scholarly journals Articulação do Programa Mais Educação com o projeto político-pedagógico: contribuições na formação dos alunos - Articulation Program More Education with political and educational project: contributions in formation of pupils

Fernanda Luiza Simon ◽  
Glades Tereza Felix

Este texto é um recorte da monografia realizada no Curso de Especialização em Gestão Educacional, relacionada ao Programa Mais Educação e ao projeto político-pedagógico. No referencial teórico partimos da ideia pioneira de educação integral na concepção de Anísio Teixeira, além dos fundamentos de Lück (2000, 2006), Veiga (2004) e Gadotti (2000). Objetivou-se analisar e identificar de que modo a união entre esses dois pontos pode interferir de modo qualitativo na formação dos estudantes. Nos resultados considera-se que mesmo não encontrando uma articulação entre o PME e o PPP da escola, o Programa tem aceitação na comunidade escolar, cumprindo o papel que se propõe: atender as crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade e acompanhamento da aprendizagem escolar.Palavras-chave: Programa Mais Educação, projeto político-pedagógico, educação integral. ARTICULATION PROGRAM MORE EDUCATION WITH POLITICAL AND EDUCATIONAL PROJECT: CONTRIBUTIONS IN FORMATION OF PUPILSAbstractThis text is an excerpt of the monograph held at Specialization in Educational Management which is related to the More Education Program and political-pedagogical project. In the theoretical framework, we start from the pioneering idea of Integral Education in designing Teixeira, beyond the fundamentals of Lück (2000, 2006), Veiga (2004) and Gadotti (2000). This study aimed to analyze and identify how the union between these two points can interfere qualitatively in the training of students. In the results it is considered that even not finding a link between the SMEs and the school of the PPP, the program has acceptance in the school community, fulfilling the role that it proposes: to assist children in vulnerability and monitoring of school learning situation.Key-words: More education program, political-pedagogical project, integral education.

Edulib ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Riche Cynthia Johan ◽  
Deuis Pramida ◽  
Anah Rohanah ◽  
Inaya Shintia Meidina

Conducting library learning activities in the classroom is one of the tasks and receivables in the Field Experience Practice (PPL) activities for all students of the Library of Education and Information Sciences University of Indonesia. Good practice research methodology is one of the alternative choices in estimating the steps that can be taken in the Field Experience Practice (PPL) program of students of the Library of Education and Information Sciences University of Indonesia, which will later become a product of collaboration between the school librarians and teachers at school, and can also present a school product design school learning product. Collaborating in the School Literacy Movement (GLS) activities is one of the bills that must be present in the program, wherein every student of the Library and Information Sciences University of Education program students is required to: 1) Be able to prepare the classroom learning collaboration design with coaching teachers, 2) Able to implement library learning practices, and 3) Able to describe Practical Review Results. Through the field experience (PPL) practice, the students of the Library of Education and Information Sciences University of Indonesia's Education program are able to obtain competencies relevant to their field in an optimal way to work in the workplace, especially in the field of school libraries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Vera Helena Gomes Wielewicki ◽  
Elerson Cestaro Remundini

