Robert Lee Borges de Paula Vidigal

ResumoA opinião pública sobre as ações afirmativas não é consensual, especialmente entre os brancos. Em um desenho experimental de pesquisa, as cotas raciais são estudadas na Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). A técnica utilizada é conhecida como experimento de lista, a qual consiste essencialmente de um experimento embutido em um survey convencional. O delineamento experimental garante a privacidade necessária para os respondentes se sentirem livres para darem respostas honestas, evitando o efeito chamado de desejabilidade social. Os resultados mostram que a teoria do autointeresse não tem efeitos sobre as atitudes raciais, e o efeito de desejabilidade social é muito forte entre os estudantes brancos. Palavras-chave: Experimentos; Experimento de lista; Opinião Pública; Metodologia de Pesquisa. ResumenLa opinión pública sobre las acciones afirmativas no es consensual, especialmente entre los blancos. Aquí, en un diseño experimental, las cuotas raciales son estudiadas en la Universidad de Brasilia (UnB) y en la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). La técnica empleada es conocida como experimento de lista que es esencialmente un experimento dentro de un estudio convencional. El diseño experimental garantiza la privacidad de los encuestados que se sienten libres para dar respuestas honestas, evitando el efecto de deseabilidad social. Los resultados muestran que la teoría de la auto-interés no tiene efectos sobre las actitudes raciales, y el efecto de deseabilidad social es muy fuerte entre los estudiantes blancos. Palabras clave: Experimentos; Experimento de lista; Opinión Pública; Metodología de la Investigación. AbstractPublic opinion on affirmative actions is not consensual, especially among whites. Here in an experimental design the racial quotas are studied at the University of Brasilia (UnB) and University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The technique employed is known as the list-experiment, which consists essentially of an experiment embedded in a conventional survey. The experimental design ensures privacy for respondents to feel free to give honest answers, avoiding the social desirability effect. The results show that the self-interest theory has no effects on the racial attitudes, and the social desirability effect is very strong among the white students.Keywords: Experiments; List-experiment; Public Opinion; Research Methodology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (Supplement_2) ◽  
I S Ferreira ◽  
A Maurício ◽  
P Ferrajão

Abstract Background Driving under the influence of alcohol represents one of the main driving crimes and a risk to road safety and public health. In Portugal, if there are well-founded doubts about the psychological fitness to drive, the competent authority may determine a psychological assessment. The present study analyses the results in the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised (EPQ-R) in a sample with driving crimes under the influence of alcohol. Methods A sample of 76 male drivers (mean age around 43 years; age range = 26–60) underwent to a psychological assessment in the Mobility and Transports Institute, due to an official record of driving with a blood alcohol level of 1.2 g/l or more. The assessment included the EPQ-R, which examines three dimensions of personality - Psychoticism (P), Extroversion (E) and Neuroticism (N) and a Lie/Social Desirability scale (L). Results Drivers have committed around 3 crimes (range: 1–7) for drink driving in the past 10 years. Mean N (P < 0.001) and P (P < 0.001) scores were significantly lower, and mean L score (P < 0.001) was significantly higher compared to the Portuguese normative data of EPQ-R (783 men, ages between 16 and 60 years). Mean E score (P = 0.16) was not statistically different from the normative E score. Conclusions The social desirability (proneness for lying or faking good) had a significant influence on EPQ-R results, favouring dimensions that assess psychopathological functioning (N, P). Although this questionnaire is an objective method to assess personality in different normative contexts, its suitability has proved to be limited in drink driving offenders.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
Paulo Prates Junior ◽  
Marliane de Cássia Soares da Silva ◽  
Rita de Cássia Cerqueira Melo ◽  
Lorena Azevedo de Lima ◽  
Kaliane Sírio Araújo ◽  

