scholarly journals Socio-economic Condition of the Marginal Farmers: A Case Study on Madhupur Sal Forest Area

2021 ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-26 ◽  
Sangeeta Charak ◽  
Mukhtar A. Sheikh ◽  
Anil K. Raina ◽  
D. K. Upreti

The data on the frequency, density and abundance of the lichens growing around the Moghla Coal mines, Kalakote has been recorded and compared with lichens growing in a forest area away from the coal mines to work out effect of coal mines on the diversity and distribution of lichens. The data revealed that pollutants released by the open coal mining activities not only effected qualitative distribution but also have effect on the quantitative parameters. Over all 10 species of lichens belonging to 9 genera and 6 families have been recorded from the vicinity of coal mines as compared to 15 species, belonging to 9 genera and 7 families, recorded from the forest area.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 2419
Aisyah Amini ◽  
Suherman Rosyidi

ABSTRAKPelaksanaan ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji yang memfasilitasi para jamaah untuk melakukan ibadah menuju ke tanah suci. Mengenai hal tersebut, sudah seharusnya perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya. Hal ini sangat penting dikarenakan banyak terjadi pelanggaran etika bisnis Islam yang dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan, tidak terkecuali oleh perusahaan travel umrah haji, seperti yang banyak diberitakan dibeberapa media yang dibuktikan dengan banyaknya jamaah yang gagal berangkat ke Baitullah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti yaitu survei pendahuluan, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mubina Tour Indonesia kabupaten Gresik telah menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dengan cara menyampaikan secara jujur dan benar, senantiasa berusaha untuk selalu menepati apa yang telah dijanjikan, membekali semua karyawan dengan berbagai skill dan mengemas promosi dengan trik-trik yang menarik.Kata Kunci: Etika Bisnis Islam, Perusahaan Penyelenggara Perjalanan Ibadah Umrah dan Haji. ABSTRACTPerforming Umrah in Indonesia year by year has been experiencing a significant increase. It is motivated by a better economic condition in Indonesia. Therefore, Umrah and Hajj Travel Organizer Company is needed to facilitate Muslim pilgrims to pilgrimage to Mecca. According to this, this kind of company shall implement Islamic business ethics to run their business activities. It is very important because there are many Islamic business ethics violations committed by some companies, unexceptionally Hajj and umrah travel companies as widely reported in several media. It was proven by the large number of pilgrims who failed to go to Baitullah. This research used a qualitative-descriptive approach with the case study method. Data collecting techniques used by the researcher are preliminary survey, observation, interview, documentation, and literature review. The result of the research shows that Mubina Tour Indonesia in Gresik Regency has implemented Islamic business ethics by delivering information honestly and truthfully, always trying to fulfill what has been promised, equipping all employments with many various skills, and packaging promotion with interesting techniques.Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics, Umrah and Hajj Travel Company.


The establishment of oil palm companies let impact on society.  The purpose of this study was to know the social and economic impact of  the establishment of oil palm company on the community. This research was conducted from May to July 2019 in Loleng Village, Kota Bangun District, Kutai Kartanegara District. Oil palm company exists in there namely PT. Prima Mitrajaya Mandiri.  Number of respondents was as many as 44 respondents divided into two parts, namely 22 respondents are residing close to the company and 22 respondents are living far away from the company. The method of data analysis that used was descriptive analysis. The research results showed that oil palm company let  positive impact on the community who live near to the company. The establishment of  company opens employment opportunities,  increases people's living standards, and opens business opportunities.   The company gives many help for community lives near the company such as financial assistance to orphans, school repair assistance, and road repair assistance. People who live far away from the company  did not have the positive impact.

O. Babych

Functional components of the landscape units, phases and tracts of the suburban forest area of Lviv Vynnyky were analyzed. Case study of the forest geosystems, such as, for example, the landscape phases, shows the research of biometrical index of the forests which are concentrated specifically in this area. On the drawings of the landscape phases of this specific area the division of the forests, which shows the full picture of their areal division, is shown. Key words: landscape phases, landscape tracts, forest geosystems, suburban forest area of Lviv Vynnyky.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Cheryl Manafe ◽  
Yoedhi Swastanto ◽  
Rodon Pedrason

