2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (03) ◽  
pp. 7-14

The purpose of this research is to: (1) To know the value added of lanting home industry in Karang Binangun Village Belitang District Madang Raya Regency OKU Timur, (2) To know the profit level of lanting home industry in Karang Binangun Village Belitang District Madang Raya OKU Regency East, (3) To know the amount of contribution given from home industry lanting to household income in Karang Binangun Village Belitang District Madang Raya Regency OKU East Regency OKU East. This research was conducted in Karang Binangun Village Belitang Madang Raya District, OKU Timur Regency. Determining the location intentionally (purposive sampling) with the consideration that in the Village Karang Binangun Belitang District Madang Raya OKU Timur Regency is one of the villages that seek home industry lanting. This research was conducted in July 2014. This research found that home industry lanting give added value for respondents in Karang Binangun Village Belitang Madang Raya District, OKU Timur Regency, that is Rp 5,777,92 / Kg. The average income from home industry lanting in Karang Binangun Village is Rp. 261,614.11 / production process, R / C ratio of 1.81, and B / C ratio is 0.81 and Contribution value of business making of lanting to family income is 66,98%.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (03) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Wardi Saleh

The purpose of this research were to : (1) Determine the revenue in the business of making a liquid organic fertilizer in the village of East OKU District Sriwangi, (2) Determine the feasibility of liquid organic fertilizer financially from cow urine in the village of East OKU District Sriwangi. This research was conducted in September 2014 through to the finish, with a purposive sampling method, and also take samples of cow urine-making business in the village of East OKU District Sriwangi The study found that the average fiscal revenue POC production of 358 bottles of USD 3.58 million / production process POC-making business Sriwangi In the village, the average income of the business of making POC is Rp 1,460,399 / production processes and the average value of production BEP is 32 bottles.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-72
Darmiati Dahar ◽  
Zainal Abidin ◽  
Eri Eri

Palm sugar products, in general, is still a form of molds, but now there are innovations, to produce palm sugar or brown sugar. The purpose of this study is (1) to determine the production of palm sugar and palmsuiker; (2) to find out the added value of palm sugar into palm sugar and palmsuiker. Data were collected by using the method of observation at the field, and interview using questionnaires and documentation. Sampling using a purposive sampling method, namely, the whole population is palm sugar farmers in the village of Dulamayo Selatan and made a sample of 25 members of the Huyula Forest Farmers Group. Analysis of experimental data using analysis of production and methods Hayami. The results showed (1) Production of palm sugar in Huyula Forest Farmers Group production of palm sugar in one year as much as 9,300 kg with a total amount of revenue of Rp 279 million. (2) In the production process into sugar palm, the added value is Rp 4,500 each month with a ratio of 30 percent (the medium criteria). This ratio is low when compared with the ratio of the added value of palmsuiker Rp 19,500 each month with a ratio of 65 percent (the high criteria).

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1A) ◽  
pp. 253
Jilly B.C. Sinadia ◽  
Welson M. Wangke ◽  
Noortje M. Benu

Problems in research is needs economy of a family the average at the Tumumpa II not enough because the head of the household income is relatively low, so as to meet the needs of a family housewieves at the Tumumpa II trying to provided for by working as woman. Research aims to understand how much contribution given by women who work as a fish. Research carried out in October until December 2016. The data of this research were primary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained through interviews directly to 46 respondents using kuisoner and secondary data obtained from office fisheries and marine and the village office Tumumpa II. The sample technique is purposive sampling the techniques with based on criteria respondents were women who own husband or and married wit responsibility for in the family. Data generated presented in the form of table and described the contribution given by workers women. To know the contribution given by workers women obtained from the percentage of income husband and wife and the son (who have worked). The result showed that woman sho worked as labarers carrying fish contributed for 44,90%. This means that the contribution of income of family income at the Tumumpa II big enough, what is mean by big enough is on the income female by working as laborers have been very helpful husband by meet and sufficient need in housholds every day.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Henny Malini

Introduction processing technology eggplant into candy and lunkhead as household scale for the housewife in  Tanjung Seteko village indralaya sub distric Ogan Ilir Regency . This activities aim to 1 ) increase the value added through processing eggplant into candy and lunkhead as an alternative household enterprises that can contribute to the household income . 2 ) increasing the participation of women in the household in order to contribute to the economic needs of the household.  in the Tanjung Seteko village many farmers who grow vegetables , one of the main types of vegetables is the most widely planted eggplant , but farmers only sold in fresh form so the price is cheap because there is no added value of these vegetables , such as eggplant cheap market prices , housewives are able to open opportunities is to cultivate a candied and lunkhead. The addition of this knowledge is very useful , it can also be a solution to increase the family income . With this knowledge in addition to make candied eggplant and eggplant lunkhead , mothers can also creation of own flavor and color of the candy and the purple eggplant lunkhead

