Modernity and Ethnic Violence

Matthew Lange

This chapter examines the link between modernity and ethnic violence. It begins with an overview of the origins and forms of modernity as well as the factors that caused the processes constituting modernity to develop in different ways. It then considers opposing arguments about the impact of modernity on ethnic violence, focusing on the classic modernist view, which contends that modernity promotes peace, and the revised modernist view, which counters that modernity increases violence. Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness offers a clear example of the classic position that equates modernity with peace. In particular, Conrad linked ruthless violence to primitivism and peaceful social order to modernity. The revised modernist position is exemplified by the works of Hannah Arendt, Michael Mann, James Scott, and Andreas Wimmer. The chapter concludes with a discussion of quantitative and qualitative evidence that lends support to the revised modernist view.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
M. Zainuddin

This research to analyze the impact of closure policy Teleju brothel by Pekanbaru govermentin 2010. Guidelines for works are Pekanbaru Local Regulations No. 12 of 2008 on Social Order-liness. Closure this brothel inflicts positive and negative impact for society.The research wasconducted to obtain early stage formula for the government to take action against the prostitu-tion activities. This research uses policy research approach with a qualitative method, becausein prostitution activities and prohibition by goverment is an assessment that needs to be done byanalyzing documents and unstructured interview.The results showed that after the closing of the Teleju brothel have an impact on the deploy-ment of a prostitution and affect the economy of the surrounding residents. Government seeksto tackle prostitution in Pekanbaru by moving the brothel, conduct regular raids and providetraining. The effort is considered to be less than the maximum because the handling is not basedon the root of the problem and not programmed properly. There are several causes of failure ofgovernment to overcome the prostitution problem in Pekanbaru, including: policy content isless focus on the prostitution problem, the government did not proceeds with data, lack of finan-cial support, contra productive programs between local government with the police and TNI,and the policy object is difficult to be given understanding.

Seeni Mohamed Aliff

This paper will examine the impact of PR electoral systems in a divided society. This research will explore the strength and weakness of the current electoral system and institutional design of Sri Lanka and will recommend changes to decrease the risk of minority exclusion in decision making and ethnic violence. The objectives of this research are to examine the character of the merits and demerits of the PR, and to investigate and assess the impacts of the PR in the multi ethnic societies of Sri Lanka. The study is a qualitative case study, and primary and secondary data sources have been employed to gather relevant data. The My Fieldwork was conducted in Sri Lanka, with the intention of gaining a better and more thorough understanding of the current situation. The interviews conducted were as such not structured or semi-structured, due to the interviewees’ varying professional background and institutional affiliation. Accordingly, unstructured interviews, as well as informal conversations and meetings, were conducted throughout Sri Lanka.

Asfandyar Mir ◽  
Dylan Moore

Abstract We investigate the impact of the US drone program in Pakistan on insurgent violence. Using details about US-Pakistan counterterrorism cooperation and geocoded violence data, we show that the program was associated with monthly reductions of around nine to thirteen insurgent attacks and fifty-one to eighty-six casualties in the area affected by the program. This change was sizable, as in the year before the program, the affected area experienced around twenty-one attacks and one hundred casualties per month. Additional quantitative and qualitative evidence suggests that this drop is attributable to the drone program. However, the damage caused in strikes during the program cannot fully account for the reduction. Instead, anticipatory effects induced by the program played a prominent role in subduing violence. These effects stemmed from the insurgents’ perception of the risk of being targeted in drone strikes; their efforts to avoid targeting severely compromised their movement and communication abilities, in addition to eroding within-group trust. These findings contrast with prominent perspectives on air-power, counterinsurgency, and US counterterrorism, suggesting select drone deployments can be an effective tool of counterinsurgency and counterterrorism.

