scholarly journals An Investigation on Post-Disaster Housing Resident Satisfaction in Subaşı After the Marmara Earthquake

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35

Turkey is a nation experiencing disasters, particularly earthquakes, owing to its location. Accidents cause environmental destruction as much as economically. One of the significant bodily damages is that the residences become damaged. Accordingly, the need for housing is indispensable after a collision. To deal with the problem, permanent houses, post-disaster housing, in other words, are produced in numerous regions to afford service for households. Post-disaster housing is essential to helpless families so that all will be capable of returning a fitter living situation ere the disaster. Nevertheless, as permanent housing is made by building it very fast, it is imperative that the living standard of permanent residence is agreeable with the earlier practice of the users. In that way, post-use evaluations of permanent housing, uniquely constructed after the devastating result of a disaster, are becoming critical to following applications to be more prosperous. In this sense, permanent residences in Subaşı Village, Yalova Province in Turkey have been studied within the context of post-earthquake transformation applications on 17 August 1999. In the research, the planning of the houses built in Subaşı Village, the overall evaluations about the design, the principles of entitlement, the planning method of the permanent houses, the demographic features of the shareholders were evaluated. As an outcome of the research, it was observed that the permanent residential areas in Subaşı village could not unite with the existing city. Among the socialization processes of families with various features, it was regarded that distinct qualities of contribution were made to living spaces. Neighborhood relationships and concern for free spaces and ownership organizations influence social relations together. Personal solutions to designs and absence of ownership regulation in public areas further block the formation of administrative units in permanent residential zones. Hence, interspersed life in the areas of current housing does not emerge. The situation has led to the result that in the process of combination of permanent residential spaces with existing urban areas, social facilities and non-residential uses, business and shopping centers, mosque and sports halls should be raised within a wider frame.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 312-328 ◽  
Nilufer Tas ◽  
Nilay Cosgun

In recent years, one of the biggest investments and projects that developed in Turkey is in permanent housing. The emergency case experienced after the 17 August 1999 Marmara Earthquake featured the permanent housing need; thus, within the meaning of Disaster Law, a large number of housings were to be built in designated residential areas in various provinces. Once a building has been designed, impediments that arise either cannot be fixed any longer or require an extra cost to be fixed. In order to create a high quality built environment, production process of constructions as a long lasting effect becomes important. This study examines how the production process of the permanent housings to be built in Turkey after 1999 Marmara Earthquake was managed considering the current legal framework. In this context, the aim is to state how permanent housings are produced and determination of the points seen as problems by the builders (contractors) and occupants through this process. The main concern is to determine the outcomes that could act as answer to problems that might arise in permanent housing production after a probable earthquake. The obtained information is thought to act as reference in the practices of meeting permanent housing need that will arise after disasters. Santrauka Nuolatinis būstas – tai viena sričių, į kurią Turkijoje pastaraisiais metais investuojama daugiausia, o projektai stambiausi. Po 1999 m. rugpjūčio 17 d. Marmuro regione įvykusiožemės drebėjimo susidariusi kritinė situacija buvo susijusi su nuolatinio būsto poreikiu. Tad tam skirtose įvairių provincijų gyvenamosiose zonose pagal stichinių nelaimių istatyme apibrėžtą prasmę reikėjo pastatyti daug būstų. Pastatą suprojektavus, atsiradusių defektų arba nebeįmanoma pataisyti, arba jiems taisyti reikia papildomų išlaidų. Norint suformuoti kokybišką užstatytą aplinką, dėl ilgalaikio poveikio svarbus tampa statybų procesas. Šiame tyrime nagrinėjama, kaip, atsižvelgiant į esamą teisinę bazę, buvo valdomas nuolatinių būstų, kuriuos Turkijoje reikėjo pastatyti po 1999 m. žemės drebėjimo Marmuro regione, statybos procesas. Siekiama nurodyti, kaip statomas nuolatinis būstas, ir nustatyti, kuriuos aspektus statytojai (rangovai) ir gyventojai šiame procese laiko problematiškais. Svarbiausia nustatyti pasekmes, kurios gali būti atsakas į problemas, galinčias kilti statant nuolatinius būstus po galimo žemės drebėjimo. Manoma, kad gauta informacija bus galima remtis siekiant patenkinti nuolatinio būsto poreikius, atsirasiančius po stichinės nelaimės.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 2312 ◽  
Jiménez Ariza ◽  
Martínez ◽  
Muñoz ◽  
Quijano ◽  
Rodríguez ◽  

