Journal of Community Based Environmental Engineering and Management
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Published By Universitas Pasundan


Andri Akbar ◽  
I Gusti Putu Octavio ◽  
Rida Aini Rahmawati

The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact in all fields, namely in terms of health, social, economic, and food. Reduced income or even job loss to cause a decrease in the ability to meet basic needs, namely family food needs. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of Pertamina Corporation Integrated Terminal Jakarta initiated collaboration between community groups and various stakeholders through the integration of the budikdamber system and the development of processed product innovations done in Rawa Badak Selatan Village, Koja District, North Jakarta as the Area 1 Company's Ring. The development of processed innovation products is carried out together with the Bunda Koja group by carrying out all contain catfish product (ACE) activities. ACE's budikdamber activities are empowered by cultivating fish and vegetables in buckets carried out in several yards of residents of the Rawa Badak Selatan Village. This activity is expected to contribute to the community’s resilience in the face of pandemics by increasing knowledge and skills in developing mental systems and their processed products. The implementation of activities is carried out by training methods and the application of mentoring. The community generally feels helped because the process of making processed and ACE budikdamber is empowered to facilitate for the community to get nutritious food. This activity also has an impact on improving nutrition and socioeconomics of toddler parents, through training in nutritious catfish processed products, toddler mothers can learn to understand the importance of nutritious food for toddlers.

Nurcholis Salman

The increasing number of residents in Subang Regency every year has a direct impact on the amount of waste generation that must be managed. Until now, Subang Regency only has the Panembong Waste Disposal Site (WDS) in Parung Village which is intended to serve the entire Subang Regency area which includes 30 sub-districts. The Panembong TPA has started operating Since 1991, with the current Open Dumping operational system, the Panembong TPA has experienced an overload on an active land area of ​​± 2.2 Ha. The total area of ​​the Panembong TPA is ± 6.5 Ha which is used ± 1.6 Ha for general landfill infrastructure, the Active Zone of ± 2.2 Ha is used as a landfill area and the Passive Zone ± 2.7 With such conditions, the Subang Regency government proposes and plans to transfer and move the location of the Final Waste Disposal Site (TPA) at the planned location, while the planning location for this TPA is at: Jalupang Village, Kalijati District. The new TPA is planned to use the Sanitary Landfill system, considering that the Open Dumping system is no longer allowed by the government since 2009 which is based on Law No. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management. The initial step in the construction of the Sanitary Landfill TPA system is determining the location of the TPA which must comply with the requirements and provisions regarding environmental management, public order, city/environment cleanliness, regional regulations on waste management and urban spatial planning, as well as other implementing regulations that have been determined. by the government. To be able to determine the location of the landfill that meets these requirements.

Lili Mulyatna ◽  
Yonik Meilawati Yustiani ◽  
Reyhan Reiyana Andisa ◽  
Raja Faisal Ramadhan ◽  
Diny Hidayanti

Waste banks are one of the waste management that have the potential to reduce the burden of waste in the final processing site. Until now, there is a large amount of waste banks to accommodate waste from the surrounding environment. Bandung, as a city that experienced a waste emergency in 2005, has encouraged its citizens to operate waste banks, both school scale, neighborhood and for a larger scope. Bandung City Government also cooperates with several waste banks to conduct several programs with the aim to increase public awareness of environmental cleanliness. Waste banks that have been built mostly do not come with good management, so some waste banks only feasible in a short time. The purpose of this study is to obtain a waste bank management model based on existing conditions using the Multidimensional Scaling Method. This method exploring data provides a visual picture of the proximity patterns in the form of similarities or distances between a set of objects. This method will be useful for the formulation of waste bank sustainability recommendations in its marketing strategy and diversification of its business without reducing the essence of waste banks as part of environmental management. The representation of the waste bank that was used as the object of the study was the Raafi Elementary School Waste Bank. Data processing uses Rapfish/Rap-Bash software with multidimensional scale methods. Data processing results are used to formulate the sustainability strategy of waste banks.

Retna Ayu Puspatarini ◽  
Nabilah Nabilah ◽  
Sri Handjajanti

Living pharmacy park in Sub village (SV) 007, Sub-sub village (SSV) 04, Kali Anyar Village, Tambora District located in West Jakarta is the location of Community Service activities. This activity was carried out gradually starting from before the Indonesian government issued a new order rule (New Normal) until the government issued new normal rules due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With the New Normal rules provide changes to the design of a living pharmacy park that has been designed before. This article aims to express the changes that occurred in the design of the living pharmacy park. The methods carried out are participatory methods and qualitative methods that are described descriptively. This article discusses the changing design sections that are adapted to the distance keeping rules. Redesign living pharmacy park is a work that combines design with the rules of New Normal covid 19.