Resumo: A extensão universitária tem por objetivo instituir práticas cidadãs de pesquisa e ensino. Nesse contexto, o Núcleo de Estudos em Microbiologia Agrícola (NEMA), da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), tem desenvolvido atividades de extensão junto à comunidade de Viçosa e região, para o intercâmbio de experiências em pesquisa, ensino e extensão relacionadas à Microbiologia Agrícola. O presente artigo apresenta os primeiros resultados do projeto de extensão universitária desenvolvido pelo NEMA junto à Escola Família Agrícola (EFA) Puris, que adota a Pedagogia da Alternância e tem a Agroecologia como eixo norteador, visando à articulação de atividades práticas e teóricas, em tempos e espaços que se alternam entre a escola e a comunidade na qual os educandos estão inseridos. As três intervenções realizadas até o presente momento abordaram os seguintes temas: demonstração dos micro-organismos no ambiente e o papel das micorrizas; produção, comercialização e consumo de cogumelos; compostagem e produção de alimentos fermentados. No total, as atividades envolveram cerca de 65 educandos do Ensino Médio, 5 monitores da EFA e 24 acadêmicos, dentre os quais professores, técnicos, graduandos e pós-graduandos da UFV. Essas intervenções têm proporcionado um estímulo à curiosidade, antes pouco ofertada, sobre o mundo microbiano e suas aplicações, além de instigar o interesse pelo conhecimento científico e proporcionar novos desafios de ensino e extensão para os acadêmicos envolvidos. Palavras-chave: Agricultura familiar, Microbiologia agrícola, Universidade Federal de Viçosa   The microbiology in the context of the agroecology: extension activity in the Puris Agricultural Family School Abstract: The university extension aims to establish citizen practices in research and teaching. In this context, the “Núcleo de Estudos em Microbiologia Agrícola (NEMA)”, from Universidade Federal de Viçosa – UFV(Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil), has developed extension activities in Viçosa and region for the exchange of experiences in research, teaching and extension related to Agricultural Microbiology. This paper presents the first results of the university extension project developed by NEMA at the Puris Agricultural Family School (EFA), which adopts the Pedagogy of Alternation for articulating practical and theoretical activities, in times and spaces concatenated between the school and the community in which students are inserted. The three interventions carried out until here were related to the demonstration of microorganisms in the environment and the role of mycorrhizae, the production, marketing and consumption of mushrooms, and the composting and production of fermented foods. In total, about 65 high school students, 5 EFA’s monitors and 24 academics and staffs from UFV were involved in the activities. These interventions have provided a stimulus to the curiosity, barely offered before, about the microbial world and their applications. Also, it has instigated the interest for the scientific knowledge and enabled new teaching and extension challenges for the academics involved. Keywords: Family Farming, Agricultural Microbiology, Viçosa Federal University   La microbiología en el contexto de la agroecología: extensión universitaria en la Escuela de la Familia Agrícola Puris   Resumen: La extensión universitaria se caracteriza como un proceso de construcción de relaciones entre la sociedad y la Universidad, con el objetivo de establecer prácticas ciudadanas de investigación y enseñanza. En este contexto, el “Núcleo de Estudos em Microbiologia Agrícola (NEMA)”, de la Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV (Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil), ha desarrollado actividades de extensión junto a la comunidad de Viçosa y región para el intercambio de experiencias de investigación, enseñanza y extensión relacionadas al área de Microbiología Agrícola. El presente artículo presenta los primeros resultados del proyecto de extensión universitaria desarrollado por el NEMA junto a la Escuela de la Familia Agrícola (EFA) Puris, que adopta la Pedagogía de la Alternancia, buscando la articulación de actividades prácticas y teóricas, en tiempos y espacios que se alternan entre la escuela y la comunidad en la cual los estudiantes están insertados. Las tres intervenciones realizadas hasta el momento abordaron los siguientes temas: demostración de los microorganismos en el medio ambiente y el papel de las micorrizas; producción, comercialización y consumo de champiñones; compostaje y producción de alimentos fermentados. En total, las actividades involucraran alrededor de 65 estudiantes, 5 monitores de la EFA y 24 alumnos de la UFV. Estas intervenciones han proporcionado un estímulo a la curiosidad, antes poco ofrecida, sobre el mundo microbiano y sus aplicaciones, además de instigar el interés por el conocimiento científico. Palabras-clave: Escola familia Agrícola, Microbiología agrícola, Universidad Federal de Viçosa

