Rifanda Goni ◽  
Meity Muntuuntu ◽  
Maikel Sanger

This study focuses on students’ interest in English, and how it influences students’ achievement. The aim of this study is to figure out whether there is a correlation between students’ interest and their academic achievement in learning English. The number of the sample in this research are 87 students at the second grade of SMA Negeri 1 Tomohon. This study used quantitative research design which is non-experimental research. The data collected with questionnaire to obtain the information about students’ interest and students’ achievement in learning English. The questionnaire consists of 31 items divided into positive and negative statements. The items were tested with SPPS to determent the validity and the reliability of each items. The data was analysed by using the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation. It was found that the correlation score was 0.424. The significance value was 0.217 showed in the r table. The score of correlation 0.424 was higher than the significance value 0.217, means that the alternative hypothesis was accepted. Based on the result, it can be concluded that there was a positive correlation between students’ interest and their academic achievement in learning English. The researcher suggests that the case interest is very important particularly in affecting students’ achievement, therefore it must be improved.

2015 ◽  
pp. 259-272
Zaitun Zaitun ◽  
Aan Nopianah

Abstrak:Dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing, salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan peserta didik adalah motivasi. Motivasi peserta didik tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal, dan salah satunya adalah model pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang tepat, efektif, menarik, dan inovatif dianggap mampu meningkatkan motivasi peserta didik dalam belajar. Salah satu model pembelajaran berbasis teknologi yang inovatif adalah Quipper School. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dengan sikap mereka terhadap Quipper School pada siswa kelas XI SMAN 55 Jakarta. Penelitian kuantitatif ini menggunakan studi korelasi. Sampel pada studi ini adalah 30 peserta didik kelas XI SMAN 55 Jakarta. Nilai motivasi dan sikap terhadap Quipper School peserta didik didapatkan setelah mereka mengisi angket. Angket motivasi dalam belajar bahasa Inggris terdiri dari 32 butir. Angket ini diadopsi dari Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB). Sedangkan angket sikap mereka terhadap Quipper School terdiri dari 23 butir. Angket ini diformulasikan berdasarkan struktur sikap. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi Spearman Rank. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa rs adalah 0,109. Kemudian penulis membandingkan dengan rs table pada tingkat signifikansi 5% (0,364), hubungan antara motivasi peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan sikap mereka terhadap Quipper School adalah negatif (rs < rs table ; 0,109 < 0,364). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alternatif hipotesis (Ha) ditolak dan null hipotesis (Ho) diterima, dengan kata lain tidak ada hubungan antara motivasi peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan sikap mereka terhadap Quipper School.Kata Kunci: Sikap, motivasi, quipper schoolAbstract:In the learning process of English as a foreign language, one of the factors which influence students achievement is motivation. This motivation is also affected by several things, and one of them is learning model. An appropriate, effective, interesting, and innovative learning model is considered to be able to pump students’ learning motivation up. One of innovative IT-based learning models is Quipper School. The purpose of this research was to find out the correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their attitude towards Quipper School at the second grade of SMAN 55 Jakarta. In this quantitative research, the author used correlational study. The sample of this study is 30 students from second grade of SMAN 55 Jakarta. The students’ motivation and attitude towards Quipper Score were obtained from the students after they filled out the questionnaires. The students’ motivation questionnaire consists of 32 items. This questionnaire was adopted from AMTB (Attitude Motivation Test Battery). While the students’ attitude towards Quipper School questionnaire consists of 23 items. This questionnaire was formulated based on attitude structure. The data was analyzed by using Spearman Rank technique. The calculation resulted in the rs value of 0,109. Then, the author compared it with rs table at the significant degree of 5% (0,364), the correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and attitude towards Quipper School was negative (rs <rs table ; 0,109 < 0,364). The result of this research is: alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. It means that there is no correlation between students’ motivation in learning English and their attitude towards Quipper School.Keywords: Attitude, motivation, quipper school

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 235
Yayang Taofik Anwar ◽  
Efransyah Efransyah

Teaching English is one of activity in the classroom. A game can use to improve students’ vocabularies mastery in the process of teaching learning, so students do not get bored while studying English. This research is attempted to verify the effectiveness of the Crossword Puzzle Game in teaching vocabulary at the seventh grade students of SMPN 10 Cimahi. The main objective is to figure out whether the crossword puzzle game is effective to improve the students’ vocabularies or not. The method is used quantitative research and pre-experimental research design conducted in one class. The populations of this research are the seventh grade students. And the sample is one class of the seventh grade students, which is class VII.E that consists of 32 students. The data is collected with the pretest and posttest as an instrument. The data analysis shows the result of mean score of posttest is higher than mean score of the pretest. The result of computation using Wilcoxon based on the table of test statistics, asymptotic significance (2-tailed) = 0.000 which is lower than 0.05. It means the alternative hypothesis is supported. Therefore, teaching English vocabulary using crossword puzzle game is effective to improve the students’ vocabulary. Keywords: Teaching, Vocabulary, Crossword Puzzle Game

