Indonesian Journal of Society Engagement
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Published By Lembaga Kajian Demokrasi Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

2723-7524, 2723-7532

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Gatot Kusjono ◽  
Suprianto Suprianto ◽  
Ali Maddinsyah ◽  
Syamruddin Syamruddin ◽  
Sugeng Widodo

Community service activities. Scientific Manuscript Writing Training Journal of Educational Research at SMP Negeri 17 Tangerang Selatan aims to help elementary/junior/junior high school teachers in South Tangerang City in writing scientific manuscripts that will be published in ISSN journals. The training method is carried out using the method of mentoring, discussion, workshops and technical guidance (bimtek) of writing scientific manuscripts in accordance with journal manuscript standards. The results of the training were obtained as many as 11 elementary school teacher manuscripts (73%) and 4 junior high school teacher manuscripts (27%) published in the INVESTIGATION journal of SMP Negeri 17 Tangerang Selatan Volume 2 Number 2 Month September 2021 - December 2022. Publishing teacher scientific manuscripts in the INVESTIGATION journal is certainly very important. assisting teachers in fulfilling their obligations to journalize their scientific texts, so that they are not constrained in promotion of class or position. The targeted output in this community service activity is the publication of the results of community service activities in national scientific journals with ISSN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Zackharia Rialmi ◽  
Fitri Wahyuni ◽  
Ferdyanto Ferdyanto

The use of technology in education is a necessity that cannot be avoided. Information technology-based learning such as presentations using Microsoft Power Point is an interesting process for students. Teaching materials/materials delivered using Microsoft power point can help students understand the material being taught. Generation Z as a generation that is already familiar with technological advances, of course, is also familiar with this technology. This affects their learning process. Visual learning style by relying on visual acuity is a mainstay for generation Z in the learning process. Attractive media and teaching materials will help them understand the material being studied. High school students BP FAI UMJ Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) "Ki Bagus Hadikusumo" are included in generation Z who like visual learning styles. Therefore, the teaching staff of SMA BP FAI UMJ Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) "Ki Bagus Hadikusumo" needs to deepen the use of attractive learning media in delivering material so that students more easily understand the subject. In this mentoring activity, it is expected that the teaching staff can explore the features in Microsoft Power Point so that they can create attractive teaching materials that can be implemented in the teaching and learning process in class or online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Iman Lubis ◽  
Syamruddin Syamruddin ◽  
Andi Sopandi ◽  
Sri Sukapti ◽  
Fathur Rahman

This Community Service (CS) aims to reduce understanding of Pancasila in the era of globalization when the economy makes goods, services and culture freely flow between countries. The method used is lecture and question and answer discussion. The tool used is google meet. The meeting was conducted boldly. The implementation is carried out in four stages, namely survey, pre-activity, implementation, and PKM report. The target achievement in this CS is that participants can recall about Pancasila so that their behavior can reflect Pancasila. The discussion implemented in PKBM Bhakti Asih is the material of Pancasila and its origins, the dimensions of the globalization era of marketing, human resources, and finance and international trade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Musa Maliki

Many issues are emerging during Covid-19 pandemic and one of them is mobility restriction. Some of society engagement research were still conducted in physical format with strict health protocols and some others were using hybrid methods of society engagement, combining offline and online activities. The purpose of this study is to provide an alternative way to deal with the pandemic. During pandemic, it is difficult to reach Indonesian society directly. This study conducted a series of full virtual interaction, in collaboration with the Leading Intellectual Network Community (JIB) supported mostly by Muhammadiyah young generation. The targeted audience of this society engagement were active members of JIB, its followers, and Islamic community in Indonesia at large. It focusses on actual discussion related to Covid-19 pandemic in the form of educative talk show to build public awareness. We invite credible speakers such as medical researchers, voluntary doctor on Covid-19, social scientists, and public policy advisor. This society engagement was based on Zoom platform that was broadcasted through JIB POST official website, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. These activities were evaluated and received feedback from WhatsApp Group JIB; expression of engagement of the audience based on subscribe, like, viewers, dan comments; and a report news on JIB POST official website. The activities presented a good result which are reaching the target of a thousand subscribers on the social media and hundreds of viewers with many positive responses from the members of JIB for every talk shows.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 163-175
Citra Eliyani ◽  
Syarifah Ida Farida ◽  
Dana Dana ◽  
Budi Syamtoro ◽  
Ratnawati Ratnawati

