2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-130
Sofiena Mei Nessa ◽  
Selvana Treni Rosita Tewal ◽  
Cahyadi Nugroho

The problem in this study is related to the number of developments, especially those aimed at their designation, which is not by the existing regional spatial plan. This is because many developments are located in disaster-prone areas, coastal border areas, and protected areas. This also triggers changes in land use that are quite large from time to time. This study aims to determine the use of utilization with a regional spatial plan. This study uses quantitative methods to determine developments based on data in the Sangihe Islands Regency, analyzing image data and knowing the level of suitability of land use with the RTRW. The method of analysis in this study uses a method of spatial analysis based on geographic information systems (GIS) using supervised classification, scoring, weighting, overlay. The variables in this study include land use, spatial planning, and adjustments. The results show that the land area in the Regional Spatial Plan is suitable for land use in particular for an area of ​​3,202.65 hectares and not suitable for an area of ​​17,946.03 hectares from the total area of ​​the existing land use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012004
R R Wirawan ◽  
H S Hasibuan ◽  
R P Tambunan

Abstract The population growth in Palu City has implications for increasing the need for developed land, especially after complex natural disasters in 2018. After these disasters, another impact was the need for the construction of temporary and permanent housing. Therefore, it is essential to adjust the land use with disaster-prone zones. This study aims to analyze the distribution of land cover in the Disaster-Prone Zone and the suitability of the Spatial Plan with the Disaster-Prone Zone. The method used is quantitative through spatial analysis using ArcGIS 10.5 software. The results showed that Disaster Prone Zone 2 is the most dominating zone in both the type of built-up land cover and vegetation so that it still had development opportunities. However, the suitability of the Spatial Planning with Disaster Prone Zone shows that Disaster Prone Zone 4 is still included in the spatial plan as a developed area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Westi Utami ◽  
Abdul Muzil ◽  
Deny Andriawan ◽  
Maryono Dwi Saputra ◽  
Weni Yolanda Ratnasari

The earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction that hit Palu in 2018 damaged infrastructure and settlements and resulted in 2,101 fatalities. In this context, understanding the level of vulnerability and disaster mitigation is very important, especially in providing directions for spatial use. This study aimed to map the affected areas, map the suitability of land use against spatial planning, and map settlement development in Palu City. Data analysis was carried out spatially through an overlay of spatial pattern maps with disaster-affected areas to map the disaster-affected areas. Next, an overlay was carried out on the land use with the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) to map the suitability of land use. Finally, an overlay of disaster-prone space zones was carried out on spatial patterns to map the classification of settlement zones. The results of the analysis show that in Palu City there are locations that are suitable for settlement and development covering an area of 5233.978 Ha or 13%; an area that can be used but conditional for settlement is 26860.36 Ha or 68%; the area that can be used but with certain conditions is 3106,714 Ha or 8%; while the land area of 4057,112 ha or 10% is a forbidden zone. This study is expected to become a consideration for the community in building settlements as well as a consideration in preparing spatial plans to suit disaster mitigation efforts. This effort is made so that the construction of post-disaster settlements is carried out in disaster-safe areas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 399
Reny Khaerani ◽  
Santun R.P. Sitorus ◽  
Omo Rusdiana

Spatial plan is the result of spatial planning which is done through the process and procedure of arranging and determining based on the prevailing laws and regulations. The phenomenon that often happens is the deviation of existing land use with spatial plan. Sumedang Regency is experiencing a fairly rapid development, so there is an increase in human resource activity that implicate the widespread space needs and consequently deviation of land use is very vulnerable. The purpose of this study to determine the extent of deviation of land use occurs as well as what factors affect the occurence of irregular use of land. The analysis used in this study using GIS approach, Principal Component Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. The result of analysis shows that there are 25 types of deviation of existing land use and the most dominant is deviation into wetland (18,364 ha), dryland field (8,405 ha) and widened land (7,741 ha). While the factors that influence the occurence of deviation of land use are population and settlement, availability of land, infrastructure and accessibility, and sosioeconomic condition of society

