scholarly journals Risco de quedas em idosos: estratégia cuidativa-educacional para cuidadores para adoção de medidas preventivas

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Daisy Terezinha Reis Coutinho ◽  
Francisca Tereza De Galiza ◽  
Jéssica De Menezes Nogueira ◽  
Maria Vilani Cavalcante Guedes ◽  
Odézio Damasceno Brito ◽  

Objetivo: implementar atividade educativa junto a cuidadores de idosos para prevenir quedas. Método: pesquisa cuidado, realizada em uma Instituição de Longa Permanenciia para Idosos, de abril a julho de 2019. Participaram 23 cuidadores. Coleta de dados em cinco encontros com intervenções educativas e analisados fundamentados em autores estudiosos do assunto. Resultados: nos encontros eviderenciaram-se os temas: As quedas causam muitos prejuízos para os idosos; O ambiente pode ser causador de quedas em idosos. Conclusão: A pesquisa-cuidado permitiu uma favorável interação entre pesquisador-cuidador e pesquisados-cuidados, sensibilizando-os quanto a prevenção de quedas nos idosos residentes. Descritores: Cuidados de enfermagem; Educação em saúde; Saúde do idoso institucionalizado; Idoso; Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos; Cuidadores. Descriptors: Nursing Care; Health Education; Health of Institutionalized Elderly; Aged; Homes for the Aged; Caregivers. Descriptores: Atención de Enfermería; Educación en Salud; Salud del Anciano Institucionalizado; Anciano; Hogares para Ancianos; Cuidadores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (suppl 5) ◽  
Maria Itayra Padilha ◽  
Isabel Alves Maliska ◽  
Roberta Costa ◽  
Silvana Alves Benedet ◽  
Francine Lima Gelbcke ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: Analyze the results of knowledge production from a graduate program for master’s degree in nursing. Method: This is a qualitative retrospective documentary study. Data were collected from the university library repository and the program website. In total, 83 dissertations were found, analyzed and arranged into five groups: worker’s health, care management, systematization of nursing care, health education, and nursing care. Results: The results indicate good practices such as manuals, guides, protocols, software, and products for systematization of care. They indicate concern about changing the reality with care practices and interventions, health education and continuing education. Final considerations: This study showed student commitment to the fields of practice when choosing the project theme. Students presented an intention to improve care, management, education and research, in the various dimensions of the profession.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ardhiles Wahyu Kurniawan

Abstract : The complex IGD work environment will affect the quality of care, health care, including inaccurate or incomplete documentation. Incomplete nursing documentation indicates that the nursing care process is not working properly and continuously. Intentionin documenting can predict the appearance of person behavior including the behavior of nurses, especially in documenting nursing care. The purpose of this study was to analyze correlation intention with nurse behavior in documenting nursing care in Emergency Installation. The research design used correlational analysis with cross sectional approach. The sample in this research is part of nurse of executing at IGD Rumkit TK II dr Soepraoen, IGD RS Panti Waluya Sawahan and IGD RS Islam Malang. The sample of 45 nurses IGD and 341 documents were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The result of statistical analysis of gamma that there is a significant correlation between intention and nursing documentation behavior evidenced by value of p = 0,000, positive correlation direction and strong correlation value is proved by r = 0,739. Hospital and nurse IGD is expected to develop a good intention then formed good nursing documenting behavior as well.Keywords : Nurse IGD, Intention, Nursing Documentation. Abstrak: Lingkungan kerja IGD yang kompleks akan mempengaruhi kualitas perawatan, pelayanan kesehatan, termasuk dokumentasi yang dilakukan tidak tepat atau tidak lengkap. Dokumentasi keperawatan yang tidak lengkap menunjukkan proses asuhan keperawatan tidak berjalan dengan baik dan berkesinambungan. Intensi dalam pendokumentasian dapat memprediksi munculnya perilaku seseorang termasuk perilaku perawat khususnya dalam pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalis hubungan intensi dengan perilaku perawat dalam pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan di Instalasi Gawat Darurat. Desain penelitian menggunakan analysis correlationaldengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian perawat pelaksana di IGD Rumkit TK II dr Soepraoen, IGD RS Panti Waluya Sawahan Malang dan IGD RS Islam Malang. Sampel berjumlah 45 perawat IGD dan 341 dokumen dipilih sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Hasil analisis statistik uji gammamenunjukkan terdapat hubungan signifikan antara intensi dengan perilaku pendokumentasian keperawatan dibuktikan dengan nilai p = 0,000, arah korelasi positif, dan nilai korelasi kuat dibuktikan dengan nilai r = 0,739. Rumah Sakit dan perawat IGD diharapkan mengembangkan intensi yang baik sehingga diharapkan terbentuk perilaku pendokumentasian keperawatan yang baik pula. Kata Kunci : Perawat IGD, Intensi, Dokumentasi Keperawatan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Ikada Septi Arimurti ◽  
Rita Dwi Pratiwi ◽  
Wannasta Alayya

