scholarly journals EVALUASI TINGKAT KEBERHASILAN INSEMINASI BUATAN DI KECAMATAN SELAAWI KABUPATEN GARUT TAHUN PELAKSANAAN 2013 (Evaluation Of Artificial Insemination Success Rate In The District Of Garut Selaawi Implementation Year 2013)

Robi Agustinadi Tati Rohayati, dan Asep Permadi Gumelar2

Abstrak Penelitian mengenai Evaluasi Tingkat Keberhasilan Sapi Potong Betina di Kecamatan Selaawi Kabupaten Garut telah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan tanggal 31 Juli 2015.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan inseminasi buatan yang meliputi service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR) dan Calving Rate (C/R) pada sapi potong di Kecamatan Selaawi Kabupaten Garut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan teknik studi kasus. Peubah yang diamati terdiri dari service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR) dan Calving Rate (C/R). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rataan service per conception (S/C) adalah sebesar 1,4, Conception Rate (CR) sebesar 71%, Calving Rate (C/R) 83%. Dengan demikian tingkat keberhasilan inseminasi buatan pada sapi potong betina di Kecamatan Selaawi sudah baik. Kata kunci: Inseminasi Buatan, S/C, CR, C/R, sapi potong Abstract Research on Evaluation of Beef Cattle Females Success Rate in District Selaawi Garut was held on July 1 until the date of July 31, 2015. The study aims to determine the success rate of artificial insemination which includes service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR) and Calving Rate (C/R) in beef cattle in the district of Garut Selaawi. The method used is descriptive method with a case study. Variables observed consisted of service per conception (S/C), conception rate (CR) and Calving Rate (C/R). The results showed that the average services per conception (S/C) is at 1.4, Conception Rate (CR) of 71 % , Calving Rate ( C / R ) 83 %. Thus the success rate of artificial insemination in beef cattle females in Sub Selaawi is good. Keywords: artificial insemination, service per conception, conception rate, Calving Rate, beef cattle

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-184
Septi Nurhayati ◽  
R. Edhy Mirwandhono ◽  
Iskandar Sembiring ◽  
F. C. Harahap

Artificial Insemination (AI) in beef cattle breeding is one of the efforts to accelerate genetic quality, production, the productivity of livestock, and increasing the supply of quality livestock seeds. This study aims to evaluate the success rate of AI based on Service for Conception (S/C), Conception Rate (CR), Calving Rate (C/R), knowing what the factors that affect AI and knowing the role of inseminators and breeders in the success of AI in Southeast Padangsidimpuan subdistrict are. This research was conducted in Padangsidimpuan subdistrict from June to October 2020. The population of this study consisted of 28 acceptor breeders of AI and one inseminator. Sources of data used were primary and secondary data and data collection techniques by observation and interviews and analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the success rate of AI was based on Service For Conception 2,09, Conception Rate 39%, and Calving Rate 57%.

Duta Setiawan

This study aims to Determine the success rate of the Artificial Insemination in North Kayong Regency of West Kalimantan Province roomates has been done by IB officers. Artificial insemination is the process of introduction or delivery of cement into the genitals of female cows by means of made devices. North Kayong districts Regency is one of the which is administratively established Republic of Indonesia based on Law no. 6 of 2007 is an area that is developing cattle. The location that Became the focus of the evaluation of the success of Artificial Insemination is in three districts of Maya Island district, Sukadana and Seponti. Data used in this research is secondary Data Obtained from inseminator. The parameters used in this evaluation are the Non Return Rate (NRR), Service per Conception (S / C) and Calving Rate (CvR). The results Showed that the average of the three sub-districts in North Kayong district was for the highest 90% NRR in Sukadana district and the Lowest score of 67% in the Mayan Island district. S / C Obtained the highest number of 3.4 in Maya Island district and the Lowest S / C number district of Seponti 1.8. The highest score was 92% CvR in Sukadana district and the cancel CvR score was 64% in the Mayan Island district. The Conclusions Obtained based on the value of NRR, S / C, and CvR on artificial insemination evaluation with the best artificial insemination implementation are Sukadana district, followed by district of Seponti and last is Maya Island district.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Laili Salisa Masruroh ◽  
Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari ◽  
Tjuk Imam Restiadi