Esther Cores-Bilbao ◽  
María del Carmen Méndez-García ◽  
M. Carmen Fonseca-Mora

AbstractThe current European context is characterised by the emergence of socio-political tensions that threaten to derail the cohesion objectives traditionally promoted by the authorities of the European Union. With EU citizenship in the shadow of Brexit, the fear of dismemberment of the current Europe of the 28 looms over a renewed debate on concepts like European identity, European citizenship or EU legitimacy and the involvement of its constituents in European affairs, as well as the role of education for promoting democratic awareness among young Europeans. This work aims to collect, appraise and synthesise qualitative evidence obtained in primary research exploring the perceptions of European university students about their civic and cultural identity. This systematic analysis sets out to identify predictors of positive self-identification with the EU and its institutions, focusing on the impact that different educational interventions have had on the attitudes and perceptions expressed by university students, and the importance of foreign language learning in the results obtained. The authors report their assessment of quality of the findings in a Cochrane-style qualitative evidence synthesis (QES), based on the GRADE-CERQual (Confidence in Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative research) method. The 12 informed findings described in this study support decision-making in future education policy formulation.

Modern China ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (5) ◽  
pp. 504-536 ◽  
Nimrod Baranovitch

Since the early 1990s, the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has been one of the most restive areas in China, and in recent years, following the July 2009 Urumchi riots, it has experienced frequent incidents of severe ethnic violence. A large body of scholarship has attempted to explain the sources of Uyghur discontent and pointed to various factors, including cultural and religious repression, unemployment, discrimination, and the mass migration of Han Chinese settlers into the region. This article proposes that environmental degradation, a factor that so far has received little attention in the research that focuses on ethnic tension in Xinjiang, is another important contributing factor. Focusing on air and water pollution in Xinjiang, but also addressing other types of environmental degradation, the article examines the attitudes of Uyghurs toward the phenomenon and shows how their perceptions have affected and been affected by their tense relationship with the Chinese government and the Han Chinese settlers in the region.

2002 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 188-211 ◽  
Susan R. Henderson

In 1919 Ernst May became the head of rural housing for the province of Silesia in eastern Germany. Silesian agriculture had long suffered from rural flight. The situation worsened in 1922 when the partition brokered by the Allies brought chaos in the mining industry and a flood of refugees. As head of the provincial stabilization effort called interior colonization, May was in charge of settlement programs to aid three constituencies of special concern: the farmworkers, the miners, and the refugees. Between 1919 and 1923, Germany's national rural housing effort employed a contradictory strategy of modernization set within corporative ideology, a "third way" that trumpeted a quasi-feudal social order as a path to political accord. May's Silesian work chronicles the impact of Modernism and corporatism on early Weimar housing: his settlements for farmworkers and miners celebrated their unique cultural traditions, while he experimented in rationalization techniques to increase housing production and reduce costs. With corporatism's decline after Germany's return to economic stability in 1924, modernization was increasingly accepted as an unalloyed virtue, and the veil of corporatism lifted. In 1924, challenged by the circumstances of the refugee housing program just at the moment the corporative compromise came to an end, May engaged in a series of experiments in polychromy, prefabricated construction, mass production, and standardization that reflected a more purely modern approach to the housing problem.

