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2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Lehlogonolo Moreoane ◽  
Phathutshedzo Mukwevho ◽  
Roelof Burger

In response to deteriorating air quality, South Africa implemented national programmes that aim to manage and regulate ambient air quality and air pollution. Air Quality Management Plans (AQMPs) are clear outlines of measures and resources needed to achieve air quality objectives in a given geographical area and require support from government, business, industry, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the public. The success of the AQMPs depends primarily on the support of all stakeholders and the quality of the management plan. The Vaal Triangle Airshed Priority Area (VTAPA) was declared in 2006 as an area where ambient air quality standards are exceeded or may cause adverse air quality impacts. This research study focused on the VTAPA to evaluate the quality of the first and second-generation AQMPs for the VTAPA. Quality evaluation includes an analysis of procedures, processes, methods and documents. Effectiveness refers to the results of individual activities; therefore, the extent to which the AQMP met the expected outcomes of the review package defined the quality of the AQMP report. Both the first and draft second-generation AQMPs were considered to be of good quality. The first-generation AQMP was found to be of better quality than that of the draft second-generation AQMP. Funding mechanisms need to be investigated to assist in implementing intervention strategies in the AQMP as both the first and draft second-generation AQMPs were found to lack the potential to secure funds. Though the draft second-generation AQMP was found to be of lesser quality, the source apportionment study for identification of all sources as well as a better-outlined air quality management system was found to be good improvements to the AQMP.

A.N. Dmitrievsky ◽  
N.A. Skibitskaya ◽  
N.A. Gafarov ◽  
E.A. Chernysheva ◽  
O.K. Navrotsky ◽  

Due to the decline in gas and condensate production at the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field, the priority area of activity of Gazprom PJSC and Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC is the reproduction of the mineral resource base and the achievement of maximum component recovery factors to provide the Orenburg gas and chemical complex. The solution to this problem is directly related to the involvement of the unique reserves of hard-to-recover oil (matrix oil, high-molecular raw materials), confined to the gas-saturated part of the Orenburg field, in the production and deep complex processing. Hard-to-recover oil has a variable composition – from high-bituminous oil in fractured-porous and porous low-permeability reservoirs to liquid traditional oil in porous and large-pore permeable reservoirs. This paper analyzes the results of estimating the reserves of matrix oil, the predicted resources of associated components of matrix oil (metals) and the retained gas reserves, which are not included in the assessment of reserves.

A.N. Dmitrievsky ◽  
N.A. Skibitskaya ◽  
N.A. Gafarov ◽  
E.A. Chernysheva ◽  
O.K. Navrotsky ◽  

Due to the decline in gas and condensate production at the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field, the priority area of activity of Gazprom PJSC and Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC is the reproduction of the mineral resource base and the achievement of maximum component recovery factors to provide the Orenburg gas and chemical complex. The solution to this problem is directly related to the involvement of the unique reserves of hard-to-recover oil (matrix oil, high-molecular raw materials), confined to the gas-saturated part of the Orenburg field, in the production and deep complex processing. Hard-to-recover oil has a variable composition – from high-bituminous oil in fractured-porous and porous low-permeability reservoirs to liquid traditional oil in porous and large-pore permeable reservoirs. This paper analyzes the results of estimating the reserves of matrix oil, the predicted resources of associated components of matrix oil (metals) and the retained gas reserves, which are not included in the assessment of reserves.

Jenny L. Wool ◽  
Lina P. Walkinshaw ◽  
Clarence Spigner ◽  
Erin K. Thayer ◽  
Jessica C. Jones-Smith

Policy makers in several major cities have used quantitative data about local food environments to identify neighborhoods with inadequate access to healthy food. We conducted qualitative interviews with residents of a healthy food priority area to assess whether residents’ perceptions of food access were consistent with previous quantitative findings, and to better understand lived experience of food access. We found that proximity to stores, transportation mode, and cost shaped decisions about food shopping. The local food bank played an important role in improving food access. Participants had varied suggestions for ways to improve the neighborhood, both related and unrelated to the food environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 49-51
В.Б. Фролова

Актуализация вопроса проведения антикоррупционной политики вызывает необходимость определения комплекса государственных мер по противодействию коррупции. Правовые средства являются основным инструментом борьбы с преступлениями данной категории. В тезисах раскрываются понятие фактора правотворчества, роль правотворчества в совершенствовании уголовной политики государства. Правотворчество выступает приоритетным направлением, охватывающим все стороны осуществления антикоррупционной политики государства. В статье определены приоритетные стороны развития уголовной правовой политики в правотворческой сфере. The actualization of the issue of conducting anti-corruption policy makes it necessary to determine a set of state measures to combat corruption. Legal means are the main tool in the fight against this category of crimes. Lawmaking is a priority area covering all aspects of the state’s anti-corruption policy. The article defines the priority aspects of the development of criminal legal policy in this area.

Deni Rusmaya ◽  
Evi Afiatun ◽  
Muhammad Al Hadad

Babakan Village has a problem that there is still a lack of facilities for wastewater. This condition can be seen from the access to the toilets of 2436 households; only around 1506 families have access to family/ shared latrines and 625 households that meet technical requirements. For this reason, this plan is useful for increasing access and meeting community needs for domestic wastewater treatment facilities in the study area. This planning stage begins with a survey and sanitation inspection to determine 3 priority areas for handling. Determinants of this priority area use the method of scoring and weighting the risk. The weighting results put sub village 02 with a score of 2.3, sub village 05 with a score of 2.25, and RW 10 with a risk value of 2 as the priority area for planning handlers. Primary data collected will be used as a consideration for determining the technology to be applied. The technology chosen for processing is the communal septic tank for people who do not have treatment. In contrast, for the washing bath, toilet with a biofilter unit for people who do not have wastewater infrastructure.