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Westi Utami ◽  
I Gede Kusuma Artika ◽  
Aziz Arisanto

Abstract: Identification and regulation of abandoned land needs to be intensified, to contribute identification of Objects of Agrarian Reform (TORA). Mapping of potential abandoned land carried out by the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) was considered not optimally implemented if compared between the setting targets with the achievements each year. Utilization of google earth imagery and Geographic Information System (GE and GIS) is expected accelerate mapping of potentialabandoned land. Google earth image was used to interpret land cover as the basis to identify land use. Land cover classification was done using supervised classification with maximum likelihood algorithm. The results showed that google earth image and GIS were able to present existing land use, and able to identifyland that has not been used as the permit rights granted. The result of interpretation and GIS analysis was expected to be used as tool to identify potential abandoned land, as the basis to regulate, accelerate and control abandoned land in Indonesia.Intisari: Identifikasi dan penertiban tanah terlantar perlu dilakukan secara intensif, salah satunya untuk memberikan sumbangan bagi Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria (TORA). Pemetaan potensi tanah terlantar yang dilakukan Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional (ATR/BPN) selama ini dirasa belum optimal apabila dibandingkan antara target yang ditetapkan dengan capaian setiap tahunnya. Pemanfaatan citra google earth dan Sistem Informasi Geografi diharapkan dapat membantu pekerjaanpemetaan potensi dan identifikasi tanah terlantar. Data yang digunakan adalah citra google earth untuk interpretasi tutupan tanah sebagai dasar untuk menentukan penggunaan tanah. Klasifikasi tutupan tanah pada penelitian ini menggunakan klasifikasi terselia (supervised) dengan algoritma maxsimum likelihood. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan citra google earth dan SIG mampu menyajikan data penggunaan tanah eksisting terbaru, dan mampu mengidentifikasi tanah-tanah yang tidak dimanfaatkan sesuai arahan dalam izin hak yang diberikan. Hasil interpretasi dan analisis dengan SIG ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai identifikasi obyek potensi tanah terlantar untuk kemudian dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam kegiatan penertiban tanah terlantar sehingga dapat membantu percepatan penertiban tanah terlantar di Indonesia.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Eko N Setiawan ◽  
Ahmad Maryudi ◽  
Ris H Purwanto ◽  
Gabriel Lele

AbstractLaw No. 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning (UUPR) mandated that all levels of government administration, ranging from the national, provincial, district/ city are obligated to prepare Spatial Plan (RTR). Until 2012, Central Kalimantan is one of the provinces which have not completed its Spatial Plan; one of the reasons was the lack of spatial integration of forestry spatial planning and provincial spatial planning of Central Kalimantan.The absence of spatial integration of forestry and provincial spatial planning of Central Kalimantan has the implication in triggering conflicts of land use. Forest areas were converted into oil palm plantations without any official procedures. There are 282 units of oil palm companies, occupying 3.9 millions hectares of forest area, with non-procedural procedures to convert forest area into oil palm plantation.To resolve this problem, the Government has revised the regulation of forest conversion by issuing PP No. 60/2012, provides opportunities for oil palm plantations, which under the Law of Forestry located in forest area but based on RTRWP of Central Kalimantan lies on APL or cultivation area, given the opportunity to re-apply the permit/license.  IntisariUndang- Undang No. 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang (UUPR) mengamanatkan bahwa semua tingkatan administrasi pemerintahan, mulai dari nasional, provinsi, kabupaten/kota diwajibkan menyusun Rencana Tata Ruang (RTR). Kalimantan Tengah sampai dengan tahun 2012 merupakan salah satu Provinsi yang belum menyelesaikan Tata Ruang, salah satu penyebabnya karena belum adanya padu serasi antara tata ruang kehutanan dengan tata ruang Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah.Implikasi dari tidak adanya padu serasi antara tata ruang kehutanan dengan tata ruang provinsi Kalimantan Tengah adalah terjadinya konflik dalam penggunaan ruang, dimana terjadi penggunaan kawasan hutan tidak prosedural untuk perkebunan sawit di dalam kawasan hutan di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah sebanyak 282 unit perusahaan sawit seluas 3,9 juta hektar.Upaya penyelesaian permasalahan penggunaan kawasan hutan untuk perkebunan sawit di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah diakukan dengan revisi kebijakan tentang alih fungsi hutan PP nomor 60 tahun 2012 yang memberikan kesempatan bagi perkebunan sawit yang berdasarkan Undang-Undang Kehutanan berada di dalam kawasan hutan namun berdasarkan RTRWP Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah berada di kawasan APL maupun budidaya, diberikan kesempatan untuk mengurus perijinannya.

