heating efficiency
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Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 262
Venkatesha Narayanaswamy ◽  
Imaddin A. Al-Omari ◽  
Aleksandr S. Kamzin ◽  
Bashar Issa ◽  
Ihab M. Obaidat

Magnetically hard–soft core-shell ferrite nanoparticles are synthesized using an organometallic decomposition method through seed-mediated growth. Two sets of core-shell nanoparticles (S1 and S2) with different shell (Fe3O4) thicknesses and similar core (CoFe2O4) sizes are obtained by varying the initial quantities of seed nanoparticles of size 6.0 ± 1.0 nm. The nanoparticles synthesized have average sizes of 9.5 ± 1.1 (S1) and 12.2 ± 1.7 (S2) nm with corresponding shell thicknesses of 3.5 and 6.1 nm. Magnetic properties are investigated under field-cooled and zero-field-cooled conditions at several temperatures and field cooling values. Magnetic heating efficiency for magnetic hyperthermia applications is investigated by measuring the specific absorption rate (SAR) in alternating magnetic fields at several field strengths and frequencies. The exchange bias is found to have a nonmonotonic and oscillatory relationship with temperature at all fields. SAR values of both core-shell samples are found to be considerably larger than that of the single-phase bare core particles. The effective anisotropy and SAR values are found to be larger in S2 than those in S1. However, the saturation magnetization displays the opposite behavior. These results are attributed to the occurrence of spin-glass regions at the core-shell interface of different amounts in the two samples. The novel outcome is that the interfacial exchange anisotropy of core-shell nanoparticles can be tailored to produce large effective magnetic anisotropy and thus large SAR values.

Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Mohammed Alghaseb ◽  
Walid Hassen ◽  
Abdelhakim Mesloub ◽  
Lioua Kolsi

In this study, a 3D numerical study of free ventilated room equipped with a discrete heat source was performed using the Finite Volume Method (FVM). To ensure good ventilation, two parallel openings were created in the room. A suction opening was located at the bottom of the left wall and another opening was located at the top of the opposite wall; the heat source was placed at various positions in order to compare the heating efficiency. The effects of Rayleigh number (103 ≤ Ra ≤ 106) for six heater positions was studied. The results focus on the impact of these parameters on the particle trajectories, temperature fields and on the heat transfer inside the room. It was found that the position of the heater has a dramatic effect on the behavior and topography of the flow in the room. When the heat source was placed on the wall with the suction opening, two antagonistic behaviors were recorded: an improvement in heat transfer of about 31.6%, compared to the other positions, and a low Rayleigh number against 22% attenuation for high Ra values was noted.

2022 ◽  
pp. 111718
Peerapong Yotprayoonsak ◽  
Nophanon Anusak ◽  
Jorma Virtanen ◽  
Veijo Kangas ◽  
Vinich Promarak

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 105095
Xudong Zuo ◽  
Hao Ding ◽  
Jiandong Zhang ◽  
Tao Fang ◽  
Dongmei Zhang

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 119
Hong-Jun Noh ◽  
Hun-Bong Lim ◽  
Hee-Chan Yoon ◽  
Young-Hwan Han ◽  
Hyun-Ik Yang

In the shipbuilding industry, welding is the main technique used to join steel structures. There is a lifting process, post-welding, that can eliminate the correction effect of line heating. Line heating is reperformed after the lifting process. This can significantly delay the ship assembly process. Herein, we present a design method for installing a permanent stiffener to avoid the disappearance of the line heating effect during the lifting process. The change in physical properties due to heating and cooling of the line heating is calculated. The limiting stress, at which the effect of the line heating completely disappears, based on the inherent strain theory, is obtained. The phase fraction by the cooling rate is calculated using the continuous cooling transformation diagram and the Kiustinen–Marburgerm equation. Physical properties affected by the phase transformation are calculated, considering the physical properties and fraction of each phase. The square plate theory and superposition principle are used to construct a local model, with a stiffener, of the ship block. The stress caused by the shape of the stiffener and the distance between the stiffeners were calculated for the local model. The calculated stress and the limiting stress were compared to determine, for the expected line heating efficiency, the most acceptable stiffener design. Finally, to confirm the elimination of the problem, the designed stiffener is analyzed using the finite element method.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Anastasiia S. Garanina ◽  
Alexey A. Nikitin ◽  
Tatiana O. Abakumova ◽  
Alevtina S. Semkina ◽  
Alexandra O. Prelovskaya ◽  

Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are widely considered for cancer treatment, in particular for magnetic hyperthermia (MHT). Thereby, MNPs are still being optimized for lowest possible toxicity on organisms while the magnetic properties are matched for best heating capabilities. In this study, the biocompatibility of 12 nm cobalt ferrite MNPs, functionalized with citrate ions, in different dosages on mice and rats of both sexes was investigated for 30 days after intraperitoneal injection. The animals’ weight, behavior, and blood cells changes, as well as blood biochemical parameters are correlated to histological examination of organs revealing that cobalt ferrite MNPs do not have toxic effects at concentrations close to those used previously for efficient MHT. Moreover, these MNPs demonstrated high specific loss power (SLP) of about 400 W g−1. Importantly the MNPs retained their magnetic properties inside tumor tissue after intratumoral administration for several MHT cycles within three days. Thus, cobalt ferrite MNPs represent a perspective platform for tumor therapy by MHT due to their ability to provide effective heating without exerting a toxic effect on the organism. This opens up new avenues for smaller MNPs sizes while their heating efficiency is maintained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 12139
Monica Lilioara Cherecheș ◽  
Nelu Cristian Cherecheș ◽  
Adrian Alexandru Ciobanu ◽  
Sebastian Valeriu Hudișteanu ◽  
Emilian Florin Țurcanu ◽  