Maritza Guadalupe Párraga Cano ◽  
Ángela Monserrate Franco Segovia ◽  
Jessica Paola Navarrete Arteaga

  El perfil de la radio universitaria se define en gran parte a raíz de los contenidos de la programación, que constituye el espíritu de cada una de estas emisoras. La radio universitaria es opuesta a los contenidos de la radio comercial, porque tiene objetivos muy diferentes. Su propósito está relacionado con la educación, la cultura, la ciencia, la tecnología y el interés social. En este contexto, la Universidad Técnica de Manabí cuenta con una radio modalidad on line, que transmite una programación variada con contenidos académicos orientada a la comunidad universitaria. Por este medio los estudiantes de Nivelación cursan materias como Desarrollo y Habilidades del Pensamiento. En este texto se indaga en la forma en que por medio de la radia universitaria se fortalecen conocimientos propios de esta asignatura y los resultados que se obtienen con los estudiantes que empiezan sus estudios superiores.   Palabras clave: radio universitaria; educación; cultura, ciencia; pensamiento.   Abstract The profile of the university radio is defined largely immediately after the contents of the programming, which constitutes the spirit of each one of these issuers. The university radio is opposite to the contents of the commercial radio, because it has very different aims. His intention is related to the education, the culture, the science, the technology and the social interest. In this context, Manabí's Technical University possesses a radio on-line modality, which transmits a programming changed with academic contents orientated to the university community. For this way the students of Leveling deal matters as Development and Skills of the Thought. In this text it is investigated in the form in which by means of her university student removes there fortify own knowledge of this subject and the results that are obtained by the students who begin his top studies.   Keywords: University radio; education; culture, science; thought.

Michael J. Roszkowski ◽  
Margret McManus

One purported means for reducing the social desirability inherent in stated purchase intentions is indirect questioning, whereby the respondent is asked to comment about the probable buying behavior of another abstract individual. The contention is that respondents will project their own predilections unto the other person, thereby allowing for a more valid expression of their own purchase intentions. The 343 respondents to a survey intended to gauge interest in the creation of a graduate student association provided ratings of participation likelihood (very unlikely, somewhat unlikely, not sure, somewhat likely, very likely) for both themselves and for “other graduate students” in four potential functions: academic, social, advocacy, and community service. The perceived likelihood of others’ participation did correlate with one’s own stated level of likelihood in all four functions (r = .47 to .51), which is consistent with projection. However, counter to expectations, on only one function — academic — was the self rating higher than the rating of others’ interest, and notably, this was the function for which the expressed self interest was the highest. On all four functions, there was a systematic difference such that (1) other students’ likelihood is rated lower than one’s own likelihood when one’s own interest is high, and (2) other students’ likelihood is rated to be higher than one’s own likelihood when one’s stated likelihood is low. An anchoring and adjustment mechanism with regressive tendencies appears to be operating. The main implication of the results is that ratings of others’ interest are not necessarily going to be lower than the respondent’s own stated interest, even on socially desirable behaviors. Whether the interest rating assigned to others will be higher or lower than the respondent’s own interest depends on whether the self rating is low or high.