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Baiq Deni Kurniati

This research was aimed to find out the effectiveness of Obstacle Race Game toward students’ motivation in learning grammar and to find out the correlation between students’ motivation and grammar at MA Darul Husaini Sanggeng. The kind of this research is experimental research (quantitative approach). This research design was applied pretest-posttest design. The population of this research was all of the second grade students of MA Darul Husaini Sanggeng. The sample of this research was consist of two classes namely XI-A as experimental class consist of 17 students and XI-B as control class consist of 17 students. The sample technique used in this research was saturated sampling technique. The technique which was used to analysis the data was t-test and r-test formula. From the research data found that the t-test score is higher than t-table (2,635>2, 021). Based on the result of this research, it can be conclude that the Obstacle Race Game has positive effect towards students’ motivation in learning grammar. From the research data found that r-test is higher than r-table (0,990>0,482). It can be conclude that there is correlation between students’ motivation and grammar.

Rika Mandasari Manan

In learning foreign language such as English, a learner should have motivationin  order  to  have  willingness  to  learn.  This  study  is  an  attempt  to  investigate  thestudents’ motivation in learning English by using Hangman Game. And this study wasto find out if the use of Hangman game motivates the students in learning English. Themethod  used  in  this  study  was  quantitative  with  experimental  research  design.  Thetarget population of this study was the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Cirebon 1.The writer took two classes as samples and the number of the samples was 36 students.The  samples  were  divided  into  experimental  group  and  control  group.  There  are  tworesearch  instruments  which  were  used  to  collect  data.  They  were  questionnaire  andobservation. The result analysis of observation showed that the students in experimentalgroup  had  higher  motivation  than  in  control  group.  Meanwhile,  the  calculation  of  thevalue  of  the  questionnaire  showed  that  there  were  significant  differences  betweenexperimental group and control group. The result of taccount was 2,44 while the result ofttable was  1,994.  It  was  mean  that  the  value  of  taccount (2,44)  >  ttable (1,994).  So,hypotheses  alternative  (Ha)  was  accepted  or  the  use  of  Hangman  game  motivate  thestudents in learning English to eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Cirebon 1.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Rabi’ah Rabi’ah

Having many vocabularies  is very important in learning English. Vocabulary is one of factors that determines the success of four English Skills. The students who have enough vocabulary could be easier in learning English. From this reason, the teacher should give a good technique to teach vocabulary. Crossword technique is one of an interesting, enjoyable, and fun that should be used by the teacher. Crossword technique is also effective in enrich students’ vocabulary. By implementing the crossword technique the students don’t feel memorizing the vocabularies, they could add their vocabulary unconsciously. This study is aimed to find the effect of crossword technique on students’ vocabulary mastery. It was done at MTs Miftahul Ulum Palengaan Pamekasan. The participant  is the seventh grade students. The total number of the participant is 20 students. This study was quantitative research and quasi experimental as the design. Vocabulary test was used to collect the data which consist of 50 questions. The form of test was multiple choice test. There were two tests, namely pretest and posttest. Pretest was done before giving treatment and posttest was done after giving treatment. To achieve the objective of this study the data were analyzed by using dependent t test with the help of SPSS 20. The result turned out to test the hypothesis which states students score in the posttest are different from their score in the pretest. The finding showed that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. It was proven by the result of computation of t-value is higher than critical 0.05 with df 19.It means that the alternative hypothesis (Hi) was accepted.  From those explanations above, it could be concluded that there is significant effect of crossword technique on the first grade students’ vocabulary mastery at MTs Miftahul Ulum Gunung Tangis Palengaan Pamekasan. Therefore, teaching vocabulary by using crossword technique was more effective than teaching vocabulary conventionally.From this finding, the researcher suggests for the English teacher to use crossword technique in teaching vocabulary because this technique is very enjoyable and interesting for the students. Moreover, for the institution who doesn’t have enough facilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
Samina Shahab ◽  
Dr. Samina Malik ◽  
Dr. Samina Malik ◽  
Dr. Shamsa Aziz ◽  
Dr. Shamsa Aziz

AbstractThis research inquiry was conducted to probe the consequence of test anxiety on students’ academic performance. The research design was descriptive, while the quantitative research approach adopted for the purpose of collecting and interpreting the desired information.  504 students (252 male and 252 female students) of the 10th class were selected as sample from nine cities of Punjab.  The Westside Test Anxiety Scale for measuring test anxiety which was prepared by Richard Driscoll, Ph.D. available on the American Test Anxiety Association web was used to gauge the test anxiety of the students.  For statistical investigation and interpretation, Pearson r was exercised.  The findings of the study supported the research hypothesis as a significant correlation (r= -.072*) in students with higher anxiety and their academic performance and in students with low anxiety with their academic performance (r= -.083*) was found.  The study also hypothesized that as the degree of anxiety raisin the level of academic performance would decline and vice versa.  The value of Pearson r showed a significant connection between test anxiety and academic achievement/ performance as p< .05.  Thus the null hypotheses of the study were rejected.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Bobby Pramjit Singh Dhillon ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Syafryadin Syafryadin

