school girls
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Retos ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 739-748
Beatriz Rodríguez Martín ◽  
Gonzalo Flores Aguilar ◽  
Javier Fernández Río

  Esta investigación valoró los efectos de un programa didáctico gamificado sobre la ansiedad ante el fracaso en Educación Física. Además, pudimos reconocer las posibles causas al analizar las impresiones del alumnado sobre la experiencia. Participaron 143 estudiantes de 5º y 6º de primaria. Se siguió un diseño pre-experimental, pre-test, post-test de un solo grupo, cuantitativo-cualitativo. Se administró la subescala Ansiedad y Agobio ante el Fracaso del Test de Motivación del Logro para el Aprendizaje en Educación Física (versión validada por Ruiz-Pérez et al. (2015) del Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, AMPET, de Nishida (1988)) y un cuestionario ad hoc con cuatro preguntas abiertas. Los datos cuantitativos mostraron que, tras la intervención didáctica, la ansiedad disminuyó de manera significativa. Los resultados cualitativos desvelaron aspectos positivos que pudieron promover dicha disminución, como: la superación de pruebas, el trabajo cooperativo, el disfrute de los elementos de la gamificación, la superación personal, el aprendizaje y la mejora de aspectos curriculares. Sin embargo, también se reconocieron otros aspectos negativos, como el trabajo de la resistencia y los grupos estables, lo cual deja entrever algunos aspectos de mejora en este planteamiento gamificado. Abstract: This research assessed the effects of a gamified project on anxiety about failure in Physical Education, perceiving the possible causes through the impressions of the students. 143 students from 5th and 6th grade participated. A pre-experimental, pre-test, post-test single-group, quantitative-qualitative design was followed. The Anxiety and Stress subscale was administered before the Failure of the Motivation Test of Achievement for Learning in Physical Education and open questions were used after the experience (version validated by Ruiz-Pérez et al. (2015) of the Achievement Motivation in Physical Education Test, AMPET, by Nishida (1988)) and an ad hoc questionnaire with four open questions. The quantitative data showed that anxiety decreased significantly after the intervention. The qualitative results revealed positive aspects that could promote said decrease: passing tests, cooperative work, enjoyment of the elements of gamification, personal improvement, learning and improvement of curricular aspects. However, other negative aspects were also recognized, such as resistance work and stable groups, which suggests some aspects of improvement in this gamified approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 005-012
Loveday Ese Oghenemavwe ◽  
Michael Omonkheoa Oyakhire ◽  
Chidubem Oraelosi

Menarche is a significant marker of maturity and puberty in girls, and it is a transition influenced by different biophysical factors. This study was carried out to determine the age, seasons and the influence of body mass index (BMI) on menarche. A total of 450 girls’ between the ages of 10 and 19 years participated in the study. Age at menarche was obtained via the recall quo cross sectional method. Parameters measured were; standing height (SH), weight (Wt) and BMI. A total of 373 (82.9%) girls had their menarche in their early adolescence while 77 girls (17.1%) had their menarche in mid adolescence. Mean age at menarche was 13.17± 1.48 years. The average value for BMI was 20.35 ± 3.77 kg/m2, SH was 161.09 ± 6.16 cm, Wt was 52.53 ± 9.21kg. Overweight girls were observed to attain menarche earlier, followed by those whose mean weight was in the normal range .Subjects in the underweight category had higher age at menarche. Menarche was high in the months of August, July and January. Menarche occurs early among secondary school girls in Port Harcourt and among other factors, those associated with BMI and stress are important in the onset of the biological event.

Maria Kwiatkowska-Ratajczak

This outline is dedicated to the reconstruction of an individual cultural code of high school students, who, due to the 2020 lockdown, were forced to self-isolate from peers and limit their school activity to online contacts. Based on the analysis of students’ written assignments, the author discusses what builds their identity and impacts the outlook on the world, as well as reconstructs youth’s beliefs regarding the role of old and contemporary, elitist and popular art. The study indicates the spheres of life important to young people, documents their understanding of how being apart, they can still demonstrate care of others, and emphasises the significance of students’ independence and benefits arising from recognition of their empowerment. The statements of high school girls and boys quoted by the researcher inspire further reflections on both the objectives of humanities education and the means of their implementation. 

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261268
Souphalak Inthaphatha ◽  
Viengsakhone Louangpradith ◽  
Leyla Isin Xiong ◽  
Valee Xiong ◽  
Ly Ly ◽  

In Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), information on school sanitation and menstrual health among secondary school girls is limited. This study aimed to explore knowledge and practices surrounding menstrual health and to identify factors associated with school absence due to menstruation among secondary school girls in Lao PDR. The study involved 1,366 girls from grade 9 to grade 12 in six secondary schools in Luang Prabang Province. Data on socio-demographics and menstrual health of the girls and data on school toilets was collected. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the factors associated with school absence due to menstruation. The mean age was 15.8 years old. The average age of menarche was 12.9 years old. Of 1,366 girls, 64.6% were shocked or ashamed when they reached menarche and 31.8% had been absent from school due to menstruation in the six months before this study was conducted. Factors associated with school absence due to menstruation were age ≥ 16 years old (AOR = 1.79, 95% CI 1.37–2.34), higher income (AOR = 2.38, 95% CI 1.16–4.87), menstrual anxiety (AOR = 1.55, 95% CI 1.09–2.20), using painkillers (AOR = 4.79, 95% CI 2.96–7.76) and other methods (AOR = 2.82, 95% CI 1.86–4.28) for dysmenorrhea, and disposing used pads in places other than the school’s waste bins (AOR = 1.34, 95% CI 1.03–1.75). Living with relatives (AOR = 0.64, 95% CI 0.43–0.95) and schools outside the city (AOR = 0.59, 95% CI 0.38–0.90) were significantly less associated with school absence. Although the association between school toilets and school absence was not examined, the results of this study suggest that school toilets should be gender-separated and equipped with waste bins in the toilet. Furthermore, menstrual education should start at elementary schools and teacher training on menstrual health should be promoted.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910452110565
Shima Gadari ◽  
Jamileh Farokhzadian ◽  
Parvin Mangolian shahrbabaki

Children, especially girls, are more vulnerable during crises, who need to acquire skills such as social self-efficacy to meet the challenges of the environment. Given that, much progress has been made in e-learning; its capabilities can be used to promote children’s health. This study aimed to determine the effect of virtual resilience training on the social self-efficacy of elementary school girls. This experimental study was performed on primary school girls aged 9–10 years in southeastern Iran. Students were selected by convenience sampling and divided into intervention ( n = 40) and control ( n = 37) groups by using randomized allocation. The Children’s Social Self-Efficacy in Peer Interaction Scale was used for data collection before, immediately, and one month after the intervention. No significant difference was found between the two groups of intervention and control in the score of social self-efficacy before the intervention. However, the score of students in the intervention group improved immediately and one month after the intervention, and a significant difference was observed between the two groups ( p = .0001). Virtual resilience training has improved the social self-efficacy of elementary school girls and facing challenges is inevitable in today’s world, so resilience training seems necessary to prevent social and psychological harm in such children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 176
Chong Myung Park ◽  
Aidan D. Kraus ◽  
Yanling Dai ◽  
Crystal Fantry ◽  
Turner Block ◽  

This study examines the effectiveness of a financial literacy program, Invest in Girls (IIG), in promoting financial capability among high school girls. Using a quasi-experimental separate-samples pretest-posttest design and a longitudinal qualitative study, the study aims to assess the program efficacy and investigate the perspectives of the female students on its impact on their knowledge, behavior, and future goals and aspirations. The results indicated that the participants had significantly higher confidence for engaging in financial literacy after the program. The findings from the longitudinal study also suggested that that the program was influencing the students in positive ways, increasing their financial capability and leading them to consider wide occupational pathways available in finance. Given the lack of female leaders in the world of finance, the IIG program aims to address gender disparity in financial knowledge and highlight the importance of building financial literacy skills among girls.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 84-100
Helen I.W. ◽  
Efeunu E.N.

Introduction- Pinpointing sexual and reproductive health needs from the students` perspective is a key step towards prevention of avoidable global adolescents` death and promotion of health. The purpose of this article was to explore the sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescent secondary school students in Bayelsa State. Method- A descriptive qualitative design was adopted for this study using the purposive sampling technique with a sample of 10 participants in one public secondary school. The Source of data was a semi-structured interview guide and a voice recorder. Data was analyzed thematically in six sequential steps. Findings- Two (2) themes, sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents, methods of sexual health dissemination and five (5) sub-themes emerged. Conclusion- Findings indicate that the public-secondary school adolescent girls require education on; menstrual cycle, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus /Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, as well as on appropriate use of different types of contraceptives from established centres for sexual and reproductive health services. To ensure the public secondary school girls have access to the services and utilize the services, this study recommends the dare need to adopt different methods to disseminate sexual and reproductive health information to reach the secondary school girls to prevent avertable illnesses and deaths.

Zerihun Tesfaye ◽  
Dejene Chala

This article investigates early marriage among the Oromo in Dawo District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia. The research employed a mixed approach to secure relevant data. We collected primary data from the field via key informant interviews and focus group discussion. We selected key informants purposively from concerned government offices and community representatives. We collected quantitative data via questionnaire from 92 randomly selected school girls. Despite the government’s attempts to ban early marriage, the practice is still common and evolving. Parents are gradually losing the sole decision to marry their children without their consent nowadays. Yet they still have power over when and to whom they give away their daughters. Kadhaa (betrothal) and butii (abduction) are the two main ways of effecting early marriage in the study area. The main cultural reasons for which parents marry off their daughters early include securing their daughters’ future and maintaining girls’ pre-marital virginity. Virginity is valued in marriage and can be a source of honor or shame for the girls and their parents. Poverty, and particularly the current dire economic conditions in the area, coupled with an alarming level of joblessness among the youth who hold a diploma or a degree, have made the girls at school lose hope in education as a viable option for their future life and worsened early marriage in recent years. The girls themselves view marriage as an alternative life career and thus quit school for an early marriage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 926-935
Waled AM Ahmed ◽  
Amal AA Mohammed ◽  
Ragaa G Ahmed

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