Marina Vasileva ◽  
Yu. Kashicyna

The article is based on the main key ideas of the concept of profile education and the experiment on the implementation of a digital educational environment, one of them is the idea of using digital educational content, including in mathematical education, as a basis for getting ahead at the world level. The article acquaints teachers of mathematics with the possibilities of using dynamic drawings to visualize mathematical objects when solving problems with parameters. The use of multimedia technologies with elements of interactive interaction with the user will make it possible to realize the developmental potential of basic general secondary education, which is a priority area of educational standards.

Ferzha Putra Utama ◽  
Yudi Setiawan ◽  
Arie Vatresia ◽  
Julia Purnama Sari

Several areas in Bengkulu City are affected by floods every year; one of the worst is the Sungai Serut sub-district.  The existence of a river that stretches along Sungai Serut also plays a role in floods over the Bengkulu area. Furthermore, this study to see the priority area over this district is still limited.  Mapping flood areas is one way to provide information, especially for decision-makers in flood control using geographic information systems. Our research aims to map flood vulnerability areas based on land height, slope, and river buffer by weighting these criteria. This thematic map is the result of overlaying several maps according to the flood vulnerability criteria. The results of this study indicate that Sungai Serut is an area with "Very Vulnerable" and "Vulnerable" levels of flood vulnerability. The story of flood vulnerability is dominated by gently sloping contours, with land elevation levels mostly below 20 m above sea level. In addition, the thing that exacerbates the potential for flood vulnerability is the existence of the river that runs along the Sungai Serut sub-district.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Abizar Aria Ghifar ◽  
Ira Safitri ◽  
Irland Fardani

Abstract. Today, regional spatial planning is one of the challenges in the development of a city. Indications of the development of the city can be seen from the increase in the area built due to an increase in population. As a result, city space is limited, so much urban land is used illegally or not in accordance with the rules of the Spatial Detail Plan (RDTR). Singaporean urban RDTR 2017-2037 has been established and is suitable as a guideline for spatial planning in Tasikmalaya Regency. Also stated in PP number 15 of 2010 in article 101 it is necessary to monitor the use of space every year by the civil service investigating agency (PPNS). The compilation was based on Minister of Public Works Regulation No.20 of 2011 to Minister of ATR Regulation No.16 in 2018. The Singaporean RDTR was prepared in 2011, so monitoring needs to be carried out as a condition for evaluating when there is a change in the legal umbrella. The purpose of this study are: find out the percentage of development realization based on physical conditions in the field; know the development progress in the singaparna urban priority area; and find out trends in spatial development in Singaparna Urban Priority Areas. The method used is a quantitative method (suitability analysis of spatial use and spatial analysis) and qualitative (descriptive analysis). The results obtained from this study are the progress of spatial use in the Singapore Priority Area which shows that there are still many incompatibilities with the RDTR, and the development of the Singapore priority area. In knowing the progress of spatial use by PPNS there needs to be an efficient method in gathering data, then the UAV is one of the efforts in the efficiency of data analysis materials for monitoring space utilization. Abstrak. Dewasa ini tata ruang wilayah menjadi salah satu tantangan dalam perkembangan sebuah kota. Indikasi perkembangan kota dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya kawasan terbangun akibat dari bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Akibatnya terbatasnya ruang kota, maka banyak lahan kota dimanfaatakan secara illegal atau tidak sesuai dengan aturan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR). RDTR perkotaan Singaparna 2017-2037 telah ditetapkan dan layak sebagai pedoman untuk perencanaan tata ruang di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Selain itu tertuang dalam PP nomor 15 tahun 2010 dalam pasal 101 perlu adanya pemantauan pemanfaatan ruang setiap tahunnya oleh badan penyidik pegawai negeri sipil (PPNS). Penyusunan tersebut berlandaskan pada Peraturan Menteri PU No.20 tahun 2011 menjadi Peraturan Menteri ATR No.16 tahun 2018. Penyusunan RDTR perkotaan Singaparna dilakukan pada tahun 2011, maka perlu dilakukan pemantauan sebagaimana syarat dalam melakukan evaluasi ketika adanya perubahan payung hukum. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: mengetahui persentase realisasi pembangunan berdasarkan kondisi fisik dilapangan; mengetahui perkembangan pembangunan dikawasan prioritas perkotaan singaparna; dan mengetahui kecenderungan pembangunan ruang di Kawasan Prioritas Perkotaan Singaparna. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif (analisis kesesuaian pemanfaatan ruang dan analisis spasial) dan kualitatif (analisis deskriptif). Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu progres pemanfaatan ruang di Kawasan Prioritas Perkotaan Singaparna yang menunjukan masih banyak ketidak sesuaian dengan RDTR, dan perkembangan kawasan prioritas perkotaan Singaparna. Dalam mengetahui progres pemanfaatan ruang oleh PPNS perlu adanya metode yang efisien dalam pengumpulan datanya, maka UAV adalah salah satu upaya dalam efisiensi bahan data analisis pemantauan pemanfaatan ruangnya.

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