O presente artigo consiste numa análise das dezesseis matérias sobre dislexia publicadas nos três jornais de maior circulação do Brasil desde 2010, com intuito de verificar como a imprensa tende a abordar o distúrbio e, consequentemente, a que tipo de informações referentes a ele os leitores têm acesso. Este trabalho também teve por objetivo investigar se o conteúdo das matérias tem o potencial de esclarecer questões relacionadas à dislexia, promovendo, assim, uma divulgação responsável do tema. Esta iniciativa se justifica pela premissa de que informar sobre a dislexia é crucial para que a comunidade escolar (professores, alunos e pais) se torne cada vez mais apta a lidar com o problema. O arcabouço teórico desta pesquisa conta com contribuições de Behan (2001), Boder (1983) e Johnson & Myklebust (1983), dentre outros. Com elas foi confrontado o conteúdo das matérias dos jornais O Globo, Folha de São Paulo e O Estadão. Trata-se, portanto, de revisão bibliográfica aplicada para avaliar a acurácia e a relevância das matérias. Os resultados revelaram que, apesar de algumas divergências e pontos negativos, elas, em sua expressiva maioria, apresentam potencial de contribuição para o esclarecimento de questões concernentes à dislexia do desenvolvimento.Palavras-chave: Dislexia do Desenvolvimento; Matérias Jornalísticas; Informação. Developmental Dyslexia in the news: an analysis of newspaper articles about the disorder published in the three largest Brazilian newspapers between 2010 and 2017ABSTRACTThis study is an analysis of sixteen newspaper articles about dyslexia published in the three main Brazilian newspapers between 2010 and 2017, in order to verify how the press tends to approach the disorder and, consequently, what type of information is at the readers’ disposal. This research also aimed at investigating if the content conveyed by the sixteen articles is potentially capable of providing readers with awareness of important aspects of dyslexia, thus spreading information about the disorder in a responsible way. This work is based on the premise according to which providing the population with information on dyslexia is pivotal for enabling the school community (teachers, students and parents) to face the problem. The theoretical framework includes contributions by Behan (2001), Benton (1980) and Johnson & Myklebust (1983), among others. The content of the newspaper articles by O Globo, Folha de São Paulo and O Estadão was then set against the theoretical framework. It is, therefore, a bibliographic review applied in an evaluation of the accuracy and relevance of the articles’ content. The results point that, despite some mismatching and negative aspects, most of the articles present potential contribution for raising readers’ awareness of issues related to the disorder.Keywords: Developmental Dyslexia; Newspaper Articles; Information. La dislexia del desarrollo en las noticias: un análisis de las materias sobre el trastorno publicadas en los tres mayores diarios de Brasil entre 2010 y 2017.RESUMENEl presente artículo consiste en un análisis de las dieciséis materias sobre dislexia publicadas en los tres diarios de mayor circulación de Brasil desde 2010, con la intención de verificar cómo la prensa tiende a abordar el disturbio y, en consecuencia, a qué tipo de informaciones referentes a él los lectores tienen acceso. Este trabajo también tuvo como objetivo investigar si el contenido de las materias tiene el potencial de aclarar cuestiones relacionadas con la dislexia, promoviendo, así, una divulgación responsable del tema. Esta iniciativa se justifica por la premisa de que informar sobre la dislexia es crucial para que la comunidad escolar (profesores, alumnos y padres) se vuelva cada vez más apta a lidiar con el problema. La fundamentación teórica de esta investigación aporta contribuciones teóricas de Behan (2001), Boder (1983) y Johnson & Myklebust (1983), entre otros. Con ellas se confronto el contenido de los artículos de O Globo, Folha de São Paulo y Estadão. Se trata, por lo tanto, de una revisión bibliográfica aplicada para evaluar la precisión y la relevancia de las materias. Los resultados revelaron que, a pesar de algunas divergencias y puntos negativos, en su expresiva mayoría, presentan potencial de contribución para la aclaración de cuestiones concernientes a la dislexia del desarrollo. Palabras-claves: Dislexia del Desarrollo; Materias periodísticas; Información.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 82-102
Bjart Erling Grutle ◽  
Knut Roald

