kei islands
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan ◽  
Dortje Theodora Silubun ◽  
Dullah Irwan Latar ◽  
Marvin Mario Makailipessy ◽  
Megawati Elisabet Juley

The research was carried out on Langgur Beach from January to March 2021. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation and dispersion of marine debris to molluscs in the Intertidal Zone of Langgur Beach, the edge of the Rosenberg Strait, Kei Islands, Indonesia. The data collection method of this research is the quadratic method. The results of the study noted that the total marine debris accumulated at 21 sampling points amounted to 7,596 items consisting of 14 categories of marine debris and 6 species of Mollusca were found. The results of the analysis show that the dispersion of surface marine debris and marine debris in the sediments are scattered in groups, the dispersion per type of macrozoobenthos on the surface and in the sediments is scattered in groups, regularly and randomly. The results of the analysis also showed a positive correlation between marine plastic debris on the sediment surface and the bivalves of Gafrarium pectinatum on the sediment surface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-148
Alfonsina Marthina Tapotubun ◽  
Theodora E.A.A. Matrutty ◽  
Meigy Nelce Mailoa ◽  
Irene Grace Fransina ◽  
Elizabeth Juleny Tapotubun ◽  

Seagrapes (Caulerpa sp) thrive in the waters of the Kei Islands of Maluku and can be found throughout the year. However, they are hitherto only used as fresh vegetables. It turns out that sea grapes can be processed into various food and non-food products. The results of a field survey in Ohoi Village, Southeast Maluku, reveal that the community only uses lat as a vegetable and has not used lat as a processed food product. One reason is that the people in Ohoi Village are not aware of its health benefits. This indicates that lat in Ohoi Village has not been used optimally as a rawmaterial for the food and beverage industry despite its high nutritional and economic value. It will be beneficial for the coastal women's group in Ohoi Village to receive training on processing and producing lat-based food items. They can increase their knowledge and skills, thereby improving the welfare of coastal communities and their families. This community service aims to take advantage of the potential of lat sea grapes in Ohoi Village, Southeast Maluku, through the application of lat-based jelly candy processing technology, encouraging the coastal women in Southeast Maluku to become lat-based jelly candy entrepreneurs and resultantly increasing their productivity in the long run.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
P.M. Laksono

This article traces changes in everyday narratives considering cassava bread (embal) in the Kei Islands. Various methods of data collection (participant observation, focused group discussion, and survey) were used, and applied purposively to produce critical narratives on the transformation of local food patterns. These data were collected over a short fieldwork period in 2016 from the villages of Wain, Rumaat, and Langgur in the Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku. As this traditional staple food is being replaced by rice, Kei people are creatively adjusting both their attitudes and appetites towards embal. Both conceptual (noetic)shifts and sensory (taste) shifts are apparent. The typical taste or flavor of embal is increasingly celebrated and regarded as a special blessing. Yet, at the same time, many young Kei are now preferring to eat imported rice more than embal. They are losing their appetite for consuming embal as a daily common food, even as they increasingly adore and celebrate it as a luxurious meal. This suggests that the villagers have become bigger consumers of imported food (rice and noodles) than their city-based counterparts. As such, embal consumers (the local food’s contributors to sovereignty) in the market will continuously be under pressure, diminishing in numbers, in accordance with the rise of its exclusive image. Such is the irony for cassava as food sovereignty in the Kei Islands.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4999 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100

The widespread parthenogenetic gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris is comprised of several clonal lineages, at least one of which has been known for some time to have originated from hybridization between its maternal ancestor, Lepidodactylus moestus, and a putatively undescribed paternal ancestor previously known only from remote islands in the Central Pacific. By integrating new genetic sequences from multiple studies on Lepidodactylus and incorporating new genetic sequences from previously sampled populations, we recovered a phylogenetic tree that shows a close genetic similarity between the generally hypothesized paternal hybrid ancestor and a recently described species from Maluku (Indonesia), Lepidodactylus pantai. Our results suggest that the paternal hybrid ancestor of at least one parthenogenetic clone of L. lugubris is conspecific with L. pantai and that the range of this species extends to Palau, the Caroline Islands, the Kei Islands, Wagabu, and potentially other small islands near New Guinea. Deeper genetic structure in the western (Palau, Maluku) versus eastern (eastern Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia) part of this species’ range suggests that the western populations likely dispersed via natural colonization, whereas the eastern populations may be the result of human-mediated dispersal. The potential taxonomic affinities and biogeographic history should be confirmed with further morphological and genetic analyses, including research on L. woodfordi from its type locality, which would have nomenclatural priority if found to be conspecific with L. pantai. We recommend referring to the wide-ranging sexual species as Lepidodactylus pantai until such a comparison can be made.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Geogriani Anthonius ◽  
Conradus Ufie ◽  
Simson Liubana

