joint movement
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2022 ◽  
pp. 175319342110658
Hiroshi Kurumadani ◽  
Kazuya Kurauchi ◽  
Shota Date ◽  
Yosuke Ishii ◽  
Toru Sunagawa

The Kapandji test is a simple method to score thumb opposition; however, the position of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb during this test has not been described. We aimed to quantitatively examine the effect of the thumb interphalangeal joint position on movements of the trapeziometacarpal joint during thumb opposition using the Kapandji test. The Kapandji test was carried out in 20 healthy participants during thumb interphalangeal joint extension and flexion. Movements of the joints and the activity of thenar muscles were recorded using motion capture and electromyography, respectively. We found that interphalangeal joint extension increased the trapeziometacarpal joint movement and thenar muscle activity compared with interphalangeal joint flexion, which contributed to thumb opposition at Kapandji Positions 0–6. These findings suggest the position of the thumb interphalangeal joint affects the trapeziometacarpal joint during thumb opposition, and assessment of thumb opposition using the Kapandji test is best done with the thumb interphalangeal joint in extension.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Huiyu Duan ◽  
Shenglong Xun ◽  
Yichen Bao ◽  
Gong Zhang

In this study, the inverse kinematics mathematics computer intelligent algorithm model is used to study the sports injuries of the elbow joint of adolescents. At the same time, we simulated the movement parameter changes during the rehabilitation training of the patient’s wrist and proposed a joint angular velocity function based on cubic fitting. Research has found that when the training scene changes greatly or the target task is changed, the smoothness of the elbow joint movement will change. The research conclusions of this article provide a theoretical basis for the selection of man-machine action points and the formulation of rehabilitation training methods. This article establishes the degree-of-freedom simulation model of the operating arm, which is the number of independent position variables in the operating arm, and these position variables determine the positions of all parts in the mechanism.

Life ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Dongdong Bu ◽  
Shuxiang Guo ◽  
He Li

The surface electromyography (sEMG) signal is widely used as a control source of the upper limb exoskeleton rehabilitation robot. However, the traditional way of controlling the exoskeleton robot by the sEMG signal requires one to specially extract and calculate for complex sEMG features. Moreover, due to the huge amount of calculation and individualized difference, the real-time control of the exoskeleton robot cannot be realized. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel method using an improved detection algorithm to recognize limb joint motion and detect joint angle based on sEMG images, aiming to obtain a high-security and fast-processing action recognition strategy. In this paper, MobileNetV2 combined the Ghost module as the feature extraction network to obtain the pretraining model. Then, the target detection network Yolo-V4 was used to estimate the six movement categories of the upper limb joints and to predict the joint movement angles. The experimental results showed that the proposed motion recognition methods were available. Every 100 pictures can be accurately identified in approximately 78 pictures, and the processing speed of every single picture on the PC side was 17.97 ms. For the train data, the [email protected] could reach 82.3%, and [email protected]–0.95 could reach 0.42; for the verification data, the average recognition accuracy could reach 80.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Isni Hijriana ◽  
Miniharianti Miniharianti

Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (DM Type 2) is the risk factor for the incidence of vascular.  Diabetic neuropathy and/or peripheral arterial disease, are common and represent major causes of morbidity and  mortality in people with diabetes.  Physical  exercises is have been done to prevent from diabetes complication, and one of them is by foot massage and lower extremity joint movement. Measuring the value of ankle brachial index (ABI) is one of non-invasive actions to evaluate the risk for peripheral vascular in primary treatment. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of foot massage and  joint movement exercise on ABI value in DM Type 2 patients. The research used quasi experiment method with pretest-posttest group design and two intervention groups. The samples were 40 DM Type 2 patients, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. Intervention was given by conducting  foot massage and  lower extremity joint movement exercise. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks statistic test showed that there was the difference in pre and post intervention of foot massage and lower extremity joint movement from ABI value, for (p=0.00). The conclusion was that foot massage and lower extremity joint movement exercise could increase ABI value if it was done continuously. It could also increase blood flow to artery. This research could bean input for nursing care to make physical exercises such as foot massage and lower extremity joint movement as prevention from risk of longterm Complications in DM Type 2 patients.