2018 ◽  
pp. 63-78
Claudio Domingos Fernandes ◽  
Marco Aurélio Pinheiro Maida

Resumo A pedagogia social é uma pedagogia voltada para a libertação da pessoa concre ta, inserida na história. Privilegia a valonzação da comunicação e do diálogo, a confiança na capacidade do ser humano em refazer-se e refazer a história. Nessa perspectiva, a influência de Paulo Freire no âmbito da educação popular, social e comunitária é reconhecida em todo o mundo e está presente nas políticas públicas de cultura e de saúde, por meio de planos nacionais instituídos em todo o territÓrio nacional, mas, curiosamente, não na educação, seu campo de ação e reflexão, no qual a incorporação de seu vasto cabedal ainda é resultante de experiências pontuais e isoladas. De sua relação com a pedagogia popular, Roberto da Silva, professor da Universidade de São Paulo, lembra que, no Brasil, pedagogia social e educação popular não apenas se confundem, mas têm, em Paulo Freire, um de seus pioneiros, ainda que ele não tenha escrito sobre o tema. No presente artigo, pretende-se aproximar o conceito de pedagogia social, desde o horizonte em que ela nasce em meio a revolução industrial alemã, ao conceito de inacabamento, proposto por Paulo Freire e que converge para a valorização e a defesa da pessoa contra toda forma de opressão, autoritarismo ou alienação. Palavras-chave: Pedagogia social. Educação popular. Diálogo. Social pedagogy and the concept of incompleteness in Paulo Freire Abstract The Social Pedagogy is a pedagogy focused on the liberation of the concrete person, inserted in history; privileges the value of communication and dialogue; confidence in the human being's ability to redo him/herself and redo history. In this perspective, the influence of Paulo Freire in the field of Popular, Social and Community Education is recognized throughout the world, being present in the public policies of Culture and Health, through national plans es tablished all over the national territory. Curiously, such influence is not present in Education, Freire's field of action and reflection, in which the incorporation of his vast knowledge is still the result of specific and isolated experiences. Roberto da Silva, Professor at the University of São Paulo, points out that in Brazil, "Social Pedagogy and Popular Education are not only interlinked, but Paulo Freire IS one of his pioneers, although Paulo Freire did not write about the subject." In the present article, we intend to approach the concept of Social Pedagogy, from the horizon in which it arlses during the German industrial revolution, to the concept of 'inacabamento', proposed by Paulo Freire and that converges for the valorization and the defense of the person against all forms of oppression, authoritarianism or alienation. Keywords: Social pedagogy. Popular education. Dialog Pedagogía social y el concepto de inacabamiento en Paulo Freire Resumen La Pedagogía Social es una pedagogía orientada hacia la liberación de la persona concreta, Inserta en Ia historia; privilegia Ia valorizaciÓn de Ia comunicaciÓn y del diálogo; la confianza en la capacidad del ser humano en rehacer y rehacer la historia. En esta perspectiva, la influencia de Paulo Frelre en el ámbito de la Educación Popular, Social y Comunitaria es reconocida en todo el mundo, y está presente en las políticas públicas de Cultura y de Salud, a través de planes nacionales instituidos en todo el territorio nacional, curiosamente, no en Ia Educación, su campo de acciÓn y reflexiÓn, donde la incorporac1Ón de su vasto cabellón Sigue siendo resultado de experiencias puntuales y aisladas. De su relaciÓn con la Pedagogía popular, Roberto da Silva, profesor de la Universidad de São Paulo, recuerda que, en Brasil, ' 'Pedagogia Social y Educación Popular no Sólo se confunden, perotiene en Paulo Freire uno de sus pioneros," aunque Paulo Freire no haya escrlto sobre el tema. "En el presente artículo, pretendemos aproximar el concepto de Pedagogía Social, desde el horizonte en que nace en medio de la revoluciÓn industrial alemana, al concepto de inacabamiento propuesto por Paulo Freire y que converge para la valorizaciÓn y la defensa de la persona contra toda forma de opresiÓn, autoritarismo o alienaciÓn. Palabras clave: Pedagogía social. Educación popular. Dialogo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-112
Fadia Thamir Ahmed ◽  
Ghufran Yousif Mohammed Ali

