2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 2419
Aisyah Amini ◽  
Suherman Rosyidi

ABSTRAKPelaksanaan ibadah umrah di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini didorong dengan semakin baiknya kondisi perekonomian di Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji yang memfasilitasi para jamaah untuk melakukan ibadah menuju ke tanah suci. Mengenai hal tersebut, sudah seharusnya perusahaan penyelenggara perjalanan ibadah umrah dan haji menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya. Hal ini sangat penting dikarenakan banyak terjadi pelanggaran etika bisnis Islam yang dilakukan oleh beberapa perusahaan, tidak terkecuali oleh perusahaan travel umrah haji, seperti yang banyak diberitakan dibeberapa media yang dibuktikan dengan banyaknya jamaah yang gagal berangkat ke Baitullah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti yaitu survei pendahuluan, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Mubina Tour Indonesia kabupaten Gresik telah menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dengan cara menyampaikan secara jujur dan benar, senantiasa berusaha untuk selalu menepati apa yang telah dijanjikan, membekali semua karyawan dengan berbagai skill dan mengemas promosi dengan trik-trik yang menarik.Kata Kunci: Etika Bisnis Islam, Perusahaan Penyelenggara Perjalanan Ibadah Umrah dan Haji. ABSTRACTPerforming Umrah in Indonesia year by year has been experiencing a significant increase. It is motivated by a better economic condition in Indonesia. Therefore, Umrah and Hajj Travel Organizer Company is needed to facilitate Muslim pilgrims to pilgrimage to Mecca. According to this, this kind of company shall implement Islamic business ethics to run their business activities. It is very important because there are many Islamic business ethics violations committed by some companies, unexceptionally Hajj and umrah travel companies as widely reported in several media. It was proven by the large number of pilgrims who failed to go to Baitullah. This research used a qualitative-descriptive approach with the case study method. Data collecting techniques used by the researcher are preliminary survey, observation, interview, documentation, and literature review. The result of the research shows that Mubina Tour Indonesia in Gresik Regency has implemented Islamic business ethics by delivering information honestly and truthfully, always trying to fulfill what has been promised, equipping all employments with many various skills, and packaging promotion with interesting techniques.Keywords: Islamic Business Ethics, Umrah and Hajj Travel Company.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-220
Ani Fatmawati ◽  
Ana Toni Roby Candra Yudha ◽  
Hammis Syafaq

Analysis of work contracts on the welfare of crew in fishermen sector from the Perspective of Islamic business ethics in Sarangmeduro Village is a study that aimed to answer questions about how the fishermen sector work contracts are implemented and how the welfare of the crew members is applied in Sarangmeduro Village. The methodology used was descriptive qualitative method with the type of case study research on the object. The result of this research is that the work contract conducted by fishermen in Sarangmeduro Village is a work contract system that has been implemented from generation to generation and is more likely to approach the muzaroah contract in profit sharing of maro or paroan. Based on the field of employment, the fishermen in Sarangmeduro Village live in prosperity. By the opening jobs provided by ship employers, they are facilitated in finding work. The residence that is inhabited every year has changed, which was originally made of woven bamboo, now most of them are built of bricks. The existence of a work contract implemented by fishermen can help to boost the economic condition of the fishermen in Sarangmeduro Village, which is always developing. The researcher recommend that fishermen make work inovation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 231
Arif Budianto ◽  
Sunan Fanani

ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini merupakan untuk mengetahui bagaimana wakaf produktif terhadap pembangunan infrastruktur Griya khadijah di PUSPAS Universitas Airlangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif- deskriptif dengan metode studi kasus dimana penelitian ini dilakukan dengan wawancara,dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik pengumpulan data primer diperoleh dengan wawancara dengan nazhir PUSPAS Universias Airlangga dan pengelola Griya khadijah. kemudian, dilakukan triangulasi dan dianalisis untuk mendapatkan hasil kesimpulan. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui buku teks, jurnal ilmiah yang relevan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nazhir PUSPAS Universitas Airangga menerima dan mengelolah wakaf produktif berupa wakaf uang dan wakaf manfaat temporer dari wakif berupa satu unit rumah di jalan kalikepiting dimana rumah wakaf temporer itu di bangun/direnovasi menjadi griya khadijah akan menghasilkan manfaat untuk mauquf alaih(mahasiswi) berupa tempat tinggal mahasiswi yang di dalamnya terdapat program pembinaan dan pengembangan karakter bagi mahasiswi.Kata kunci : wakaf, wakaf produktif, pembangunan, nazhir PUSPAS Universitas Airlangga. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to determine the role of productive waqf in the development of Griya Khadijah infrastructure at PUSPAS Universitas Airlangga. This study used a qualitative-descriptive approach with a case study method where this research was conducted by interview, documentation and observation. Primary data collection techniques were obtained through interviews with nazhir PUSPAS Universias Airlangga and the manager of Griya Khadijah. the results of the interview will be triangulated and analyzed to get the conclusion. Secondary data were obtained through text books and relevant scientific journals. The results of this study indicate that Nazhir PUSPAS Airlangga University receives and manages productive waqf in the form of cash waqf and temporary benefit waqf from waqf in the form of a house on Kalikepiting street. The temporary waqf house is built or renovated into a khadija griya which will produce benefits for mauquf alaih (female students) in the form of student residences in which there is a program of coaching and character development for female students..Keywords: waqf, waqf Productive, Infrastructure, Nazhir , Nazhir PUSPAS Airlangga University.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Dwi Irfan Cahyo