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 7-9
Florence Gacoin-Marks

Tematski sklop z naslovom »Podsaharska Afrika« letošnje dvojne številke revije Ars et Humanitas je nastal v obdobju, v katerem opažamo, da se je zanimanje slovenskih raziskovalcev različnih humanističnih področij za ta del sveta močno povečalo. O tem pričajo v prvi vrsti številne znanstvene objave, ki so vsaj deloma posvečene podsaharski Afriki, in vedno večje zanimanje študentov slovenskih univerz za t. i. postkolonialne študije (kar se odraža med drugim v večjem številu diplom o postkolonialnih vprašanjih, zlasti o podsaharski Afriki). Na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer potekajo prizadevanja za okrepitev afrikanistike v okviru novih univerzitetnih programov, pa so afriške književnosti v angleščini in francoščini zdaj močneje zastopane na študijskih smereh, ki so se doslej ukvarjale predvsem z evropskimi in severnoameriškimi literarnimi deli. To zanimanje za podsaharsko Afriko lahko pripisujemo večji pozornosti, ki se afriškim študijam namenja v Evropi in svetu nasploh, vse večji odprtosti slovenske družbe do oddaljenih dežel in kultur ter prizadevanjem slovenskih afrikanistov, ki so zadnja leta bolj številni in zelo dejavni. Med njimi naj omenim vsaj pokojnega etnologa in antropologa profesorja Boruta Brumna, ki je Afriko vrsto let približeval študentom ljubljanske univerze. Dodamo naj, da prav tako narašča število afriških literarnih del, ki jih lahko slovenski bralec bere v svoji materinščini, kar je znak, da se za ta del sveta vse bolj zanima tudi širša slovenska javnost. Pogled v bližnjo zgodovino nam pokaže, da se je zanimanje slovenske javnosti za Afriko v resnici krepilo že med šestdesetimi in osemdesetimi leti, ko je Slovenija kot jugoslovanska republika sodelovala pri gibanju t. i.»neuvrščenih«. To gibanje je med drugim ustvarilo družbenopolitično klimo, ki je nedvomno ugodno vplivala na boljše poznavanje »tretjega« sveta v Sloveniji, vključno s podsaharskimi deželami. Tako so se nizali obiski afriških politikov in izmenjave študentov, ki so včasih po študiju v Sloveniji ostali in postali del slovenske družbe. Tako je prišlo do živih, osebnih stikov med Slovenci in Afričani, ki so podlaga za resne, iskrene stike med narodi. Ta ugodna politična klima je privedla tudi do povečanja zanimanja pri slovenskih založnikih, saj so prevodi iz afriških književnosti začeli izhajati pogosteje: med letoma 1960 in 1990 je izšlo okrog 40 knjižnih izdaj, najbolj plodno pa je bilo leto 1980, ko je izšlo kar 8 afriških romanov v slovenskem prevodu. Omembe vredna je zbirka »Mostovi«, ki jo je leta 1976 ustanovila Pomurska založba in v kateri je izšlo dvanajst pomembnih romanov iz afriških književnosti (od Achebejevega romana Božja puščica leta 1977 do Marianinega izdajstva kamerunskega pisatelja Bernarda Nange leta 1987). V tem času bili so nekateri afriški grafiki (zlasti iz Južnoafriške unije) predstavljeni na ljubljanskih mednarodnih grafičnih bienalih (v letih 1955-1961 in 1977), prav tako so jugoslovanski grafiki nekajkrat gostovali po Afriki (npr. v letih 1980-1981 je bila razstava Contemporary Yugoslav Prints predstavljena v več afriških državah). Poleg tega številni potopisi, ki so izšli v zadnjih desetletjih, pričajo o tem, kako so se nekateri Slovenci poglobili v afriško resničnost in tradicijo. Pričujoči tematski sklop je sestavljen iz osmih razprav, v katerih raziskovalci predstavljajo bodisi s podsaharsko Afriko povezana