Cassava is a food and trade commodity in the Kei Islands, Maluku Province. Various aspects of the cultivation of this crop are determined by traditional knowledge held by farmers from generation to generation. This study aimed to: 1) describe the potential of local wisdom (traditional knowledge) about the land owned by the Ohoi Wasar community in the Kei Islands regarding the suitability of the coastal land management for ‘enbal’ (bitter cassava) cultivation; 2) integrate local knowledge about land belonging to the Ohoi Wasar indigenous people with FAO land evaluation (modern soil knowledge in land suitability evaluation) for sustainable cultivation of ‘enbal’ cassava. This research was carried out using a transect-based survey method that was participatory and goal-oriented, which focused on farmers who cultivate ‘enbal’ cassava and their fields on the coastal land in the footslope of Mount Ar. The results of the study were: 1) there was local-traditional wisdom of the Wasar community that was directly related to ‘enbal’ cultivation (ethnopedological system); firstly, the wisdom of determining land suitability for ‘enbal’ cassava cultivation (ie. hadoichr ngametan or black soil = Renzina, and hadoichr vuil or red soil = Cambisol Dystrict); secondly was the wisdom of determining the time/day of land clearing for ‘enbal’ gardens (slash-and-burn) and the planting time which was started in early May; in addition, there was a supporting wisdom in the diversity or reliance of local foods, namely the habit of harvesting and consuming "boo" with " es­­`u/laor " at the end of March; 2) when the potential of local knowledge about soils (ethnopedology system) was integrated with the FAO FAO system of land evaluation, it appeared that there was an overlap in the studies of soil fertility, namely both categorizing “black soil” as more fertile (very suitable), and “red soil” as a less fertile" (slightly suitable) soil. Keywords: Ar-Wasar, bitter cassava, ‘enbal’, land evaluation, local wisdom   ABSTRAK Ubi kayu merupakan komoditas pangan dan perdagangan di Kepulauan Kei, Provinsi Maluku. Berbagai aspek budidaya tanaman ini ditentukan oleh pengetahuan tradisional yang dipegang oleh petani secara turun temurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) menginventarisasi potensi kearifan lokal (pengetahuan tradisional) tentang tanah yang dimiliki masyarakat Ohoi Wasar di Kepulauan Kei terkait kesesuaian pengelolaan lahan pesisir bagi budidaya tanaman enbal (ubi kayu pahit); 2) mengintegrasikan kearifan pengetahuan lokal tentang tanah yang dimiliki masyarakat adat Ohoi Wasar dengan evaluasi lahan FAO (pengetahuan tanah moderen dalam evaluasi kesesuaian lahan) bagi budidaya tanaman enbal yang berkelanjutan. Penelitian dilaksankan dengan metode survey berbasis transek secara partisipatif berorientasi tujuan, yang difokuskan pada petani yang bercocok tanam enbal dan kebunnya pada lahan pesisir kaki Gunung Ar. Hasil penelitian adalah: 1) Ada kearifan lokal-tradisonal dari masyarakat Wasar yang terkait langsung dengan budidaya enbal (sistem etnopedologi); pertama, kearifan penentuan tanah/lahan yang cocok atau sesuai bagi usaha kebun enbal (yakni hadoichr ngametan atau tanah hitam = Renzina, dan hadoichr vuil atau tanah merah =Kambisol Distrik); kedua, kearifan penentuan waktu/hari buka kebun enbal (tebas-bakar) dan waktu tanam di awal Mei; selain itu, terdapat kearifan pendukung dalam keragaman/kemandirian pangan lokal, yakni kebiasaan panen dan konsumsi “boo” bersama “es­­`u/laor” pada akhir Maret. 2) Jika potensi kearifan pengetahuan tanah lokal (sistem etnopedologi) diintegrasikan dengan evaluasi lahan sistem FAO, nampak titik temunya (overlap) pada telaahan kesuburan tanah, yakni keduanya mengkategorikan “tanah hitam” sebagai yang lebih subur (sangat sesuai), dan “tanah merah” kurang subur (cukup sesuai). Kata kunci: Ar-Wasar , enbal, evaluasi lahan, kearifan lokal, ubi kayu pahit

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Lucas Wattimena ◽  
Marlyn J Salhuteru ◽  
Godlief A Peseletehaha