Yili Ren ◽  
Zi Wang ◽  
Sheng Tan ◽  
Yingying Chen ◽  
Jie Yang

WiFi human sensing has become increasingly attractive in enabling emerging human-computer interaction applications. The corresponding technique has gradually evolved from the classification of multiple activity types to more fine-grained tracking of 3D human poses. However, existing WiFi-based 3D human pose tracking is limited to a set of predefined activities. In this work, we present Winect, a 3D human pose tracking system for free-form activity using commodity WiFi devices. Our system tracks free-form activity by estimating a 3D skeleton pose that consists of a set of joints of the human body. In particular, we combine signal separation and joint movement modeling to achieve free-form activity tracking. Our system first identifies the moving limbs by leveraging the two-dimensional angle of arrival of the signals reflected off the human body and separates the entangled signals for each limb. Then, it tracks each limb and constructs a 3D skeleton of the body by modeling the inherent relationship between the movements of the limb and the corresponding joints. Our evaluation results show that Winect is environment-independent and achieves centimeter-level accuracy for free-form activity tracking under various challenging environments including the none-line-of-sight (NLoS) scenarios.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (B) ◽  
pp. 1791-1794
Haider O. Hayat Ali Al-Faily ◽  
Saif Nabeel Abd Alwahab ◽  
Mohammed Sh. Al-Edanni ◽  
Sadeq A. Al-Mukhtar ◽  
Ghadeer H. Majeed

BACKGROUND: Femoral shaft fracture is a common fracture in pediatric age group reaching 62% of all fracture shaft femur in children in spite of rapid union rate and successful conservative treatment but some cases need surgical intervention and one of the methods using plate and screw by the lateral approach. AIM: This study aims to compare functional outcome fixation of mid-shaft femur fracture in children by plate and screws between (subvastus lateralis and transvastus lateralis) regarding infection, union, and limitation of knee movement. PATIENT AND METHOD: The study was done on 30 children who had diaphyseal fracture femur in Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital in period (April 2018–April 2020) with 6 months follow-up, and the patient was divided into two groups: Group A first treated by subvastus lateral approach 15 patients and the second group, Group B by transvastus lateral approach 15 patients and follow-up done for them after 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. RESULTS: At week 16 of follow-up all patients in Group A had union, while in Group B, 14 of 50 patients had union and one patient had no union and one patient in Group B had an infection when compared to Group A. From 15 patients of Group A, two patients had limitation of knee movement in the 1st month of follow-up then in the 3rd month of follow-up, no patient had limitation of knee joint movement, while five patients had limitation of knee joint movement in Group B in the 1st month of follow-up and one patient had limitation knee joint movement in the 3rd month of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The subvastus lateralis approach results better than transvastus lateralis in union.

2021 ◽  
Mikhael Yosia ◽  
Ray Wagiu Basrowi ◽  
Tonny Sundjaya

Background: Indonesia has an ageing population that can develop mobility health-related problems in the future, including osteoporosis, arthritis, sarcopenia, low back pain, neck pain, and peripheral neuropathy. However, there are limited references and research that look upon mobility health and problems surrounding it in Indonesia. Aims: To improve understanding on issues surrounding mobility health in Indonesia through a semi-structured interview with relevant experts. Method: Semi-structured qualitative interviews via phone calls were conducted with eight different experts. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Experts with experience dealing with mobility (bone, muscle, joint, movement) related issues for more than ten years, working in Indonesia, and communicating in English or Bahasa Indonesia were included. Results: Four themes were then identified across the experts on issues surrounding mobility health in Indonesia; this includes [1] screening and assessment of mobility health, [2] treatment for mobility health problems, [3] awareness campaign, [4] supplement for mobility health. Conclusions: Diagnostic modalities for mobility health are abundant but still expensive. Treatment of mobility health with herbal medicine (jamu) might be beneficial. Social media can be a promising tool to increase awareness regarding mobility health. In general, there needs to be a change in mindset from curative to prevention in both health care providers and the general population. 