Artikkelens formål er å skape økt innsikt i hvordan de forandringer vi ser i statlige styringsdokumenter og fagmiljøers emneplaner for den norske Rektor-utdanningen, uttrykker endringer i hvilke kunnskapsformer som vektlegges. Ut fra de endringene vi finner, tar vi opp til diskusjon i hvilken grad Rektor-utdanningen møter sentrale utfordringer som fremheves i nyere nasjonal og internasjonal debatt om hva som vil være viktige kompetanser for ledere i fremtidens skole. Med utgangspunkt i Aristoteles’ kunnskapsbegreper “episteme”, “tekhne” og “phronesis” analyseres endringer i Utdannings-direktoratets anbudsdokumenter for perioden 2009–2014 i forhold til perioden 2015–2020. Gjennom dokumentanalyse undersøker vi hvilke former for kunnskap som blir sett på som sentrale i Rektorutdanningen i de to periodene. Vi etterspør også hvordan endringene følges opp i plandokumenter for universitets- og høyskolemiljøer som er gitt i oppdrag å gjennomføre Rektorutdanningen. Funnene diskuteres i forhold til dagsaktuelle nasjonale og internasjonale utdanningspolitiske dokumenter og forskningsarbeider.I Utdanningsdirektoratets styringsdokumenter for Rektorutdanningen finner vi i noen grad en utvikling fra en instrumentelt orientert rektorrolle basert på resultatstyring, til en mer systemisk orientert rektorrolle der faglig ledelse av kollegabasert profesjonsutvikling vektlegges. Pedagogisk ledelse trer sterkere frem i de nye anbudsdokumentene, og det legges vekt på at skoleledere skal få utvidet forståelse for sitt handlingsrom til å lede utvikling av skolen ut fra sitt eget faglige skjønn. Det er likevel et spørsmål om grunnlagsdokumentene for den nasjonale Rektorutdanningen for perioden 2015–2020 fullt ut møter dagsaktuelle utfordringer for skoleledelse som OECD og NOU 2015:8 “Fremtidens skole” trekker opp. Dette spørsmålet forsterkes når vi ser at plandokumentene for universiteter og høyskoler som tilbyr Rektorutdanningen, i ulik grad vektlegger endringene i Utdanningsdirektoratets styringsdokumenter.Nøkkelord: skoleledelse, rektorutdanning, profesjonsutvikling, fremtidens skole, organisasjonslæringAbstractThe purpose of this article is to make greater insight into how the changes we see in various policy documents and plans for the Norwegian Principal Education Program, express a trend of change in emphasized knowledge forms. Based on Aristotle’s concepts of knowledge “episteme”, “tekhne” and “phronesis”, the changes in the tender documents from the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training for the period 2009–2014 are analyzed and compared against the period 2015–2020. Through analyses of documents we investigate which knowledge forms are seen as the central ones in the Principal Education Program in these two periods. We also study how changes are reflected in plan documents for universities and university colleges that offer the Principal Education Program. The findings are discussed in relation to contemporary national and educational policy plans and research.In policy plans for the Principal Education Program issued by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, we find to some extent an evolution from an instrumentally oriented principal role based on performance management, towards a more systemicly oriented principal role where professional management of peer professional development is emphasized. Educational management has a stronger position in the new tender documents, and it is emphasized that educational leaders should have an extended understanding of their freedom of action to guide the development of the school, based on their own professional judgment. It is still a question whether the Fundamental Plans for the National Principal Education Program for the period 2015–2020 fully meet the contemporary challenges for education management as OECD and NOU 2015:8 “The school of the future” outline. This question is reinforced when we see that the plan documents for universities and university colleges that offer the Principal Education Program, to varying degrees emphasize the changes in the policy plans from the Directorate for Education and Training.Keywords: educational management, professional development, Principal Education Program, “The school of the future”, organizational learning

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 80-96
Syamsuar Abbas ◽  
Zelhendri Zen ◽  
Reflianto Reflianto

The community services purposes was to establish the work-oriented school community program and prepared the volunteers as trainer for digital design Corel draw and photoshop as well as the training of producing any souvenir made by shellfish shells in order to build a work-oriented education program in the Senior high school community and strengthen the students’ entrepreneur skills in two State Senior High School 12 and 13 Padang. This Community-Based Research approach involved two state senior high school students in Padang City. The result of the services showed that the program of community-based research plays an important role in realizing the work-oriented education program by strengthening the local industrial contents and extracurricular activities of entrepreneurship training in the schools. It could be seen from the improvement of students' skill in the creative business of digital design and souvenir products made by shellfish as well as increasing student’s spirit for directly involving in the activities of entrepreneurship in their school.  Follow up these activities should strengthen the cooperation among another school in West Sumatra to have the graduates of ready to work and ready to be entrepreneur indirectly help the government to reduce the educated unemployment in West Sumatra as well.