The implementation of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) is increasing due to their advantages, which transcend runoff control. As a result, it is important to find the appropriate SUDS locations to maximize the benefits for the watershed. This study develops a multiscale methodology for consolidated urban areas that allows the analysis of environmental, social, and economic aspects of SUDS implementation according to multiple objectives (i.e., runoff management, water quality improvements, and amenity generation). This methodology includes three scales: (a) citywide, (b) local, and (c) microscale. The citywide scale involves the definition of objectives through workshops with the participation of the main stakeholders, and the development of spatial analyses to identify (1) priority urban drainage sub-catchments: areas that need intervention, and (2) strategic urban drainage sub-catchments: zones with the opportunity to integrate SUDS due the presence of natural elements or future urban redevelopment plans. At a local scale, prospective areas are analyzed to establish the potential of SUDS implementation. Microscale comprises the use of the results from the previous scales to identify the best SUDS placement. In the latter scale, the SUDS types and treatment trains are selected. The methodology was applied to the city of Bogotá (Colombia) with a population of nearly seven million inhabitants living in an area of approximately 400 km2. Results include: (a) The identification of priority urban drainage sub-catchments, where the implementation of SUDS could bring greater benefits; (b) the determination of strategic urban drainage sub-catchments considering Bogotá’s future urban redevelopment plans, and green and blue-green corridors; and (c) the evaluation of SUDS suitability for public and private areas. We found that the most suitable SUDS types for public areas in Bogotá are tree boxes, cisterns, bioretention zones, green swales, extended dry detention basins, and infiltration trenches, while for private residential areas they are rain barrels, tree boxes, green roofs, and green swales.

