ukrainian academy
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Andrii Puchkov

An attempt has been made to outline in a historical and chronological way the main features, achievements and problems of the Academy of Architecture in Ukraine, from 1945 to the present. These are the Academy of Architecture of the USSR, transformed in 1945 from the Ukrainian branch of the Academy of Architecture of the USSR (1944), the Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the USSR, transformed from the Academy of Architecture in 1955, the liquidation of this Academy in 1963, the restoration of the Academy in 1992. year in the status of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture. Based on the involvement of little-known factual material outlines the activities and practical and theoretical guidelines of the five presidents of the Academy of Architecture - Vladimir Zabolotny (1945-1955), Anatoly Komar (1955-1959), Pavel Bakuma (1959-1963), Valentyn Shtolko (1992–2020), Oleg Sleptsov (since September 2021), as well as the peculiarities of actual achievements and radiant delusions of lost perspectives, unfulfilled desires and urgent needs of the architectural and architectural shops of Ukraine during the last almost eighty years. Among other things, the achievements of the Academy on the way of researching the architectural heritage of Ukraine, the care of V. Zabolotny for research in this area are shown; highlights the dynamics of transformation of candidate dissertations in architecture from design and descriptive to the actual scientific, as they are now; the range of problems that accompanied the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture after its restoration in 1992 is depicted, as well as the vastness of important scientific and creative achievements of its academics and corresponding members, in particular in the field of publishing basic scientific works; finally, for the first time, it is proposed to illustrate the general picture of the formation and formation of the forms of activity of the Academy of Architecture during its existence; the prospects of further functioning are outlined and aspects of understanding the role of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture in the modern architectural world, not only the Ukrainian one, are singled out.

Д. Е. Чистов

В ходе раскопок архаического поселения на о. Березань в устье Днепро-Бугского лимана в 1970 г. была сделана важная находка, значению которой ранее не уделялось должного внимания. Экспедицией ИА АН УССР под руководством В. В. Лапина раскрыто двойное захоронение - кремация. Два ионийских сосуда, использованные в качестве урн для помещения праха, и аттическая чаша на ножке, послужившая в качестве крышки одного из них, позволяют датировать погребение концом VI или рубежом VI-V вв. до н. э. Понимание контекста захоронения затруднено плохой сохранностью окружающих архаических строительных остатков - они в значительной степени уничтожены при строительстве на этом месте большого комплекса построек в IV в. до н. э. Однако установлено, что двойное погребение находилось на значительном удалении от некрополя, в центральной части городского квартала, и всего в 18 метрах от общественного здания - т. н. «дома с апсидой». Возможно, здесь был расположен героон. Раскрытые В. В. Лапиным погребения вполне могли бы принадлежать кому-то из лидеров колонистов, основавших и построивших на Березани урбанизированное поселение несколькими десятилетиями ранее - в начале третьей четверти VI в. до н. э. Захоронение с двойной кремацией своей датировкой приблизительно совпадает со сменой строительных фаз II-A и II-B в периодизации Березанского поселения. Завершение фазы II-A отмечается пожарами, разрушениями и последующими перестройками, прослеженными в разных частях памятника. Нельзя исключить того, что гибель двух человек, погребенных неподалеку от «дома с апсидой», также была связана с этой катастрофой, причины которой пока не установлены. During the excavations of an Archaic period settlement on the Berezan island in the mouth of the Dnieper-Bug silted estuary in 1970 an important find was made that was not given due consideration. The expedition of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences led by V. V. Lapin discovered a double cremation burial. Two Ionian vessels (Fig. 3) used as urns with ashes and an Attic footed cup that was used as a lid of one of these vessels suggest that the burial dates to the end of the 6th c. BC or the end of the 6th - early 5th cc. BC. Understanding the burial context is hampered by poor preservation conditions of archaic buildings debris which were mostly pulled down during construction of a group of buildings in the 4th c. BC. However, it has been found that the double burial was located at a long distance from the necropolis in the central part of the city blocks, only 18 m away from the public building, the so called house with an apse (Fig. 2). Maybe, a heroon was located there. The burials uncovered by V. V. Lapin probably belonged to one of the colonists’ leaders who had founded this urban settlement on the Berezan island several decades before, i.e. in the early third quarter of the 6th c. BC. Chronologically the double cremation burial almost coincides with the replacement of construction phases II-A and II-B according to the Berezan settlement periodization. The end of construction phases II-A was marked by fires, collapse of buildings and subsequent rebuilding traced in various parts of the site. We cannot exclude that the death of two individuals buried not far from the house with the apse was also linked to this disaster by factors not yet identified