Kátia Gonçalves Dias

Integral education is an important part of the history of citizenship, therefore, of man, and, thus, it is a theme that has been deeply discussed and its concepts reworked over the years. This proposal aims to discuss and reflect, from a literature review, on the Full-Time Education Program. This is a bibliographic and descriptive study. It is hypothesized that in order for education to be, in fact, integral, only to increase the length of stay in school does not entail integral education. Considering this context, the article will deal with the paths taken by comprehensive education, focusing on this program. The fact that integral education, even today, even if it has become popular, is a challenge for the country, due to the lack of resources and training of teachers in most schools, which justifies the relevance of the study. Public policies on the theme will be presented and how this proposal has been consolidated in Brazil.

Elisangela Maria Pereira Schimonek

Resumo: Considerando os díspares contextos políticos e sociais do Brasil e Portugal, as significativas diferenças na organização e abrangência dos Programas Mais Educação e Escola a Tempo Inteiro, não tivemos como objetivo promover um estudo comparado dos mesmos, mas realizar uma análise dessas políticas de educação em tempo integral, dialogando com ambas, apontando algumas similaridades e divergências. O Programa Mais Educação destinou-se às escolas de ensino fundamental (1.º ao 9.º ano) de baixo Ideb e/ou situadas em regiões de vulnerabilidade social e promoveu a seleção dos educandos de acordo com critérios definidos em seus documentos oficiais. O Programa Escola a Tempo Inteiro abrangeu a totalidade das escolas/ educandos de Portugal Continental de 1.º ciclo (1.º ao 4.º ano) do ensino básico. O estudo analisou os Programas considerando: o enquadramento legal, a justificativa dos governos para sua implantação, a operacionalização e público-alvo/ abrangência, os tempos e espaços educativos, o currículo, profissionais envolvidos e fontes de recursos. Tratou- se de um estudo qualitativo, apoiado em revisão bibliográfica e análise documental, que investigou dois Programas governamentais, com organizações diferenciadas, mas com a mesma intenção: garantir a melhoria dos resultados educacionais, como meio de diminuir as desigualdades educacionais entre os educandos, ainda que para isso, tivesse que admitir a presença do setor privado em sua implantação e compartilhamento de ações. Palavras chave: Educação integral; Programa Mais Educação; Programa Escola a Tempo Inteiro.   Abstract: Considering the disparate political and social contexts of Brazil and Portugal, the significant differences in the organization and scope of the More Education and School Full Time Programs, we did not aim to promote a comparative study of them, but to carry out an analysis of these education policies in full time, dialoguing with both, pointing out some similarities and differences. The More Education Program was aimed at elementary schools (1st to 9th grade) from low Ideb and / or located in regions of social vulnerability and promoted the selection of students according to criteria defined in their official documents. The School Full time Program covered all the schools / students in mainland Portugal from 1st cycle (1st to 4th year) of basic education. The study analyzed the Programs considering: the legal framework, the justification of the governments for its implementation, the operationalization and target audience/ scope, the educational times and places, the curriculum, professionals involved and sources of resources. It was a qualitative study, supported by a bibliographical review and documentary analysis, that investigated two governmental programs, with different organizations, but with the same intention: to guarantee the improvement of educational results, as a way to reduce educational inequalities among learners, even if it had to admit the presence of the private sector in its implementation and sharing of actions. Keywords: Integral education; More Education Program; School Full Time Program.

Lynn Violet Clark

The purpose of this study is to explore, using a musical metaphor, the consonance, counterpoint, dissonance, and resonance of a large-scale multicultural teacher education program. In particular, it examines the different instructional approaches of seven graduate students and two faculty who currently teach an undergraduate multicultural education course at a large mid-western university. By combining a theoretical framework (Bennett, 2010) with a musical-analytical approach, the study explores how the interplay of individual voices contributes to a “productive dissonance” that has the potential to transform the overall program.

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