This community service is titled training to be an entrepreneurship in the Pandemic COVID-19 by digital media at RT 04 Bambu Apus, Pamulang, South Tangerang City. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide entrepreneurs training during COVID-19 pandemic by utilizing digital media to teenagers. The methods used are survey methods and direct material delivery, social service as well as simulations and discussions with teenagers of RT 04 Bambu Apus. The resulted of this activity is that participants received direct training to become entrepreneurs by digital media, such as: they can make their own shops in an e- commerce and be able to make product photography by utilizing materials around which are no longer used.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-130
Debby Arisandi ◽  
Ahmad Fitriansyah

The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector contributed 60.34% to the gross domestic product (GDP) and assisted the absorption of labor by 97.22%. The problem is, there are still many MSMEs that are not aware or do not understand that good and attractive product packaging will bring added value to the products it offers. As a result, some products that actually have high selling value/quality do not sell in the market. This activity aims to increase the understanding of MSME players of the importance of packaging so that the products offered an increase in added value and can differentiate packaging based on function, type, and material. The implementation of community service activities was carried out on 18-19 July 2017 in the Gurindam Building Hall of the Batam City Education Office. The activity was carried out in collaboration with the Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kota Batam, which was attended by 128 MSMEs. The results of the activity were in the form of new packaging for participant products that were more attractive, informative, and modern. Abstrak Sektor Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) memberikan kontribusi terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) sebesar 60.34% dan membantu penyerapan tenaga kerja sebesar 97.22%. Permasalahannya, masih banyak UMKM tidak sadar atau kurang memahami bahwa kemasan produk yang baik dan menarik akan mendatangkan nilai lebih pada produk yang ditawarkannya. Akibatnya sejumlah produk yang sebenarnya memiliki nilai jual tinggi/bermutu menjadi tidak laku dipasaran. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk dapat meningkatkan pemahaman pelaku UMKM terhadap pentingnya kemasan agar produk yang ditawarkan meningkat nilai tambahnya dan dapat membedakan kemasan berdasarkan fungsi, jenis dan bahannya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan pada 18-19 Juli 2017 di Aula Gedung Gurindam kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kota Batam.  Kegiatan dilaksanakan melalui kerjasama dengan Dinas Koperasi dan Usaha Mikro Kota Batam yang diikuti oleh 128 UMKM. Hasil kegiatan berupa kemasan baru bagi produk-produk peserta yang lebih menarik, informatif dan modern. Kata Kunci: umkm; pelatihan; kemasan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-90
Shanti Darmastuti ◽  
Mansur Juned ◽  
Syarif Ali ◽  
Jati Satrio

The use of social media is increasing in society. This increase is motivated by the need for social interaction and other activities that require effective and fast paced delivery. Social media is also used to support business needs in integrated marketing. The economic benefits of social media are important to understand so that people can optimally use social media to create economic opportunities. Other than the positive impact, social media can also have negative impacts. In this regard, social media has become an interesting topic in community service activities at the Youth Organizations in Panyirapan Village, Serang Regency. Although Karang Taruna members have used social media a lot, they still have not understood the positive and negative impacts of social media in detail. Therefore, introducing social media to this community is important to provide an understanding of the positive and negative impacts of social media and the economic opportunities of social media. This includes initial coordination, the formation of a Whatsapp group to facilitate communication between the team and participants, pretest, counseling, and observation. The community were taught about the definition, form, impact, and economic opportunities of social media. The outreach activities ran smoothly, and the participants were interested in the business opportunities that could be obtained from the use of social media. The participants were also interested in knowing more about strategies in using social media to create further economic opportunities. From the results of the activity, our team thinks that public understanding regarding the use and utilization of social media is still at the basic stage. Abstrak Penggunaan media sosial semakin meningkat di masyarakat. Peningkatan ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan akan interaksi sosial serta kegiatan lain yang membutuhkan kecepatan maupun efesiensi. Media sosial juga digunakan untuk menunjang kebutuhan usaha dalam pemasaran terpadu. Manfaat ekonomi dari media sosial menjadi penting untuk dipahami sehingga masyarakat dapat secara optimal menggunakan media sosial untuk menciptakan peluang ekonomi. Di samping dampak positif ternyata media sosial juga dapat memberikan dampak negatif. Terkait dengan hal ini, media sosial menjadi topik menarik dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Karang Taruna Desa Panyirapan, Kabupaten Serang.  Meskipun para anggota Karang Taruna sudah banyak menggunakan media sosial tetapi belum memahami dampak positif maupun dampak negatif dari media sosial secara detail. Oleh karena itu, pengabdian masyarakat terkait pengenalan media sosial menjadi penting untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang dampak positif dan negatif media sosial serta peluang ekonomi dari media sosial. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan meliputi koordinasi awal, pembentukan grup Whatsapp untuk mempermudah komunikasi antara tim dengan peserta, pretest, penyuluhan serta observasi. Penyuluhan yang dilaksanakan dimulai dari definisi, bentuk, dampak serta peluang ekonomi dari media sosial. Kegiatan penyuluhan berjalan lancar dan para peserta tertarik dengan peluang bisnis yang bisa didapatkan dari penggunaan media sosial. Para peserta kegiatan juga tertarik untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang strategi pemanfaatan media sosial dalam menciptakan peluang ekonomi lebih lanjut. Dari hasil kegiatan, tim pengabdi berpendapat bahwa pemahaman masyarakat terkait penggunaan dan pemanfaatan media sosial masih ada dalam tahap dasar. Kata Kunci: media sosial; dampak; manfaat;  ekonomi; karang taruna

