scholarly journals Transformational Leadership Role on Work Performance under the COVID 19 Pandemic in Zimbabwe

Tonderai Mathende ◽  
Asif Mahbub Karim
Peter Ellis

This article identifies leadership as a key responsibility of all nurses, including those working in cardiovascular care—whether they are in a leadership role or whether they have to exercise it in their practice. It identifies that, contrary to early theories, leadership knowledge and skills may be taught and learned. It identifies the core definitions of leadership as being influenced by the person, result, position, purpose or process. It goes on to discuss two key approaches to leadership that suit modern nursing practice: contingency theory and transformational leadership. These approaches are demonstrated as pertinent to modern nursing practice because they focus on the development of people and the team, and require emotional intelligence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 608-619 ◽  
Stephanie Gilbert ◽  
E. Kevin Kelloway

Purpose A critical assumption of the organizational leadership literature is that leaders want to engage in effective leadership behaviors (Gilbert and Kelloway, 2014). However, leaders may vary in their motivation to be effective in a leadership role, leading to different levels of performance. Drawing on self-determination theory, the authors address the question of what motivates leaders to engage in transformational leadership behaviors (Gilbert et al., 2016). The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The current study examined the effects of self-determined leader motivation for transformational leadership on aggregated follower leadership ratings using a sample of 37 leaders matched with 179 followers in two organizations. Findings Results show how leaders’ own motivation relates to followers’ perceptions of leader behavior, and specifically that, across contexts, some autonomous levels of leader motivation are positively related to follower perceptions of leaders’ active-constructive leadership and negatively related to follower perceptions of passive avoidant leadership. Research limitations/implications The research is limited by a small level-two sample size and cross-sectional design. The results suggest that some forms of leader motivation relate to follower ratings of leadership behavior. Originality/value This study is the first to examine how self-determined motivation for transformational leadership predicts follower perceptions of leadership behavior using a multilevel design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (111) ◽  
pp. 85-95
Nora Ordonez Sequera ◽  
Jorge Garcia Regalado

In the canton of Santa Elena, transformational leadership was studied and how it affects the work performance of high school teachers of public educational institutions, with the objective of knowing if it affects the functions of teachers and if this has repercussions on their low work performance or overloads the teaching staff. The research has a mixed approach under the deductive method. The fiscal institutions in the Santa Elena canton are located in the central area and have a total of six, with a total of 135 teachers. Leadership is directly related to the work performance of the teaching staff, which is evident in the fiscal educational units of Santa Elena, however, it is established that not all leaders have transformational leadership (LTF) for the performance of their duties, a situation that affects the development of the teaching staff positions. Keywords: Transformational leadership, performance, teachers, organization, educational institutions. References 1]P., Galán, Y., Baquero, and J., Ascanio, “Los roles gerenciales de Mintzberg: Una evidencia empírica en la universidad”. I+ D Revista de Investigaciones, 10(2),102-111, 2017. [2]F. G., Contreras, and E. N., Andrade. “Aportaciones teóricas significativas sobre el liderazgo carismático y transformacional”. Revista venezolana de gerencia,19(67), 456-476, (2014). [3]M., Escandón-Barbosa, and A. Hurtado-Ayala, Influencia de los estilos de liderazgo en el desempeño de las empresas exportadoras colombianas. Estudios gerenciales, 32(139), 137-145, 2016. [4]A. V. Alatorre, “Interdependencia entre el liderazgo transformacional, cultura organizacional y cambio educativo: una reflexión”. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 11(1), 73-91,2013. [5]R., Hernández-Sampieri, C., Hernández-Collado, and P., Baptista-Lucio, Metodología de la investigación. Capítulo 9 Recolección de datos cuantitativos, 2014. [6]M., Acevedo-Manuelo, and A., Lizarzaburo-Pedraza, Gestión del capital humano y el desempeño laboral en trabajadores de empresas de negocio de Lima, 2019. [7]E. S., Santa Bárbara, and A. R., Fernández. “40 Años de la teoría del liderazgo situacional”: una revisión. Revista latinoamericana de psicología, 42(1), 25-39,(2010). [8]J. Bazzani-Gaviria, and D. Villalobos-Torres “Liderazgo de Rango Total”: revisión teórica del modelo (Doctoral disertación, Universidad del Rosario).2014 [9]A. Matas, “Diseño del formato de escalas tipo Likert: un estado de la cuestión”. Revista electrónica de investigación educativa, 20(1), 38-47, 2018. [10]M., Romero. Los estilos de liderazgo y los estilos de pensamiento en los directivos de Instituciones Educativas. BIG BANG FAUSTINIANO, 8(4), 2020.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Herman Ahmadi

The aim this study is to analyze the effect of leadership style (transformational and transactional) on employee behavior (in-role and extra-role), which mediated a political organization. The sample is 120 employees of Bank BRI in Madiun, a random sampling technique based on stem number of employees. Data analysis using SEM with LISREL program. The results of this study indicate that 1) Transformational leadership style has positive influence on behavior in the role of employees, 2) Transformational leadership style has no effect on extra-role behavior (Organizational citizenship behavior, OCB), 3) Transactional leadership style did not affect employees' behavior in role , 4) Transactional leadership style has positive influence on OCB behaviors (extra-role) of employees, 5) Transformational leadership style has positive influence on employees 'political organization, 6) Transactional leadership style has positive influence on employees' political organization, 7) Political organization negatively affect the behavior in the role of employees, 8) Political organization negatively affect the behavior of OCB (extra-role) of employees, 9) Political organization to mediate the influence of transformational leadership behaviors in the role of employees, 10 Political organizations mediate the influence of transformational leadership on OCB behavior (extra-role) employees, 11) Political organization to mediate the effect of transactional leadership role behavior in employees, and 12) Political organization to mediate the influence of transformational leadership on OCB behaviors (extra-role) of employees at Bank BRI in Madiun.Keywords: Transformational leadership style, Transactional Leadership Style, Political Organization, in-role behavior, extra-role behavior, and OCB

