2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41
Susi Yantika Siahaan ◽  
Fitri Wijarini ◽  
Aidil Adhani

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Handout Bermuatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kontekstual Pada Materi Kingdom Plantae di Kelas X SMAK Frater Don Bosco Tarakan yang berkualitas dari segi kelayakan dan respon siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (RD) dengan menggunakan model pengemmbangan 4-D yang terdiri dari 4 tahap  yaitu Define, Design,  Development, Disseminate. Akan tetapi, pada pengembangan ini hanya dilakukan sampai tahap ke 3 yaitu tahap Development. Data penelitian dianalisis melalui uji kelayakan dan respon siswa. Pengujian produk dilakukan oleh validator ahli media, ahli materi, dan praktisi (guru biologi). Uji coba lapangan dilakukan secara online melalui google formulir yang dibagikan pada siswa SMAK Frater Don Bosco Tarakan kelas XI IPA dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil validasi yang diperoleh dari ahli media sebesar 89% dengan kategori sangat layak, ahli materi sebesar 96% dengan kategori sangat layak, praktisi sebesar 94% dengan kategori sangat layak dan respon siswa sebesar 87% dengan kategori sangat menarik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Handout Bermuatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kontekstual Pada Materi Kingdom Plantae yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria kualitas bahan ajar yang baik dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran biologi di sekolah.Kata Kunci: Bahan Ajar, Handout, Pendidikan karakter, Kontekstual.Abstract This study aimed to produce high quality handouts with contextual-based character education on Kingdom Plantae Material for tenth Grade Students of SMAK Frater Don Bosco Tarakan in terms of student eligibility and response. This Research and Development (RD) study used a 4-D development model consisting of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Development was only carried out until the 3 rd  stage (Deveopment stage). The research data were analyzed through feasibility test and student responses. Product testing was validated by media expert, material experts, and practitioners (biology tearchers). Field trials were carried out online via a google form which was distributed to a total of 30 students. The validations result obtained from media experts were 89% which meant very feasible, 96% from material experts meaning feasible, 94% from practitioners meaning very feasible, 87% from student response meaning very interesting. It could be concluded that the handout with Contextual-Based Character Education on the Kingdom Plantae material developed met the criteria for good quality teaching materials and was suittable for use in learning biology in the school.                                                                                                                  Keywords:  Teaching Materials, Handouts, Character education, Contextual.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ina Setiawati ◽  
Anna Fitri Hindriana

Instumen penilaian pedagogik belum maksimal digunakan di FKIP Universitas Kuningan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan asesmen pedagogik yang dapat mengukur kompetensi pedagogik pada mahasiswa calon guru biologi dengan menggunakan rubrik penilaian. Metode penelitian adalah research and development. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan lembar validasi tim expert, lembar kuesioner respon mahasiswa. Hasil uji validasi tim ahli didapat rata-rata skor 4,18 (sangat valid), hasil uji kelayakan didapat nilai sebesar 83% (sangat layak). Hasil Pengujian validitas instrument diperoleh nilai KMO pada asesmen kemampuan merancang pembelajaran sebesar 0,55>0,5, asesmen melaksanakan pembelajaran 0,50>0,5, asesmen mengevaluasi 0,74>0,5 dan secara keseluruhan nilai KMO>0,5. Hasil penilaian kompetensi pedagogik mahasiswa ujicoba 1 menunjukkan 80% berada level kompeten secara parsial dalam merancang pembelajaran, 56% berada pada level kompeten dalam melaksanakan simulasi pembelajaran, 32% berada pada level kompeten parsial dalam melakukan evaluasi pembelajaran, sehingga dapat disimpulkan valid dan layak untuk digunakan.Kata kunci: Asesmen, kompetensi, pedagogik, mahasiswa calon guruDevelopment of pedagogical competency assessment in pre-service teacher of biology. Pedagogical assessment instruments have not been used maximally at FKIP Universitas Kuningan. This research aims to develop pedagogical assessments that can measure pedagogical competencies in Biology pre-service teacher by using an assessment rubrik. The research method was research and development. Data collection was carried out using expert team validation sheets, student response questionnaire sheets. The results of the expert team validation test obtained an average score is 4.18 (very valid), the feasibility test results obtained a value is 83% (very feasible). The instrument testing the validity results value in the assessment of the ability to design learning is 0.55>0.5, the assessment to carry out learning is 0.50>0.5, the evaluation evaluates is 0.74>0.5, overall value is KMO > 0.5. The pedagogical competency evaluation results of pilot 1 showed students were partially competent in designing learning is 80%, students were at the competent level in carrying out learning simulations is 56%, students were partial competence in evaluating learning is 32%, so that are concluded valid and can using.Keywords: Assessment, competency, pedagogical, pre-service teacher

