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Modesto Leite Rolim Neto ◽  
Giovana Macedo Egídio Cavalcante ◽  

Background: The induction of the formation of organoids derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) is a new technology that is being well studied and aims to improve the clinical condition of patients with various diseases and even patients undergoing certain types of procedures. Methods: Systematic review, using the PRISMA protocol. The study period was from 2010 to 2020 and the keywords included “Organoids”, “iPSC”, “Ethic” and “Evidence-Based Medicine”, one at a timeand then combined with the Boolean operator “AND”. Results: 44 registrations were found. Of this total, 15 articles were excluded because they have not approached organoids and stem cells objectively, often attending to other phenomena or details that are not of interest to the review.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (06) ◽  
Cicera Eduarda Almeida de Souza ◽  
Cicero Denilson Aurélio Soares ◽  
Hellen Cristina Alves da Silva Lima ◽  
Natália Silva Sousa ◽  
Silmara Faustino Sarmento de Souza ◽  

INTRODUCTION: Andropause or Androgenic Disorder of Male Aging (ADD) affects the male population between 60 and 70 years old, and which sometimes starts after 50 years old, as a consequence of the decline of the testosterone hormone. to the health of men who are going through their aging process. OBJECTIVE: Therefore, the present work was developed with the objective of identifying in the literature the implications of andropause in men's health. METHODOLOGY: This is an integrative literature review of a descriptive-exploratory nature, searches were carried out in November 2021, based on a bibliographic survey in the scientific databases of virtual libraries (LILACS), (ScieElo) Google Academic and (MEDLINE), under the application of the descriptors selected by (DeCS), through the Boolean operator and. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: It was shown in the literature that andropause symptoms can be manifested differently from person to person, among the most common symptoms were irritability, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, sleep disorders and premature ejaculation. However, there are ways of hormone replacement treatment to treat the impacts that andropause can have on men's health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: This work achieved the proposed objective, as it showed the symptoms that andropause can cause in the male population. Therefore, there is hormone replacement as a treatment method, however there are still taboos that make it difficult for men to take care of their own. health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (44) ◽  
pp. 136-142
Mihaela Cristina Neagu ◽  
Codrut Sarafoleanu

Abstract The rapid spread of the COVID-19 infection required prompt recognition and immediate isolation of patients. In the evolution of the disease various symptoms were indicated as suggestive of a SARS-CoV-2 infection, among them being also described anosmia and ageusia. In order to review how olfactory disorders are related to COVID-19 disease, we carried out an analysis by searching PubMed, Science Direct, Springer, and LILACS. The research was made using MeSH descriptors and the Boolean operator, “AND”, for the terms “olfactory disorders” or “olfactory dysfunction” or “anosmia” or “neurologic manifestations” or “ENT symptoms” AND “COVID-19” or “SARS-CoV-2” or “coronavirus infections”, with a filter on the publication date set for 01.01.2020 – 18.06.2021. A total of 956 articles were found in the databases, out of which 14 were included in the study. The statistics suggest that alterations of the chemosensory function are strongly correlated with COVID-19, although the exact pathophysiologic mechanism is not well established. Symptomatology suggestive of chemosensory dys-function (smell primarily and then taste alterations) elevate the degree of suspicion of a SARS-CoV-2 infection and they commend prompt isolation and surveillance measurements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 214-221
Rafina Syfridiana ◽  
Fauna Herawati

Asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways induced reversible obstruction resulting in mortality and morbidity. Roflumilast is a second-generation selective inhibitor of phosphodiesterase-4  targeting PDE type 4 isoenzymes, disturbing the breakdown of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and reducing inflammation. However, it has not been recommended for asthma patients because of insufficient evidence from trial results. The search was carried out using the PUBMED online database from 2011 to May 2021. The keywords used in this study were "Asthma" and "Roflumilast" using the Boolean Operator "AND." All articles were published until May 7, 2021. The design of the articles involved in this study was randomized. Selection of research articles was obtained to avoid duplication of articles through title and abstract screening. Next, eligible articles were extracted by reviewing the full text according to the inclusion criteria. Finally, Five articles were used in this paper. Roflumilast can be given per-oral as a single dose or combine with ICS or montelukast. Roflumilast can increase FEV1 and reduce eosinophils, a pathological cause of asthma that induces inflammation in the airways. The side effects of roflumilast are well tolerated in asthma patients, the most common of which include headache, diarrhea, nausea, weight loss, and insomnia

Muhammad Anis Taslim ◽  
Kusnanto Kusnanto ◽  
Yulia Setiya Dewi

Pendahuluan:Ulkus kaki diabetik merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada penderita Diabetes Mellitus. Telemedicinemerupakan pennggunaan sarana teknologi komunikasi untuk mendapatkan dan mendesiminasi data dan pelayanan medis. Sistematik review ini bertujuan mengkaji efektivitas telemedicine untuk pengelolaan perawatan ulkus kaki diabetik.Metode:kata kunci yang digunakan adalah "telemedicine" "healing" dan "diabetic foot" dan "diabetic foot ulcers", yang dihubungankan dengan Boolean operator "AND".  Pencarian artikel dengan menggunakan kerangka PICOT pada database internasional; EBSCO, Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest, selama lima tahun, 2017-2021. Hasil:Diperoleh 15 artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi yaitu berfokus pada telemedicine pada pasien dengan perawatan ulkus kaki diabetic, penelitian jenis Randomized Control Trialdan quasi-experiment. Studi desain lainnya dimasukkan dalam kriteria eksklusi. Artikel yang didapatkan dianalisa dengan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyzes(PRISMA). Simpulan:Telemedicine memiliki beberapa inovasi yang dapat digunakan dalam mengamati, mengantisipasi, dan mengobati penderita kaki diabetik. Inovasi dalam bentuk Telemedicine skin thermography, photo imaging, dan mobile phone onlinedapat memberikan hasil yang bagus dalam pemulihan kelangsungan hidup untuk pasien dengan perawatan ulkus kaki diabetik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-135
Calvin Augurius ◽  
Suryadi Susanto ◽  
Yorisye Septiana

Hiperbilirubinemia adalah terjadinya peningkatan kadar bilirubin dalam darah, baik oleh faktor fisiologis maupun non fisiologis yang secara klinis menimbulkan gejala yang disebut ikterus (kuning). Pada neonatus, kadar serum bilirubin indirek yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan otak yang parah dan tidak dapat disembuhkan. Fototerapi dan transfusi tukar adalah dua strategi terapeutik utama untuk mencegah kerusakan otak akibat bilirubin pada neonatus. Bilirubin, yang merupakan target fototerapi ini menyerap sinar secara maksimal pada rentang spektrum biru (460-490 nm). Namun, literatur lain mengatakan spektrum panjang gelombang yang berbeda, yaitu pirus (497 nm) juga sama efektifnya dalam menurunkan kadar bilirubin. Eligibilitas dari metode penelitian ini berdasarkan Participant, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcomes (PICO) dan penggunaan Boolean Operator. Berdasarkan seleksi studi dan penilaian kualitas, didapatkan 9 artikel yang dapat dianalisa. Pada bagian pembahasan didapatkan fototerapi lampu hijau dengan panjang gelombang (500nm) memiliki efektifitas yang sama dengan fototerapi gelombang biru dalam penurunan total serum bilirubin, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai fototerapi alternatif. Fototerapi LED tidak lebih unggul dalam efektifitas penurunan total serum bilirubin jika dibandingkan dengan fototerapi konvensional. Hal ini dikarenakan iradiasi dalam keadaan normal fototerapi LED lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan fototerapi konvensional sehinnga meningkatkan efektifitas dari fototerapi LED.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-64
Relisa Nuris Shifa ◽  
Sulistiawati ◽  
Endyka Erye Frety ◽  
Astika Gita Ningrum ◽  
Isa Anshori

