lower stability
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Fatemeh Samaeifar ◽  
Hyeonghwa Yu ◽  
Tyler Davidson-Hall ◽  
Mozhgan Sadeghianlemraski ◽  
Dong Seob Chung ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 004051752110149
Heura Ventura ◽  
Ferran Parés ◽  
Raul Fernández-García ◽  
Ignacio Gil ◽  
Monica Ardanuy

In this work, several fabrics with different composition and structure have been used as the substrate for the production of wearable textile-embroidered dipole antennas. The performance of the antennas has been determined by measuring their resonance frequency, return loss and bandwidth. To determine their durability as wearable fabrics, the performance has been assessed before and after subjecting the antennas to washing and abrasion cycles. The results revealed that the woven fabrics presented a good washing fastness, even in fabrics having elastic fibers or low-crimp structures. In all cases, a good performance of the antennas was maintained after 30 washing cycles. For the abrasion cycles, the substrates with higher stability (measured as the crimp ratio) presented a higher wear fastness, whereas a higher variability was observed for the substrates with lower stability.


Объектом исследований явились искусственно созданные придорожные защитные лесные полосы раз- личных конструкций, разного возраста и породного состава. Экспериментальным материалом послужили данные перечислительной таксации на 24 пробных площадях. В ходе проведенных исследований установлено, что придорожные защитные лесные полосы разных пород заметно отличаются по степени дифференциации деревьев по диаметру и высоте. В порядке умень- шения коэффициента вариации размеров стволов их можно расположить в следующий ряд: вязовые, клё- новые, берёзовые, сосновые и тополевые. Дифференциация деревьев как по диаметру, так и по высоте за- висит от степени теневыносливости древесных пород. Она в полосах малотеневыносливых пород заметно ниже, чем в полосах умеренно теневыносливых. В защитных лесных полосах, как и в естественных насаждениях, с увеличением возраста древосто- ев изменчивость диаметров и высот деревьев закономерно уменьшается. Дифференциация деревьев по размерам стволов в искусственно созданных придорожных лесных полосах выражена в меньшей сте- пени, чем в естественных насаждениях. Это объясняется использованием при создании полос одновоз- растного, достаточно однородного в генетическом отношении посадочного материала, а также меньшей конкуренцией между деревьями в них вследствие их более равномерного и редкого размещения. По- ниженная дифференциация деревьев в защитных полосах свидетельствует об их меньшей устойчиво- сти и стабильности по сравнению с таковой в массивах естественных насаждений. В целом результаты данных исследований дают основание считать защитные полосы вдоль дорог специфическим объектом таксации. Они могут быть использованы при проведении оценочных и лесохозяйственных работ в при- дорожных защитных полосах и оценке их устойчивости и стабильности. The object of research was artifi cially created roadside protective forest strips of various designs, different ages and breed composition. The data of enumerative taxation on 24 test areas were used as experimental material. In the course of the research, it was found that roadside protective forest strips of different breeds differ markedly in the degree of differentiation of trees in diameter and height. In order to reduce the coeffi cient of variation in the size of trunks, they can be arranged in the following row: elm, maple, birch, pine and poplar. The differentiation of trees, both in diameter and in height, depends on the degree of shade tolerance of tree species. It is noticeably lower in the bands of low-shade-tolerant rocks than in the bands of moderate-shade- tolerant ones.In protective forest belts, as well as in natural plantings, the variability of tree diameters and heights naturally decreases with increasing age of stands. Differentiation of trees by trunk size in artifi cially created roadside forest strips is less pronounced than in natural plantings. This is due to the use of the same-age, fairly uniform in genetic terms planting material when creating strips, as well as less competition between trees in them due to their more uniform and sparse placement. The reduced differentiation of trees in protective forest strips indicates their lower stability and stability in comparison with arrays of natural plantings. In General, the results of these studies give reason to consider protective lanes along roads as a specifi c object of taxation . They can be used in carrying out assessment and forestry work in roadside protective strips and assessing their stability and stability.

Soft Matter ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ignacio Sanchez-Burgos ◽  
Adiran Garaizar ◽  
Carlos Vega ◽  
Eduardo Sanz ◽  
Jorge R. Espinosa

Despite its lower stability and higher nucleation barrier, a metastable charge-disordered colloidal phase manages to parasitically crystallize from nuclei of the stable charge-ordered phase due to its enhanced kinetic crystal growth.

Parisa Edalati ◽  
Xiao-Feng Shen ◽  
Motonori Watanabe ◽  
Tatsumi Ishihara ◽  
Makoto Arita ◽  

Metal oxynitrides are promising photocatalysts due to their narrow bandgap, but their lower stability compared to metal oxides is a drawback. The introduction of high-entropy alloys with entropy-stabilization features has...

RSC Advances ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (54) ◽  
pp. 33905-33915
Julian Klein ◽  
Laura Kampermann ◽  
Sascha Saddeler ◽  
Jannik Korte ◽  
Oliver Kowollik ◽  

CoxFe3−xO4 (0.4 < x < 2.5) nanoparticles show a broad green emission induced by surface OH-groups with a lower stability regarding UV-photoinduced dehydroxylation on Fe-rich (x ≤ 1.6) nanoparticles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 3112
Hsiang-Chun Wu ◽  
Ming-Tzu Tsai ◽  
Jui-Ting Hsu

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the measurement directions of the Periotest value (PTV) and implant stability quotient (ISQ) of dental implant fixtures inserted at various angles and depths. Five groups were organized: vertically inserted implants in an evencrestal position; implants inserted at a 17° tilt in a distal subcrestal position; implants inserted at a 17° tilt in a mesial supracrestal position; implants inserted at a 30° tilt in a distal subcrestal position; and implants inserted at a 30° tilt in a mesial supracrestal position. The PTV and ISQ were measured along four directions (buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal directions) in all specimens. The PTV and ISQ exhibited a highly negative correlation when the fixture was vertically inserted. Compared to the implants inserted vertically and at the distal subcrestal position, the fixture with a greater tilt and inserted at the mesial supracrestal position had a lower stability. The PTV and ISQ of the tilted implants were affected by the measurement direction, inserted angulation and depth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
Angel L. Pey ◽  
Clare F. Megarity ◽  
David J. Timson

AbstractNAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) catalyses the two electron reduction of quinones and a wide range of other organic compounds. Its physiological role is believed to be partly the reduction of free radical load in cells and the detoxification of xenobiotics. It also has non-enzymatic functions stabilising a number of cellular regulators including p53. Functionally, NQO1 is a homodimer with two active sites formed from residues from both polypeptide chains. Catalysis proceeds via a substituted enzyme mechanism involving a tightly bound FAD cofactor. Dicoumarol and some structurally related compounds act as competitive inhibitors of NQO1. There is some evidence for negative cooperativity in quinine oxidoreductases which is most likely to be mediated at least in part by alterations to the mobility of the protein. Human NQO1 is implicated in cancer. It is often over-expressed in cancer cells and as such is considered as a possible drug target. Interestingly, a common polymorphic form of human NQO1, p.P187S, is associated with an increased risk of several forms of cancer. This variant has much lower activity than the wild-type, primarily due to its substantially reduced affinity for FAD which results from lower stability. This lower stability results from inappropriate mobility of key parts of the protein. Thus, NQO1 relies on correct mobility for normal function, but inappropriate mobility results in dysfunction and may cause disease.

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