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Linda Apriati ◽  
Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman ◽  
Mohammad Ilyas

This study aims to develop thematic teaching materials based on interactive multimedia to improve students' listening skills. This study used the research and development model of Borg and Gall (1983). The multimedia-based thematic teaching materials developed were validated by linguists, media experts and graphic experts. The stages of testing teaching materials consist of small group trials and field trials. The validation of material experts was 87.5%; the results of the validation of linguists were 82.5%; the results of the validation of graphic experts were 87.5%. Based on data and student response questionnaires, learning multimedia-based teaching materials can attract students' interest. Student learning outcomes show a positive status. Thus, the product that can be developed is useful in the learning of fourth-grade elementary school students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Eni Ismawati ◽  
Muhammad Abdul Ghofur

Abstrak Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan LKPD serta menganalisis respon peserta didik dan efektifitas penggunaannya LKPD sebagai salah satu perangkat pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yakni penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) menggunakan model 4-D yang terdiri dari define, desain, development, dan disseminate. Pengumpulan data didapatkan dari hasil validasi kelayakan, pretest dan posttest, serta respon peserta didik. Hasil analisis yang sudah dilakukan materi dalam LKPD dinyatakan layak begitu pula dengan kelayakan kegrafikan dan kelayakan bahasa. Berdasarkan angket respons siswa, tingkat respons yang didapat adalah sebesar 81%. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan belajar naik menjadi 76% dengan hasil N-Gain sebesar 0,7. Hal tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa pengembangan LKPD berbasis Problem Based Learning pada Kompetensi Dasar Perdagangan Internasional dapat meningkatkan berpikir kritis dan layak digunakan. Abstract This study aims to develop LKPD and analyse student responses and the effectiveness of using LKPD as a learning tool. The type of research used in this study is research and development (R&D) using a 4-D model consisting of define, design, development, and disseminate. Data collection was obtained from the results of validation of eligibility, pretest and posttest, and students' responses. The results of the analysis that have been done by the material in LKPD are declared to be feasible as well as the feasibility of graphic and language feasibility. Based on the student response questionnaire, the response rate obtained was 81%. Based on the results of student trials reaching mastery learning rose to 76% with an N-Gain result of 0.7. This shows that the development of LKPD based on Problem Based Learning in Basic International Trade Competencies can improve critical thinking and is appropriate for use.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Nuryadi Nuryadi ◽  
Ahmad Fitriadhy ◽  
Nafida Hetty Marhaeni

Education and culture play an important role in developing the noble values of a nation that have an impact on the formation of human character. However, the reality is that cultural values and character are increasingly eroding based on current phenomena. For this reason, it is necessary to have teaching materials that integrate character and cultural education to prevent this from being eroded. One that can bridge between culture and character-based education is ethnomathematics. For this reason, this study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of the friend app application to improve student character education through good quality puppet characters seen from the criteria of validity and practicality. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) which refers to the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). This research was conducted in class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Godean. In addition to students, the source of data in this study is a validator. The instruments used were the KaWan app, material expert validation questionnaire, media expert validation questionnaire and student response questionnaires. The results showed that the validity aspect was categorized as very good from the material expert and media expert validator and the practicality aspect was categorized both for small-scale trials and large-scale trials. So, KaWan apps based on character education for wayang figures to improve character education are declared suitable for use. This research will still be continued to achieve the effective criteria.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Muh. Amin

