2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2(36)) ◽  
pp. 6-10
Aleksandr V. Pyankevich

The search for artefacts of the Great Patriotic War was analyzed. The features of the military archeology artifacts museum use were revealed. The museum properties of the search squads’ findings were considered. Military archaeology artefacts informativeness, representativeness, expressivity and attractiveness were analyzed. The criteria for military archeology artefacts selection in the field work have been identified. Attribution methods of for various groups of Great Patriotic War military archeology artefacts were proposed.

Яна Владимировна Комар

В статье на основе методов включенного наблюдения и интервьюирования современников, материалов периодической печати представлена картина проведения 9 мая на территориях Донецкой народной республики и Луганской народной республики. В ходе исследования удалось выяснить, что в республиках эта дата вышла за рамки памяти о событиях и участниках Великой Отечественной войны, дополнившись новыми смыслами, приобретя свои особенности и знаковость. Коммеморативные практики не ограничились только погибшими в период Великой Отечественной войны: они включили в себя и погибших военных в действующем вооруженном конфликте на Донбассе, и погибших мирных граждан республик. Особое внимание уделяется роли Русской православной церкви Московского патриархата (РПЦ МП) в мероприятиях, проводимых по случаю праздника. Праздничная атрибутика включает в себя ряд уникальных символов и знаков, характерных только для Дня Победы. Вместе с тем 9 мая на темпоральном отрезке занимает небольшой часовой промежуток времени, а потенциал эмоциональной составляющей и наполненность дня больше сравнима с праздничной культурной традицией, чем с коммеморативной. This article describes Victory Day commemorations (9 May) in the territories of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, based on observation, interviews, and material from the periodical press. In the course of the study, it was found out that in the republics celebration of this date went beyond the memory of the events and participants of the Great Patriotic War. The holiday assumed new meanings, acquiring its own characteristics and markers. Commemorative practices were not limited to participants of the Great Patriotic War, but were also devoted to the military and civilian dead in the current armed conflict in the Donbas. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (ROC MP) in events held on this day. The holiday’s celebration includes a number of unique symbols and signs that are only characteristic of the 9th of May. While the celebration of 9 th of May takes but a short period of time, its emotional component and capacity for expression are more comparable to the festival tradition than to that of commemoration. At the same time, on the temporal segment, 9th of May takes a short one-hour period of time, and the potential of the emotional component and the fullness of the day is more comparable to the festive cultural tradition than to the commemorative one.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-225
Olga Yuryevna Igoshina

This paper considers one of the urgent problems of the great Patriotic war history - the irrevocable human losses during the great Patriotic war. In the 21st century mass sources (electronic databases and databanks) were distributed. Some of them can be used while studying how local people of the Kuibyshev (now - Samara) Region participated in the military operations in 1941-1945. The paper analyzes information opportunities of the generalized databank Memorial and the consolidated database of the all-Russian information and search center Fatherland. The paper also analyzes the electronic database of the irrevocable human losses of the Kuibyshev Region that is founded on The Memory book and made by the author of the paper. The databank Memorial and the database Fatherland are on the Internet and help to determine the fate or find the information about the dead or missing relatives and friends as well as to determine their burial place. Sections of the victims are accompanied by links as well as by digital copies of archival documents that confirm the information about the date, place of service, death and burial of soldier. Electronic resources have unique features and value for achieving the historical truth about the price of Victory.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Anton Mokhov ◽  
Andrey Shamanaev ◽  
Karina Kapsalykova

This article considers the emergency evacuation of the collections of the Chersonese Historical and Archaeological Museum from Sevastopol to Sverdlovsk during the Great Patriotic War, between September and December 1941. The authors analyse some issues concerning the preparation and transportation of the museum collection and the interaction between state structures and cultural institutions in wartime conditions. The study is based on unpublished archival materials from the funds of the State Archive of Sverdlovsk Region and the Documentation Centre of Public Organisations of Sverdlovsk Region. The study of problems connected with saving cultural heritage during military conflicts is relevant considering the threat of local wars in the modern world. At present, military actions pose serious risks of the destruction, damage, and illicit transfer of museum exhibits. The authors employ the historical and anthropological approach, paying a great deal of attention to the historiography of the issue of cultural heritage preservation during the Great Patriotic War. The experience of evacuating heritage collections from the Chersonese Museum is both unique and typical. One hundred and eight crates of artifacts, books, and archival documents were sent from Sevastopol to Sverdlovsk, accompanied by a single employee of the museum, S. F. Strzelecki. Owing to his effort, the priceless collection was successfully delivered to the rear. Most problems faced during the emergency evacuation of the Chersonese collections related to the deficit of material resources, rapid changes in the situation at the front, inefficient interaction between the bodies of power, academic and cultural institutions, and deficiencies in the transportation system. The authors argue that during the early stages of the Great Patriotic War, the conditions in the military and cultural spheres posed a significant threat to the preservation of cultural heritage. There were no mobilisation plans for museums and the authorities failed to assess the real risks of wartime. Taking these factors into account should help diminish the threat of cultural heritage loss during military conflicts.