<p>Indonesia has chosen South Korea as a cooperation partner because South Korea is agreed to Indonesia's procurement policy. The research objective was to analyze the stages of procurement of Chang Bogo class submarines and the role of defense diplomacy during the process. This study uses qualitative methodology with its analysis techniques. The study concluded that the procurement of submarines succeeded in terms of the number of submarines, but the percentage of transfer technology provided had not yet reached the minimum percentage of Indonesia’s need and Indonesia must build adequate infrastructure to achieve the independence goals of the defense industry but Indonesia was still experiencing fluctuate economic condition. Therefore, the procurement of defense and security equipment tools <em>(alpalhankam)</em> must adjust to that condition.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 513
Galih Caesario Rahman ◽  
Sunan Fanani

This study aims to figure how is the dynamic or economic condition change caused by the existence of Islamic tourism of Sunan Kalijaga Tomb to stall sellers who most of them are the locals lives around the Islamic tourism of Sunan Kalijaga tomb. The research method used is descriptive case study method. Where the data collection done by interview and observation. In this research, the informant is the parties involved in the tourism activity, which is the seller, the visitor, and the worker around the Islamic tourism of Sunan Kalijaga tomb, Demak District. The data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation, and make a conclusion.The research result suggests that the existence of Islamic tourism of Sunan Kalijaga tomb Demak District brings economical change towards the seller works around.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 513 ◽  
Hanqiu Xu ◽  
Xiujuan Hu ◽  
Huade Guan ◽  
Bobo Zhang ◽  
Meiya Wang ◽  

Rainwater-induced soil erosion occurring in the forest is a special phenomenon of soil erosion in many red soil areas. Detection of such soil erosion is essential for developing land management to reduce soil loss in areas including southern China and other red soil regions of the world. Remotely sensed canopy cover is often used to determine the potential of soil erosion over a large spatial scale, which, however, becomes less useful in forest areas. This study proposes a new remote sensing method to detect soil erosion under forest canopy and presents a case study in a forest area in southern China. Five factors that are closely related to soil erosion in forest were used as discriminators to develop the model. These factors include fractional vegetation coverage, nitrogen reflectance index, yellow leaf index, bare soil index and slope. They quantitatively represent vegetation density, vegetation health status, soil exposure intensity and terrain steepness that are considered relevant to forest soil erosion. These five factors can all be derived from remote sensing imagery based on related thematic indices or algorithms. The five factors were integrated to create the soil erosion under forest model (SEUFM) through Principal Components Analysis (PCA) or a multiplication method. The case study in the forest area in Changting County of southern China with a Landsat 8 image shows that the first principal component-based SEUFM achieves an overall accuracy close to 90%, while the multiplication-based model reaches 81%. The detected locations of soil erosion in forest provide the target areas to be managed from further soil loss. The proposed method provides a tool to understand more about soil erosion in forested areas where soil erosion is usually not considered an issue. Therefore, the method is useful for soil conservation in forest.

2016 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
R. Syiem ◽  
B. R. Marak

The paper focuses on the innovative extension practice of ‘Horticulture-Hubs’ (horti-hubs) following the “hub and spoke’ model under Technology Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture in Meghalaya and a special State Plan Assistance Scheme on Capital Investment. The study highlights the socio-economic characteristics of farmers associated with horti-hub. The study reports that 60 per cent of the farmers increased their income through horticulture hub. Similarly, 87 per cent of the farmers got additional employment opportunity through horticulture hub while 47 per cent of them registered an increase in production through area expansion. From overall findings of the study, it can be concluded that with suitable agro-climatic conditions and high market demand for horticulture crops, the creation of horti-hubs in the state can encourage entrepreneurship amongst farmers to improve the socio-economic condition and enhance their level of income.

2004 ◽  
Vol 34 (7) ◽  
pp. 1511-1524 ◽  
Sanna Laukkanen ◽  
Teijo Palander ◽  
Jyrki Kangas

Several multi-criteria decision support methods have been introduced to sustainable management of natural resources, but different methods suit different planning situations. One way to support decision-making is to apply voting theory. In this study, a multi-criteria decision-support method based on voting theory, called multicriteria approval (MA), is applied to wood supply chain management in a forest area owned by the state of Finland. The area is called Leikko and is located in the rural municipality of Pieksämäki. MA seems to have some promising features in relation to participatory decision support. The most essential advantages are its ease and comprehensibility. MA is also able to deal with ordinal and imprecise information. Since the method does not demand much preference information from interest groups, the inquiries may be conducted using the Internet. In the case study, nine timber-harvesting alternatives were devised for the forest area. The study involved seven interest groups, whose representatives defined seven criteria by which the alternatives were compared. The purpose was to find a consensus or compromise solution for a practical harvesting schedule. Two different versions of MA were tested and compared from the participatory decision-support aspect. Usability and ease of method, the comprehensibility of the inquiries, and the congruence of the results were examined.

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