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 29-36
Anna Skripnik ◽  

In the context of the development of ethnological science in the first quarter of the 20th century, the article exa-mines the current and still relevant methods of ethnographic research on the example of the scientific work and creativity of the Ukrainian artist-ethnographer Yu. Pavlovych. His legacy includes tens of thousands of sketches of the monuments of the ethnic culture of the Ukrainian and other peoples, and includes original scientific publications. The research interests of the ethnographer were formed as a result of his acquaintance with the works of the leading Ukrainian scientists P. Chubynsky, F. Volkov and V. Antonovych. Since the time of Yu. Pavlovich’s work in the Cabinet of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine named after F. Volkov, his ethnological activity acquired consistency and was regulated by the ethnographic scientific projects of this institution. According to these programs, the scientist participated in monographic studies of settlements, successfully mapped the phenomena of material culture and carried out field ethnographic research.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 44-48
T. Zverko

This article attempts to analyze the problem of social partnership in educational sphere, based on the results of the experiment of the People's Ukrainian Academy on the formation and development of social partnership as an effective factor in ensuring the stability and prospects of education. The demand for the idea of social partnership in educational sphere as an effective factor in ensuring stability and further development of educational systems has been substantiated. The potential of classical sociological theories in the study of social partnership is revealed, the main theoretical aspects of the implementation of social partnership in educational sphere are determined. The directions of the research developments of domestic scientists on the state and trends in the development of social partnership, reforming higher education based on the consolidation of efforts of stakeholders, technologies of social partnership, stakeholder relations, problems of trust in educational sphere are presented. The analysis of theoretical developments and practical implementation of intermediate results of research and experimental work within the framework of the experiment is presented. Attention is drawn to such types of social partnership in education, which define partnership as a system of relationships between the subjects of the educational process and the educational institution; partnership as a level of the organization of relations between an educational institution and external social structures. The effective principles of joint activities are highlighted such as: consistency; voluntariness; trust; interrelation and interdependence of actions of stakeholders; flexibility and mobility; continuity, common values. Organizational and coordinating forms of social partnership have been determined, which have already proven their effectiveness. Among them, the following can be found: a board of trustees, an advisory board on financial and investment issues, a resource center for social partnership at the regional level; resource center for social partnership on the basis of an educational institution; a council of partners of the educational institution. Priority directions for further implementation of the experiment have been determined.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 87-91
E. Astakhova ◽  
I. Kozitskaya

The article is devoted to a description of various approaches to solving topical educational and “library” problems typical of the contemporary world, which are being realized in its practical activities by the scientific-educational complex for continuing education Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”. “People’s Ukrainian Academy” is the institution where the university library’s functions are not limited to repositing and providing books to students and teaching staff. The authors point out that in the contemporary world where 90% of all available information has come up in the last two years, libraries are to learn and teach others how to manage information, how to analyze and systematize it, how to maintain the academic ethos, and foster academic integrity. The authors emphasize that the tasks are qualitatively different from what libraries used to have. Among the main goals the Centre for Scientific and Humanitarian Information (the whole name of the PUA’s librarian complex) attempts to achieve, combination of functions is a priority: shaping reader’s needs and developing a culture of reading, a culture of dealing with books and other information sources, establishing and developing a cuture of Dialogue in the education institutions, leadership in its innovative activity. The paper substantiates the existing PUA approaches to the functions of the librarian complex and considers the principles and methods of the library work with people of different age-groups, its participation in soling cultural communication problems, developing a culture of the Dialogue, book-crossing and others. The paper explicates how non-standard formats of activity ensure achieving the goals of the university library in the times of uncertainty and constant change.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 107-110
О. Bielousova