2021 ◽  
pp. 45-52
Татьяна Васильевна Галкина

Подведены первые итоги реализации Всероссийского патриотического мегапроекта «Карта Победы – 2025» применительно к г. Томску и Томской области на примере локального патриотического проекта «Тыловой Томск на Карте Победы». Одна из целей проекта – выявление неучтенных потерь мирного населения Томской области в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Впервые в научный оборот введены архивные сведения Департамента записи актов гражданского состояния (ЗАГС) Томской области о количестве записей актов о смерти, зарегистрированных территориальными отделами ЗАГС за период с 1940 по 1945 г. При этом количество человеческих потерь оказалось настолько чудовищным, что сравнимо с военными потерями Томской области за годы Великой Отечественной войны: военных потерь – 60 619 человек, тыловых – 59 159. В свете этих данных представляется необходимым дальнейшее изучение феномена «тыл как социально ответственная территория». Полученные данные открывают новый пласт исторических реалий военного времени в глубоком сибирском тылу, которые необходимо оценивать с позиций нацистского геноцида против народов СССР в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Представлены организационно-педагогические технологии реализации проекта «Тыловой Томск на Карте Победы», содержащего научно-исследовательскую (историческую) и презентационную (с использованием технологии дополненной реальности – QR-кодирования) части. Многоплановость и сложность реализации патриотического проекта по тыловой проблематике являются незаменимым «полигоном» для закрепления профессиональных компетенций будущего учителя-патриота. The article is devoted to the first results of the implementation of the All-Russian Patriotic Mega-Project “Victory Map – 2025” in relation to the city of Tomsk and the Tomsk region on the example of the local patriotic project “Rear Tomsk on the Victory Map”. One of the goals of the project was to identify unaccounted losses of the civilian population of the Tomsk region during the Great Patriotic War. The article for the first time introduces into scientific circulation archival information of the Department of Civil Registration of the Tomsk region on the number of death records registered by the territorial departments of the registry office for the period from 1940 to 1945. At the same time, the number of human losses was so mon strous that it is comparable to the military losses of the Tomsk region during the Great Patriotic War: military losses – 60,619 people, rear losses – 59159 people. In the light of these data, it seems necessary to further study the phenomenon of “rear as a socially responsible territory”. The obtained figures open a new layer of historical realities of wartime in the deep Siberian rear, which was one of the bridgeheads of an invisible, but no less terrible war with huge human losses among the civilian population. The article presents organizational and pedagogical technologies for the implementation of the project “Rear Tomsk on the Victory Map”, containing research (historical) and presentation (using augmented reality technology – QR-coding) parts. The multifaceted and complexity of the implementation of the patriotic project on logistics issues is an indispensable “testing ground” for consolidating the professional competencies of the future patriotic teacher.

2018 ◽  
Vol 166 ◽  
pp. 99-107
Shino Maeda

Image of maternal love in Grigory Chukhray’s The QuagmireMemories of the Great Patriotic War contributed to the making of a national identity in Soviet Russia, and clear gender roles are evident in Soviet propaganda war art. The image of male soldiers demonstrates the obligation to defend the fatherland against the outside enemy. On the other hand, there are images of a mother cheering for her son or a mother lamenting over a fallen soldier. It is clear that the female image belongs to the reproductive function of motherhood. The establishment presents an ideal and urges the public to internalize it by themselves. Grigory Chukhray’s film The Quagmire’s 1977 mother, however, hides her young son, who was conscripted to the front. The  film casts doubt on the Soviet war myth and asks “Why do mothers have to be reconciled to lose their sons in order to defend the fatherland?” That’s why the military purged the film from the screen. Obraz miłości macierzyńskiej w filmie Grigorija Czuchraja TrzęsawiskoWspomnienia i obrazy Wielkiej Wojny Ojczyźnianej odegrały ważną rolę w kształtowaniu tożsamości obywateli Rosji Radzieckiej. W sowieckiej propagandzie wojennej wyraźnie widać hierarchię genderową. Wizerunek żołnierza mężczyzny odnosi się do obowiązku obrony ojczyzny przed zewnętrznym wrogiem. Natomiast wizerunek matki wiwatującej na cześć zwycięstwa syna lub rodzicielki lamentującej nad poległym żołnierzem kojarzony jest z macierzyństwem. Film Grigorija Czuchraja Trzęsawisko Трясина opowiada historię matki ukrywającej powołanego do wojska i wezwanego na front syna. Film, który wkrótce po premierze wycofano z  dystrybucji, stawia pytania dotyczące funkcjonowania radzieckich mitów wojennych oraz sytuacji kobiet, które nie chcą się pogodzić ze śmiercią swych synów broniących ojczyzny.