In the context of energy conservation and sustainable development, building design should take into account the energy efficiency criteria by using renewable energy sources. Double-skin facades (DSF) represent innovative energy-efficient techniques that have gained increasing interest worldwide. The present study reports the results of an experimental campaign performed on a full-scale double-skin façade using the in-situ measurement methodology. The thermodynamic behavior of the façade is studied under real exterior climatic conditions in Romania in hot and cold seasons, and performance indicators in terms of pre-heating efficiency and dynamic insulation efficiency were determined. Three summer periods are analyzed corresponding to the outdoor air curtain scenario for three ventilation modes in naturally or mechanically ventilated single-story DSF. Results revealed that the third ventilation scenario, which combines horizontal and vertical openings, gives the best efficiency of 71.3% in the double skin façade functioning. During the cold season, the channel façade behaved like a thermal buffer between the building and the exterior air, ensuring the thermal energy for partial or integral heating of the building.

Abstract Understanding the connections between latent heating from precipitation and cloud radiative effects is essential for accurately parameterizing cross-scale links between cloud microphysics and global energy and water cycles in climate models. While commonly examined separately, this study adopts two cloud impact parameters (CIPs), the surface radiative cooling efficiency, Rc, and atmospheric radiative heating efficiency, Rh, that explicitly couple cloud radiative effects and precipitation to characterize how efficiently precipitating cloud systems influence the energy budget and water cycle using A-Train observations and two reanalyses. These CIPs exhibit distinct global distributions that suggest cloud energy and water cycle coupling are highly dependent on cloud regime. The dynamic regime (ω500) controls the sign of Rh, while column water vapor (CWV) appears to be the larger control on the magnitude. The magnitude of Rc is highly coupled to the dynamic regime. Observations show that clouds cool the surface very efficiently per unit rainfall at both low and high sea surface temperature (SST) and CWV, but reanalyses only capture the former. Reanalyses fail to simulate strong Rh and moderate Rc in deep convection environments but produce stronger Rc and Rh than observations in shallow, warm rain systems in marine stratocumulus regions. While reanalyses generate fairly similar climatologies in the frequency of environmental states, the response of Rc and Rh to SST and CWV results in systematic differences in zonal and meridional gradients of cloud atmospheric heating and surface cooling relative to A-Train observations that may have significant implications for global circulations and cloud feedbacks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 016004
S. Kamio ◽  
K. Saito ◽  
R. Seki ◽  
H. Kasahara ◽  
M. Kanda ◽  

Abstract The characteristics of ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) minority ion heating with a hydrogen minority and deuterium majority plasma were studied by ICRF modulation injection experiments in the Large Helical Device (LHD). In recent experiments with deuterium plasma, no significant increase in the neutron emission rate due to ICRF second harmonic deuteron heating was observed. Therefore, in this study, the neutron emission rate was used to refer to the information regarding the thermal ion component. Like the results of the observations of the heating efficiencies at various minority proton ratios, the experimental results showed good agreement with the simple model simulation of ICRF wave absorption. During these experiments, the accelerated minority hydrogen ions were observed by neutral particle analyzers. The counting rates of the energetic particles were higher in the lines of sight passing through the helical ripple than across the magnetic axis, and the counting rate decreased as the minority hydrogen ion ratio increased. The dependence of the minority hydrogen ion ratio on the density of the energetic ions was consistent with the experimentally observed heating efficiencies and simulations. The heating efficiency of ICRF minority ion heating could be well explained by simple model simulation in the LHD deuterium experiment.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 4231
Mohamed S. A. Darwish ◽  
Laila M. Al-Harbi

Volatile organic compounds pollute the environment and pose a serious threat to human health due to their toxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity. In this context, it is highly desirable to fabricate high-performance poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) composites to remove organic solvents from the environment using a simple technique. Therefore, in the present study, Fe-PDMS composites were fabricated using a technique based on magnetic induction heating with iron particles serving as a self-heating agent. Under an alternating magnetic field, the iron particles served as a thermal source that assisted in the progression of PDMS crosslinking. The influence of self-heating iron on the properties of the fabricated Fe-PDMS composites was also investigated. The hydrosilation reaction occurring during the crosslinking process was controlled using FT-IR. The heating efficiency of PDMS 1, PDMS 2, and PDMS 3 was studied as the function of induction time (0–5 min) and the function of iron content (0%, 1%, and 30% wt.%). The results revealed that the mechanical properties of the PDMS 2 composite were enhanced compared to those of the PDMS 1 and PDMS 3 composites. The mechanical properties of PDMS 3 were the least efficient due to cluster formation. PDMS 3 exhibited the highest thermal stability among all composites. Furthermore, the swelling behavior of different materials in various organic solvents was studied. PDMS was observed to swell to the greatest extent in chloroform, while swelling to a large extent was observed in toluene, pentane, and petroleum ether. PDMS swelling was the least in n-butanol. The elastomeric behavior of crosslinked PDMS, together with its magnetic character, produces stimuli-responsive magneto-rheological composites, which are quite efficient and suitable for applications involving the removal of organic solvents.

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