The aim of this study was to evaluate about reproductive efficiency of beef cattle by artificial insemination (AI) in Kecamatan Tikung Kabupaten Lamongan period 2015 and 2016. To determine reproductive efficiency by artificial insemination, data concerning the value of reproductive efficiency such as number of inseminated cattle, number of pregnancy, and the number of birth were collected. The raw data were processed to get the Service per Conception (S/C), Conception Rate (CR), Calving Rate (CvR). After processed, the obtained data was tabulated. The result showed that Service per Conception on 2015 was 1.28, on 2016 was 1.33. Conception Rate on 2015 was 79.45%, on 2016 was 7.94%. Calving Rate on 2015 was 81.08%, on 2016 was 78.54%. Conclution of reproduction efficiency is good. Based on data calculated of mean and standart deviation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Sadjadi Sadjadi ◽  
Ririn Novita ◽  
Eko Triawan

he purpose of this study was to see the success rate of Artificial Insemination on beef cattle  in Purwodadi district, Musi Rawas Regency. The parameters observed is Service per Conception (S/C), Conception Rate (CR), Non Raturn Rate (NRR) and Calving Interval (CI).  Survey method isused  in this study by taking all area of Purwodadi district as the observed area because of its livestock population then analysed by using Slovin Formula to obtain 93 samples. The results of this study concluded that the Conseption Rate (C/R) in Purwodadi District was very good because it was obtained 70.96%. Figures for   S/C in Purwodadi sub-district showed an average of 1.4. As for the NRR value in Purwodadi Subdistrict, NRR(0-30) obtained a percentage of 70.96%. NRR(31-60) obtained 93.54% and NRR(61-90) obtained 100%. The value of the Calving Interval (CI) is very good, reaching an average of 14.7 or 14 months 7 days.Keywords: Artificial insemination, Purwodadi district, Beef Cattle, Success Rates

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 353 ◽  
Takdir Saili ◽  
La Ode Nafiu ◽  
La Ode Baa ◽  
Syam Rahadi ◽  
Astriana Napirah ◽  

Estrus synchronization is one of the reproduction technology applied in the cows that aim to induce estrus of some cows to occur in the same time. In this research, all cows expressing estrus would be inseminated using sexed sperm that produced using column albumen method. Sexing sperm technology could be applied to produce the desired sex of calf. Effectivity of chilled sexed sperm to produce the desired sex of calf was evaluated in this research. Sixty three bali cows divided into 2 groups of ages (3-4 yo. and 5- 6 yo.) were used and performed synchronization using Capriglandin (PGF2a) hormone prior to application of artificial insemination with chilled sexed sperm. Variable measured were success rate of synchronization, estrus post synchronization, estrus quality, non return rate, conception rate and calving rate. The results showed that 62.90% of cows showed estrus following synchronization, estrus post synchronization occurred at 71.73 hours following synchronization, and estrus quality was 2.5%. There were 82.54% of inseminated cows was predicted to be pregnant after first insemination using chilled sexed sperm. However, only 73.02% could maintain the pregnancy up to calving. Whereas 78.26 % of newborn calf was male calf. Finally, it was concluded that PGF2a was effective to trigger estrus in bali cows, while sexed sperm still had good fertility and the sex of newborn calf was 78,26% confirmed the prediction. ABSTRAK Sinkronisasi estrus merupakan salah satu teknologi reproduksi yang diterapkan pada ternak sapi betina dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan sejumlah ternak yang estrus secara bersamaan. Pada penelitian ini ternak yang mengalami estrus tersebut diinseminasi menggunakan spermatozoa yang telah melalui proses sexing menggunakan metode kolum albumen. Teknologi sexing spermatozoa memungkinkan untuk mengatur kelahiran anak ternak sesuai jenis kelamin yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penggunaan semen cair hasil sexing dalam memproduksi anak sapi dengan jenis kelamin yang diinginkan. Sapi bali induk sebanyak 63 ekor yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, umur 3-4 tahun dan 5-6 tahun digunakan sebagai akseptor pada penelitian ini. Sebelum inseminasi buatan (IB) dilakukan, semua sapi akseptor disinkronisasi menggunakan hormon Capriglandin (PGF2a). Variabel yang diamati adalah keberhasilan sinkronisasi, estrus pascapenyerentakan birahi, kualitas estrus, non return rate, conception rate dan calving rate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 62,90% sapi mengalami estrus setelah sinkronisasi dengan rataan waktu munculnya estrus 71,73 jam dan kualitas estrus 2,5. Sapi yang diprediksi bunting setelah inseminasi pertama dengan semen hasil sexing mencapai 82,54%. Jumlah sapi yang mampu mempertahankan kebuntingan hingga melahirkan hanya 73,02% dengan persentase jumlah anak sapi jantan yang dilahirkan mencapai 78,26%. Simpulan yang dapat diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini adalah PGF2a cukup efektif merangsang munculnya estrus pada sapi bali induk dan spermatozoa hasil sexing masih mempunyai daya fertilitas yang cukup baik dengan tingkat kesesuaian jenis kelamin anak sapi yang dilahirkan mencapai 78,26%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Wiranto Wiranto ◽  
Kuswati Kuswati ◽  
Rizki Prafitri ◽  
Asri Nurul Huda ◽  
Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti ◽  