Abstrak: Data Riskesdas tahun 2018 menyatakan bahwa pada bayi umur 0-5 bulan di Indonesia, proporsi pola pemberian ASI sebanyak 37,3% ASI ekslusif, sedangkan pada ASI parsial dan ASI predominan masing-masing sebesar 9,3%, dan 3,3%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa angka ASI eksklusif kita masih tergolong rendah. Perawatan payudara adalah faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan proses menyusui pada ibu nifas, selain faktor lainnya. Penelitian sebelumnya mengungkapkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara perawatan payudara dengan keberhasilan proses menyusui dengan p-value sebesar 0,007. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberi edukasi kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu nifas untuk dapat melakukan perawatan payudara pada masa nifasnya sehingga bisa mendukung program ASI eksklusif. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan melalui ceramah dan simulasi perawatan payudara. Pendidikan kesehatan dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang. Kegiatan bertempat di Posyandu Dewi Sri Pamulang Kota tangerang Selatan. Pelaksanaannya pada saat kegiatan posyandu lalu disertakan pendidikan kesehatan dengan tema perawatan payudara pada ibu nifas. Peserta kegiatan sebanyak 15 orang ibu nifas. Terdapat antusiasme warga saat kegiatan berlangsung. Dampak kegiatan ini peserta mengetahui cara melakukan perawatan pada payudara sehingga sangat bermanfaat dalam proses menyusuinya. Harapan selanjutnya adalah kader posyandu juga dapat terus memberikan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai perawatan payudara pada ibu nifas yang belum memahami bagaimana merawat payudara selama proses menyusui.Abstract: Riskesdas data for 2018 states that in infants aged 0-5 months in Indonesia, the proportion of breastfeeding patterns is 37,3% exclusive breastfeeding, while partial breastfeeding and predominant breastfeedings are 9,3% and 3,3%, respectively. This shows that our exclusive breastfeeding rate is still low. Breast care is one of the factors that influence the success of the breastfeeding process in postpartum mothers and other factors. Previous research revealed a significant relationship between breast care and the success of the breastfeeding process with a p-value = 0,007. This community service aims to provide education to the community, especially postpartum mothers, to carry out breast care during the puerperium so that they can support the exclusive breastfeeding programs. Community service methods are carried out through lectures and simulations of breast care. Health education is carried out by lecturers and students of STIKes Widya Dharma Husada Tangerang. The activity took place at Posyandu Dewi Sri Pamulang, South Tangerang City. It was implemented during the posyandu activities and then included health education with breast care for postpartum mothers. Participants in the activity were about 15 mothers. There was enthusiasm from the residents when the activity took place. The impact of this activity, participants know how to do a treatment on the breast, so it is very beneficial in breastfeeding. The next hope is that posyandu cadres can also continue to provide health education on breast care to mothers who do not understand how to care for the breast during the breastfeeding process.