Masa emas bagi tumbuh kembang anak terjadi 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK), dimulai sejak konsepsi sampai usia 24 bulan. Air Susu Ibu (ASI) mengandung komponen “nutrisi” dan “non-nutrisi” yang dapat mendukung tumbuh-kembang pasca lahir. World Health Organization (WHO) merekomendasikan anak memperoleh ASI ekslusif selama 6 bulan pasca lahir. Kecukupan nutrisi dan pertumbuhan optimal dapat dinilai menggunakan penilaian status gizi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hubungan pemberian ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan pertama setelah lahir dengan  status gizi anak usia 6 -24 bulan. Studi tinjauan pustaka ini menggunakan metode PRISMA, PICO, dan Boolean Operator. Literatur yang relevan diperoleh dari 8 database elektronik dan terbatas pada 10 tahun terakhir. Kualitas literatur dinilai menggunakan Quantitative Study Quality Assessment Tool yang dirilis EPHPP. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, diperoleh 3  dari 3.218 artikel yang sesuai kata kunci dan 127 yang membahas pertanyaan penulis. Tiga literatur tersebut menggunakan indikator dan standar status gizi, yakni Berat Badan menurut Usia (BB/U), Panjang Badan menurut Usia (PB/U), Berat Badan menurut Panjang Badan (BB/PB), dan Indeks Massa Tubuh untuk Usia (IMT/U).  Pada hasil didominasi oleh hubungan yang signifikan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa status gizi BB/U, PB/U, BB/PB, dan IMT/U memiliki hubungan yang signifikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Budhi Santoso ◽  
Thoriq Tri Prabowo

Pengelolaan arsip sangat penting untuk diperhatikan sebab dengan adanya arsip tersebut institusi dapat mengevaluasi kinerja dan memprediksi kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa mendatang untuk melakukan perubahan. Pada era digital sekarang ini, arsip tidak hanya berupa kertas tetapi juga dalam format digital dan elektronik. Penanganan arsip dalam bentuk kertas dan elektronik berbeda. Arsip UGM memiliki ERMS (Electronic Records and Management System) yaitu sistem yang digunakan untuk mengelola arsip elektronik. Sistem tersebut diberi nama SIKS (Sistem Informasi Kearsipan Statis). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan SIKS sebagai ERMS, serta menguraikan kelebihan dan kekurangan SIKS sebagai ERMS dengan harapan dapat dijadikan bahan evaluasi di Arsip UGM untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kearsipan. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis beberapa temuan yang perlu dikembangkan dalam optimalisasi SIKS yaitu perlu dikembangkanya model pencarian tingkat lanjut misalnya pencarian dengan boolean operator. Selain itu, perlunya sinkronisasi data terutama setelah migrasi server, dan perlu ditambah sumber daya manusia khususnya SDM bidang IT.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
I Made Sudarma Adiputra ◽  
G. N. Indraguna Pinatih ◽  
Ni Wayan Trisnadewi ◽  
Ni Putu Wiwik Oktviani

Pendahuluan: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) adalah gangguan tumbuh kembang pada anak yang ditandai dengan gangguan aktivitas yang berlebih dan rendahnya perhatian anak usia prasekolah-sekolah. Anak yang menderita ADHD akan sangat sulit diatur dan cenderung mengalami masalah baik dirumah ataupun disekolah. studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan faktor risiko dari kejadian ADHD. Metode dan Hasil : Metode yang digunakan adalah literature review, pencarian  artikel  menggunakan  beberapa sumber  dari  database  : EBSCO HOST, Proquest, PubMed, Scient Direct dan Springer Link publikasi tahun 2010-2020, kata kunci yang digunakan “Risk Faktors”,”adhd or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dengan menggunakan “AND” sebagai boolean operator. Terdapat sejumlah 309 artikel yang ditemukan sesuai dengan kata kunci tersebut. Setelah artikel tersebut dievaluasi sesuai kriteria yang diinginkan: full text, Bahasa yang digunakan dan kesesuaian rancangan didapatkan sejumlah 18 artikel yang ditelaah untuk di-review. Diskusi: Faktor risiko yang meningkatkan kejadian ADHD: Paparan asap rokok, Ibu merokok dan mengkonsumsi alkohol saat hamil, Ibu hamil yang obesitas, Riwayat kelahiran dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) dan kelahiran Prematur, APGAR skor rendah saat lahir, genetik dan lingkungan, social ekonomi orang tua, usia orang tua dan Riwayat kelahiran sectio caesaria (SC).