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi tingkat keberhasilan IB semen beku sexing Y. Penelitian menggunakan 39 sapi Peranakan Ongole dan 77 sapi Persilangan Limousin yang di IB secara double dosis. IB menggunakan semen beku spermatozoa Y dengan metode pemisahan Sentrifugasi Gradien Densitas Percoll (SGDP) sapi Limousin yang diproduksi oleh Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan (BBIB) Singosari. Teknik deposisi semen adalah 4+ yaitu pada posisi cornua uteri selanjutnya dilakukan IB pada jam ke 2 dan ke 8. Untuk akseptor dilakukan penyuntikan BioATP+ dan pemberian pakan konsentrat 3 kg per hari selama 3 hari setelah IB. Variabel penelitian meliputi Non Return Rate (NRR), Service Per Conception (S/C), dan Conception Rate (CR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa IB sapi Peranakan Ongole dan sapi Persilangan Limousin yaitu NRR1 sebesar 82,05% dan 89,61%, nilai NRR2 sebesar 76,92% dan 84,42%, nilai CR sebesar 58,97% dan 74,03%, serta nilai S/C sebesar 1,78% dan 1,46%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah IB menggunakan semen beku hasil sexing Y sapi Limousin pada sapi persilangan Limousin memiliki tingkat keberhasilan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan sapi Peranakan Ongole.  (The success rate of artificial insemination using frozen sexing semen of different breed cow) ABSTRACT. This study aimed to evaluate the success rate of AI frozen semen sexing Y. The material in this study used 39 Filial Ongole and 77 Limousin crossbred cattle in AI in double dose. The spermatozoa used were Y frozen semen of Limousin bull with the Percoll Gradient Density Centrifugation (SGDP) separation method produced by the Singosari Center for Artificial Insemination. The semen deposition technique was 4+, which has the position of the cornua uteri (deep Insemination), then AI implemented with a double dose at the 2nd and 8th hours after estrous. The cow acceptor was injected with BioATP+ and feed by 3 kg concentrate per day for three days after AI. Research variables include Non-Return Rate (NRR), Service Per Conception (S/C), and Conception Rate (CR). The results showed that AI of Peranakan Ongol and Limousin crossbred cattle on NRR1, NRR2, CR values, and S/C values respectively was 82.05% and 89.61%; 76.92% and 84.42%; 58.97% and 74.03%; 1.78% and 1.46%. In conclusion, AI using frozen semen from sexing Y Limousin cattle in Limousin crossbred cows had a higher success rate than Filial Ongole cattle.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Mohamad Nur Amin