Research development is there stage of design, development, and dissemination. This research data includes expert test result data, practitioner test, and field test result. Data analysis uses qualitative and quantitative description techniques. The objective of the research is to produce the model product of PMBP-PK relating to learning planning (syllabus, RPP, LKS, and teaching materials) and the implementation of learning. The results of the research based on expert and practitioner's test on the feasibility of the content and validation of syllabus content is declared feasible. Percentage of structure effectiveness and syllabus criteria are effective as they reach 79.17%. Expert and practitioner test results on the feasibility and validation of RPP are eligible and valid. Percentage of suitability of structures and criteria reached the level of conformity of 3.68 or 92%. The result of feasibility test of LKS product is feasible based on expert and practitioner validator result. The percentage of conformity of LKS in the appropriate category is 87.5%. Expert and practitioner test results on teaching materials are declared eligible, valid, and appropriate (very suitable) category that is 3.78 or reach 94.5%. The result of the expert assessment of the reading of the game (whispered chain, read do, jumping word sphere, and word of discourse) reached the appropriate category (70.83%) and the practitioner's test result is very effective (97.92%). The results of field trials learning model reading as a whole are in good category. Research findings on PMBP-PK model products, (1) learning planning, implementation of learning, and assessment stated valid, effective, and practical, (2) games in reading learning according to the age level of second grade students of elementary school, and (3) according to the game in learning in positive / good category.

Huswatun Hasanah

The purpose of this research to develop teaching materials based on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). The type of research is Research and Development (R&D). Meanwhile, the teaching material is developed by ADDIE including five steps, namely analyze, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The feasibility of the STEM teaching material refers to the results of three expert appraisals, namely education experts, STEM experts, and mathematics experts, then student responses. Student responses are used as testing subject were students of SMKN 2 Serang. The results showed that the teaching materials developed based on STEM was met the standard of feasibility aspects including validity, practicality, and effectiveness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-393
Dwi Fadila Rahmatika ◽  
Nining Ratnasari

This research and development aims to determine the feasibility, attractiveness of student responses, and the effectiveness of the development of videoscribe sparkol-based bilingual learning media. The type of research in this development is (Research and Development). The development model used is the ADDIE model with five research steps; Analysis (Analyze), planning (Design), development (Development), Implementation (Implementation), and Evaluation (Evaluation). Data collection techniques using questionnaire sheets and tests. The instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire to determine the feasibility and attractiveness of students' responses, as well as tests to determine the effectiveness of the products developed. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative descriptive and qualitative descriptive. Obtained the results of the average feasibility test for learning media by media experts, material experts, and linguists with a "very good (SB)". The results of the average attractiveness test on the response of students with the criteria "very good (SB)". It can be concluded that the product development of the generated videocribe sparkol bilingual learning media is feasible, interesting, and effective by providing good results in its implementation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 397
Firman Firman ◽  
Hendra Budiono

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The purpose of this study was to obtain valid, practical and efficient teaching materials using the Problem Based Learning model on the sub-theme of energy use in the fourth grade of elementary schools. This </em><em>research utilized </em><em>research and development</em><em> method</em><em> with a model of development of the 4-D (Four D) consisting of four stages: define, design, development, and the disseminate.</em><em> </em><em>The results of this study obtained an average general validation result in 3.38 with very valid categories. The practicality test was seen from the implementation of the </em><em>Problem</em><em> Based Learning </em><em>model in learning with an average of 3.44, the practical category, the student response questionnaire obtained a practical level in 3.49 with the practical category. The effectiveness test seen from student activities during the learning process includes visual, oral, motor, mental, and emotional activities showing an average overall activity of 79.58 in the High category. From this research it can be concluded that the teaching materials developed are valid, practical, and effective.</em></p><pre><em> </em></pre><p align="center"><strong> </strong><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p align="center"> </p><p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bahan ajar yang valid, praktis dan efisien menggunakan model <em>Problem Based Learning</em> pada sub tema pemanfaatan energi di kelas IV SD. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (<em>research and development</em>) dengan model pengembangan 4-D (<em>Four D</em>) yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu pendefenisian <em>(define)</em>, perancangan <em>(design)</em>, pengembangan <em>(develop)</em>, dan penyebaran <em>(disseminate</em><em>). </em>Hasil penelitian ini didapat rata-rata hasil validasi secara umum 3,38 dengan kategori sangat valid. Uji praktikalitas dilihat dari keterlaksanaan model <em>Problem Based Learning</em> dalam pembelajaran dengan rata-rata 3,44, kategori Praktis, angket respon siswa didapat tingkat kepraktisan 3,49 dengan kategori praktis. Uji efektivitas dilihat dari aktivitas siswa selama proses pembelajaran meliputi aktivitas visual, oral, motor, mental, dan emosional menunjukkan rata-rata aktivitas keseluruhan 79,58 dengan kategori Tinggi. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berada pada kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-29
Rizqa Barokatunisa