2021 ◽  
Shamila D. Ali

The purpose of this quantitative descriptive study was to investigate staff nurses' perceptions of the leadership role of nurse practitioners (NP) in the acute care environment, and their potential as a source of leadership for frontline nurses. The following study was conducted at a large metropolitan university using a convenience sample size of30 registered nurses (n = 30). The study framework used was derived from the leadership philosophy of Kouzes and Posners' (2002) model of transformational leadership and the Canadian Nurses Associations' (2008) national framework for advanced nursing practice. Overall, participants perceived NPs as performing transformational leadership practice below the 20th percentile. Staff nurses perceived NPs to perform the leadership behaviours on the subscale enabling others to act "usually", and "seldom" on the subscale inspire a shared vision. The findings of this study enhance the understanding of the leadership role of the NP from the staff nurse perspective.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
Anindita Lakmi Prabowo

Human resources play a very important as human as the wheels of all companyactivities. Efforts to improve the performance of the system conducted well-definedleadership and motivation to improve employee morale. This study aims to examine andanalyze the influence of transformational leadership and work motivation on the performanceof employees of PT. Media Nusantara Informasi Jawa Timur Bureau. Data were collectedused survey through questionnaires and carried out at 50 employees of PT. MNI Bureau ofJawa Timur. Data analysis in this study used SPSS version 17. The technique used ispurposive sampling and testing techniques of data used in this study include testing thevalidity of the factors, testing reliability analysis with Cronbach's alpha. Analysis of dataused multiple linear regression analysis, to test and prove the research hypotheses. Theanalysis showed that transformational leadership has a positive effect on employeeperformance and work motivation positive effect on employee performance.Keyword: Transformational leadership, motivation to work, performance of employees.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Rana B.S. Madi Odeh ◽  
Bader Yousef Obeidat ◽  
Mais Osama Jaradat ◽  
Ra'ed Masa'deh ◽  
Muhammad Turki Alshurideh

PurposeThis empirical research draws on the existing theory of transformational leadership, adaptive culture and organizational resilience, and investigates the effect of the elected TQM leadership style “transformational leadership” through the mediating effect of adaptive culture on organizational resilience, that is the key of survival during crises like the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which has severely impacted the business globally.Design/methodology/approachThis study exploited a cross-sectional online questionnaire of a random sample of Dubai service firms, with the unit of analysis being at the firm level. In total, 379 usable responses were received. Regression analysis was conducted to test hypotheses.FindingsThe overall findings of this study supported that transformational leadership is positively associated with both adaptive culture and firm's resilience and significantly impacts them. Adaptive culture was found partially mediating the effect of transformational leadership on organizational resilience.Practical implicationsThe research findings provide important insights to practitioners (managers and leaders) to better improve their transformational qualities, as these qualities are expected to improve the organizational adaptive cultures and capacity of resilience.Originality/valueTo the best of the authors' knowledge, this is one of the first studies to examine the transformational leadership effect on organizational adaptive culture and firm's resilience. This investigation expands the boundaries of leadership style theory into new arenas, attempting to partially address the identified knowledge gap in this vein.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Sri Langgeng Ratnasari ◽  
Dian Fitri ◽  
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Herni Widiyah Nasrul ◽  
Supardi Supardi

<p><em>Employee performance is an interesting topic researched, because employee performance determines organizational sustainability. This study analyzes the effect of: Change Management on employee performance, Transformational Leadership on employee performance, Organizational Structure on employee performance, Organizational Culture on employee performance, Work Discipline on Employee Performance, and analyzing the effects of change management, transformational leadership, organizational structure, and discipline work performance of employees. The study population was 97 employees of PKM Group. The research sample is the same as the population of 97 employees. The sampling technique used is the saturation or census sampling technique. This research is a quantitative study, with statistical analysis using the method of Multiple Linear Regression with SPSS software. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that Management Change has a significant effect on Employee Performance, Transformational Leadership has a significant effect on Employee Performance, Organizational Structure has a significant effect on Employee Performance, Organizational Culture has a significant effect on Employee Performance, Work Discipline has a significant effect on Employee Performance, and Change Management, Transformational Leadership, Organizational Structure, Organizational Culture, and Work Discipline have a significant effect on Employee Performance.</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Kinerja karyawan merupakan topik yang menarik diteliti, karena kinerja karyawan menentukan keberlanjutan organisasi. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh: Manajemen Perubahan terhadap kinerja karyawan, Kepemimpinan Transformasional terhadap kinerja karyawan, Struktur Organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan, Budaya Organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan, Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, dan menganalisis pengaruh manajemen perubahan, kepemimpinan transformasional, struktur organisasi, dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah karyawan PKM <em>Group</em> sebanyak 97 karyawan. Sampel penelitian ini sama dengan populasi yakni 97 karyawan. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah teknik sampling jenuh atau sensus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan analisis statistik menggunakan metode Regresi <em>Linear</em> Berganda dengan <em>software</em> SPSS. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat ditarik kesimpulan Manajemen Perubahan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, Kepemimpinan Transformasional berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, Struktur Organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, Budaya Organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan,  Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan, dan Manajemen Perubahan, Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Struktur Organisasi, Budaya Organisasi, dan Disiplin Kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan.</em></p>

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