dissolved solids
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2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012087
M Hayati ◽  
N Arpi ◽  
Z F Rozali

Abstract Rujak kawista sauce is one of the typical Indonesian foods made from palm sugar, tamarind, bird’s eye chili, nuts, and special fruits of kawista to enhance the flavour. There is no information about the shelf-life of rujak kawista sauce to date. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on the storage time of the rujak kawista sauce to determine the product’s shelf life. This study used the ASLT method to determine the shelf life of rujak sauce. The sauce was stored at temperatures of 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C within 21 days storage time and was analysed every seven days. The analytical methods used to support the ASLT method are TBA, moisture content, FFA, total dissolved solids and pH. The result showed that TBA value was 0.046-0.19 mg malonaldehyde/kg, moisture content was 16.68-20%, FFA was 0.66-0.80%, total dissolved solid was 17.9-21.1°Brix, and pH was 3.1-3.5. Based on Arrhenius calculations, the shelf-life of rujak kawista sauce was two months.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-203
Amoo Afeez Oladeji ◽  
Adeleye Adeniyi Olarewaju ◽  
Bate Garba Barde ◽  
Asaju Catherine Iyabo ◽  
Isiaq Saheed Mohammed ◽  

The interface between surface water and groundwater is becoming more complex owing to the effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities these days. In this study, the physicochemical; pH, color, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and turbidity while bacteriological parameters; total and fecal coliform of water samples from River Gashua and its surrounding wells in Gashua local government area of Yobe State were assessed. All the physicochemical parameters were analyzed using water quality standards. Fecal and total coliforms were assayed using the filter membrane technique. The results obtained from the physicochemical parameters of Boreholes (BH1, BH2, and BH3) and hand pump wells (HPW1, HPW2, and HPW3) are within the World Health Organization (WHO) standards. However, the river (R) water sample was found to have a high concentration in total dissolved solids, turbidity, and color than permissible standards. Bacteriological analysis revealed the presence of total and fecal coliform in the water samples; R, BH2, BH3, HPW1, HPW2, and HPW3. The findings indicate that there is a need to protect the quality of the river system. Therefore, it is recommended that government and other stakeholders should take appropriate and corrective actions to avert the continuous discharge of waste products into the river. Again, Yobe State Ministry of Environment should ensure that all public boreholes are routinely subjected to appropriate water assays to ascertain their suitability for human consumption.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Jeff D. Pepin ◽  
Andrew J. Robertson ◽  
Shari A. Kelley

Freshwater scarcity has raised concerns about the long-term availability of the water supplies within the transboundary Mesilla (United States)/Conejos-Médanos (Mexico) Basin in Texas, New Mexico, and Chihuahua. Analysis of legacy temperature data and groundwater flux estimates indicates that the region’s known geothermal systems may contribute more than 45,000 tons of dissolved solids per year to the shallow aquifer system, with around 8500 tons of dissolved solids being delivered from localized groundwater upflow zones within those geothermal systems. If this salinity flux is steady and eventually flows into the Rio Grande, it could account for 22% of the typical average annual cumulative Rio Grande salinity that leaves the basin each year—this salinity proportion could be much greater in times of low streamflow. Regional water level mapping indicates upwelling brackish waters flow towards the Rio Grande and the southern part of the Mesilla portion of the basin with some water intercepted by wells in Las Cruces and northern Chihuahua. Upwelling waters ascend from depths greater than 1 km with focused flow along fault zones, uplifted bedrock, and/or fractured igneous intrusions. Overall, this work demonstrates the utility of using heat as a groundwater tracer to identify salinity sources and further informs stakeholders on the presence of several brackish upflow zones that could notably degrade the quality of international water supplies in this developed drought-stricken region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 234-236
Mila Trayanova ◽  
Sava Kolev ◽  
Diana Rabadjieva ◽  
Aleksey Benderev ◽  
Rumiana Gergulova

The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the environmental impact of a surface spill of groundwater with high total dissolved solids content by clarifying the extent of contamination in the soil layer near the borehole R1 – Barzina. The overall tendency for limitation of the migration of chloride pollution in the immediate vicinity of the formed surface spill. The fluctuations of the chlorides content in depth indicates the seasonal impact of refreshment by atmospheric waters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 019-024
Ni Komang Alit Astiari ◽  
Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati ◽  
I Nengah Suaria ◽  
I Nyoman Rai