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Karolina CZERWIŃSKA ◽  
Michalene Eva GREBSKI

The study aimed to conduct a cost-value analysis of the production process of a newly introduced batch of external doors in the context of value-added creation and to identify redundant processes that do not create added value and for which appropriate corrective actions could contribute to their elimination. The result of applying improvement actions following the lean management concept was the optimization time nationalized analyzed by eliminating, among others, operations related to unnecessary transport and storage of products. In addition, the optimization production process impacted both shortening the process implementation time and reducing the costs of its implementation. Further activities will be related to the use of the presented methodology to analyze the processes implemented in the company in order to increase their efficiency.

Nugraha Nugraha

Inability to fulfill the demand of consumers is becoming the major issues on citronella oil refinery in the village of Cimungkal Sumedang. This study was conducted to formulate alternative measures in order to increase the production of citronella oil distillates in the Cimungkal village. Mapping of the production process is done with Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as a first step to determine the processing time (lead time of production) and identify the waste that occurs, analyze the causes of the problems at the manufacturing level, and formulate remedial measures to increase the production of oil of citronella. The results show some activity in the production process of citronella oil which is a waste and should be minimized. By mapping, it can be seen that the lead time citronella oil refining initial amounted to 647 minutes or 10.78 hours. After repairs (Future State) improvements Total lead time to 274 minutes. Value-added activity increased by 38.93%, non-value added decreased by 3.63%, and necessary but non-value added fell by 35.3%. The study also resulted in the formulation of strategies that can be done to increase the production of oil of citronella. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-256
Aris Triyono ◽  
Suwaji Suwaji ◽  
Marwan Indra Saputra

Cooperatives are not only expected to be able to produce residual business results in each period, investment activities carried out by cooperatives must be effective in producing positive added value, therefore cooperatives need to be managed as well as possible so that they can grow into a strong and independent organization, with the best performance and ability raise the welfare of its members. This research is in Kopsa. Manunggal Enterprises, Seresam Village, Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau Province. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze Cooperative Performance and Its Impact on Members' Welfare. This study used a quantitative descriptive approach, the data the authors use are primary and secondary data, primary data obtained through questionnaires distributed to research respondents to measure Cooperative Performance and Members' Welfare Levels, and secondary data obtained directly from Kopsa. Manunggal Enterprises in the form of financial statement documents. The analytical tool used to measure / assess financial performance with the viewpoint of Economic Value Added (EVA. Cooperative Performance is measured based on 6 (six) indicators of Cooperative Performance, namely: Business Entity Activities, Business Performance, Members' Cohesiveness and Participation, Orientation to Member Services, Services to the Community and contribution to Regional Development Welfare level is measured based on aspects of family income, expenditure on consumption, employment status, health conditions and the ability to access other basic needs.The results of descriptive analysis show Kopsa. Manunggal Enterprises including Cooperatives that are performing well, households Farmers who are members of Kopsa, Manunggal Enterprises are included in the welfare category and the regression analysis conducted shows that the regression coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive impact between Cooperative Performance and Welfare. The better the Cooperative Performance will have a positive impact on increasing yes the welfare of members, this can happen because of the monoculture community farming patterns where the main source of income of the village community, especially Kopsa members. Manunggal Business is a commodity of oil palm plantations managed by cooperatives, so the cooperative performance variable becomes very influential in influencing the ease of service, distribution of member income, access to credit and other ease of convenience.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 241 ◽  
Maulana Firdaus ◽  
Rikrik Rahadian