Vitaly G. Tsyplin ◽  

Based on the analysis of historical literature and archival sources, the article examines the service and combat activities of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of the rear in 1941. The features of the rear protection system during the period of reforming state structures and the restructuring of their activities in wartime are considered. A generalized analysis of misunderstandings and contradictions on the staffing, subordination and use of rear guard units in a combat situation is carried out. Some characteristics of the actions of the military leadership are given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-242
Yu. V. Miroshnichenko ◽  
S. A. Bunin ◽  
V. N. Kononov ◽  
A. B. Perfilev ◽  
N. L. Kostenko

Abstract. The characteristic of the functioning of the pharmaceutical personnel training system on the eve and during the years of World War II is presented. It was established that the countrys leadership had carried out a conceptual restructuring of the entire education system in advance and measures had been taken to streamline scientific and scientific-pedagogical work. At the beginning of the war, decisive measures were taken at the state level to preserve both the number of universities with their scientific and pedagogical potential, and the number of students. It is shown that on the eve of the war 22916 pharmaceutical specialists were in stock, of which more than 11 thousand people were drafted into the army, which accounted for about 70% of the staffing requirement. However, these specialists could not fully carry out professional activities without additional knowledge. Many of them, called up from the reserve, in practice in the most difficult wartime conditions, comprehended the organizational features of the work of hospital pharmacies and warehouses, the military field technology for the manufacture of medicines, the principles of medical supply for the army. The contribution of the Military Medical Academy named after CM. Kirov in improving the efficiency of the functioning of the medical supply system and the training of military pharmaceutical personnel. The activities of universities to establish training necessary for the front and rear of specialists, ways to eliminate the personnel hunger, the organization of the educational process in besieged Leningrad are shown. The heroism of students and teachers of institutes is reflected. Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, it is difficult to overestimate the dedicated work of the teaching staff and researchers of pharmaceutical universities and faculties, which allowed not only to preserve, but also to increase the potential of the pharmaceutical education system during the Great Patriotic War. Trained pharmaceutical specialists in difficult conditions worked selflessly at the front, in the rear, preserving the life, health of the wounded and sick soldiers and the countrys population, bringing Victory closer.

Alexander S. Tsygankov ◽  

The article provides a historical and philosophical analysis of various ways of per­ceiving the Great Patriotic War, which are sealed in the heritage of the two Russian thinkers immigrants – Semen Frank (1877‒1950) and Bruno Becker (1885‒1968). Based on the creative and epistolary heritage of Becker and Frank, which is cur­rently stored in various American and European archives, their positions are recon­structed in relation to the main participants in the military confrontation of the last century, as well as the internal logic of these positions are revealed, which was due to both biographical circumstances and worldviews of both thinkers. In many ways Becker’s position seems to be exceptional, not only he saw the danger posed by the new political regime in Germany earlier than many other Russian emigrant philo­sophers, including Frank, but also he tried to resist this by public and charitable activities in the Netherlands in the prewar and wartime periods.

Anatoly V. Chernyaev ◽  

The Great Patriotic War was a decisive challenge not only for the military power and material and technical base of our country, but also for its spiritual, cultural and ideological foundations. Many Russian philosophers became participants in the hos­tilities, but the role of philosophers who continued scientific work was no less im­portant, the plans of which were adjusted and aimed at implementing projects re­lated to the strengthening of patriotism, the development of national identity, the revival of the classical forms of science and culture, consistent with historical heritage of Russia. This scientific work was in the context of the socio-cultural and spiritual processes that intensified in the USSR during the war and responded to the tasks of strengthening defense capability and the formation of a new socio-state identity. The main undertakings implemented in this connection by the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences were the development of the history of Russian philosophical thought and the creation of a new textbook of formal logic. These areas of research activity have shown their relevance in the light of the chal­lenges of wartime and prospects in terms of the long-term development of science.

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