practice of teaching
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2022 ◽  
pp. 82-100
Aaron Samuel Zimmerman

Researchers who plan to utilize the methodological approach of hermeneutical phenomenology must first understand the philosophical assumptions that provide the epistemological foundation for this methodology. The objective of this chapter is to present a set of resources for instructors of research methodology coursework, specifically instructors who aim to introduce students to the research methodology of hermeneutical phenomenological inquiry. The core philosophical concepts discussed in this chapter are 1) the phenomenological attitude, 2) hermeneutics as way of being, 3) the four lifeworld existentials, and 4) the significance of mood. This chapter will begin by presenting a brief summary of these four philosophical concepts. Then, this chapter will introduce three frameworks of curriculum theory, specifically as related to the use of curricular objectives in the practice of teaching. Finally, this chapter will present five distinct approaches to lesson planning and will apply each lesson planning approach to the teaching of these four core philosophical concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-142
Olga I. Valentinova ◽  
Mikhail A. Rybakov

A clear understanding of the systemic differences between interacting languages is necessary to study the interaction of languages in the mind of a bilingual (multilingual) personality and improve the practice of teaching languages in a transcultural environment. If such languages belong to different morphological types, the method of determinant analysis can be proposed as an effective tool for methodological forecasting of negative interference. The goal set by the authors of the article is to establish cause-and-effect relationships between the systemic determinant of the language type and its particular specific features at the levels of phonetics, morphology and syntax. The object of the research is the agglutinative and inflectional types of languages that lie between the extreme manifestations of proximity and remoteness of individual minds. In their work, the authors rely on the systemic methodology of determinant typological analysis, developed in the 1960s-70s by the founder of modern systemic linguistics, Professor Gennady Prokopyevich Melnikov.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-234
Estrella Samba Campos

Abstract The Kitāb al-ʿIlm of al-Bukhārī (d. 256/870), positioned at the beginning of his Ṣaḥīḥ, represents an innovative turn in terms of structural arrangement and thematic discourse within the context of “books” and narratives on knowledge (ʿilm). Al-Bukhārī’s construction of ʿilm differs from preceding discussions and reveals a unique portrayal. I suggest that the early interdependence between ʿilm-ḥadīth and adab conveyed by al-Bukhārī echoes the Kitab al-Adab written by his teacher, Ibn Abī Shayba (d. 235/849). In light of understanding this intertextual dynamic, I will compare earlier ʿilm narratives with particular themes introduced by al-Bukhārī. Similarly, I will discuss how the early correlation between knowledge and education helped motivate his authorial intent, concluding that the Kitāb al-ʿIlm represents an original, technical and pedagogical work of taḥammul al-ʿilm, the actual practice of teaching knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-21
Andrey Zaynuldinov Tiarenkov ◽  

The role of evaluative semantics in expressing tenderness in modern Russian This article is devoted to the study of the Russian language’s valuational units expressing affectionate relations, as well as their lexicographic description. The above-mentioned group of words has not received a proper description in the academic literature in comparison with the nominative-valuative vocabulary with diminutive and inflectional suffixes. Special attention is paid to thematic affiliation as a factor determining the degree of emotional evaluation. Lexical-thematic groups are distinguished – precious, divinity, light, sweetness – which define the expression of tenderness by means of metaphorical names. The traditional ways of expressing tenderness towards children, women and loved ones are highlighted. Cases of the revision, transposition and sensibilization of evaluation semantics were considered. The conclusions of this article can be used in the lexicographic description of Russian vocabulary and in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Keywords: semantics, valuative meaning, thematic relevance, vocabulary, Russian language

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 168-173
Zera Asanova

This article is dedicated to the analysis of theoretical knowledge about compound adjectives in the Crimean Tatar language. The reviewed material allows determining the lacunae that serve as the basis for the study of compound adjectives. It is revealed that compound adjectives have not previously become the special subject of research; some information can be found in scientific works of the early XX century. Modern researchers outline the main methods of formation of compound adjectives, such as word composition and lexicaliziation of the phrase (sometimes combined with affixation); as well as determine compound adjectives with compositional and subordinating relations of the components.. The novelty of this work lies in carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the history of compound adjectives in the Crimean Tatar language. The conclusion is made that compound adjectives overall and their orthography in particular did not receive due attention in all grammars, which led to different interpretation of their spelling variations. Practical significance of this topic lies in the fact that the acquired results and materials can be used in the practice of teaching Crimean Tatar and other Turkic languages in secondary and higher schools.