AbstractEthics in Islamic business cannot be separated, because without it there will be confusion in determining the truth in doing business and there will be many crimes in business, thus the purpose of this study is to determine the application of business ethics in the pesantren business unit. The research methodology used is qualitative descriptive with a case study of the Sahid Bogor modern Islamic boarding school and also the Ummul Qura al-Islami Islamic boarding school in Bogor. The results of the study indicate that Islamic boarding school is able to apply business ethics through Islamic boarding school business unit as a place for Islamic teaching values and values as well as the principles of business ethics as materials that can be taught to teacher, student and the community around Islamic boarding school.Key words: Islamic business ethics, business units, Islamic boarding school AbstrakEtika dalam bisnis Islam tidak dapat terpisahkan, karena tanpanya akan menjadikan kerancuan dalam menentukan kebenaran dalam berbisnis serta akan terjadi banyak kejahatan dalam bisnis. Dengan begitu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan etika bisnis pada unit usaha pesantren. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan berupa kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi kasus pondok pesantren modern Sahid Bogor dan juga pondok pesantren Ummul Qura al-Islami Bogor. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pesantren mampu menerapkan etika bisnis melalui unit usaha pesantren sebagai wadah dan nilai ajaran Islam serta prinsip etika bisnis sebagai bahan yang dapat diajarkan kepada asatidz dan santri serta masyarakat sekitar pesantren.Kata kunci: Etika bisnis Islam, Unit usaha, Pesantren

Nur Azizah ◽  
Sitti Bulkis ◽  
Imam Mujahidin Fahmid ◽  
Muhammad Arsyad

The institutional improvement as an important issue in the 2014-2019 Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Plan (Renstra). The development of the agricultural sector that relies on natural resource management needs institutional regulation to synergize efforts that support each other in achieving goals. Institutional improvements in clove agribusiness include; upstream to downstream agribusiness institutions involving farmers, government institutions and business actors. All institutions involved have a role in clove agribusiness activities, institutional farmers included in the group are farmers whose members are clove farmers in the management of cloves and gapoktan as a combination of farmer groups. This study describes the role of farmer group institutions in the agribusiness system including upstream subsystems, farming subsystems and downstream subsystems in clove management. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection on the role of the Mayou City Farmer Group and the Aru Jaya farmer group association (Gapoktan) was obtained from the results of the interviews with the help of questionnaires or questionnaires. The role of farmer groups in clove management is presented in a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the existence of Mayou City farmer group institutions had not played an active role in any clove farming activities, this was due to the inactivity and lack of role and participation of members who preferred to focus on their respective farming systems. Thus the care and activeness of a member in the Mayou City Farmers Group are caused by the needs and interests to be achieved. Then the role of Aru Jaya Gapoktan did not work as it should because since its formation, only carried out the management of horticultural cultivation, especially vegetables and have never touched on how clove cultivation as a hereditary plant has been carried out by local communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-122
Budi Sufyanto ◽  
Zainol Hasan

The purpose of this paper is to examine the marketing aspects in the perspective of Islamic business ethics according to Islamic economists. This writing is a literature research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data source is a reference according to the topic of study. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively including data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the aspects of Islamic marketing were minimal and more dominant over conventional marketing