Background: Practicing self-medication is common and a worrisome issue because of irrational drug use. This study aimed to evaluate self-medication knowledge and views among the final year pharmacy students in Iraq.  Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from December 2018 to January 2019. A pre-validated and self-administered questionnaire was recruited to survey pharmacy students at the University of Baghdad and Al-Rafedain University College. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20 (SPSS v. 20) software used to save and analyze the data. Results expressed as numbers and percentages. Results:  A total of 344 students (response rate: 94.24%) with a mean age of 22.10 years included in this study. Most of them were female (61.60%). Self-medication was high in the past year (84.88%), and most of them (86.04%) got their medications from pharmacies. About (62.79%) of students used antibiotics as self-medication for a few days, although a significant number were aware of bacterial resistance. The main reasons to self-medicate were quick relief desired, convenience, and avoiding waiting at clinics. The reasons against it were a misdiagnosis, adverse effects' risk, and wrong medication use. Doctor visits sought necessary in cases of worsening symptoms, severe pain, and serious problems. Headache, cough, and diarrhea were the most frequent indications. Conclusion: The self-medication prevalence is high; the knowledge is moderate, and the views about the self-medication concept are generally appropriate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 466
Juliana Pereira de Araújo ◽  
Paulo Rogério dos Santos

Neste artigo socializamos os resultados de uma pesquisa que tomou como objeto a Ludoteca do Curso de Educação Física na Universidade Federal de Goiás - Regional Catalão (UFG/RC). A intenção foi compreendê-la a partir da tríplice visão de espaço de Henri Lefebvre (concebido, percebido e vivido). O percurso metodológico baseou-se na realização de uma pesquisa documental nos arquivos da Ludoteca e de entrevistas narrativas com duas ludotecárias, a quem chamamos de Ana e de Bia, e com a coordenadora, que denominamos Lua. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1997) e os resultados nos permitem compreender que os sentidos produzidos sobre a Ludoteca UFG possibilitam reconhecê-la como espaço que traz, na dimensão do concebido, marcas da universidade que a acolhe como política de extensão, mas que introjetam nela as possibilidades próprias do ensino e da pesquisa, enriquecendo-a e tornando-a espaço de formação. Pela dimensão do percebido o espaço da Ludoteca tem como marcas a coletividade, a partilha e a produção de subjetividades que transitam e exploram a reprodução do espaço social pela via da transmissão da cultura lúdica, das tradições e do repertório da infância quanto à produção do espaço que tem na transgressão, nas táticas e nas artes de fazer a chance de criação de novos roteiros de pessoa e de sociedade. Pela dimensão do vivido ela se estabelece como laboratório vivo, complexo, que tem em sua gênese a formação pela presença, pela memória, pela partilha e pela ludicidade que, incorporando os valores da universidade pública, alargam o entendimento da Ludoteca para muito além de ser meramente um “lugar em que criança brinca”.Palavras-chave: ludoteca universitária; espaço; educação.LOOKS ABOUT UNIVERSITY LODOTECA UFG/RC: more than where children place to playAbstractIn this article we socialized the results of a research that took place as a discipline of the Physical Education Course at the Federal University of Goias - Catalão. The intention was to understand from the vision of space of Henri Lefebvre (conceived, perceived and lived). The methodological course was based on the accomplishment of a documentary research in the archives of the Ludoteca and the accomplishment of narrative interviews with the playroom workers and the coordinator. The data were analyzed through content analysis (BARDIN, 1997) and the results allow us to perceive the senses produced on the UFG Playroom as a space that brings, in the dimension of the conceived, marks of the university that welcomes it as a extension policy, but which introduce in it the possibilities of teaching and research, enriching it and making it a space for formation. By the dimension of the perceived the space of the playroom has as collective marks the collective, the sharing and the production of subjectivities that transit and explore the reproduction of the social space by means of the transmission of the ludic culture, the traditions and the repertory of the childhood as the production of the space that has in the transgression, tactics and arts to make the chance to create new scripts of person and society. By the dimension of the lived it establishes itself as a living, complex laboratory that has in its genesis the formation by the presence, memory, sharing and playfulness that incorporating the values of the public university extend the understanding of the Labyrinth much more than merely being a "place in what a child plays. "Keywords: playroom; space; education.MIRADAS SOBRE LA LUDOTECA UNIVERSITARIA UFG \ RG: más que un lugar donde juegan los niñosResumenEn este artículo socializamos los resultados de una investigación que tomó como objeto la Ludoteca del Curso de Educación Física en la Universidad Federal de Goiás-Regional Catalán. La intención fue de comprenderla a partir de la triple visión de espacio de Henri Lefebvre (concebido, percibido y vivido). El recorrido metodológico se basó en la realización de una investigación documental en los archivos de la Ludoteca y en la realización de entrevistas narrativas con 02 ludotecas y la coordinadora. Los datos fueron analizados por medio del análisis de contenido (BARDIN, 1997) y los resultados nos permiten que los sentidos producidos sobre la Ludoteca UFG posibilitan reconocerla como espacio que trae, en la dimensión del concebido, marcas de la universidad que la acoge como política de extensión, pero que, introducen en ella las posibilidades propias de la enseñanza y de la investigación enriqueciéndola y haciéndola espacio de formación. Por la dimensión de lo percibido el espacio de la Ludoteca tiene como marcas la colectividad, el compartir y la producción de subjetividades que transitan y exploran la reproducción del espacio social por la vía de la transmisión de la cultura lúdica, de las tradiciones y del repertorio de la niñez en cuanto a la producción del espacio que tiene en la transgresión, en las tácticas y artes de hacer la oportunidad de crear nuevos itinerarios de persona y sociedad. Por la dimensión de lo vivido se establece como un laboratorio vivo, complejo, que tiene en su génesis la formación por la presencia, memoria, compartir y ludicidad que incorporando los valores de la universidad pública amplían el entendimiento de la Ludoteca para mucho más allá de ser meramente un "lugar en que niño juega ".Palabras clave: ludoteca universitaria; Espacio; educación.