2016 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
Diyah Novita Kurnianti ◽  
Ernan Rustiadi ◽  
Dwi Putro Tejo Baskoro

Land use changes in Greater Jakarta area are very dynamic because of the need for settlements and converting agricultural land. It indicates land use inconsistency regard to spatial plan that can cause land damage in the future. Land use which has potential inconsistency in the future are requires for land use control in this region. This study uses spatial analysis to look at the potential inconsistencies by comparing land use projection in the future in two scenarios that is with and without control by policies. Policies in this study are land suitability and forest allocation. The result shows that land use consistency with policies raise until 97,4 % but only 93.9 % without control by policies. Areas that could potentially have inconsistency in the future are Bogor, Bekasi, Tangerang and Jakarta North City for area which is directed as forest and buffer zones of cultivation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Slamet Muryono

Abstract: Limitations of natural resources, especially land, is increasingly perceived both by the government as the land managerand the community as the users. Not only due to the increasing number of residents, but the speed of the development require landand make competition between land users are increasing. This research was done in Temanggung District, Central Java. The objectof this research is land use in the study area. Instruments used in controlling land use are Land Use Map (PT), Spatial Plan Map(RTRW), and Sustainable Agricultural Map (LP2B). Then, PT map was being correlated with RTRW map and LP2B map. The resultsshow that the conformity rate between PT and RTRW is 78.13%, and the discrepancy rate is 21.87%. The conformity rate betweenLP2B and PT is 77.55%, with the discrepancy rate of 24.45%, while between RTRW and LP2B, the conformity rate is 89.45%, withthe discrepancy rate of 10.55%.Keywords: land use, spatial planning, sustainable agriculture landIntisari: Keterbatasan keberadaan sumberdaya alam khususnya tanah, semakin hari semakin dirasakan baik oleh pemerintahsebagai pengelola tanah maupun masyarakat sebagai pengguna tanah. Hal ini karena luas tanah tetap tetapi yang menggunakantanah, dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Masalah yang muncul adalah upaya untuk tetap menjaga keseimbangan lingkungankhususnya dalam kaitan dengan penggunaan tanah agar tetap sesuai dengan arahan dalam RTRW dan LP2B. Penelitian dilakukan diKabupaten Temanggung. Pendekatan spasial dilakukan dengan cara analisis tumpang susun (overlay) peta-peta. Objek penelitiannyaadalah Peta Penggunaan Tanah (PT) di lokasi penelitian. Peta PT ini selanjutnya dikorelasikan dengan Peta Rencana Tata RuangWilayah (RTRW) dan Peta Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (LP2B). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Instrumen yangdigunakan dalam pengendalian penggunaan tanah terdiri dari Peta Penggunaan Tanah (PT), Peta (RTRW), dan (LP2B). Kesesuaianantar instrumen pengendalian penggunaan tanah tersebut dapat dijelaskan bahwa 78,13 % sesuai. antara RTRW dengan PT, dan21,87 % tidak sesuai. Antara LP2B dengan PT 75,55 % sesuai dan 24,45 % tidak sesuai. Antara RTRW dengan LP2B 89,45 %sesuai dan 10,55 % tidak sesuai.Keywords: Land Use, Spatial Planning, Sustainable Agricultural Land