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 435
Fahmi Gunawan

Hampir semua aktivitas masyarakat Bugis Kendari dimulai dengan mempertimbangkan kualitas waktu yang dikenal dengan istilah hari baik dan hari buruk. Kualitas waktu ini memiliki pedoman dan menggunakan simbol-simbol tertentu.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji  simbol hari baik dan hari buruk masyarakat Bugis Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara  mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  pedoman  simbol hari baik dan hari buruk masyarakat Bugis di Kota Kendari diklasifikasi menjadi sebelas, yaitu (1) simbol bahasa Arab, (2) simbol matematika, (3) simbol tulisan tangan, (4) Simbol lontara  Bugis, (5) simbol lontara  Bugis dan gambar, (6)  simbol aksara  Soewandi, (7) simbol hewan, (8) simbol bintang, (9) simbol bendera, (10) simbol Haji Daud, dan (11) simbol Hj. Nursiah. Penelitian ini akhinrya menegaskan bahwa simbol pedoman  ini merepresentasikan masyarakat bugis  Kendari yang penuh perencanaan dan memiliki rasa optimisme untuk menggapai hasil maksimal sebuah aktivitas.  Almost all activities of the Bugis Kendari community begin by considering the quality of time known as good days and bad days. This quality of time has guidelines and uses certain symbols. This study aims to examine the symbols of good days and bad days of the Bugis people of Kendari city. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with a case study method. Data collection is done by in-depth interviews and observations. The results showed that the guideline of the symbol of good days and bad days of Bugis people in Kendari city was classified into eleven, (1) Arabic symbols, (2) mathematical symbols, (3) handwriting symbols, (4) Bugis symbol, (5 ) Bugis symbols and drawings, (6) Soewandi alphabet symbols, (7) animal symbols, (8) star symbols, (9) flag symbols, (10) Haji Daud symbols, and (11) Hj. Nursiah symbols. This research finally emphasizes that the symbol of this guideline represents the Bugis Kendari community which is full of planning and has a sense of optimism to achieve the maximum results of an activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 184-200
Ambar Wati ◽  
Arman Paramansyah ◽  
Dessy Damayanthi

The problem to be looked for  the answer in this study is the process of applying Islamic business ethics in buying and selling transactions in the traditional market of Pendopo, Empat Lawang. This research uses a qualitative approach to the case study method, which emphasizes efforts to obtain information about the status of a picture of phenomena, as well as to draw the meaning of a desired problem with respect to a case. The data collection technique used triangulation with interviews, observation, and documentation study. The results of the study conclude that the understanding of traders in the traditional Pendopo market towards Islamic business ethics, traders have not maximally understood Islamic business ethics, both the expression of feelings that are reflected, the pattern of application of business ethics in Islam which emphasizes trading ethics in buying and selling transactions in the Pendopo market. It has been running quite well without being overtaken by the traders, there is still a lack of awareness of the traders about raising prices by hoarding goods with the aim of seeking high profits from consumer needs in general. traders feel they can compete so that their merchandise can sell cheaply and cheerfully. The measurement of the application of business ethics in Islam carried out by the seller / trader shows that not some traders have implemented business ethics in Islam. Based on these findings, it is suggested the need for periodic counseling to increase the insight and knowledge of traders to be aware of the meaning and benefits of business ethics in Islam which emphasizes trading ethics in sales transactions. the role of the community in this case is that buyers are also required to understand and understand the business ethics system in Islam    


Pesantren, as an authentic educational institution initiated by Indonesian Muslims, provides parents aneffective alternative to educate their children. For years, pesantren has proven trusted in educating youthand establishing a standard in both general and religious educations. In this study, the researchers willdiscuss factors that motivate parents to entrust pesantren as the institution to educate their children. Thisstudy uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection methods include observation, interviews, andthe results of relevant studies. After analyzing the data, the results indicate that there are two types ofmotives among parents. First is general motivation in placing children in pesantren, namely intrinsicmotivation which covers parents' ideals having a generation with the quality of faith and good moralconduct, forming morals, and building strong physical and mental. The other factor is extrinsic motivation,including intense, integrated, and comprehensive Islamic teaching, positive activities carried outcontinuously for 24 hours, and proper coaching methods. The two factors indicate that parents' motivationto entrust pesantren as an educational institution is relevant to current conditions in which the youngergeneration is prone to moral depravity

Guntur Dwi Purwanto ◽  
Mohammad Ulyan ◽  
Abdul Basit

Educational management is an important reference in the management of industrial-based Islamic boarding schools. When the management of a leader must go through several things, including planning, organizing, and planning industry-based learning. This research includes a qualitative descriptive approach to da'wah management. The data source used in this research is a literature review. Collecting data in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation. Islamic boarding school Darussalam Al-Fatah Cilacap is an industry-based Islamic boarding school. This was done to follow developments in the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, researchers feel it is important for the management of Islamic education at the Darussalam Al-Fatah Islamic boarding school in Cilacap. The results of the application of Islamic education management include, a) soroggan, with the bin-nazhr method, the tahfidz method, the talaqqi method, and the tikrar method, b) taddabur, c) habituation of the Hasbanah and Isyraq prayers, d) rewards for students, e ) the application of industrial learning, and f) the benefits of evaluating industry-based learning at the Darussalam Al-Fatah Cilacap Islamic boarding school.

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