I.Ya. Pak ◽  
L. Ma ◽  

The paper defines the role of Chinese culture in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the example of Chinese universities. Textbooks on the course “Chinese Culture” are presented, as well as some authentic video materials about China. Step-by-step work with the plots of the television program “I want to know” (Channel One) is described. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using such videos as educational material in RFL classes. The obtained results showed that the Chinese cultural component should be taken into account when developing courses for Russian language faculties at Chinese universities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-27
Kushnir I.M.

In the late XX – early XXI centuries in the theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language there is a tradition of relying on the text and taking into account the principle of text-centrism at all levels of building a system of language training. But observation of the development of the theory of linguistic communication and discourse, analysis and generalization of modern linguodidactical research allowed the author to raise the issue of reorientation of modern methods of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to discourse-centrism.In the offered article the substantiation of the specified thesis on the basis of synthesis of linguistic and methodical researches of a phenomenon of discourse and systematization of defining features of cognitive features of new generation of foreign students which radically differs from all previous is resulted. The author describes the concept of discourse as a synthesis of cognitive, linguistic and extralinguistic factors, clarifies its significance for the language training of foreigners. Foreign students of Ukrainian free economic zones, involved in discourses in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language, should develop the ability to adequately perceive, understand and interpret language and speech products of foreign linguistic and cultural environment, as well as develop language and speech coding skills by creating their own communicative discourses by means of a foreign (Ukrainian) language. The article also describes the features of the cognitive type of clip thinking, which is a psychological factor in addressing discourse in Ukrainian linguodidactics. According to the author's observations, the globality of the virtual pedagogical environment levels the nationally marked cognitive-cognitive characteristics, so clip thinking at this, initial, stage of research of this phenomenon can be considered universal. The result of the reflection was a description of the requirements for educational content that would meet the characteristics of this type of thinking; the advantages of focusing on discourse in the process of creating a system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language for non-philological students are identified. Further development and application of the principle of discourse-centrism in the theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language will update all elements of the language training system in accordance with new, not only textual, formats of verbal-communicative interaction and cognitive needs of the new generation of students. Key words: clip thinking, discourse, foreign students, language training, text. У кінці ХХ – на початку ХХІ століть у теорії та практиці навчання української мови як іноземної склалася традиція опори на текст і врахування принципу текстоцентризму на всіх ланках вибудови системи мовної підготовки. Але спостереження за розвитком теорії мовної комунікації та дискурсології, аналіз і узагальнення сучасних лінгводидактичних досліджень дозволили авторці порушити проблему переорієнтування сучасної методики навчання української мови як іноземної на дискурсоцентризм. У запропонованій статті наведено обґрунтування зазначеної тези на основі синтезу лінгвістичних і методичних досліджень феномену дискурсу та систематизації визначальних рис когнітивних особливостей нового покоління іноземних студентів, яке кардинально відрізняється від усіх попередніх. Авторкою описано поняття дискурсу як синтезу когнітивних, мовних і позамовних чинників, з’ясовано його значення для мовної підготовки іноземців. Іноземні студенти українських ЗВО, залучаючись до дискурсів у процесі навчання української мови як іноземної, мають розвинути вміння адекватного сприйняття, розуміння та інтерпретації мовно-мовленнєвих продуктів іноземного для них лінгвокуль-турного середовища, а також одночасно сформувати вміння мовно-мовленнєвого кодування шляхом створення власних комунікативно відповідних дискурсів засобами іноземної (української) мови. Також у статті описано ознаки когнітивного типу кліпового мислення, що є психологічним чинником звернення до дискурсу в українській лінгводидактиці. За спостереженнями авторки, глобальність вірту-ального педагогічного середовища нівелює національно марковані когнітивно-пізнавальні характеристи-ки, тому кліпове мислення на даному, початковому, етапі дослідження цього феномену можна вважати універсальним. Підсумком розмірковувань став опис вимог до навчального контенту, який відповідав би особливостям такого типу мислення; визначено переваги зосередженості на дискурсі у процесі створен-ня системи навчання української мови як іноземної для студентів-нефілологів. Подальше розроблення та застосування принципу дискурсоцентризму в теорії та практиці навчання української мови як іноземної дозволить оновити всі елементи системи мовної підготовки відповідно до нових, не лише текстових, форматів вербально-комунікативної взаємодії та когнітивних потреб нового покоління студентів. Ключові слова:дискурс, іноземні студенти, кліпове мислення, текст, мовна підготовка.

2021 ◽  
pp. 3779-3786
Qiusheng Wang ◽  
Li Fu ◽  
Lingling Wang

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