This study aims to determine the concept of developing language teaching or material mahârah istim 'and mahārah kalâm in Arabic matriculation at MAN 1 Boyolali. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods that are used to produce a particular product. The steps taken are needs analysis, learning design, product development, validation of media experts and material experts, teacher and/or student responses, revisions, and final / product development. Data collection methods used were observation, tests, documentation, and interviews. The concept of developing material in this study there are five, namely analysis, design, development, evaluation and revision. There are seven steps in the design of learning material development in this study, namely: Requirement analysis, Learning design, Product development (teaching material), Product validation, Teacher and student responses, Revision, and Product material/teaching material. According to the data obtained from observations and interviews shows that the matriculation program is proven effective in improving students' ability in learning Arabic, especially in mahārah istimâ ’and mahārah kalâm. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep pengembangan bahasa ajar atau materi mahârah istimâ’ dan mahârah kalâm dalam matrikulasi bahasa Arab di MAN 1 Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R&D) yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk tertentu. Langkah – langkah yang dilakukan adalah analisis kebutuhan, desain pembelajaran, pengembangan produk, validasi ahli media dan ahli materi, respon guru dan atau siswa, revisi, dan hasil akhir/ produk pengembangan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, tes, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Konsep pengembangan materi dalam penelitian ini ada lima, yaitu analisis, perancangan, pengembangan, evaluasi dan revisi. Langkah – langkah dalam desain pengembangan materi pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini ada tujuh, yaitu : Analisis kebutuhan, Desain pembelajaran, Pengembangan produk (materi ajar), Validasi produk, Respon guru dan siswa, Revisi, dan Produk materi/ bahan ajar. Menurut data yang dipeoleh dari observasi dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa program matrikulasi terbukti efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab khususnya dalam mahârah istimâ’ dan mahârah kalâm. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Materi, Mahârah Istimâ’, Mahârah Kalâm, Program Matrikulasi

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 148-156
Sulastri Sulastri ◽  
Sukestyarno YL ◽  
Nurhasanah Nurhasanah

Educational games are simulation-based media designed to simulate existing problems so that the essence of knowledge is obtained that can be used to solve problems. This study aims to produce a Character Education Strengthening device product in the form of a syllabus, teacher guide book, student guide book assisted by appropriate educational games, which have a level of product validity and practicality. Obtaining the product begins with conducting a preliminary study through literature studies, learning observations, testing to validators, limited-scale trials, revisions, products, main-scale trials, and final products. This study uses the type of research and development with the flow of Borg & Gall with stages from preliminary studies to field trials. The data collection instruments used were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, teacher responses, and observation sheets for the teacher's ability to use the product. The results showed that the product development in the form of a syllabus supplement obtained a score of 82.75%. At the same time, the product development of the Character Education Strengthening guidebook for teachers got a validation value from the validator of 84.66%. It obtained a validation value from the validator of 81.23%. Experimental test data for student responses scored 83.80%, and teacher responses reached 86.90%. It means that the development product falls into the very valid, very practical, and feasible.

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