improving learning achievements of students. Based on data analysis the activity of the teacher in the learning process using Problem Solving method in each cycle also increased as well as the positive impact on the student achievement. This can be shown by the average value of student in each cycle which is constantly increasing. Thus the hypothesis of action in the study proved that the application of the problem solving method in the teaching and learning can enhance learning achievement student to learn Chemistry with the material theory of Mol concept.   Keywords: achievement, Chemistry, Concept Mol, Problem Solving Method

Sudarmono Sudarmono ◽  
Maisah Maisah ◽  
Ahmad Fikri ◽  
Neneng Hasanah

Teacher certification is one form of implementation of Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers by providing teacher certificates to teachers who have met certain requirements, namely having academic qualifications, competence, being physically and mentally healthy, and having the ability to realize national educational goals, followed by an increase in decent welfare. Teacher certification aims to increase knowledge, performance, creativity, and be able to carry out other main tasks and functions related to the teaching and learning process . Based on the background of the problem above, researchers are interested in revealing this phenomenon in a study. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of teacher certification on teacher performance in schools, especially at SMAN 5 Jambi City. This type of research is field research using a qualitative- naturalistic approach . Through this qualitative approach, it is hoped that a picture of the quality, social reality and perceptions of the research objectives will be lifted without being contaminated by formal measurements . The subjects in this study were 60 certified teachers in State Senior High School 5 Jambi City. The required data is obtained through interviews, observation and documentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Abroto Abroto ◽  
Seka Andrean ◽  
Aulia Diana Devi

ABSTRACTAlong with the development of science and technology requires teachers to make an innovation in teaching and learning activities, one of which is by using strategies and learning models. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of blended learning methods in improving students' learning motivation. The method used is the library research approach through library resources related to blended learning methods in improving learning motivation as well as various other literature sources. Then analyzed and presented the findings of the data objectively. The results showed that Blended Learning is a learning that combines conventional learning, self-learning and online selflearning. In improving learning motivation with Blended Learning method in elementary school can be done with several steps, namely 1) preparing the syllabus and Learning Program Plan (RPP), 2) making a draft assessment 3) determining suitable methods, and 4) implementing the learning process that takes place effectively. With this, the teaching and learning process can take place well and produce an educated generation, who are able to compete and answer future challenges, as well as excel.Keywords: Method, Blended Learning, Motivational Learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 413
Abdul Majid Khon

<p><span>Pengi</span><span lang="IN">ntegrasi</span><span>an </span><span>konsep </span><span lang="IN">pendidikan agama Islam dalam kitab </span><span>klasik kedalam kehidupan </span><span lang="IN">di dunia modern </span><span>adalah suatu persoalan yang penting</span><span lang="IN">. </span><span lang="IN">Tujuan</span><span> penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk</span><span lang="IN"> menyingkap konsepsi pendidikan Agama Islam yang terintegrasi dalam kitab </span><em><span>a</span><span lang="IN">l-Arba’în al-Nawawiyah </span></em><span lang="IN">yang masih terpendam dan menampilkan pembaharuan dalam pemahaman hadis baik secara tekstual maupun kontekstual. </span><span>Jenis penelitian ini adalah library research, dengan menelusuri Hadis-Hadis yang mengandung kata kunci <em>ta`lîm, tarbiyah, tahdzîb, </em>dan<em> ta’dîb</em> di dalam kitab tersebut, kemudian dipetakan secara tematik (<em>mawdhû`î</em>) dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kajian isi<em> (content analysis),</em> deskripsi (descriptif analysis) melalui pendekatan pemahaman tekstual dan kontekstual. Hasil penelitian ini adalah dalam kitab <em>al-Arba’în al-Nawawiyah</em> secara ekplisit menyebutkan <em>keyword</em> pendidikan</span><span lang="IN"> atau pengajaran</span><span>sebanyak 3 dari 42 hadis. Dalam kitab <em>al-Arba’în al-Nawawiyah </em>menunjukkan adanya banyak konsep pendidikan dan pengajaran yang masih eksis untuk diaplikasikan pada masa modern. Hadis tidak hanya berbicara tentang ibadah saja, seperti shalat, zakat, puasa, dan haji sebagaimana asumsi mayoritas umat pada umumnya. Akan tetapi cakupannya menyeluruh dengan berbicara berbagai persoalan hidup termasuk di dalamnya tentang pendidikan. Kandungan Aspek Pendidikan dalam <em>al-Arba’în al-Nawawiyah</em> mencakup seluruh komponen pendidikan modern, yakni komponen pendidik, peserta didik, tujuan pendidikan, materi pendidikan, metode dan strategi pendidikan, sarana dan prasarana pendidikan.</span></p><p><span>[<strong><span lang="IN">Integration </span><span>o</span><span lang="IN">f Education </span><span>i</span><span lang="IN">n The Book </span><span>o</span><span lang="IN">f Hadith </span><span>a</span><span lang="IN">l-Arba'in </span><span>a</span><span lang="IN">l-Nawawiyah</span></strong><span>.</span><span> <span lang="IN">The integration of the concept of Islamic religious education in classical books into life in the modern world is an important issue. The purpose of writing this article is to reveal the concept of Islamic religious education which is integrated in the book <em>al-Arba'în al-Nawawiyah</em> which is still hidden and displays a renewal in understanding hadith both textually and contextually. This type of research is library research, by tracing the Hadiths containing the keywords <em>ta`lîm</em>, <em>tarbiyah</em>, <em>tahdzîb</em>, and <em>ta'dîb</em> in the book, then mapped thematically (<em>mawdhû`î</em>) using content study research methods. Analysis</span></span><span>and</span><span lang="IN"> description through textual and contextual understanding </span><span>approaches</span><span lang="IN">. The results of this study are in the book <em>al-Arba'în al-Nawawiyah</em> explicitly mentions the keyword education or teaching as much as 3 of the 42 hadiths. </span><span>I</span><span lang="IN">n the book <em>al-Arba'în al-Nawawiyah</em> shows that there are many educational and teaching concepts that still exist to be applied in modern times. Hadith does not only talk about worship, such as prayer, zakat, fasting, and hajj as the majority of people assume. However, the scope is comprehensive by talking about various issues of life, including education. The content of the Educational</span><span> aspect </span><span lang="IN">in<em> al-Arba'în</em> <em>al-Nawawiyah</em> includes all components of modern education, namely the components of educators, students, educational goals, educational materials, educational methods and strategies, educational facilities and infrastructure.]</span></span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Sukino Sukino ◽  
Erwin Erwin ◽  
Agus Maulidia

