alternative community
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Arif Rahman ◽  
Bahtiar Bahtiar ◽  
Oheo K. Haris

The development of narcotics in Kendari City has spread to ten sub-districts. The purpose of this research is  (1) for analyzing the spatial pattern of drug crime in Kendari City, (2) for analyze the factors causing drug crime in Kendari City; (3) for analyze the factors causing drug crime in Kendari City. The analytical method used in this research is spatial analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show (1) The spatial pattern of drug crime in Kendari City spreads across ten sub-districts in Kendari City which tends to cluster. 2) Hypothesis testing states that the infrastructure development program the factors causing drug crime in Kendari City are depression factors, economic factors, education factors, trial and error factors, environmental factors, dependency factors, family factors; and (3) Efforts to overcome narcotics abuse of drug crime in Kendari City are Pre-Emtif Efforts, namely (a) Increasing self-confidence in God Almighty, (b) Providing correct and intensive information, (c) Encouraging the creation of alternative community livelihoods . Preventive Efforts are (a) Conducting Counseling on the Dangers of Narcotics Abuse, (b) Conducting Community Disease Operations (Operation Concentrated), (c) City Government Efforts. Repressive efforts are conducting investigations and investigations of perpetrators of narcotics abuse crimes. Persuasive Efforts are to provide encouragement for anti-drug villages where some of these areas are the most frequent criminal acts of narcotics abuse, curative (treatment), rehabilitative (rehabilitation), and socialization. Keywords: Spatial Pattern, Criminal, DrugsPerkembangan narkotika di Kota Kendari menyebar ke sepuluh kecamatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) menganalisis pola spasial krimalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari, (2) menganalisis faktor penyebab tindak  kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari; dan (3) menganalisis upaya penanggulangan penyalahgunaan narkotika kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis spasial dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan (1) Pola spasial krimalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari menyebar disepuluh kecamatan di Kota Kendari yang cenderung mengelompok. 2) Pengujian hipotesis menyatakan bahwa program pengembangan infrastruktur faktor penyebab tindak  kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari adalah faktor depresi, faktor ekonomi, faktor pendidikan, faktor coba-coba, faktor lingkungan, faktor ketergantungan, faktor keluarga; dan (3) Upaya penanggulangan penyalahgunaan narkotika kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari adalah Upaya Pre - Emtif yaitu (a) Meningkatkan keimanan diri terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, (b) Memberikan informasi yang benar dan intensif, (c) Mendorong terciptanya alternative mata pencaharian masyarakat. Upaya Preventif yaitu (a) Mengadakan Penyuluhan mengenai Bahaya Tindak Pidana Penyalahgunaan Narkotika, (b) Mengadakan Operasi Penyakit Masyarakat (Operasi Pekat), (c) Usaha Pemerintah Kota. Upaya Represif yaitu melakukan penyelidikan dan penyidikan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana penyalahgunaan narkotika. Upaya Persuasif yaitu memberikan dorongan bagi kampung anti narkoba yang mana beberapa wilayah tersebut paling sering terjadi tindak pidana penyalahgunaan narkotika, Kuratif (pengobatan), Rehabilitatif (rehabilitas), serta sosialisasi. Kata Kunci : Pola Spasial, Kriminalitis, Narkoba

Christina Ergas

As environmental crises loom, this book makes an argument for radical changes in the ways in which people live in order to stave off a dystopian future. A possible way forward is radical sustainable development, which emphasizes environmental and social justice concerns that are at once transformative, or egalitarian toward total liberation, and regenerative, or restorative to heal the health of people and the planet. Radical sustainability is distinguished from weak sustainability—a critique of the neoliberal, sustainable development project that, in practice, prioritizes economic growth over people and the planet—using theories from ecofeminist, environmental justice, and postcolonial scholars. The prevailing notion of sustainable development has remained ineffective at reducing environmental degradation and social inequalities. To gauge possible solutions to these problems, the book examines two alternative, community-scale, socioecological models of development with small environmental footprints and more egalitarian social practices. Methods employed are qualitative, cross-national, and comparative. The cases are an urban ecovillage in the Pacific Northwest, United States and a Cuban urban farm in Havana. These cases are important reminders that elegant, low-cost solutions already exist for environmental harm mitigation as well as social equity and adaptation. Findings highlight that each case uses community-oriented, low-tech practices and integrates ancestral, Indigenous, and local ecological knowledges. They prioritize social and ecological efficiency and subsume economic rationality towards those ends. While neither is a panacea, both provide examples for how communities can move toward stronger forms of sustainable development and empower readers to imagine, and possibly build, more resilient futures.