Ketidakpastian pendapatan yang diperoleh oleh kepala keluarga sebagai nelayan mendorong anggota rumah tangga lainnya seperti istri dan anak untuk bekerja agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup rumah tangga. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran istri nelayan dalam meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga menurut jenis pekerjaan yang dilakukan dan pendapatan yang diperoleh serta besarnya sumbangan pendapatan tersebut untuk meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2013 di Desa Penjajab, Kabupaten Sambas. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan responden dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar istri nelayan di Desa Penjajab memiliki pekerjaan sebagai pengolah produk perikanan (kerupuk, ikan kering dan terasi). Rataan besarnya nilai pendapatan istri nelayan adalah Rp.372.400,-/bln. Kontribusi pendapatan istri terhadap total pendapatan rumah tangga adalah sebesar 24,04%. Pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh istri dan kepala keluarga dalam rumah tangga nelayan memiliki karakteristik yang sama, sangat tergantung pada musim. Ketika pendapatan kepala keluarga meningkat maka kecenderungan pendapatan pada istri nelayan juga meningkat. Hal ini dikarenakan bahan baku ikan olahan berasal dari hasil tangkapan suami. Meningkatkan partisipasi istri dan anggota keluarga dalam bekerja merupakan salah satu usaha strategis saat ini untuk meningkatkan pendapatan rumah tangga. Pengembangan usaha diluar sektor perikanan sangat penting dilakukan, mengingat tingkat pendapatan dari sektor perikanan masih rendah karena sangat dipengaruhi oleh musim. (Role of Fisher’s Wife to Increase the Household Income (Case study in the Penjajab Village, Pemangkat Sub District of Sambas))Uncertainty income earned by the head of the family as a fisher push other household members, such as wives and children to work in order to meet the household needs. This study was conducted to determine the role of the fisher’s wife to increasing household incomes in terms of the type of work and the income earned as well as the contribution of such the revenues to increase household income. Study was conducted in 2013 in Penjajab village of Sambas Regency. Survey method was used in this study. The selection of respondents used a purposive sampling. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that most of the fisher’s wife in the Penjajab Villages has a job as a processing fishery products (crackers, dried fish and shrimp paste). Average income of the fisher’s wife is Rp.372.400, - / month. Wife revenue contribution to total household income is equal to 24.04%. Work performed by the wife and the head of the family in the fisher households have the same characteristics, is highly dependent on the season. When the head of the family income increases, the tendency of the fishers wife revenue also increased. This is because the raw material processed fish catch comes from the husband. Increasing the participation of wife and family members in work is one of the current strategic effort to increase the househods revenue. Business development outside of the fisheries sector is very important because the level of income from the fisheries sector is still low and heavily depend on season.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-416
Dedy Kunhadi ◽  
Wulandari Harjanti

Family income can be added through a manufacture industry e.g. Kripik Tempe Geti. The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of Kripik Tempe Geti business advisability and the role of Kripik Tempe Geti industry in the territory economy. This research was held in Ngawi on 2007. The collecting data is done by intensive interview to the Kri[pik Tempe Geti industry. The data collected was analyzed in a descriptive quantitative. The analysis shows that Keripik Tempe Geti industry has a big chance to be expanded. The process of Kripik Tempe Geti is suitable done by score Benefit/Cost at 0.62 ratio. As seen from the growth of territory economy, Kripik Tempe Geti industry has given working chance for the people in Ngawi, just like from the supplying of the row material, production process, or from the marketing side. The increase of the household income from Kripik Tempe Geti industry reach out at 2,064,375 Rupiahs per months, besides it also can increase the income of the market doer such as motorcycle driver (ojek) or food small shop.

Yeni Marlina ◽  
Putri Suci Asriani ◽  
Bambang Sumantri

The aims of the research are to 1) determine factors that affect the production of ubi jalar ungu, 2) to know how much costs and revenues the ubi jalar ungu farming, 3) to determine the efficiency of the ubi jalar ungu farming, 4) to calculate how much added value from ubi jalar ungu processing into fried macaroni. This study sites was intentionally set in the village of Teladan. The data is obtained from the primary data and the secondary data, the respondents of ubi jalar ungu farmers was taken by census method. While the processor is home industry ZAHRA. The result shows that significant factos are seeds, Phonska fertilizers, manures and labors. While, land factor is not significant. The total cost for the ubi jalar ungu farming is Rp 2.900.054,13/Ut/Mt or Rp 8.209.106,83/Ha/Mt, and a revenue is Rp 3.241.570,87/Ut/Mt, or Rp 9.190.226,51/Ut/Ha. Result of the R/C ratio is 2,12, and the value is greater than one. It means that the farming is efficient. The added value of ZAHRA home industry is Rp 41.072,-/kg, with a profit of Rp 37.472,-/kg, and the rate of profit reaches 91.23 %. This benefit is a net plus, because it has been reduced by the share of the labor.Key words: Ubi jalar ungu, production, revenue, efficiency and value-added

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