vprašanja, pomembna s stališča posameznih strok, bodisi posebne vidike afriško-slovenskih odnosov. Prvi dve razpravi obravnavata posebna vidika sodobne afriške realnosti: vprašanje razvoja ob začetku 21. stoletja in vprašanje postkolonialnega nasilja. V članku »Razvojno zaostajanje podsaharske Afrike« Katja Vintar Mally s stališča regionalne geografije sooča razvojne težave podsaharske Afrike ob prelomu stoletij s t. i. razvojnimi cilji tisočletja, ki jih je OZN določila na podlagi Milenijske deklaracije iz leta 2000. Na podlagi novejših zgodovinskih dognanj in analize imperializma pri Hannah Arendt se Vlasta Jalušič v razpravi »Evropska zapuščina Afriki, afriška zapuščina Evropi: postkolonialno nasilje in pošast genocida« ukvarja z elementi zahodne zapuščine, katerih vpliv je bil odločilen pri zločinih, ki so zaznamovali podsaharsko Afriko ob prelomu med 20. in 21. stoletjem (zlasti pri genocidi v Ruandi). Proti koncu članka se avtorica sprašuje, kaj bi se lahko zahodni svet naučil iz situacije v Afriki, do kakšnih razmišljanj – zlasti v zvezi z rasizmom – bi ga morale pripeljati afriške postkolonialne izkušnje. Naslednji trije članki zadevajo preučevanje afriških književnosti s treh različnih perspektiv. V članku z naslovom »De l’oralité à l’écriture ou de l’africanité à la transculturalité« (»Od ustnosti do pisave ali od afriškosti do transkulturnosti«) senegalski profesor in raziskovalec Mwamba Cabakulu opredeli različne oblike ustne literature, ki so igrale pomembno vlogo v izoblikovanju afriških književnostih. Tako nazorno predstavi razmerje med ustno in pisno literaturo v afriških kulturah. V kolonialne čase se vrača Gabriela Babnik, ki prikazuje roman Chinua Achebeja z naslovom Razpad iz leta 1952 kot odgovor na negativno podobo Afričanov v Evropi, zlasti v Conradovem romanu The Heart of Darkness. Pisanje romana je pri nigerijskem pisatelju dejanje upora, ki bo zgled za številne druge afriške pisatelje. V članku »Zahod v Afriki in Afričanke na Zahodu« Nataša Hrastnik preučuje tematiko, značilno za žensko pisanje v sodobnih afriških književnostih s poudarkom na iskanju identitete, ki ga lahko imamo za vodilno temo pri afriških pisateljicah. Zadnji trije članki predstavljajo tri različne vidike slovensko-afriških odnosov. V članku z naslovom »Črno sonce v beli glavi« Marko Frelih predstavlja sudansko misijo, ki jo je sredi 19. stoletja vodil slovenski krščanski misijonar dr. Ignancij Knoblehar in ki jo lahko imamo za prvo temeljitejšo neposredno srečanje Slovencev s podsaharsko Afriko. Kot prevajalka afriških literarnih del se Katja Zakrajšek v članku »K problematiki prevajanja afriškega evrofonskega romana v slovenščino« ukvarja s posebnostmi afriških književnosti v »evropskih« jezikih in razmišlja o implikacijah teh posebnosti pri prevajanju v slovenski jezik. S prevajanjem se iz literarno-zgodovinske prespektive ukvarja tudi Tone Smolej v članku »Léopold Sédar Senghor pri Slovencih«, v katerem posveča pozornost izboru pesmi velikega senegalskega pesnika, ki je leta 1975 izšel v slovenskem jeziku. Slovenski raziskovalni prostor seveda premore veliko več zanimivih raziskav v zvezi z Afriko, zato lahko samo obžalujemo, da nekateri raziskovalci pri tej publikaciji niso mogli sodelovati in da zato njihova stroka tukaj ni zastopana. Ob tej priložnosti se iskreno zahvaljujem vsem, ki so sodelovali pri projektu s kakovostnimi in raznovrstnimi razpravami.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Afrizal Afrizal

