significant sequence similarity
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Marine Drugs ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Kenneth Sandoval ◽  
Grace P. McCormack

Actinoporins are proteinaceous toxins known for their ability to bind to and create pores in cellular membranes. This quality has generated interest in their potential use as new tools, such as therapeutic immunotoxins. Isolated historically from sea anemones, genes encoding for similar actinoporin-like proteins have since been found in a small number of other animal phyla. Sequencing and de novo assembly of Irish Haliclona transcriptomes indicated that sponges also possess similar genes. An exhaustive analysis of publicly available sequencing data from other sponges showed that this is a potentially widespread feature of the Porifera. While many sponge proteins possess a sequence similarity of 27.70–59.06% to actinoporins, they show consistency in predicted structure. One gene copy from H. indistincta has significant sequence similarity to sea anemone actinoporins and possesses conserved residues associated with the fundamental roles of sphingomyelin recognition, membrane attachment, oligomerization, and pore formation, indicating that it may be an actinoporin. Phylogenetic analyses indicate frequent gene duplication, no distinct clade for sponge-derived proteins, and a stronger signal towards actinoporins than similar proteins from other phyla. Overall, this study provides evidence that a diverse array of Porifera represents a novel source of actinoporin-like proteins which may have biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (13) ◽  
pp. 7096
Valentina Rudenko ◽  
Eugene Korotkov

We report a Method to Search for Highly Divergent Tandem Repeats (MSHDTR) in protein sequences which considers pairwise correlations between adjacent residues. MSHDTR was compared with some previously developed methods for searching for tandem repeats (TRs) in amino acid sequences, such as T-REKS and XSTREAM, which focus on the identification of TRs with significant sequence similarity, whereas MSHDTR detects repeats that significantly diverged during evolution, accumulating deletions, insertions, and substitutions. The application of MSHDTR to a search of the Swiss-Prot databank revealed over 15 thousand TR-containing amino acid sequences that were difficult to find using the other methods. Among the detected TRs, the most representative were those with consensus lengths of two and seven residues; these TRs were subjected to cluster analysis and the classes of patterns were identified. All TRs detected in this study have been combined into a databank accessible over the WWW.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Yusaku Ogita ◽  
Kei Tamura ◽  
Shuuji Mawaribuchi ◽  
Nobuhiko Takamatsu ◽  
Michihiko Ito

Abstract Background Four ohnologous genes (sox1, sox2, sox3, and sox15) were generated by two rounds of whole-genome duplication in a vertebrate ancestor. In eutherian mammals, Sox1, Sox2, and Sox3 participate in central nervous system (CNS) development. Sox15 has a function in skeletal muscle regeneration and has little functional overlap with the other three ohnologs. In contrast, the frog Xenopus laevis and zebrafish orthologs of sox15 as well as sox1-3 function in CNS development. We previously reported that Sox15 is involved in mouse placental development as neofunctionalization, but is pseudogenized in the marsupial opossum. These findings suggest that sox15 might have evolved with divergent gene fates during vertebrate evolution. However, knowledge concerning sox15 in other vertebrate lineages than therian mammals, anuran amphibians, and teleost fish is scarce. Our purpose in this study was to clarify the fate and molecular evolution of sox15 during vertebrate evolution. Results We searched for sox15 orthologs in all vertebrate classes from agnathans to mammals by significant sequence similarity and synteny analyses using vertebrate genome databases. Interestingly, sox15 was independently pseudogenized at least twice during diversification of the marsupial mammals. Moreover, we observed independent gene loss of sox15 at least twice during reptile evolution in squamates and crocodile-bird diversification. Codon-based phylogenetic tree and selective analyses revealed an increased dN/dS ratio for sox15 compared to the other three ohnologs during jawed vertebrate evolution. Conclusions The findings revealed an asymmetric evolution of sox15 among the four ohnologs during vertebrate evolution, which was supported by the increased dN/dS values in cartilaginous fishes, anuran amphibians, and amniotes. The increased dN/dS value of sox15 may have been caused mainly by relaxed selection. Notably, independent pseudogenizations and losses of sox15 were observed during marsupial and reptile evolution, respectively. Both might have been caused by strong relaxed selection. The drastic gene fates of sox15, including neofunctionalization and pseudogenizations/losses during amniote diversification, might be caused by a release from evolutionary constraints.