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Gaoping Xu ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Zhuo Meng ◽  
Yize Sun

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to propose an automatic interpolation algorithm for robot spraying trajectories based on cubic Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) curves, to solve the problem of sparse and incomplete trajectory points of the head and heel of the shoe sole when extracting robot motion trajectories using structured-light 3D cameras and to ensure the robot joints move smoothly, so as to achieve a good effect of automatic spraying of the shoe sole with a 7-degree-of-freedom (DOF) robot.Design/methodology/approachFirstly, the original shoe sole edge trajectory position points acquired by the 3D camera are fitted with NURBS curves. Then, the velocity constraint at the local maximum of the trajectory curvature is used as the reference for curve segmentation and S-shaped acceleration and deceleration planning. Immediately, real-time interpolation is performed in the time domain to obtain the position and orientation of each point of the robot motion trajectory. Finally, the inverse kinematics of the anthropomorphic motion of the 7-DOF robot arm is used to obtain the joint motion trajectory.FindingsThe simulation and experiment prove that the shoe sole spraying trajectory is complete, the spraying effect is good and the robot joint movement is smooth, which show that the algorithm is feasible.Originality/valueThis study is of good practical value for improving the quality of automated shoe sole spraying, and it has wide applicability for different shoe sole shapes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 250
Hadi Pajarianto ◽  
Imran Ukas ◽  
Imam Pribadi

ABSTRAKPerguruan tinggi dalam adalah bagian dari pusat kekuatan intelektual (intellectual power) yang diharapkan dapat memperkuat kegiatan kewirausahaan. Dengan terbitnya Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 3 tahun 2020, penguatan kewirausahaan kepada mahasiswa juga mendapatkan prioritas. Dalam delapan kegiatan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) salah satu bentuk kegiatannya adalah wirausaha mahasiswa. Tujuan PPK adalah memandu perguruan tinggi menyelenggarakan unit layanan kewirausahaan yang profesional, mandiri dan berkelanjutan, berwawasan knowledge based economy. Metode yang digunakan pengembangan kewirausahaan yaitu kompetisi bisnis, pelatihan, pendampingan, magang, dan pameran produk. Siklus kegiatan diklasifikasi menjadi tiga,  Socio-Technopreneurship Awaraeness Campaign, agar PPK menjadi gerakan bersama di lingkungan perguruan tinggi, Capasity Building, yang dilaksanakan secara kordinatif, konsultatit, dan afirmatif dilakukan berkesinambungan dengan berbagai lembaga, dan  Institutionalization adalah upaya pelembagaan kegiatan kewirausahaan di kampus sebagai upaya menciptakan jeringan dan mitra kerjasama. Hasil pelaksanaan PPK Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo terlaksana sesuai dengan program dan target yang ingin dicapai. Selama 3 tahun pelaksanaan sejak 2019, 2020, dan 2021, telah melahirkan 15 wirausaha baru yang bergerak di bidang kuliner, souvenir, bookstore, dan jasa. Untuk menjamin keberlanjutan dan menentukan Entrepreneurship Priority, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo telah membentuk Unit Inkubasi dan Pengembangan Kewirausahaan (UIPK) yang bertugas untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa dan alumni dalam pengembangan kewirausahaan. Luaran yang dihasilkan adalah jurnal pengabdian setiap tahun, hak cipta, poster, publikasi pada media masa cetak, dan buku ajar kewirausahaan.  Kata kunci: keberlanjutan; kewirausahaan; mahasiswa; alumni. ABSTRACTHigher education is part of the core of intellectual power. It is anticipated to stimulate entrepreneurial activities. With the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 3 of 2020, strengthening entrepreneurship for students is also a priority. One of the eight activities in Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM), is student entrepreneurship. With Knowledge-Based Economy Insight, the PPK  aimed to guide universities in organizing professional, independent, and sustainable entrepreneurship service units. The approaches used in entrepreneurship advancement are business competition, training, mentoring, internships, and product exhibitions. The activity series is classified into three activities. First, Socio-Technopreneurship Awareness Campaign, so that KDP becomes a joint movement in the university context. Second,  Capacity Building, which is carried out in a coordinated and consultative. The last is affirmative manner carried out continuously with various institutions, and Institutionalization is an attempt to institutionalize entrepreneurial activities on campus as an effort to create networks and cooperative partners. The PPK  implementation result in the University of Muhammadiyah Palopo was carried out under the program and targeted realized. During the three years of implementation, fifteen new entrepreneurs have been born in the field of culinary, souvenirs, bookstores, and services. To ensure sustainability and determine Entrepreneurship Priority, the University of Muhammadiyah Palopo has established an Entrepreneurship Incubation and Development Unit (UIPK) to facilitate students and graduates in entrepreneurship development. The outputs produced are devotional journals every year, copyrights, posters, publications in print mass media, and entrepreneurship textbooks. Keywords: sustainable; entrepreneurship; student; graduates 

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