scholarly journals Edukasi Penyediaan Sarana Air Bersih untuk menunjang Penerapan Pola Hygiene Pada Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Secara Holistic di Era Gawat Darurat Covid 19”.

Khidmah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 270-277
Renda Natalina Pratama

COVID-19 adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-CoV-2 yang merupakan bagian dari tipe virus Corona. Virus ini bisa menular jika kita kontak langsung dengan orang yang terinfeksi atau dengan cairan yang dikeluarkannya oleh saat batuk dan bersin. Virus dapat berpindah ke tubuh kita, bila tanpa sengaja kita menyentuh benda-benda tersebut lalu menyentuh wajah (mata, mulut, dan hidung) dengan tangan yang telah terkontaminasi. Mencuci tangan sesering mungkin dan dengan cara yang tepat (setidaknya selama 40 detik) adalah salah satu langkah paling penting untuk mencegah infeksi COVID-19. Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) jauh lebih efektif membunuh kuman, bakteri, dan virus dibandingkan dengan mencuci tangan dengan air saja. Upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam merespon situasi yang terjadi sebagai dampak dari pandemi COVID-19 yaitu dengan menyediakan saran   cuci tangan pakai sabun diberbagai tempat publik. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan Edukasi Penyediaan Sarana Air Bersih untuk menunjang Penerapan Pola Hygiene Pada Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Secara Holistic di Era Gawat Darurat Covid 19”. Hasil pendidikan kesehatan yang telah dilakukan pada tanggal 8-12 Maret 2021 di rumah responden di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin tentang edukasi Penyediaan Sarana Air Bersih untuk Menunjang Penerapan Pola Hiegiene Pada Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Secara Holistic di Era Gawat Darurat Covid 19 didapatkan hasil adanya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cara mencuci tangan dan penyediaan sarana cuci tangan yaitu dari 68,05% menjadi 90,28%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (03) ◽  
pp. 18-18
Christian Thede

SummaryIn Reaktion auf den massiven Ausbruch von Covid-19-Erkrankungen in der Region Wuhan wurde von staatlicher Seite bereits Ende Januar 2020 eine Expertenkommission namhafter chinesischer TCM-Fachleute berufen. Nach der Sichtung einer größeren Anzahl von Patienten in Wuhan wurdenTherapieprotokolle für verschiedene Krankheitsstadien formuliert, die in den „Guidance for Corona Virus Disease 2019“ des Generalbüros der Nationalen Hygiene und Gesundheitskommission und des Büros der staatlichen Verwaltung für traditionelle chinesische Medizin aufgenommen wurden.

2020 ◽  
Vol 02 (02) ◽  
pp. 54-55
Isabel Langenbach

Das Corona-Virus stellt für Kliniken nicht nur eine medizinische Herausforderung dar. Hinzu kommen Engpässe bei der Lieferung medizinischen Verbrauchmaterials (z. B. Schutzkleidung und Hygienemittel) oder medizinischer Geräte. Bei der Deckung des alltäglichen Bedarfs im Klinikbetrieb kommt auf (öffentliche) Kliniken, die an das Vergaberecht gebunden sind, eine Welle vergabe- und vertragsrechtlicher Fragen zu.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (06) ◽  
pp. 28-29
Romy König

Es mangelt in Deutschland an infektiologisch geschulten Medizinern – seit Jahren schon. Dabei hilft ihre Expertise nachweislich, die Überlebenschance von infektiös erkrankten Menschen zu steigern. Mit den Anstrengungen, eine Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus einzudämmen, wird eine alte Forderung laut: einen Facharzt für Infektiologie einzuführen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (09) ◽  
pp. 70-71
Alexandra Heeser

In Deutschland haben sich inzwischen mehr als 244 000 Menschen mit dem Corona-Virus infiziert. Ungefähr 216 200 davon gelten als genesen. Die Mediziner stehen vor der Frage: Wie behandelt man die Folgen einer Erkrankung, von der man noch so gut wie nichts weiß und für die es keine Studienlage gibt? Das ist auch ein spannendes Feld für die Rehabilitation von Corona-Patienten.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-47
Sitti Aisyah. M Aisyah ◽  