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-120
Syamruddin Syamruddin ◽  
Gatot Kusjono ◽  
Iman Lubis ◽  
Oki Iqbal Khair ◽  
Andi Sopandi

This Community Service (PkM) aims to share and share knowledge and enlightenment for journal managers in Indonesia on how to manage journals properly and correctly. Then provide tips on preparing for an accredited journal. Besides that, it also helps journal managers to achieve the National Journal Accreditation (Arjuna) SINTA. The methods used are in the form of orientation, lectures, workshops, journal reviews, and evaluations. The method consists of four stages, namely pre-training, training, post-training, and continuous PkM activities. The results obtained by the participants during the training were that they increasingly understood how to manage a good and correct journal. Participants know how to manage journals through open-access journals using open journal systems. Furthermore, after understanding the correct management of journals, participants are more confident in preparing their journals for national journal accreditation. The next stage, is ready to register the journal to be accredited by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Abstrak Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk sharing dan berbagi pengetahuan dan pencerahan bagi para pengelola jurnal di Indonesia bagaimana mengelola jurnal dengan baik dan benar. Kemudian memberikan tip-tip tentang persiapan menuju jurnal yang terakreditasi. Selain itu  mengantarkan para pengelola jurnal agar bisa meraih Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional (Arjuna) SINTA. Adapun metode yang dilakukan yaitu dalam bentuk orientasi, ceramah, workshop, bedah jurnal, dan evaluasi. Metode tersebut dalam empat tahap yakni pra pelatihan, pelatihan, paska pelatihan, dan kegiatan PkM berkelanjutan. Hasil yang diperoleh peserta selama pelatihan adalah semakin memahami bagaimana mengelola jurnal yang baik dan benar. Peserta mengetahui pengelolaan jurnal melalui open-access journal dengan cara open journal systems. Selanjutnya setelah memahami pengelolaan jurnal yang benar, peserta semakin yakin untuk mempersiapkan jurnalnya menuju akreditasi jurnal nasional. Tahap berikutnya, sudah siap untuk mendaftarkan jurnalnya untuk diakreditasi oleh Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN). Kata Kunci: pelatihan; akreditasi; jurnal; sistem jurnal terbuka

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-105
Andi Kurniawan ◽  
Andhika Octa Indarso ◽  
Windhiadi Yoga Sembada ◽  
Khairul Anwar