This research deals with the effect of using skimming method in teaching reading comprehension  smk negeri 2 pematangsiantar on narrative text. The problem of this research are “what is the students’ ability in reading  without using skimming method at Grade XI students’ of SMK N.2 Pematangsiantar. What is the students’ ability in reading by using skimming method at Grade XI students’ of SMK N.2”. The purpose of this research are to find out the students’ ability in reading without using skimming method at grade XI students in SMK N 2 Pematangsiantar on reading narrative  text, to find out the the students ability in reading by using skimming method to the skill of grade XI students in SMK N 2 Pematangsiantar on reading narrative text. To answer the problem the researchers uses theories: Micklukey and Jefferies (2007), Grellet (2000), Milter (2001), Jhon and Dara (2005), David Nunan (1991), Douglas Newton (2000), Douglas Brown (2003), Rae Pica (2000), Roger Brown (1973), Ronald Carter (1998), Scoot Thornburry (2002), Wilga Rivers (1987), Diane Larsen (1990), Judi Willis (2008), Jack and Theodore (1986). The research design is a quantitative research. As an experimental research, it aims to know the effect of the technique that given and apply whether it influences to the object or no. In this research in collecting the data the researcher has to do three steps, they are pre-test, treatment, post-test. The researchers find out that the effect of using skimming method can increase the students’ skill in reading of narrative text. It can be proven from the test of students’ score in posttest of experimental class which the treatment the researchers did the treatment by using skimming method. By using skimming method, the students can increase their ability in reading of narrative text. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Restu Yuningsih ◽  
Citra Akmariani ◽  
Wahidah Fitriani

The purpose of this study is to see whether rhythmic gymnastics influences kinesthetic intelligence in early childhood. The formulation of the problem is whether rhythmic exercises affect kinesthetic intelligence in children in Kurnia Illahi Padang Magek Kindergarten, Rambat Subdistrict, Tanah Datar District. This study uses a quantitative approach, pre-experimental research design with type one group pretest-posttest design. In this study the population was children in Kambingia Illahi Padang Magek Kindergarten, Rambat Subdistrict, Tanah Datar District, which consisted of group B, which was a B3 group consisting of 13 children. The treatment given is to use rhythmic gymnastics in developing kinesthetic intelligence. Before the treatment / treatment was given a pretest of kinesthetic intelligence. The average results of pretest13,38. After the pretest was carried out then the treatment was given in the form of applying rhythmic gymnastics, during the treatment there was an increase seen from the posttest results where the average was 24.69. To test the significance of t0 by comparing t0 (t 'count) with tt (' t 'table), if seen in the table of tt value at the level of 5%, the price of criticism is obtained at 2.18. Then the result of t count is 3 , 46> 2.18. Thus, it means that there are significant differences between pretest and posttest in the experimental group. Then the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, meaning rhythmic gymnastics can affect kinesthetic intelligence in children in Kurnia Illahi Kindergarten Padang Magek, Rambat District, Tanah Datar District

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-114
Herman Herman ◽  
Theresia Aprina Rajagukguk ◽  
Partohap Saut Raja Sihombing

This study was focused on the effect of using collaborative writing on students’ achievement in writing recount text. The objective of this research was to find out the significant effect of collaborative writing on students’ achievement in writing recount text at students grade ten in SMK YP 1 HKBP Pematangsiantar. Two classes was taken as the sample of this research. The class X-MP as the experimental group that taught by using collaborative writing and X-MM as the control class taught by conventional method. This research design is quantitative research were gained by assessing the students’ writing skills through the pretest and posttest. The instrument of collecting data was writing test. After collecting data, it was found the main score of pretest to post test in experimental group was 48.47 to 89,647. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. The result showed that the t-test is higher than the value of t-table. (5. 68 > 1.69 (α = 0.05)) with the degree of freedom (df) = 32. Based on the data analysis of the study, the result indicates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. It means that there is a significant effect of using Collaborative writing on students’ achievement in writing recount text of students grade ten in SMK YP1 HKBP Pematangsiantar.

Sherly Marliasari ◽  
Riris Oktaviani

The study aims to investigate the correlation between joining non-formal education and the English achievement of the second-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Palembang. The problems of this study were: Is there any correlation between joining non-formal education and English achievement of the second-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Palembang? And What does taking an English course gives impact toward English achievement of the second-grade students of SMA Negeri 2 Palembang? The method of this study used quantitative research. The total number of the sample was 52 students. The questionnaire and document were used to collect the data which were analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment correlation and Linear Regression analysis. The findings showed that: (1) there was a significant correlation between joining non-formal education and English achievement (r= .845), (2) there was a significant impact of taking English courses and students' English achievement (p-value= .000).

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