This article deals with the issue of preparing secondary school pupils to making their career choice as to the most important decision, which is to determine their subsequent life. The author emphasizes the topicality of the problem at the time when the labour market is undergoing substantial changes concerning the demand for professionals and requirements to them. The paper  presents the experience of the People's Ukrainian Academy in organizing vocational guidance work with schoolchildren, describes the newly-developed program for the formation of professional choice "How to turn a dream into a profession" and the mane years’ work of  Entrepreneurship School. The author points out that career guidance could be much more effective if innovative techniques and approaches, as well as diverse formats of activities are employed. Involvement of all stakeholders and the focus on real needs and perspectives of Kharkiv region are also considered efficiency-boosting. The article also explicates the key principles of career guidance in PUA fostering its effectiveness.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 74-79
I. Pomazan

The article is devoted to the review of the experience of the Department of Ukrainian Studies of Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy” as an integrated structural unit of an innovative educational institution operating on the principles of continuous education. Considerable attention is paid, in particular, to the practical implementation of this concept in educational activities (the organization of study hours, the development of basic integrated programs in the Ukrainian Language, Ukrainian Literature and Foreign Literature, which cover teaching in both secondary and higher schools), research and educational work on the formation of the modern specialist as an intellectual and worthy individual with his own civic position. When reviewing the educational and methodological practices of the department, especially highlighted are integrated programs developed by the department academic staff, namely, the integrated programs on the Ukrainian Language, Ukrainian Literature, as well as the program on the History of Foreign Literature. The principles of drawing up these programs are set out in accordance with the task of the most effective implementation of both vertical (from secondary to higher school) and horizontal (interdisciplinaryt) integration. Special attention is paid to the technologies of online education, in particular, online courses developed at the department as a promising algorithm for the effective organization of the educational process. The multi-vector educational work carried out by the department staff in cooperation with other structural divisions of People’s Ukrainian Academy is also in the focus of the author’s attention. The participation of the department staff in nation-wide educational projects such as External Independent Evaluation in the Ukrainian Language and Literature has also been emphasized. When analyzing each component of the structural block, emphasis is put on the essence of its integrated format and its significance for the successful implementation of the concept of the complex of continuing education, in general, and the formation of a fully rounded personality that will feel confident in modern world, in particular.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 80-86
O. Novikova

The article discusses theoretical and practical approaches to creating a system of effective interaction between universities and alumni, including the organization of alumni associations. The experience of formation of relations "university-graduate" of foreign and Ukrainian universities is described. The experience of work with graduates of the Kharkiv Humanitarian University "People's Ukrainian Academy" is analyzed and summarized, the main directions and forms of cooperation with graduates as stakeholders are revealed. The main tasks and areas of work of such interaction today are: preservation and enhancement of scientific and cultural traditions of the PUA; establishing and expanding contacts between alumni, fostering the spirit of corporatism, mutual assistance and cooperation; participation of graduates in programs for the development of the university, strengthening its material and technical base, supporting scientific research; promotion of successful employment of graduates, their career growth; strengthening and developing loyalty to your Alma Mater, active participation in enhancing its prestige; ensuring the continuity of values that have developed in higher education in the system of interaction "students-graduates-students". The structure of the Alumni Association is presented, its goals and objectives are described. The integrity of the corporate educational system of interaction between the People's Ukrainian Academy and alumni is presented in the Program for providing a support system for NUA graduates. Attention is paid to describing the traditions that unite their graduates around Alma Mater. Such as: Graduate Breakfast, sports and children's programs, annual meetings on May 29, etc.

New Collegium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (104) ◽  
pp. 31-36
O. Ivanova

The article considers the place and role of the system of continuing education in modern society, its components and manifestations. Scientific research work is highlighted as a key component of the continuing education model. The article describes scientific research work within the framework of the “school-university” system and specific features of its organization as exemplified by the educational and scientific complex Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy”. The structural elements that effectuate the system of the organization of scientific research activities of all the participants in the educational process in “People’s Ukrainian Academy” are highlighted. The specific features and key achievements in the scientific work of Kharkiv University of Humanities “People’s Ukrainian Academy” — an educational and scientific complex of continuing education — are presented. The role of scientific schools and laboratories in the formation of scientific research work at the Academy, the mechanism of their formation and functioning as well as the peculiarities of scientific work at the Academy as an experimental educational institution that implements a social experiment at the regional level in accordance with the pressing challenges of our time have been pointed out. The influence of the system of the organization of scientific work in the system of continuing education on its effectiveness and involvement of all the participants in the educational process has been described.

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