А.В. Терешкин ◽  
А.Л. Калмыкова ◽  
Т.А. Андрушко

Вертикальное озеленение с участием различных видов лиан в современных условиях имеет важное эстетическое и санитарно-гигиеническое значение. Особо актуально решение вопросов обогащения флоры городских территорий лианами в степных районах в связи с бедным видовым составом и резким ухудшением экологической ситуации. Объектами исследований являлись 7 видов лиан, различных жизненных форм (однолетние, многолетние), произрастающие в населенных пунктах Саратовской области (Аткарск, Саратов). Цель исследований – изучение эколого-биологических особенностей и мелиоративных свойств лиан и выявление перспектив их использования в вертикальном озеленении селитебных территорий Саратовской области. В ходе исследования видового состава, были выявлены наиболее популярные виды однолетних лиан: ипомея красно-голубая (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) и ипомея пурпурная (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), горошек душистый (Lathyrus edoratus L.), настурция (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) и фасоль огненно-красная (Phaseolus coccineus). Большинство (70%) из них произрастают в местах ограниченного пользования. Изученные виды лиан в исследуемых регионах достигают средних природных показателей (при наличии надлежащего ухода), обладают хорошими показателями жизненного состояния, обильно цветут и плодоносят. При воздействии токсикантами различной концентрации на листовые пластинки лиан установлено их степень устойчивости. Выявлено, что однолетние лианы лучше использовать в декоративных целях, а не в санитарно-гигиенических. Сравнительная оценка однолетних видов с многолетними лианами (девичий виноград пятилисточковый и клематис тангутский) показывает устойчивость многолетних видов (в среднем на 3 балла - 40%). Разработаны варианты декоративных композиций с участием травянистых лиан. По степени декоративности выделены однолетние лианы – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 балл), средней степенью отличаются – Lathyrus edoratus (33 балла), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 баллов) и Phaseolus coccineus (20 – 27 баллов). Преимущество многолетних лиан заключается в их устойчивости к резким изменениям климатических условий (на 40 %) по сравнению с однолетними формами. Поэтому они более предпочтительны для озеленения городской среды. Для усиления декоративного эффекта в сезонном аспекте рекомендуются сочетать расширение видового и формового разнообразия растений (многолетние и однолетние лианы, древесно-кустарниковая, цветочная растительность). Установлено, что природно-климатические условия зоны степи и лесостепи в пределах Саратовской области являются достаточно благоприятными для нормального роста и развития древесно-кустарниковой растительности, в том числе травянистых лиан. Таким образом, обоснованное применение древесных лиан в комплексе с традиционными видами насаждений позволит создать комфортные условия проживания населения, регулировать оптимальный температурный баланс и создавать благоприятные микроклиматические условия. Vertical gardening with different types of vines in modern conditions is important aesthetic and sanitary-hygienic value. It is especially important to address the issues of enrichment of the flora of urban areas with vines in the steppe regions due to poor species composition and a sharp deterioration of the ecological situation. The objects of research were 7 species of lianas, various life forms (annual, perennial), growing in the settlements of the Saratov region (Atkarsk, Saratov). The aim of the research is to study the ecological and biological features and reclamation properties of vines and identify the prospects for their use in vertical gardening residential areas of the Saratov region. In the study, species composition was the most popular species of annual vines: morning glory red-blue (Ipomea tricolor (L.) Roth) and purple morning glory (Ipomea purpurea (L.) Roth), the fragrant pea (Lathyrus edoratus L.), nasturtium (Tropacolum peregrinum L.) and runner beans (Phaseolus coccineus). Most (70%) of them grow in restricted areas. Studied species of vines in the study regions reach average natural performance (with proper care), have good indicators of vital condition, bloom abundantly and bear fruit. When exposed to toxicants of different concentrations on the leaf blades of vines established their degree of stability. It was revealed that the annual vines are better used for decorative purposes, and not in the sanitary-hygienic. A comparative assessment of annual species with perennial vines (maiden grapes and clematis Tangut) shows the stability of perennial species (an average of 3 points-40%). The options and decorative compositions with the participation of herbaceous vines. According to the degree of decoration of the allocated annual vine – Ipomea tricolor, I. purpurea (37 – 41 points), the average degree of differ – Lathyrus edoratus (33 points), Tropacolum peregrinum (30 points) and Phaseolus coccineus (20 to 27 points). The advantage of perennial vines is their resistance to sudden changes in climatic conditions (40 %) compared to annual forms. Therefore, they are more preferable for greening the urban environment. To enhance the decorative effect in the seasonal aspect, it is recommended to combine the expansion of species and form diversity of plants (perennial and annual lianas, tree and shrub, floral vegetation). It is established that the climatic conditions of the steppe and forest-steppe zone within the Saratov region are quite favorable for the normal growth and development of tree and shrub vegetation, including herbaceous lianas. Thus, the reasonable use of wood vines in combination with traditional types of plantings will create comfortable living conditions for the population, regulate the optimal temperature balance and create favorable microclimatic conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 110
Alexandra Titz

Disaster-related internal displacement is on the rise in many countries and is increasingly becoming an urban phenomenon. For many people, as in the case of the earthquake disaster 2015 in Nepal, protracted or multiple disaster displacements are a lived reality. While the drivers of displacement are relatively well understood, significant uncertainties remain regarding the factors that trigger prolonged or secondary displacement and impede ending of displacement or achieving durable solutions. The purpose of this article is to illustrate and theorise the discourse of reconstruction and return that shapes experiences, strategies, and policies in order to gain a better understanding of the obstacles to pursuing durable solutions that are still shaping the reality of life for urban internally displaced people (IDPs) in Kathmandu Valley. I use the concepts of ‘fields of practice’ and ‘disaster justice’ to provide insights into the theorisation of the links between social inequality, structural forms of governance, and the reconstruction process itself. Findings demonstrate that the application of these concepts has great potential to expand our understanding of ‘realities of life’ and practices of IDPs, and thus contribute to a more differentiated evidence base for the development and implementation of appropriate disaster risk reduction policies and practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 564-564
Hong Mi ◽  
Qiyini Ma