Digital literacy is used to find, analyze, create, and transmit information and communication technology information. Based on the experience of several countries, the use of information technology has become one of the drivers of economic development, especially in rural areas and can encourage regional development. The use of ICT is considered effective in reducing community migration from rural to urban areas and improving the quality of government services through e-governance. Waringin Kurung Village is one of the isolated villages with a neighborhood located in the southern part of Banten Province, directly adjacent to the Ujung Kulon National Park area. This community service aims to improve the ability of village officials in utilizing digital literacy for the efficiency of the village service system, encouraging the dissemination of village information and village information. The method of implementing digital literacy development consists of three stages: a practice test by socializing the use of electronic mail (email), and understanding test through pretest and post-test on the use of Microsoft word applications, and case studies and problem-solving about information strategies. We conclude that higher education communities should involve more in developing digital literacy in rural villages. It will help rural communities use technology for their village administration and enhance public information management through the website and other digital channels. Abstrak Literasi Digital digunakan untuk menemukan, menganalisis, membuat, dan mengirimkan informasi menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, Berdasarkan pengalaman beberapa negara, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi telah menjadi salah satu penggerak pembangunan ekonomi khususnya di daerah pedesaan dan mampu mempercepat pembangunan daerah. pemanfaatan TIK dianggap efektif dalam mengurangi migrasi masyarakat dari desa ke kota dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan pemerintahan melalui e-governance. Desa Waringin Kurung merupakan salah satu desa terisolir dengan wilayah mayoritas dataran tinggi yang terletak dibagian selatan Provinsi Banten berdekatan langsung dengan wilayah Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon. Tujuan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan perangkat desa dalam memanfaatkan literasi digital guna efisiensi sistem pelayanan Desa, mempercepat penyampaian informasi desa, keterbukaan informasi Desa. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengembangan literasi digital terdiri dari tiga tahapan diantaranya, tahap pertama adalah uji praktek dengan sosialisasi penggunaan surat elektronik (email), tahap kedua adalah uji pemahaman melalui pretest dan post test tentang penggunaan aplikasi Microsoft word, tahap ketiga adalah studi kasus dan pemecahan masalah tentang strategi mempercepat keterbukaan informasi. Hasil dan Simpulan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat sangat penting dilakukan oleh perguruan tinggi guna membantu masyarakat desa dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi, terutama membantu desa dalam proses administrasi desa melalui pemanfaatan email dan microsoft word, kemudian menyampaikan informasi publik desa kepada masyarakat melalui website desa perihal profil desa, keterbukaan APBD desa, struktur perangkat desa, prosedur pengurusan dokumen, ketersediaan dokumen secara online hingga keterbukaan laporan kinerja Desa. Kata Kunci: pemberdayaan desa; literasi teknologi informasi; literasi digital; perangkat desa; waringinkurung

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Shanti Darmastuti ◽  
Intan Putri Cahyani ◽  
Afrimadona Afrimadona ◽  
Syarif Ali

Various environmental problems that have occurred lately are more or less caused by the problem of garbage and waste from various activities of living things, especially humans. Therefore, good waste management is one of the solutions to current environmental problems. One of the main problems faced by partners is plastic waste management. Based on a preliminary field study conducted by the team, it was found that until now there had been no waste management activities carried out by the residents of Baros Village, both plastic waste management related to waste banks and plastic waste sorting. In this regard, one of the innovative solutions for plastic waste management is to apply the circular economy principle by sorting plastic waste and then managing and developing it to create a circular economy, which is recycling plastic waste into a product of economic value, so that can help people's economic life. In this case, through a circular economy approach, karang taruna gets socialization of a circular economy as a foundation in managing plastic waste. The activity began with coordination with officials in Baros Village and the board of the Setia Youth Organization, pretest, counseling, and continued with a posttest. The implementation of outreach activities is carried out online and only involves the karang taruna administrators due to the COVID-19 pandemic condition. From the results of the activities carried out, members of the karang taruna understand the importance of managing plastic waste to make it a commodity with economic value. Abstrak Berbagai permasalahan lingkungan yang terjadi belakangan ini sedikit banyak disebabkan oleh masalah sampah dan limbah dari berbagai aktivitas makhluk hidup, khususnya manusia. Oleh karena itu, pengelolaan sampah yang baik merupakan salah satu solusi dari permasalahan lingkungan saat ini. Salah satu kendala utama yang dihadapi mitra adalah pengelolaan sampah plastik. Berdasarkan studi lapangan pendahuluan yang dilakukan oleh tim, diketahui hingga saat ini belum ada kegiatan pengelolaan sampah yang dilakukan oleh warga Desa Baros, baik pengelolaan sampah plastik terkait bank sampah maupun pemilahan sampah plastik. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, salah satu solusi inovatif dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik adalah dengan menerapkan prinsip ekonomi sirkular dengan memilah sampah plastik kemudian mengelola dan mengembangkannya untuk menciptakan ekonomi sirkular, yaitu mendaur ulang sampah plastik menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis, sehingga dapat membantu kehidupan ekonomi masyarakat. Dalam hal ini melalui pendekatan ekonomi sirkuler, karang taruna mendapatkan sosialisasi ekonomi sirkuler sebagai landasan dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik. Kegiatan diawali dengan koordinasi dengan aparat di Desa Baros dan pengurus Karang Taruna Setia, pre test, penyuluhan, dan dilanjutkan dengan post test. Pelaksanaan kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan secara online dan hanya melibatkan pengurus karang taruna karena kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Dari hasil kegiatan yang dilakukan, anggota karang taruna memahami pentingnya pengelolaan sampah plastik untuk dijadikan komoditas yang bernilai ekonomis. Kata Kunci: ekonomi sirkular; sampah plastik; komoditas; karang taruna

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