2013 ◽  
pp. 2767-2796 ◽  
Shu-Fang Vivienne Wu ◽  
Heng-Hsin Tung ◽  
Shu-Yuan Liang ◽  
Mei-Chen Lee ◽  
Neng-Chun Yu

Medical Care ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 18 (5) ◽  
pp. 551-555 ◽  
Alfred O. Berg

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 1445-1452 ◽  
Maria Paula Andrietta ◽  
Rita Simone Lopes Moreira ◽  
Alba Lucia Bottura Leite de Barros

This integrative review investigates how nurses plan the hospital discharge of patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) since an inadequate discharge plan and patients’ subsequent non-adherence to instruction provided upon discharge are indicated as potential factors for re-hospitalization. A total of 24 papers were found in a search carried out in the LILACS and MEDLINE databases between 2004 and 2008, which given the inclusion criteria, were reduced to 14 papers. The papers were analyzed and categorized into ‘Health Education’, and ‘Nursing Care’. The synthesis of results indicates that the discharge plan devised by nurses is based on two categories. The actions of nurses to promote health education can enable patients with CHF to improve self-care.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 137
Hanny Handiyani

Konsep asuhan keperawatan klien dengan fraktur sudah banyak yang telah membahasnya. Namun tidak ada salahnya diulas kembali sebagai sumber bacaan bagi perawat lapangan, agar praktik keperawatan yang dilaksanakan dapat berdasarkan ilmu keperawatan praktis. Trauma muskuskeletal, khususnya fraktur memerlukan pemberian asuhan keperawatan yang komprehensif. Asuhan terutama ditujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar klien yang terganggu dan mencegah mengurangi komplikasi terutama terhadap immobilisasi. Pendidikan kesehatan juga dapat diberikan untuk mencegah cedera lebih lanjut sehingga klien secara bertahap dapat mengoptimalkan fungsi bio-psiko-sosio-spiritualnya. The concept of nursing care for client with fracture has been discussed by many authors. But it is always interesting to discuss it as reference for nurses working in the hospital.Musculoskeletal trauma, especially fracture requires a comprehensive nursing care. The purpose of nursing care is to meet the disturbed basic human need of the client and to prevent client from further complication caused by immobilization.The purpose of health education is to prevent the impact of injury and to support the client to obtain the optimal level of bio-psycho-sosio-spiritual functioning.

Janize Silva Maia ◽  
Maria Socorro Cardoso dos Santos ◽  
Milene Pires Moraes ◽  
Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia

A objetividade, tendência do pensamento científico atual é característica do mundo globalizado. Educação, neste contexto, representa um processo lento que demanda tempo, comprometimento e desejo por parte do educando e do educador. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de analisar e refletir a educação em saúde e sua influência na qualidade de vida. Estudo de revisão bibliográfica composta por 16 artigos consultados na BVS e publicados em português. Os achados evidenciam que a educação em saúde tem sido muito discutida na literatura, uma vez observada a precariedade fortemente presente na relação entre as ações e as políticas de saúde e que a mesma deve ser discutida tanto no aspecto individual como coletivo, possibilitando a aceitação de novos métodos que promovam a saúde e as escolhas saudáveis, livres e naturais por meio da reflexão, baseada em estratégias que permitam mudanças de atitudes e comportamentos. O Enfermeiro, na compreensão de sua essência, pode exercer o cuidado sob o aspecto de uma educação crítica e transformadora, favorecendo o bem-estar e contemplando as necessidades biopsicossociais em suas ações.Descritores: Cuidado, Educação em Saúde, Enfermagem. Health education and quality of lifeAbstract: Objectiveness, a trend of current scientific thinking is a feature of the globalized world. Education, in that same context, represents a slow process that requires time, commitment and desire by the learner and the educator. The aim of this research was evaluate and reflect about healthcare education and its influence on life quality. A bibliographic review consisting of 16 items in BVS and published in portuguese. Our findings indicates that healthcare education is a subject widely discussed in the literature since the precarious relationship between actions and policies of health and this issue should be discussed at both individual and collective aspects, making possible the acceptance of new methods to promote health and healthy choices, free and natural through reflection, based on strategies to change attitudes and behavior. The Nurse in its essence can exert care with critical and transformative view of education, promoting welfare and contemplating the biopsychosocial needs in their actions.Descriptors: Care, Health Education, Nursing. Educación em salud y calidad de vidaResumen: La objetividad, tendencia del pensamiento científico actual y característica del mundo globalizado. Educación, en este contexto, representa un proceso lento que requiere tiempo, compromiso y deseo de parte del educando y del educador. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar y reflexionar la educación en salud y su influencia en la calidad de vida. Estudios de revisión bibliográfica consultados por la BVS, compuestos por 16 trabajos y publicados en portugués, muestran que la educación en salud está siendo fuertemente discutida en la literatura, ya que fue observada una precariedad en la relación entre las acciones y las políticas de salud. Esta última debe ser discutida tanto en el aspecto individual como en el colectivo, posibilitando la aceptación de nuevos métodos que promuevan la salud y las elecciones saludables, libres y naturales a través de la reflexión y de la implementación de estrategias que permitan cambios de actitud y comportamientos. El enfermero, desde la comprensión de su esencia, puede ejercer el cuidado mediante utilización de una educación crítica y transformadora, favoreciendo el bien estar y contemplando las necesidades biopsicosociales en sus acciones.Descriptores: Cuidado, Educación em Salud, Enfermería.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-74
Jing-Jing Chao ◽  
Ya-Zhuo Xue