Abstract In 2018, China had 564 million rural people, accounting for 40% of the total population. However in 2018, the total number of rural workers immigrating to urban areas related to economic need reached 288 million. This represents an increase of 46 million since 2011. The Chinese government piloted a new rural insurance as an answer to pushing urbanization forward to support rural immigrants. Consequently since 2009, the number of urban and rural residents participating in the basic old-age insurance has been kept above 500 million, making it the largest basic old-age insurance system, covering the largest number of persons in the world. Due to this insurance, an estimated 515 million people were lifted out of poverty, of which 27.41 million were older adults. Challenges for the Chinese government include transforming the Chinese situation of absolute poverty to relative poverty, and improving the living standard of older adults.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
M F Kvorning ◽  
A Srivarathan ◽  
S Nygaard ◽  
R Lund

Abstract Background During the coming years, selected social housing areas in Denmark will undergo large structural changes as part of a political agenda. Previous studies on the effects of such interventions are inconclusive. Residential areas are important for the development of social relations and health. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between social relations and self-rated health (SRH) and the interaction with country of origin in an ethnically diverse social housing area undergoing demolition, and compare results with the municipality. Methods Data include multilingual interviewer driven surveys with residents aged 45+ years before demolition began in 2018 (N = 209) and during the demolition in 2019 (N = 132), and a health survey on municipality level (N = 1638). Information on social relations include contact frequency with and support from family, friends and neighbors. SRH was dichotomized into high/low. Descriptive and multivariate logistic regression analyses adjusted for age, sex and Western/non-Western origin are presented. Results In cross-sectional analyses from 2018, low contact frequency and low support increased the risk of low SRH, OR = 1.44 (0.63-3.29) and OR = 1.23 (0.62-2.48), especially when also having non-Western origin compared to having high contact frequency or support and Western origin, OR = 6.27 (1.80-21.84) and OR = 4.43 (1.68-11.69), respectively. The same association was seen in 2019 and on municipality level. Low contact frequency in 2018 was associated with higher risk of developing or maintaining low SRH in 2019 compared to the group with high contact frequency in 2018 in longitudinal analyses, OR = 3.04 (0.91-10.91). Conclusions Poor social relations increased the risk of low SRH, especially when also having non-Western origin. Having poor social relations before the demolition was associated with an increased risk of developing or maintaining low SRH during the demolition in an ethnically diverse social housing area. Key messages Having low contact frequency before area demolition in a social housing area in Denmark increased the risk of developing or maintaining low self-rated health after demolition had begun. Having poor social relations and non-Western origin is associated with a strong increased risk of low self-rated health in a deprived ethnic diverse social housing area in Denmark.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6930
Shinsuke Kyoi

This study evaluates people’s preferences regarding the proximity of their residence to agricultural urban green infrastructure (UGI), such as agricultural land and satoyama, and discusses the availability of these types of land as UGI. UGI is vital for reducing the negative environmental impacts of urban areas, as these impacts are too large to ignore. In this study, we conducted an online survey and a choice experiment to investigate people’s perceptions regarding the proximity of their residence to agricultural UGI (AUGI). The respondents of the choice experiment were 802 inhabitants of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, which has rich agricultural resources. To examine explicitly the spatial autocorrelation of people’s preferences, in this study, we used the spatial econometrics method. The main empirical findings are that people prefer agricultural land far away from their residence—more than 1000 m, not within 1000 m—which reflects the not-in-my-backyard phenomenon. Meanwhile, people’s preferences regarding proximity to satoyama are complicated and their preferences are positively spatially autocorrelated. The results indicate that policymakers and urban planners should manage and provide AUGI far away from residential areas; otherwise, they must address people’s avoidance of neighboring AUGI.