Unemployment in developing countries such as Indonesia, the economic development of this country as a growing number of unemployment is a problem that is more complicated and more serious than the problem of changes in income distribution are less profitable low-income residents Unemployment in Jambi Province has reached tens of thousands of people is an urgent problem that must be solved because of the impact of unemployment it would be very dangerous to the social order of life. It is a fact that various social evils such as theft / muggings/robberies, prostitution, Jula buy children, street children and others merupakandampakdaripengangguran.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yusuf Yusuf

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan latar belakang Jepang di Bima dan reaksi Sultan dan masyarakat Bima terhadap kedatangan Jepang serta dampaknya terhadap masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan ilmu sejarah, sehingga tahap penelitian yang dilakukan adalah (1) Heuristik atau pengumpulan data, (2) Kritik (3) Interprtasi dan (4) Historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Berdasarkan  pada pembagian wilayah kontrol pendudukan Jepang di Bima bahwa kawasan Indonesia bagian timur berada di bawah kontrol Armada (Angkatan) Laut yang berpusat di Makassar. Setelah menduduki Sulawesi Selatan pada tanggal 9 Februari 1942, Jepang terus melakukan gerak invasinya ke Nusa Tenggara, antara lain Kupang di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) serta Bima di Kepulauan Sumbawa. Armada Laut Jepang dibawah pimpinan Kolonel Saito mendarat di Pelabuhan Bima pada tanggal 17 Juli 1942. Kedatangannya di sambut baik oleh penduduk setempat, sekalipun mereka (masyarakat Bima) di selimuti rasa khawatir atas rencana Asisten Residen Belanda, H.E. Haak untuk kembali berkuasa di Bima, karena itu dengan mudah Jepang menduduki Bima. Dampak keberadaan Jepang di Bima dibidang sosial diantaranya terjadi keresahan sosial dan porak-porandanya tata kehidupan sosial masyarakat. Agama dan adat yang selama ini dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat “terpaksa” harus dilanggar. Sementara dampak dibidang Ekonomi, berupa keterpurukkan Ekomomi, sebab masyarakat tidak lagi mencurahkan perhatian sepenuhnya untuk mengolah lahan pertaniannya. Penderitaan masyarakat berakhir setelah Jepang kalah dan menyerah tanpa syarat kepada sekutu pada bulan Agustus 1945. Sejak itu, pemerintahan pendudukan Jepang berakhir di Bima khususnya dan Indonesia pada umumnya. Kata Kunci: Pendudukan, Japang di BimaAbstractThis study aims to describe the background of Japan in Bima and the reaction of the Sultan and the people of Bima to the arrival of Japan and its impact on society. This study uses a historical science approach, so the stages of research carried out are (1) Heuristics or data collection, (2) Criticism (3) Interpretation and (4) Historiography. The results showed that based on the division of the Japanese occupation control area in Bima that the eastern part of Indonesia was under the control of the Naval Fleet (Force) based in Makassar. After occupying South Sulawesi on February 9, 1942, Japan continued to make its invasion moves to Nusa Tenggara, including Kupang in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Bima in the Sumbawa Islands. The Japanese Sea Fleet under the leadership of Colonel Saito landed at the Port of Bima on July 17, 1942. His arrival was welcomed by local residents, even though they (the Bima people) were shrouded in worry over the plan of the Assistant Resident of the Netherlands, H.E. Haak to return to power in Bima, because it easily Japan occupied Bima. The impact of the existence of Japan in Bima in the social field included social unrest and ruins of the social order of the community. Religion and customs that have been upheld by the community are "forced" to be violated. While the impact on the economy, in the form of deterioration in the economy, is because the community no longer pays full attention to cultivate its agricultural land. The suffering of the people ended after Japan's defeat and surrender unconditionally to the allies in August 1945. Since then, the Japanese occupation government ended in Bima in particular and Indonesia in general. Keywords: Occupation, Japanese in Bima

2015 ◽  
Vol 117 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-44
Assaf Meshulam

Background/Context Critical education studies tries to make sense of the relationship between education and differential power in an unequal society and to what degree schools impact the social order. A premise in this field is that a fundamental aim of critical education is exposing unequal social, cultural, and economic power relations and engaging in social action that transcends the setting of the classroom and school. Counterhegemonic schools are thus generally characterized by an aspiration to be meaningful beyond the school community and a commitment to social transformation. Purpose/Focus of Study The study examines a unique bilingual, multicultural school in Israel/Palestine in its struggle to be broadly meaningful and sustainable by opening up enrollment beyond its binational (Jewish-Palestinian) community. In particular, the study analyzes the impact of incorporating external students on the school's counterhegemonic curricula, pedagogy, and dynamics, as well as the implications for the transformative potential of bottom-up democratic education initiatives in the absence of accompanying policy change more generally. Research Design The findings draw on data collected in a broader qualitative case study on multicultural, bilingual schools educating for democracy and social justice in different national, political, and cultural contexts. Data were collected and analyzed from semistructured open-ended individual interviews with school staff, parents, and founders; field observations; and document analysis. Findings The primary finding of this research is the paradox of being impacted while making an impact: The school's attempt to infiltrate the hegemony and expand and sustain its social impact led to the infiltration of external goals, interests, and power relations into its counterhegemonic agenda, curricula and pedagogy, and governance. This in turn undermined transformativity and transcultural border-crossing potential at the school and triggered a neoliberal process of commodification. Yet it also emerged that students still succeed in crossing national and religious identity-borders and in overcoming hegemonic perspectives of their essentialized identities. Conclusions Many obstacles stand between a counterhegemonic school and being socially meaningful, including sociohistorical and political factors. No less important, however, are the broader structural aspects to creating a space in which transformative schools can succeed. Although bottom-up attempts may push hegemonic forms to incorporate certain aspects of their vision, they cannot have meaningful and widespread impact if unaccompanied by broad support and action at the policy level and if they do not become organic parts of a larger transformative agenda.

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