This research was conducted in Belancan Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia, from December 2020 to July 2021, which aimed to increase production and fruits quality of Siam orange with calcitor fertilizer and concentration of neem leaf extract. The study used a randomized block design, factorial with 2 factors and 3 replications. The first factor was calcitor fertilizer consisting of 4 concentration levels, i.e., 0 cc/l/tree (K0); 2 cc/l/tree (K1), 4 cc/l/tree (K2), and 6 cc/l/tree (K3), while the second factor was neem leaf extract consisting of 3 concentration levels, i.e., 0% (M0), 5% (M1), and 10% (M2). The results showed that the interaction between calcitor fertilizer and neem leaf extract concentration had no significant effect on all observed variables. Calcitor fertilizer with a concentration of 6 cc/l/tree could improve the quality of Siam orange fruit, which was reflected by the increase in the number of fruit per tree (106.44 fruit), weight per fruit (114.08 g), weight of fruit per tree (14 .37 kg), fruit diameter (6.89 cm) and total dissolved solids (11.52 %brix) or increased by 27.56%, 7.54%; 40.74%; 12.58% and 44.72%, respectively, than those of control. While in the treatment of neem leaf extract at a concentration of 10% increase the number of fruit per tree (107.73 fruit), weight per fruit (117.44 g), fruit weight per tree (16.04 kg), fruit diameter (7.58 cm) and total dissolved solids (10.83% brix), or an increase of 69.44%; 18.76%; 78.84% and 42.31%, respectively, than those of control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Jessica Warrack ◽  
Mary Kang

According to the California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, the bottom of a basin, and subsequently the depth to which groundwater is managed, can be defined through physical or geochemical qualities of the aquifer. Total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations are most frequently used to define the basin bottom. However, upper limits in TDS concentrations for “fresh” and “useable” groundwater can range from 1,000 to 10,000 mg/L. To evaluate the applicability of using TDS concentrations to delineate depths subject to sustainable groundwater management, we analyze 216,754 TDS measurements throughout the state of California. We find major challenges to reasonably estimating the BFW with our dataset in 73% of California due to data insufficiencies or complexity introduced by non-montonic TDS-depth relationships. We estimate the BFW in 22% of the Central Valley, a key agricultural region with large groundwater demands and many critically overdrafted groundwater subbasins. Using a TDS limit of 3,000 mg/L, where possible, we estimate the shallowest BFW in the Central Valley to be 155 m below ground surface and the deepest BFW to be 589 m below ground surface. We find that the base of brackish water (TDS < 10,000 mg/L) can extend more than 500 m deeper than the BFW in 78% of the Central Valley where we are able to estimate the BFW, which corresponds to 2% of California. There is a need to evaluate alternative strategies for defining groundwater subject to sustainable management, which likely involves additional measurements and analysis to better characterize groundwater quality with depth throughout California.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Yoga Pratama ◽  
Dina Yulia Anggraeni ◽  
Yasmin Aulia Rachma ◽  
Lita Lusiana Surja ◽  
Siti Susanti

Rice milk is a plant-based milk-like product that can be an alternative for people who have an allergy to bovine milk and lactose intolerance. Malting and enzymatic hydrolysis can bring out the natural sweetness of the rice milk product and thus minimize the use of sweeteners. The current research aimed to determine the total value of dissolved solids, viscosity, dextrose equivalent, and antioxidant activity in malted red rice milk with the addition of glucoamylase at different concentrations. The red rice was malted for 48 hours before drying and milling. The resulted malt powder was then diluted and added with glucoamylase enzyme at the concentration of 0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%. Enzymatic hydrolysis occurred at 60°C for 3 hours. Completely Randomized Design was used for the parameters of total soluble solids, viscosity, and dextrose equivalent while the antioxidant activity parameter was analyzed descriptively. The result showed that the addition of glucoamylase significantly (p<0.05) increased the total soluble solids, viscosity, and dextrose equivalent. The highest values were 9.960 °Brix, 1620 cP, and 1.872 for total dissolved solids, viscosity, and dextrose equivalent, respectively. Increasing antioxidant activity was also observed from 6.094% at 0% glucoamylase to 10.762% at 3% glucoamylase addition.