Situs Kel Lein di Pulau Kaimear, Kepulauan Kei, adalah salah satu situs gambar cadas yang baru ditemukan. Situs ini dilaporkan pada 2018 dan dilanjutkan dengan perekaman data intensif pada tahun berikutnya. Berbagai motif seni cadas yang tersebar di sepanjang teras, dinding, dan atap ceruk gua dibagi menjadi tujuh panel. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan dari survei lapangan pada tahun 2018, ditambah data terbaru yang diperoleh pada tahun 2019. Analisis gambar cadas dibagi menjadi beberapa panel di dalam ceruk, terdiri dari tujuh panel. Penelitian ini mencatat 488 motif, yang dikelompokkan menjadi motif figur manusia atau antropomorfik, perahu, alat batu, cap tangan (negatif), jejak kaki, geometris, lingkaran, garis vertikal dan horizontal, wajah atau topeng manusia, ayam atau hewan, tempayan (tembikar), jaring ikan, matahari, bulan, dan panah. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa banyak motif gambar cadas di Situs Kel Lein mengandung berbagai makna. Salah satunya adalah aktivitas manusia yang digambarkan dalam bentuk figuratif. Keragaman motif di Situs Kel Lein menempatkan situs ini pada posisi penting dalam kajian jalur migrasi manusia. Diperkirakan situs ini adalah salah satu lokasi yang cukup ramai disinggahi pada masa lalu. The Kel Lein Site in Kaimear Island, Kei Islands, is a recently discovered rock art site. This site was reported in 2018 and continued with intensive data recording the following year. Various rock art motifs scattered along the terrace, walls, and roof of the niche are divided into seven panels. The approach in this research uses descriptive qualitative. The data collected from a field survey in 2018, plus the latest data obtained in 2019. The rock art analysis is divided into several panels inside the niche, comprising seven panels. This research recorded 488 motifs, grouped into human or anthropomorphic figure, boats, stone tools, hand stencils (negative), footprints, geometric, circles, vertical and horizontal lines, human faces or masks, chickens, jars (pottery), fishing nets, sun, moon, and arrowheads. This research shows that many rock art motifs on the Kel Lein Site show various purposes. One of which is human activity depicted in a figurative form. The diversity of motifs at the Kel Lein Site places this site in a vital position in studying human migration pathways. It is estimated that this site is one of the most visited posts in the past.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Tarsius Sarkol ◽  
Paulus Karmel Ayomi ◽  
Erwin Ubwarin ◽  
Jefta Ramschie

Introduction: Poor administrative management levels will lead to maladministration which leads to criminal acts of corruption, so there must be counseling on orderly administration and legal culture.Purposes of the Research:  Community service at Ohoi Ohoiren is to improve administrative order in village management and enhance the legal culture Methods: In this service, we use community service methods, namely extension methods, design thinking, and role play.Results / Findings / Novelty of the Research: The people of the Kei Islands are still thick with traditional life, villages or Ohoi must be managed with good Ohoi governance, with good village administration system counseling and legal culture, it is hoped that the Ohoi Ohoiren community and Government can be better at using village funds and development in Ohoi. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Glenty Benoni Aminadap Somnaikubun

The geographic condition of the archipelago and the inter-regional connectivity within the Kei Islands is still minimal due to the support of infrastructure and natural conditions, causing the sustainability of coastal area-based businesses, particularly capturing fisheries and mariculture fisheries are potentially be disrupted. This research aims to analyze the factors that hamper the productivity of fishing businesses in coastal areas concerning energy consumption and availability to support the business being run. This research used the PLS method, where data were collected from February 2019 to August 2020 in 40 villages with 414 respondents. The results show that consumption has a significant and positive relationship to access and availability on fisheries business productivity. This study also shows that various flow patterns and relationship patterns between variables can affect fisheries business productivity. The implications of this result can be an input for policymakers in this region to better support and maintain the availability of energy to maintain the sustainability of the business productivity of coastal communities in this region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Siti Rahma Lestaluhu ◽  
Siti Nur Arifah ◽  
Umie Lestari ◽  
Sri Rahayu Lestari

The nutritional content of kian marine worm has never been reported. This study aimed to profile the nutritional content of worms from the Kei Islands, Maluku. Nutritional profiles were tested by proximate assays, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) of amino acids. The proximate analysis resulted in 71.16 percent of protein, 12.05 percent of water, 2.63 percent of carbohydrates, 2.21 percent of fat, 2.14 percent of crude fiber and 0.44 percent of ash. Mineral contents of Kian marine worm were 785.28 mg/kg potassium, 585.14 mg/kg magnesium, 180.98 mg/kg calcium, 0.89 mg/kg sodium and 0.44 mg/kg phosphorus. Kian marine worms contained 9 essential amino acids and 11 essential amino acids with levels of essential amino acids up to 206.94 mg/g and non-essential amino acids was 233.21 mg/g. Nutritional content in kian marine worms can be used as a potential high protein food resource.

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