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (5-esp.) ◽  
pp. 684-692
Márcia Kaster Portelinha ◽  
Camila Almeida ◽  
Caroline Vasconcellos Lopes ◽  
Natalia Rosiely Costa Vargas

Conhecer o que vem sendo descrito sobre a Teoria das Representações Sociais e sua inter-relação entre sujeito e objeto foi objetivo desta pesquisa de Revisão Integrativa.  As buscas foram realizadas no mês de julho de 2019. O operador booleano and foi utilizado entre os termos saúde, sustentabilidade e teoria das Representações Sociais, Nos Idiomas Português E Inglês, Sendo Consultadas As Bases Lilacs, Medline/PubMed e PAHO e Google acadêmico. Os filtros foram: ser publicado nos últimos cinco anos, ter como frase exata/citação “Serge Moscovici” e ser artigo científico original. A análise dos dados decorreu do método Análise de conteúdo, resultando em três categorias: “Teoria das Representações Sociais”, que trouxe possibilidades de interpretar conhecimentos, relacionamentos e experiências atreladas ao individual e ao coletivo. A segunda categoria “Teoria das Representações Sociais e os universos: Consensual e Reificado” retrata os entrelaces e afastamentos do olhar empírico e do científico. A última categoria “Teoria das Representações Sociais e os processos: Ancoragem e Objetivação” demonstra como são organizados os pensamentos que vão formar as representações sociais, sendo considerados mecanismos que alicerçam a Teoria. Conclui-se que a Teoria das Representações Sociais não apresenta limites de utilização por temática, ela é abrangente e pode revelar grandes achados e mostrar formas de interpretar coisas iguais com olhares e descrições diferentes. No campo da saúde e da sustentabilidade esta teoria é uma ferramenta para interpretar concepções, atitudes e comportamentos de indivíduos e de grupos.   Palavras-chave: Saúde. Sustentabilidade. Teoria das Representações Sociais.     Abstract The aim of this research of Integrated Review was to know what has been described about the Theories of Social Representations and its inter-relation between subject and object. The researches were conducted during July 2019. The Boolean operator and was used among the terms health, sustainability and theory of social representations, in the English and Portuguese languages, being consulted in the Lilacs, Medline/PubMed and PAHO and Academic Google databases. The filters were: had been published in the last five years, having as exact/citation sentence “Serge Moscovici” and being an original scientific paper. The analysis of data was originated from the method Analysis of content, resulting in three categories: “The Theories of Social representation” which brought possibilities of interpreting knowledge, relationships and experiences related to the individual and the collectivity. The second category: “Theory of Social Representations and the universes: Consensual and Reified” which describes the interlaces and distances of empiric and scientific view. The last category: “Theory of Social Representations and the processes: Anchorage and Objectivation” which demonstrates how thoughts are organized which are responsible for making the social representations, being considered the base mechanisms of the Theory. It is concluded that the Theory of Social Representations do not present limits of utilization by themes, it is vast and can reveal big results and show ways of interpreting equal things with views and different descriptions. In the field of health and sustainability, this theory is a tool to interpret conceptions, attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups.   Keywords: Health. Sustainability. The Social Representation’s Theory.

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