2021 ◽  
Iker Hernández García

The overarching aim of this thesis is to expand the knowledge base on the dynamics of total dissolved solids, with special focus on the most widespread nutrients in agricultural systems (N, and to a lesser extent P). To this end, (1) the exports of dissolved solids and their dynamics in a watershed network have been quantified, considering different agrosystems of the region of Navarre (Spain). Recognizing the influence of these compounds on different water bodies, and with the aim of shedding more light on the black box watershed approach in water quality, (2) the relatively recent concept of overland flow connectivity has been assessed through an Overland Flow Connectivity index. This index is based on broadly adopted overland flow connectivity indices, and implemented at two rainfed winter cereal watersheds (Latxaga and La Tejería). Regarding nutrients, and focusing on nitrate and phosphate dynamics, (3) these two watersheds have been characterized in terms of concentration and exports of nitrate and phosphate, for a range of temporal scales, with insights on the controlling factors of these processes. Finally, (4) the nutrient controlling factors previously identified have been quantified considering different possible scenarios. The AnnAGNPS model capacity has been evaluated for dissolved nitrogen exports at the two rainfed winter cereal watersheds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-265
Jakia Hasan ◽  
Md Mozzammel Hoque ◽  
Ahmed Fazley Rabbi ◽  
Shafiqur Rahman ◽  
Md Zulfikar Ali

Potential spat collectors and suitable culture sites were investigated for the development of edible oyster culture from June to December 2019 at three study sites (Moheshkhali, the Jeti of Nuniarchora, and Sonadia) of Cox’s Bazar coast of Bangladesh. Four types of collectors such as oyster shell, earthen pot, kortal (windowpane oyster shell) and tiles were investigated. On site sampling of water quality parameters and number of spats on each collector were done at 15-days interval following standard methods. Results indicated insignificant difference (P > 0.05) in temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH, while significant difference (P < 0.05) in total dissolved solids, total suspended solids and Chl-a content of the water among the study locations. However, these parameters were in suitable range for growth and spawning of oyster. Results also indicated spat recruitment was significantly influenced by the types of collectors and study locations with significantly (P < 0.05) higher spat were recruited in Tiles. Tiles were also found to facilitate with an advantage of recycling of this collector. The location in interaction with polluting materials such as total dissolved solids and total suspended solids had a significant effect on spat recruitment rate and therefore, Sonadia was the most suitable location for spat recruitment. This study site can also be used as a suitable location for the development of oyster culture in the cost of Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh based on its environmental characteristics. Bangladesh J. Zool. 49 (2): 257-265, 2021

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 3143
Danica Fazekašová ◽  
Juraj Fazekaš ◽  
Lenka Štofejová

The focus of this work is on the evaluation of selected water quality indicators as per the applicable regulations, taking into account European and national legislation and the evaluation of the risk of contamination of surface waters with toxic elements using the contamination factor (Cfi) and the degree of pollution (Cd). The studied area of Slovinky is an important ore region, with rich deposits of copper and silver ores that have been mined for centuries. One of the most important remnants of mining activities in this area is the Slovinky tailing impoundment. The sludge pond area has an area of 15 ha, and the height of the dam is 113 metres above sea level, which makes the sludge pond one of the tallest water structures in Slovakia. The Slovinský creek was monitored in the years 2010, 2011, and 2019 at five sampling points, which were selected to map the entire length of the water flow from the source to the estuary to the river Hornád. Risk elements (As, Cu, Cd, and Fe) and physicochemical parameters (such as temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, conductivity, resistivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, NaCl, redox potential, and pH) were included in this study and evaluated according to applicable regulations, taking into account European legislation (Act No. 269/2010 Coll., guideline value WHO 2011). The results of the experimental studies showed that the highest values of As and Cu were measured at the site where drainage waters from the Slovinky tailing impoundment and mining water of the Alžbeta shaft flow into the creek. The concentration of As exceeded the limit value by up to 31 times and the concentration of Cu 16.8–134.5 times. At the same time, the highest values of conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids, and NaCl were found, and there was no acidification of water at the site that had the highest pollution. Water contamination was assessed based on Cfi and Cd; our findings showed that the surface water from the site of contamination, along the entire length of the stream, was very highly contaminated with risk elements in the order of As > Fe > Cu, and the level of contamination decreased with distance from the site of contamination. Our research shows that seepage of toxic substances from sludge ponds and abandoned mines has caused the requirements for the quality of surface water of the Slovinský creek not to be met. In connection with mining activities, surface streams act as a transport medium through which other components of the environment can be polluted.

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