Syahrial Nur Amri ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen

The arrangement of coastal ecological space in the coastal city area aims to ensure the sustainability of the system, the availability of local natural resources, environmental health and the presence of the coastal ecosystems. The lack of discipline in the supervision and implementation of spatial regulations resulted in inconsistencies between urban spatial planning and land use facts. This study aims to see the inconsistency between spatial planning of the city with the real conditions in the field so it can be used as an evaluation material to optimize the planning of the urban space in the future. This study used satellite image interpretation, spatial analysis, and projection analysis using markov cellular automata, as well as consistency evaluation for spatial planning policy. The results show that there has been a significant increase of open spaces during 2001-2015 and physical development was relatively spreading irregularly and indicated the urban sprawl phenomenon. There has been an open area deficits for the green open space in 2015-2031, such as integrated maritime, ports, and warehousing zones. Several islands in Makassar City are predicted to have their built-up areas decreased, especially in Lanjukang Island, Langkai Island, Kodingareng Lompo Island, Bone Tambung Island, Kodingareng Keke Island and Samalona Island. Meanwhile, the increase of the built up area is predicted to occur in Lumu Island, Barrang Caddi Island, Barrang Lompo Island, Lae-lae Island, and Kayangan Island. The land cover is caused by the human activities. Many land conversions do not comply with the provision of percentage of green open space allocation in the integrated strategic areas, established in the spatial plan. Thus, have the potential of conflict in the spatial plan of marine and small islands in Makassar City.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ibochi Andrew Abah ◽  
Richard jeremiah Uriah

Assessing the accuracy of the classification map is an essential area in remote sensing digital image process. This is because a poorly classified map will result in inestimable errors of spatial analysis and modeling arising from the use of such data. This study was designed to evaluate different supervised classification algorithms in terms of accuracy assessment with a view of recommending an appropriate algorithm for image processing. The analysis was carried out using Andoni L.G.A. Rivers State, Nigeria as the study area. Supervised classification of ETM+ 2014 Landsat image of the study area was carried out using ENVI 5.0 software. Seven land use/land cover categories were identified on the image data and appropriate information classes were also assigned using region of interest. The classifiers adopted for the study include SAM, SVM, and MDC and each classifier was set using appropriate thresholds and parameters. The output error matrix of the classified map produced overall accuracy and kappa coefficient for MDC as 94.00% and 0.91, SAM as 64.45% and 0.53, and SVM as 98.92% and 0.98 respectively. The overall accuracy obtained from SVM indicates that a perfect classification map will be produced from the algorithm. The advanced supervised classification should be utilized for classification of land use/ land cover for both high and medium resolution images for improved classification accuracy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 341
Hilary Reinhart ◽  
Andi Rifani

Gunung Sewu’s karstic aquifer characteristic of fracture-fissure water conduit leads to pollution problem in the water resources. One main source of water used is the Baron Spring. This study aims to analyze the water quality of the Baron Spring toward the land use in the catchment area and provide recommendations for spatial planning and water management in certain area. This research used spatial analysis of GIS and water quality was analyzed by Pollution Index. The results showed that the Baron Spring was in a mild contaminated state with amount of TSS was 97,1 mg/L, bicarbonate 96 mg/L, total coliform 210 MPN/100ml, and total oil and fat 2 mg/L which have exceeded the water source quality standards. Those results are related with the land use in the catchment area where settlement is dense in the upstream, also because of the distribution of settlement and sinkhole in the middle-part of catchment. In coping with the contamination and pollution several strategies are urged to be designed and implemented. Strategies comprised by two approaches, socio-cultural and spatial approach. Each of the approaches is linked and should not be separated. Management of catchment including stakeholder involvement and spatial planning are essential to be considered.

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