Circulation ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 138 (Suppl_2) ◽  
Hiroshi Kaneko ◽  
Tetsuo Hatanaka ◽  
Aki Nagase ◽  
Seishiro Marukawa ◽  
Tetsuya Sakamoto

Introduction: In Japan, the number of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) placed in public areas has climbed up to the estimated 530,000. We reported previously that a half of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurred within 100 m from a public AED in urban areas. However, shocks for defibrillation were given to less than 15% of those patients. The objectives of this study was to identify the limiting factors against the use of AEDs by bystanders. Methods: A prospective survey on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest was conducted in the city of Osaka (Dec 2016 through Mar 2017) and the city of Nagoya (Dec 2016 through Nov 2017) searching for patient demographics and AED settings including; absence/presence of a public AED on the scene, attachment of AED pads, delivery of shocks before the time of EMS arrival. Results: Of 558 cases of cardiac arrest registered during the survey period, an AED had already been delivered at the patient side by the time of EMS arrival in 92 case (16.5%). Of those, pads had been attached in 89 cased (96.7%). Shocks had been advised in 35 cases (39.3%) and to all but one of those cases at least 1 shock had been given by the bystanders. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups of cases with and without AEDs at the patient side regarding the patient age (65 years [IQR: 48-74] vs 63 years [IQR49-75], p=0.84), gender (p=0.68) and the time from call to EMS arrival (7 min [IQR: 6-9] vs 7 min [IQR: 6-9], p=0.74). Cases occurring indoors had more chances of AEDs being delivered on the patient side than cases occurring outdoors (24.0% vs 7.8%, p<0.001). Conclusions: Our study indicates that once an AED is delivered at the patient side, pads are successfully attached and shocks are given if indicated in almost all cases. This suggests that finding and delivering an AED onto the patient side are the limiting factors against the use of AEDs by bystanders. In order to popularize the use of AEDs by bystanders, informing people with AED placement and clear direction to the AED location seem to be the key steps.

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 145-151 ◽  
C. J. Pratt

Permeable surfaces for roads and footpaths have been used as a means of disposal of stormwater in developed urban areas. Such surfaces provide an alternative to impermeable concrete or tarmacadam surfaces which would otherwise produce rapid stormwater runoff, leading to possible flooding and degeneration of receiving water quality through the uncontrolled discharge of polluted urban waters. A further advantage may be obtained from such constructions by undersealing them so as to retain stormwater for re-use for non-potable uses. The potential for general introduction of this type of storage and re-use system in residential areas is discussed and possible alternative designs for the drainage infrastructure proposed. To have widespread impact such a strategy must deliver cost savings as well as reduce the impact on the water environment of anticipated water usage demands. The source of such cost savings and the general environmental benefits of such systems will be presented. The materials used in such a sealed construction and the beneficial changes to the stored water quality are outlined. Recent work has also shown that where the pavement is used for car parking any oils dropped on the surface and washed into the structure by the stormwater may also be degraded. Details will be given of a site in the UK where the above construction is to be used to provide stormwater storage for re-use in flushing toilets at a Youth Hostel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 12175
Le-Minh Ngo ◽  
Hai-Binh Nguyen ◽  
Thi-Phuong Uyen Nguyen ◽  
Thi-Minh Dieu Nguyen

As with many metropolitan areas, social housing (SH) provision, which can improve living standards and social welfare, is crucial for urban socio-economic development strategies in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). However, there have been issues relating to promoting social housing in the Vietnamese context resulting from the property market and the design. The former is a failure to attract investors. The latter relates to lacking housing models for the mid- and low-income communities. Currently, many low-income families who have low access to the general job market in HCMC have to make a living by running their own business at home. This situation leads to low-income housing establishments in some residential areas. Thus, the planning approach in social housing needs to solve both the demand for low-cost housing and promoting self-employed activities. In this paper, mixed methods, including observation, questionnaires, interviews, data aggregation, and comparison, were conducted with supporting legal conditions and corresponding operating conditions to propose appropriate designs for the SH for self-employed people in HCMC. First, observing and analyzing urban spaces helped identify the unused urban areas that solve the investment issue. Then, after studying the development of social housing in different contexts via the questionnaire and in-depth interviews, self-employed households’ basic information and their business needs in using SH spaces were identified in some districts. Then, based on the legal framework and practical projects, optimal space designs were formed.

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