The Corona virus pandemic exploited by irresponsible elements.  They do a cunning business strategy, which is to hoard goods, in fiqhi terms known as iḥtikār. In the Islamic view, iḥtikār is a prohibited business practice and will be met with a painful punishment in the afterlife.  The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding about the impact of COVID 19 on the practice of buying and selling (iḥtikār).  This paper uses qualitative research methods in the form of library reseach using the shar'i approach.  From this study it can be concluded that the behavior of hoarding goods with the aim of reselling them at high prices to obtain large profits.  In Islamic Shari'ah, iḥtikār‘s law is haram because it contains elements that harm others.  This is very clearly stated in QS al-Humazah/109: 1-2 and punished by sin as stipulated in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 171-174
Tarare Toshida ◽  
Chaple Jagruti

The covid-19 resulted in broad range of spread throughout the world in which India has also became a prey of it and in this situation the means of media is extensively inϑluencing the mentality of the people. Media always played a role of loop between society and sources of information. In this epidemic also media is playing a vital role in shaping the reaction in ϑirst place for both good and ill by providing important facts regarding symptoms of Corona virus, preventive measures against the virus and also how to deal with any suspect of disease to overcome covid-19. On the other hand, there are endless people who spread endless rumours overs social media and are adversely affecting life of people but we always count on media because they provide us with valuable answers to our questions, facts and everything in need. Media always remains on top of the line when it comes to stop the out spread of rumours which are surely dangerous kind of information for society. So on our side we should react fairly and maturely to handle the situation to keep it in the favour of humanity and help government not only to ϑight this pandemic but also the info emic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 1494-1499
Shahid Ahmad Siddiqui

The episode of Covid19 (CORONA VIRUS) has become one of the greatest worldwide dangers around the world, which has now tainted over 1.7 million individuals with deaths of over 100,000 lives far & wide. Under these extraordinary conditions, there are no entrenched rules for cancer patients. The danger for genuine infection & passing in CORONA VIRUS cases increments with propelling age & existing co-morbid medical issue. After the rise of primary suspects in China during last month of 2019, enormous exploration endeavors have been in progress to comprehend the instruments of infectivity & contagiousness of coronavirus, a lethal infection liable for wretched endurance results. To limit the death rate, it gets judicious to distinguish indications quickly & utilize medicines suitably. Despite the fact that no fix has been set up, different clinical preliminaries are in progress to decide the most ideal system. Overseeing patients with cancer in these conditions is a fair task, considering their weak immune status & their ill health. Through this thorough audit, we talk about the effect of CORONA VIRUS on wellbeing & the immune system of who are infected, assessing the most recent care plan draws near & progressing clinical preliminaries. Also, we talk about difficulties confronted while treating cancer patients & propose possible ways to deal with these weak populace during pandemic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 934-937
Tasneem M. Lakkadsha ◽  
Kiran Kumar ◽  
Waqar M. Naqvi ◽  
Pratik Phansopkar

In January 2020, we met with COVID-19 (aka SARS-Co-V-2 and/or Corona virus) on our news channels all the way from china. Little did we know that it would shake up our lives in such a manner that we had heard only in a movie or read in history books. Currently we are all in some sort of lockdown, be it in hospital/home or in our minds. Being there, most of us are facing certain kind of misery, be it emotional, mental, physical or social. To be expansive the most common stresses that have been addressed by people on mass media platform are feeling of depression and isolation caused by being away from family and friends, some are complaining of losing their enthusiasm, some of gaining weight, some of losing it and many more. Going through a pandemic is also helping people in some or the other way, one of which is being concerned about their health and habits to keep themselves fit and away from serious comorbidities which can stem out from physical inactivity and heightened stress levels. There are many ways to stay fit at home without any complex gym equipment, but far less is known about it. Thus, an understanding of methods through which one can become physically active with least complexity, easy availability, and appropriate utilization is need of the hour.

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