Shayna R. Deecker ◽  
Malene L. Urbanus ◽  
Beth Nicholson ◽  
Alexander W. Ensminger

Legionella pneumophila is a ubiquitous freshwater pathogen and the causative agent of Legionnaires’ disease. L. pneumophila growth within protists provides a refuge from desiccation, disinfection, and other remediation strategies. One outstanding question has been whether this protection extends to phages. L. pneumophila isolates are remarkably devoid of prophages and to date no Legionella phages have been identified. Nevertheless, many L. pneumophila isolates maintain active CRISPR-Cas defenses. So far, the only known target of these systems is an episomal element that we previously named Legionella Mobile Element-1 (LME-1). The continued expansion of publicly available genomic data promises to further our understanding of the role of these systems. We now describe over 150 CRISPR-Cas systems across 600 isolates to establish the clearest picture yet of L. pneumophila ’s adaptive defenses. By searching for targets of 1,500 unique CRISPR-Cas spacers, LME-1 remains the only identified CRISPR-Cas targeted integrative element. We identified 3 additional LME-1 variants - all targeted by previously and newly identified CRISPR-Cas spacers - but no other similar elements. Notably, we also identified several spacers with significant sequence similarity to microviruses, specifically those within the subfamily Gokushovirinae . These spacers are found across several different CRISPR-Cas arrays isolated from geographically diverse isolates, indicating recurrent encounters with these phages. Our analysis of the extended Legionella CRISPR-Cas spacer catalog leads to two main conclusions: current data argue against CRISPR-Cas targeted integrative elements beyond LME-1, and the heretofore unknown L. pneumophila phages are most likely lytic gokushoviruses. IMPORTANCE Legionnaires’ disease is an often-fatal pneumonia caused by Legionella pneumophila , which normally grows inside amoebae and other freshwater protists. L. pneumophila trades diminished access to nutrients for the protection and isolation provided by the host. One outstanding question is whether L. pneumophila is susceptible to phages, given the protection provided by its intracellular lifestyle. In this work, we use Legionella CRISPR spacer sequences as a record of phage infection to predict that the “missing” L. pneumophila phages belong to the microvirus subfamily Gokushovirinae . Gokushoviruses are known to infect another intracellular pathogen, Chlamydia . How do gokushoviruses access L. pneumophila (and Chlamydia ) inside their “cozy niches”? Does exposure to phages happen during a transient extracellular period (during cell-to-cell spread) or is it indicative of a more complicated environmental lifestyle? One thing is clear, 100 years after their discovery, phages continue to hold important secrets about the bacteria upon which they prey.

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1041
Rita Mormando ◽  
Alan J. Wolfe ◽  
Catherine Putonti

Polyomaviruses are abundant in the human body. The polyomaviruses JC virus (JCPyV) and BK virus (BKPyV) are common viruses in the human urinary tract. Prior studies have estimated that JCPyV infects between 20 and 80% of adults and that BKPyV infects between 65 and 90% of individuals by age 10. However, these two viruses encode for the same six genes and share 75% nucleotide sequence identity across their genomes. While prior urinary virome studies have repeatedly reported the presence of JCPyV, we were interested in seeing how JCPyV prevalence compares to BKPyV. We retrieved all publicly available shotgun metagenomic sequencing reads from urinary microbiome and virome studies (n = 165). While one third of the data sets produced hits to JCPyV, upon further investigation were we able to determine that the majority of these were in fact BKPyV. This distinction was made by specifically mining for JCPyV and BKPyV and considering uniform coverage across the genome. This approach provides confidence in taxon calls, even between closely related viruses with significant sequence similarity.

2021 ◽  
Arun Kumar

Abstract Neprilysin due to its peptidase activity is involved in several physiological and pathological processes. Recently our group has reported the association of neprilysin with angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) network proteins which facilitate the entry of SARS-COV2 virus. The potential role of neprilysin beyond its peptidase activity is not known. Using the established sequence analysis and molecular docking tools, this study evaluated the molecular profile of neprilysin interaction with SARS-COV2 virus proteins. Human neprilysin protein showed a significant sequence similarity with SARS-COV2 spike protein, which was further confirmed by observation of considerable interaction in the molecular docking. Human neprilysin protein was also found to additionally interact with SARS-COV2 proteins facilitating virus replication. The potential of neprilysin inhibitors (Sacubitril and Sacubitrilat) to interfere with neprilysin and SARS-COV2 proteins interactions was assessed. The neprilysin inhibitors showed binding efficacy within therapeutically feasible concentration range (1 to 150 uM). This study while reporting a novel role of neprilysin as potential receptor for SARS-COV2 virus, highlights the merit in assessing clinical efficacy of neprilysin inhibitors for the management of SARS-COV2 infection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (33) ◽  
pp. 20211-20222
Judit J. Pénzes ◽  
Hanh T. Pham ◽  
Paul Chipman ◽  
Nilakshee Bhattacharya ◽  
Robert McKenna ◽  