1995 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 398-431 ◽  
Ian P. Wei

Much has been written about the masters of theology at the University of Paris in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries and their views on the nature of theology. Less work has been done on their view of themselves as a social group and what they were supposed to do with their distinctive kind of knowledge, however they defined it. Furthermore, analysis of their self-image has remained very general, included within studies of masters in all subjects in all universities over several centuries. This broad approach is entirely justified in that many sources deal with learning in general and because study of the Paris theologians contributes to wider debate about the social and political significance of medieval universities and intellectuals. It is, however, important to examine the self-image of the masters of theology at Paris specifically because, whatever the wider contemporary ideals, the world of learning was in reality far from homogeneous and harmonious.

Mirta Suquet

Resumen: A través de la lectura de las crónicas sobre el VIH/sida de Marta Dillon y Joaquín Hurtado, analizo cómo estos autores narran la convivencia crónica con el VIH que les impone el aprendizaje de nuevas formas de gestionar la vida y de autorrepresentarse. Estudio las crónicas no solo como estrategias terapéuticas para lidiar con los profundos cambios corporales y emocionales que trae consigo el diagnóstico, sino también como estrategias políticas para incidir en la normalización y percepción social de la enfermedad como entidad crónica. La reescritura del cuerpo, consustancial al devenir crónico de la enfermedad, enfrenta a los autores a cuestionar la improductividad o incapacidad de los sujetos afectados por el VIH, y los límites entre el yo y el otro (virus); la salud y la enfermedad, todo ello en el contexto de la medicalización contemporánea de los cuerpos y las subjetividades. Palabras Clave: VIH/sida, representación, crónicas, enfermedad crónica, cuerpo, subjetividad Abstract: Through the reading of the chronicles on HIV / AIDS by Marta Dillon and Joaquín Hurtado, I analyze how these authors narrate the chronic coexistence with the HIV that imposes on them the learning of new ways of managing life and self-representation. I study the texts by Dillon and Hurtado not only as therapeutic strategies to deal with the impacts on bodies and emotions that the diagnosis brings but also as political strategies in order to change the social perception of the disease as a chronic condition. Through the rewriting of the body, inherent to the chronic evolution of the disease, the authors question the unproductivity or incapacity of the subjects affected by HIV and the limits between the self and the other (virus), health and illness, all in the context of the contemporary medicalization of bodies and subjectivities. Key words: HIV/AIDS, representation, chronic disease, chronicle, body, subjectivity

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