This study aims to determine the role of artificial insemination (IB) on the marriage system in the group of caromah cattle farmers in Taluditi Sub-District, Pohuwato Regency. The livestock population of 60 cows consisting of A 32 cages and enclosure B 28 tails. The analysis used was descriptive analysis to get the percentage and average number of pregnancies. Parameters observed include: Service Per Conception (S / C) and Conception Rate (C / R). The results showed that (Service Per Conception) obtained results at enclosure A, the S / C value was 1.7 times, and at enclosure B the S / C value was 1.7 times. The percentage of pregnancy (Conception Rate) is obtained at A cage 79% and the result in cage B is C / R value of 67%. The results obtained are strongly influenced by 4 factors, namely; namely frozen semen, female cattle as IB acceptors, inseminator skills and zooteknis knowledge of farmers. The conclusion of this study is that the success rate of Artificial Insemination in Taluditi District, Pohuwato Regency can be categorized as good.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
E Jami ◽  
E Heriyanto

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di daerah Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Sumatera Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Tingkat keberhasilan adopsi inovasi Inseminasi Buatan (IB) dan 2) Pengaruh status sosial ekonomi peternak kerbau terhadap  proses adopsi inovasi Inseminasi Buatan (IB) di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode survey dan pendekatan analisa data sekunder. Populasi adalah peternak kerbau yang sudah mengadopsi inovasi Inseminasi Buatan (IB), sampel ditetapkan dengan formula Slovin sehingga diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 50 peternak. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif yang dihitung dengan menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa tingkat keberhasilan IB pada ternak kerbau di Kabupaten Pariaman dilihat dari Service per Conception (S/C) berada pada kategori baik, dimana nilai S/C adalah 1.67, sedangkan dilihat dari Calving Rate (CvR) tingkat keberhasilan hanya 58%. Status sosial ekonomi peternak seperti Skala Usaha (SU), Pendapatan (Pdptn), Resiko (Rsk), Umur (U), Status dalam Kelompok (SdK), dan Keaktifan (K) mencari informasi kurang mempengaruhi peternak kerbau dalam proses pengambilan keputusan adopsi inovasi Inseminasi Buatan (IB) di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman.Kata kunci : Adopsi inovasi, inseminasi buatan (IB), status sosial ekonomi,  ABSTRACTThis research was conducted in Padang Pariaman District, West Sumatera. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) The success rate of innovation adoption Artificial Insemination (AI) and 2) Effects of socioeconomic status buffalo breeders to the process of innovation adoption Artificial Insemination (AI) in Padang Pariaman regency. This research uses survey method approach and secondary data analysis approach. The population is a buffalo breeder who has adopted the innovation of Artificial Insemination (AI), the sample is determined with Slovin formula so that the number of samples of 50 breeders is obtained. Data analysis is done by descriptive quantitative calculated by using likert scale. The results showed that the level of success of the IB in buffaloes in Pariaman seen from the Service per Conception (S / C) is in either category, where the value of the S / C is 1.67, while the views of Calving Rate (CvR) a success rate of only 58%. Socio-economic status of farmers like Scale Enterprises (SE), Revenue (R), Risk (Rsk), Age (A), the Status of the group (Sog), and Activeness (A) seeking information less affecting farmers buffalo in the decision process of innovation adoption Artificial Insemination (AI) in Padang Pariaman District. Key words: Adoption innovation, artificial insemination socio-economic status

2021 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 03015
Derek Polakitan ◽  
Hasrianti Silondae ◽  
Ratri Retno Ifada

The increasing population has a direct impact on the demand for animal food in the form of beef. The problem faced by beef cattle farmers in North Sulawesi province is low production and productivity. This study was aimed to determine the increase in beef cattle population in North Sulawesi Province with (AI) application. This study took place in 12 regencies/cities that carry out SIWAB programs in North Sulawesi Province, namely: Manado, Bitung, Tomohon, Kotamobagu, Minahasa, South Minahasa, Southeast Minahasa, North Minahasa, Bolaang Mongondow, North Bolaang Mongondow, South Bolaang Mongondow and East Bolaang Mogondow. This study is a case study using descriptive methods. Online data tracking techniques in stages from inseminator in the field, district, and provincial data officers. Data analysis consists of S/C, CvR, CR. The observations showed the number of ib application achievements 13682 acceptors, the number of orchards reached 11140 parents and the birth rate reached 8138 heads S/C value 1.22, CvR 73%, CR 81.4%. Conclusion The success of artificial insemination application on people’s farms in North Sulawesi Province can be measured from the value of S / C 1.22, CvR 73%, CR 81.4%, and the increase in the population as much as 8138 heads.

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