The giant tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) is a decapod crustacean widely reared for human consumption. Currently, viruses of two distinct lineages of parvoviruses (PVs, familyParvoviridae; subfamilyHamaparvovirinae) infect penaeid shrimp. Here, a PV was isolated and cloned from VietnameseP. monodonspecimens, designatedPenaeus monodonmetallodensovirus (PmMDV). This is the first member of a third divergent lineage shown to infect penaeid decapods. PmMDV has a transcription strategy unique among invertebrate PVs, using extensive alternative splicing and incorporating transcription elements characteristic of vertebrate-infecting PVs. The PmMDV proteins have no significant sequence similarity with other PVs, except for an SF3 helicase domain in its nonstructural protein. Its capsid structure, determined by cryoelectron microscopy to 3-Å resolution, has a similar surface morphology toPenaeus stylirostrisdensovirus, despite the lack of significant capsid viral protein (VP) sequence similarity. Unlike other PVs, PmMDV folds its VP without incorporating a βA strand and displayed unique multimer interactions, including the incorporation of a Ca2+cation, attaching the N termini under the icosahedral fivefold symmetry axis, and forming a basket-like pentamer helix bundle. While the PmMDV VP sequence lacks a canonical phospholipase A2 domain, the structure of an EDTA-treated capsid, determined to 2.8-Å resolution, suggests an alternative membrane-penetrating cation-dependent mechanism in its N-terminal region. PmMDV is an observed example of convergent evolution among invertebrate PVs with respect to host-driven capsid structure and unique as a PV showing a cation-sensitive/dependent basket structure for an alternative endosomal egress.

Biology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 149 ◽  
Tao Wang ◽  
Yangyang Jiang ◽  
Xiaoling Chen ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Chengbang Ma ◽  

Serine protease inhibitors are found in plants, animals and microorganisms, where they play important roles in many physiological and pathological processes. Inhibitor scaffolds based on natural proteins and peptides have gradually become the focus of current research as they tend to bind to their targets with greater specificity than small molecules. In this report, a novel Bowman–Birk type inhibitor, named ranacyclin-NF (RNF), is described and was identified in the skin secretion of the East Asian frog, Pelophylax nigromaculatus. A synthetic replicate of the peptide was subjected to a series of functional assays. It displayed trypsin inhibitory activity with an inhibitory constant, Ki, of 447 nM and had negligible direct cytotoxicity. No observable direct antimicrobial activity was found but RNF improved the therapeutic potency of Gentamicin against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). RNF shared significant sequence similarity to previously reported and related inhibitors from Odorrana grahami (ORB) and Rana esculenta (ranacyclin-T), both of which were found to be multi-functional. Two analogues of RNF, named ranacyclin-NF1 (RNF1) and ranacyclin-NF3L (RNF3L), were designed based on some features of ORB and ranacyclin-T to study structure–activity relationships. Structure–activity studies demonstrated that residues outside of the trypsin inhibitory loop (TIL) may be related to the efficacy of trypsin inhibitory activity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (12) ◽  
pp. 6403-6412 ◽  
Ye Wang ◽  
Haochen Wang ◽  
Lei Wei ◽  
Shuailin Li ◽  
Liyang Liu ◽  

Abstract Promoter design remains one of the most important considerations in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology applications. Theoretically, there are 450 possible sequences for a 50-nt promoter, of which naturally occurring promoters make up only a small subset. To explore the vast number of potential sequences, we report a novel AI-based framework for de novo promoter design in Escherichia coli. The model, which was guided by sequence features learned from natural promoters, could capture interactions between nucleotides at different positions and design novel synthetic promoters in silico. We combined a deep generative model that guides the search for artificial sequences with a predictive model to preselect the most promising promoters. The AI-designed promoters were optimized based on the promoter activity in E. coli and the predictive model. After two rounds of optimization, up to 70.8% of the AI-designed promoters were experimentally demonstrated to be functional, and few of them shared significant sequence similarity with the E. coli genome. Our work provided an end-to-end approach to the de novo design of novel promoter elements, indicating the potential to apply deep learning methods to de novo genetic element design.

Biomolecules ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 260 ◽  
Yumiko Saijo-Hamano ◽  
Hideyuki Matsunami ◽  
Keiichi Namba ◽  
Katsumi Imada

The bacterial flagellum is a large molecular complex composed of thousands of protein subunits for motility. The filamentous part of the flagellum, which is called the axial structure, consists of the filament, the hook, and the rods, with other minor components—the cap protein and the hook associated proteins. They share a common basic architecture of subunit arrangement, but each part shows quite distinct mechanical properties to achieve its specific function. The distal rod and the hook are helical assemblies of a single protein, FlgG and FlgE, respectively. They show a significant sequence similarity but have distinct mechanical characteristics. The rod is a rigid, straight cylinder, whereas the hook is a curved tube with high bending flexibility. Here, we report a structural model of the rod constructed by using the crystal structure of a core fragment of FlgG with a density map obtained previously by electron cryomicroscopy. Our structural model suggests that a segment called L-stretch plays a key role in achieving the distinct mechanical properties of the rod using a structurally similar component protein to that of the hook.

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