This research is motivated by the importance of a humanistic-religious approach that prioritizes the learning process rather than learning outcomes. While there are still many schools that do not understand the positive impact of this approach, so they still use the learning approach that focuses merely on students and learning outcomes. This study explains the humanistic-religious approach in Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) learning. This research employed a qualitative approach in which data were collected through observations, documentation, and interviews. It was conducted at MAN 3 Pontianak, Indonesia, where teachers and students were research participants. This study found that Fiqh learning model with a humanist-religious approach is characterized by three main activities. First, fiqh learning is supported by learning implementation plan (RPP) documents that arranged systematically, describing the behavior of teachers and students who are full of responsibility, open, democratic, dynamic, and religious. Second, humanist class management is done by auditing the class and providing a broad collaboration space. Third, humanist religious approaches are also carried out by building reciprocal educational interactions through sharing learning methods or strategies.

2019 ◽  
Tasya Gofima

Schools will be able to assist the learning process and educational infrastructure that supports the learning process. Management of facilities and infrastructure is very vital and very important facilities in supporting the smoothness or ease in the learning process, because with the management of facilities and infrastructure of educational institutions will be maintained and clearly useful. In managing the school, the school principal must be responsible for the facilities and infrastructure of the school principal who directly allows the facilities and infrastructure. And the school must also be able to consider and pay attention to the existing school facilities and infrastructure. So with the facilities and infrastructure in schools students can learn to the maximum and see the possible efficiency. So the management of facilities and infrastructure must be improved again in educational institutions such as in schools. And there must be someone who is responsible for managing the facilities and infrastructure. If all management steps have gone well as expected it will have a positive impact on students in the teaching and learning process and the achievement of effective and efficient educational goals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Athoillah Islamy ◽  
Nurul Istiani

This study aims to explain the application of hypnoteaching method in spiritual values learning. This type of research is library research. This research is qualitative research. The primary source used in this study is the thought of Muhammad Noer in his book entitled Hypnoteaching For Success Learning. This research concludes that the hypnoteaching method is a learning method that combines teaching and learning with hypnosis. This method can be used as one of the methods in the process of learning spiritual values. In its application, the hypnoteaching method emphasizes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students through positive suggestions. With these steps, it is expected to create a more effective and enjoyable spiritual learning process. Keywords: Method, Hypnoteaching, Learning, Spiritual

2020 ◽  
Haisya Hamini

This article describes the administration of special services. The teaching and learning process requires the support of facilities that are not directly used in the classroom. Facilities that do not directly include school libraries, school cooperatives, school health businesses and school cafeterias. Management of special services in schools is effective and efficient School Based Management (SBM). School is one of the facilities that can be used to improve the quality of Indonesia's population. Schools not only have responsibilities and duties to carry out the learning process in developing science and technology, but must maintain and improve students' physical and spiritual health.Special service management in schools is basically defined and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are provided in schools with a view to facilitating the implementation of teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools. Special services include guidance and counseling, libraries, laboratories, school health efforts (uks), canteens, school cooperatives, and transportation.

2020 ◽  
Sunyi Angelista

Special service administration is to provide services specifically or a business that is not directly related to the teaching and learning process in the classroom. But specifically given by the school to the students so that they are more optimal in carrying out the learning process Special service management in schools is basically set and organized to facilitate or facilitate learning, and can meet the special needs of students at school. Special services are held in schools with the aim of facilitating the implementation of teaching in the context of achieving educational goals in schools. Education in schools also includes trying to keep students in good condition. Good here concerning physical and spiritual aspects. Special services provided by schools to students, between schools one with other schools are generally the same, but the management process and utilization are different. Some special services available at school include: Library, Labor, UKS (School of Health Business), School Kafetaria, Facilities of worship, Dormitory, Cooperatives and Transportation. Thus, special service management is a process of providing services to students to support learning activities so that educational goals can be achieved effectively and efficiently.

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