Reza Aryanto ◽  
Edy Jamal Tuheteru ◽  
Prayang Sunny Yulia ◽  
Syamidi Patian

Mining activities in general are high risk and high financing activities. One of the risks that are of concern to mining activities is related to occupational health and safety (OHS). The importance of OHS for the mining industry, the Community Service (CS) team of the Faculty of Earth and Energy Technology conducted counseling activities and discussions on the importance of the implementation of OHS in the field of mining. OHS counseling is done at Pillar Artha Sejahtera Company which is one of the small-scale mining industries that conduct andesite stone mining with a quarry system located in Lampung. Participants in this CS activity in addition to the team consisting of lecturers and employees and also followed by employees and leaders of PAS Company. CS activities are carried out by the method of exposure of material by the team which was previously preceded by field survey activities conducted by the CS team and furthermore is a discussion activity. Based on the discussions that developed during the activity, employees and leaders of PAS Company appreciates and is very grateful for the implementation of CS activities, because through this activity there is a refreshment of understanding and deepening of OHS material that has been an integral part of PAS Company. PAS Company hopes that activities like this should continue to be carried out, even not only for CS activities, it can also be for teaching and research activities.

Nurcholis Salman

The operational technique of waste management in Subang Regency uses simulations in the form of three scenarios, namely scenario-1 is a scenario that has been running so far (existing), in which recycling activities have not yet developed, so it is practically only a collection-transport-disposal system. a better scenario than Scenario-1, in which there are already recycling activities in the TPA, both in the formal and informal sectors (scavenging) and Based on the projections for each scenario above, it is found that Scenario-3 is a moderate scenario, because: the volume of waste transportation to the landfill is the minimum, the volume of waste that must be removed to the landfill is also the minimum which automatically has the minimum volume of landfill among the 3 (three) proposed scenarios. This scenario makes the transportation system efficient, but requires a larger investment to facilitate facilities and infrastructure. However, this is not the case in Scenario-1, in this scenario, the budget required for the procurement of facilities and infrastructure is relatively lighter than the needs in the other two scenarios.

Deni Rusmaya ◽  
Evi Afiatun ◽  
Muhammad Al Hadad

Babakan Village has a problem that there is still a lack of facilities for wastewater. This condition can be seen from the access to the toilets of 2436 households; only around 1506 families have access to family/ shared latrines and 625 households that meet technical requirements. For this reason, this plan is useful for increasing access and meeting community needs for domestic wastewater treatment facilities in the study area. This planning stage begins with a survey and sanitation inspection to determine 3 priority areas for handling. Determinants of this priority area use the method of scoring and weighting the risk. The weighting results put sub village 02 with a score of 2.3, sub village 05 with a score of 2.25, and RW 10 with a risk value of 2 as the priority area for planning handlers. Primary data collected will be used as a consideration for determining the technology to be applied. The technology chosen for processing is the communal septic tank for people who do not have treatment. In contrast, for the washing bath, toilet with a biofilter unit for people who do not have wastewater infrastructure.

Mohamad Satori ◽  
Ivan Chofyan ◽  
Yuliadi Yuliadi ◽  
Otong Rukmana ◽  
Ira Ayu Wulandari ◽  

Organic waste is the largest composition of waste generated by the people of Indonesia, which is around 50-60%. This type of waste, especially food waste, is easy to smell if it is stored for too long so that it has the potential to pollute the environment. On the other hand, organic waste has good nutrients that can be generated, including through BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot bioconversion treatment. The BSF maggot bioconversion method is a method of processing organic waste which is carried out by converting organic matter into other products that are useful and have added value by utilizing biological processes from microorganisms and enzymes. Organic waste treatment with this method is generally carried out on a community-based basis and is integrated with the development of agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry, because maggot cultivation produces commodities of economic value such as compost and maggot larvae. Compost contains very good nutrients so that it can be used for organic farming and maggot contains high protein that can be used for animal feed and fisheries. The implementation of this program was piloted in the boarding school community, namely the Az-Zakaria Islamic Boarding School which is managed by the Az-Zakaria Islamic Education Foundation (YPI) in Sindangbarang Village, Jalaksana District, Kuningan Regency. The result of this implementation is the formation of a new group of entrepreneurs engaged in the cultivation and utilization of BSF maggots.

Mira Meirawaty ◽  
Christin Palit ◽  
Dyah Ayu Setyorini ◽  
Moehammad Ali Jambak

Utilization of Crude Palm Oil (Crude Palm Oil) in food cooking activities is a strong activity in Indonesian society, more than 80% of household activities use this type of oil to process food ingredients. The affordable price with a variety of packaging makes this type of cooking oil has many fans. A survey that has been conducted on residents of the Kalideres area with a total of 20 respondents stated that in addition to using new palm cooking oil in cooking activities, the majority of residents are also accustomed to using this oil used in cooking activities that require the deep-fried method. The quality of cooking oil is largely determined by the level of purity of the solution, the clearer the color of the solution, the better the quality, the darker the color of the solution indicates the presence of more impurities, the higher the saturated fatty acid emulsion, indicating poor cooking oil quality. This is what was raised in this community service (CS) activity, namely socializing alternatives to the use of purified bulk cooking oil. The purification material uses bentonite clay minerals which are heated and dissolved in a certain amount and duration of time which is able to maximize the adsorption power of impurities according to the natural structure of bentonite. CS activities carried out online include counseling and training activities for housewives in the economically densely populated Kalideres area. Through the socialization program for the purification of bulk cooking oil using bentonite clay minerals, it is hoped that residents will have an alternative to reduce the cost of processing food raw materials in a more effective and healthy way. This program is also expected to function as a medium to socialize the application of earth science in helping activities of daily living.

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