Abstract Objective We aimed to explore the effect of a new health education model on continuous nursing care in elderly patients with diabetes mellitus who had undergone an operation for fracture. Methods Convenience sampling was used to select 59 elderly patients with diabetes mellitus and fracture. New health education methods were used, and patient parameters were evaluated before and after the intervention. Results Evaluation of medication, reasonable diet, regular exercise, blood glucose monitoring, and regular follow-up compliance were significantly improved in the experimental group compared to the control group (P < 0.05). There were also significant differences between groups in fasting blood glucose, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, and low-density lipoprotein levels (P < 0.05); however, the differences between groups in terms of glycosylated hemoglobin and total cholesterol levels were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Finally, the functional recovery and mental health of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusions The implementation of a menu of voluntary services in community-based continuous nursing provided standardized nursing care for elderly patients with fracture and diabetes mellitus and improved their quality of life.

Juliana Hiromi Fernandes ◽  
Luiz Faustino dos Santos Maia ◽  
Maria Sara de Souza Dell'Amo ◽  
Mateus Barbosa Santos ◽  
Poliana De Souza Silva ◽  

Na busca para o aperfeiçoamento que refletissem sobre consulta de enfermagem como um espaço para educação em saúde no pré-natal, foi realizado uma pesquisa descritiva bibliográfica de revisão da literatura. O objetivo tratou-se de promoção da saúde, ações educativas realizadas por enfermeiros durante a consulta do pré-natal como uma ação rotineira, identificando precocemente com problemas que possam resultar em riscos para a gestante e o feto. Com os resultados encontrados, a ação educativa durante as consultas de pré-natal proporciona uma melhor qualidade para gestante com o enfermeiro apontando reorientações para ser levados no seu dia a dia. A criação de ambientes adequados para o atendimento das consultas, participação da gestante em grupos e individualmente.Descritores: Enfermagem, Pré-natal, Educação em Saúde. Nursing consultation as health education space and the educational practices in prenatal Abstract: In the search for improvement that reflect on nursing consultation as a space for prenatal health education, a descriptive survey was performed and bibliographic review of the literature. The objective was to promote health, educational actions performed by nurses during the consultation of the prenatal as a routine action, early identifies with problems that may result in risks to the mother and fetus. With the results found, the educational action during the prenatal consultations provides a better quality for pregnant woman with the nurse pointing to be carried in the reorientations your day to day. The creation of suitable environments for the care of the consultations, the maternal participation in groups and individually.Descriptors: Nursing, Prenatal Care, Health Education. Consulta de enfermería como espacio de educación para la salud y las prácticas educativas en pre-natal Resumen: En la búsqueda de la mejora que se refleja en la consulta de enfermería como un espacio para la educación de la salud prenatal, se realizó un estudio descriptivo y revisión bibliográfica de la literatura. El objetivo era promover la salud, acciones educativas realizadas por enfermeras durante la consulta de la pre-Navidad como una rutina de acción temprana, se identifica con los problemas que pueden provocar riesgos para la madre y el feto. Con los resultados encontrados, la acción educativa durante las consultas prenatales proporciona una mejor calidad para la mujer embarazada con la enfermera apuntando a llevarse en las reorientaciones tu día a día. La creación de entornos adecuados para la atención de las consultas, la participación materna en grupos e individualmente.Descriptores: Enfermería, Atención Prenatal, la Educación para la Salud.

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