flow pathways
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2022 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Danlu Guo ◽  
Camille Minaudo ◽  
Anna Lintern ◽  
Ulrike Bende-Michl ◽  
Shuci Liu ◽  

Abstract. Understanding concentration–discharge (C–Q) relationships can inform catchment solute and particulate export processes. Previous studies have shown that the extent to which baseflow contributes to streamflow can affect C–Q relationships in some catchments. However, the current understanding on the effects of baseflow contribution in shaping the C–Q patterns is largely derived from temperate catchments. As such, we still lack quantitative understanding of these effects across a wide range of climates (e.g. arid, tropical and subtropical). The study aims to assess how baseflow contributions, as defined by the median and the range of daily baseflow indices within individual catchments (BFI_m and BFI_range, respectively), influence C–Q slopes across 157 catchments in Australia spanning five climate zones. This study focuses on six water quality variables: electrical conductivity (EC), total phosphorus (TP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total suspended solids (TSS), the sum of nitrate and nitrite (NOx) and total nitrogen (TN). The impact of baseflow contributions is explored with a novel Bayesian hierarchical model. For sediments and nutrient species (TSS, NOx, TN and TP), we generally see largely positive C–Q slopes, which suggest a dominance of mobilization export patterns. Further, for TSS, NOx and TP we see stronger mobilization (steeper positive C–Q slopes) in catchments with higher values in both the BFI_m and BFI_range, as these two metrics are positively correlated for most catchments. The enhanced mobilization in catchments with higher BFI_m or BFI_range is likely due to the more variable flow pathways that occur in catchments with higher baseflow contributions. These variable flow pathways can lead to higher concentration gradients between low flows and high flows, where the former is generally dominated by groundwater/slow subsurface flow while the latter by surface water sources, respectively. This result highlights the crucial role of flow pathways in determining catchment exports of solutes and particulates. Our study also demonstrates the need for further studies on how the temporal variations of flow regimes and baseflow contributions influence flow pathways and the potential impacts of these flow pathways on catchment C–Q relationships.

Angiogenesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Bianca Nitzsche ◽  
Wen Wei Rong ◽  
Andrean Goede ◽  
Björn Hoffmann ◽  
Fabio Scarpa ◽  

AbstractAngiogenesis describes the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vascular structures. While the most studied mode of angiogenesis is vascular sprouting, specific conditions or organs favor intussusception, i.e., the division or splitting of an existing vessel, as preferential mode of new vessel formation. In the present study, sustained (33-h) intravital microscopy of the vasculature in the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) led to the hypothesis of a novel non-sprouting mode for vessel generation, which we termed “coalescent angiogenesis.” In this process, preferential flow pathways evolve from isotropic capillary meshes enclosing tissue islands. These preferential flow pathways progressively enlarge by coalescence of capillaries and elimination of internal tissue pillars, in a process that is the reverse of intussusception. Concomitantly, less perfused segments regress. In this way, an initially mesh-like capillary network is remodeled into a tree structure, while conserving vascular wall components and maintaining blood flow. Coalescent angiogenesis, thus, describes the remodeling of an initial, hemodynamically inefficient mesh structure, into a hierarchical tree structure that provides efficient convective transport, allowing for the rapid expansion of the vasculature with maintained blood supply and function during development.

2021 ◽  
Yihuai Zhang ◽  
Branko Bijeljic ◽  
Martin Blunt

Multiphase flow in porous materials is conventionally described by an empirical extension to Darcy’s law which assumes that the pressure gradient is proportional to flow rate. Through a series of two-phase flow experiments, we demonstrate that even when capillary forces are dominant at the pore scale, there is a non-linear intermittent flow regime with a power-law dependence between pressure gradient and flow rate. Energy balance is used to predict accurately the start of the intermittent regime in hydrophobic porous media. The pore-scale explanation of the behaviour based on the periodic filling of critical flow pathways is confirmed through 3D micron-resolution X-ray imaging.

2021 ◽  
Matthew D. Wilson ◽  
Thomas J. Coulthard

Abstract. We describe the formulation of a simple method of water source tracing for computational models of flood inundation and demonstrate its implementation within CAESAR-Lisflood. Water source tracing can provide additional insight into flood dynamics by accounting for flow pathways. The method developed is independent of the hydraulic formulation used, allowing it to be implemented in other model codes without affecting flow routing. In addition, we developed a method which allows up to three water sources to be visualised in RGB colour-space, while continuing to allow depth to be resolved. We show the application of the methods developed for example applications of a major flood event, a shallow estuary, and Amazonian wetland inundation. A key advantage of the formulation developed is that the number of water sources which may be traced is limited only by computational considerations. In addition, the method is independent of the hydraulic formulation, meaning that it is relatively straightforward to add to existing finite volume codes including those based on or developed around the LISFLOOD-FP method.

Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-55
Jihui Ding ◽  
Anthony C. Clark ◽  
Tiziana Vanorio ◽  
Adam D. Jew ◽  
John R. Bargar

From geochemical reactions to proppant emplacement, hydraulic fracturing induces various chemo-mechanical fracture alterations in shale reservoirs. Hydraulic fracturing through the injection of a vast amount and variety of fluids and proppants has substantial impacts on fluid flow and hydrocarbon production. There is a strong need to improve our understanding on how fracture alterations affect flow pathways within the stimulated rock volume and develop monitoring tools. We conducted time-lapse rock physics experiments on clay-rich (carbonate-poor) Marcellus shales to characterize the acoustic velocity and permeability responses to fracture acidizing and propping. Acoustic P- and S-wave velocities and fracture permeability were measured before and after laboratory-induced fracture alterations along with microstructural imaging through X-ray computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Our experiments show that S-wave velocity is an important geophysical observable, particularly the S-wave polarized perpendicular to fractures since it is sensitive to fracture stiffness. The acidizing and propping of a fracture both decrease its elastic stiffness. This effect is stronger for acidizing, and so it is possible that proppant monitoring will be masked by chemical alteration except when propping is highly efficient (i.e., most fractures are propped). However, fracture permeability is undermined by the softening of fracture surfaces due to acidizing, while greatly enhanced by propping. These contrasting effects on fluid flow in combination with similar seismic attributes indicate the importance of experiments to improve existing rock physics models, which must include changes to the rock frame. Such improvements are necessary for a correct interpretation of seismic velocity monitoring of flow pathways in stimulated shales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Caroline H. Roney ◽  
Nicholas Child ◽  
Bradley Porter ◽  
Iain Sim ◽  
John Whitaker ◽  

Electrical activation during atrial fibrillation (AF) appears chaotic and disorganised, which impedes characterisation of the underlying substrate and treatment planning. While globally chaotic, there may be local preferential activation pathways that represent potential ablation targets. This study aimed to identify preferential activation pathways during AF and predict the acute ablation response when these are targeted by pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). In patients with persistent AF (n = 14), simultaneous biatrial contact mapping with basket catheters was performed pre-ablation and following each ablation strategy (PVI, roof, and mitral lines). Unipolar wavefront activation directions were averaged over 10 s to identify preferential activation pathways. Clinical cases were classified as responders or non-responders to PVI during the procedure. Clinical data were augmented with a virtual cohort of 100 models. In AF pre-ablation, pathways originated from the pulmonary vein (PV) antra in PVI responders (7/7) but not in PVI non-responders (6/6). We proposed a novel index that measured activation waves from the PV antra into the atrial body. This index was significantly higher in PVI responders than non-responders (clinical: 16.3 vs. 3.7%, p = 0.04; simulated: 21.1 vs. 14.1%, p = 0.02). Overall, this novel technique and proof of concept study demonstrated that preferential activation pathways exist during AF. Targeting patient-specific activation pathways that flowed from the PV antra to the left atrial body using PVI resulted in AF termination during the procedure. These PV activation flow pathways may correspond to the presence of drivers in the PV regions.

ACS Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Fatima Ezahra Chrit ◽  
Abhishek Raj ◽  
Katherine M. Young ◽  
Nicholas E. Stone ◽  
Peter G. Shankles ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 204 ◽  
pp. 105438
Lunjiang Wang ◽  
Yanle Zhang ◽  
Junchao Jia ◽  
Qing Zhen ◽  
Xingchang Zhang

2021 ◽  
pp. 875529302110266
Hesam Talebiyan ◽  
Kanoknart Leelardcharoen ◽  
Leonardo Dueñas-Osorio ◽  
Barry J Goodno ◽  
James I Craig

This article quantifies the seismic performance of interdependent electric power and telecommunication systems, while also identifying variables with the highest impact on design. We introduce interdependent power and telecommunication models, which probabilistically simulate the physical dependency of telecommunication systems on power via interdependent adjacency and coupling strength, while a topology observability analysis quantifies the cyber dependency of the power system on telecommunications. We also use new functionality-based performance measures, including data congestion in telecommunications and partial observability in power systems, given communication demands upsurging after earthquakes. As an application, our methodology assesses the performance of stylized power and telecommunication systems in Shelby County, TN. Results show that neglecting retrials, congestion, and power interdependency lead to significant overestimation of the performance of telecommunication systems, particularly at low-to-medium hazard levels. Sensitivity results also reveal that decreasing the strength of coupling across systems is one of the most effective ways to improve the seismic performance of evolving cyber-physical systems, particularly when increasing observability in the power system through telecommunication end offices with richer data flow pathways.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 2212
Imogen Barnsley ◽  
Rebecca Spake ◽  
Justin Sheffield ◽  
Julian Leyland ◽  
Tim Sykes ◽  

This study aims to address the gap in the Natural Flood Management (NFM) evidence base concerning its implementation potential in groundwater-dominated catchments. We generated a typology of 198 chalk catchments using redundancy analysis and hierarchical clustering. Three catchment typologies were identified: (1) large catchments, (2) headwater catchments with permeable soils, and (3) catchments with impermeable soils and surfaces (urban and suburban land uses). The literature suggests that natural flood management application is most effective for catchments <20 km2, reducing the likelihood of significant flood mitigation in large catchments. The relatively lower proportion of surface runoff and higher recharge in permeable catchments diminishes natural flood management’s likely efficacy. Impermeable catchments are most suited to natural flood management due to a wide variety of flow pathways, making the full suite of natural flood management interventions applicable. Detailed groundwater flood maps and hydrological models are required to identify catchments where NFM can be used in a targeted manner to de-synchronise sub-catchment flood waves or to intercept runoff generated via groundwater emergence. Whilst our analysis suggests that most chalk groundwater-dominated catchments in this sample are unlikely to benefit from significant flood reductions due to natural flood management, the positive impact on ecosystem services and biodiversity makes it an attractive proposition.

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