2021 ◽  
pp. 51-87
Teodora De Sousa ◽  
Juan Paillafil Calfulen ◽  
Rossana Mejía ◽  
Jeiser Suárez ◽  
Serafina Espinoza ◽  

La desigualdad socioeconómica en América Latina ha modelado múltiples dinámicas de la vida social en la región. Actualmente, estas se han visto intensificadas en el marco de la pandemia de COVID-19, generando graves consecuencias sociales, económicas y sanitarias, con efectos diferenciados para las mujeres, las comunidades étnicas y los territorios rurales a lo largo de la región. Frente a ello, se relatan en el presente artículo cinco experiencias de liderazgo en comunidades étnicas de distintos países de América Latina; experiencias que, desde propuestas alternativas de resistencia comunitaria, han formulado iniciativas para la contención del virus y la crisis socioeconómica que sus comunidades han padecido en este contexto. Intercultural leaderships in Latin America: durable inequalities and alternative community resistances during the pandemic of COVID-19 Abstract: Socioeconomical inequality in Latin America, has shaped multiple dynamics of the social life in the region. Nowadays, these have been intensified in the frame of the pandemic of COVID-19, generating severe social, economic, and sanitary consequences, with differentiated effects for women, ethnic communities, and rural territories in the region. As a result, in this article, there will be related five leadership experiences among ethnic communities of diverse Latin American countries; from where there has been constructed alternative solutions of community resistance, to contain the virus and the socioeconomical crisis that their communities have hold within the present context. Key words: inequality, interculturality, community leadership, social resistance, pandemic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 277-301
Patricia Viera Bravo ◽  
Álvaro López López

En este artículo se analizan los principales factores que han operado en la invisibilización del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) en los circuitos turísticos de Los Altos de Chiapas, mismos que se han beneficiado de la notoriedad mundial lograda por el levantamiento de 1994. Se plantean como factores relevantes el cerco militar y en las comunicaciones impuesto por el Estado mexicano como parte de su estrategia contrainsurgente, así como la producción social de nuevos espacios centrales como parte de la propuesta autonómica zapatista, que se articulan en relaciones alternativas entre comunidades y con redes de apoyo externas. This article analyzes the main factors at work in the erasure of the Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) from the tourist circuits of Los Altos de Chiapas, a region that gained worldwide notoriety after the indigenous uprising of January 1, 1994. An evaluation of both the Zapatista autonomic proposals and the State’s counterinsurgency measures is carried out, including the effects of the military and communications encirclement imposed by the Mexican State, and the social production of new central spaces, as part of alternative community projects with external support networks.

2021 ◽  
Irma Rovika

This thesis tests the effectiveness of Feng Shui to promote human health and well-being through the application of some of its key precepts to the design of an alternative Community Health Centre on Toronto Island, Toronto, Canada. Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese design methodology that was initially created to address many practical issues of site design. Over centuries it evolved to also address many of the same issues that contemporary design theories like Biophilia and Phenomenology seek to achieve, which is an architecture that is spiritually and emotionally engaging and integrated to its natural environment. This thesis uses the rules of Feng Shui to organize programme, site the buildings in its context, and address decisions related to scale, materiality, orientation, and geometry. Feng Shui, Biophilia, and Phenomenology were researched as background preparation to the design thesis. The evolution of contemporary healthcare design was studied through a series of case studies of seminal hospital projects of the late nineteenth to twentieth century. This thesis tests the effectiveness of Feng Shui to promote human health and well-being through the application of some of its key precepts to the design of an alternative Community Health Centre on Toronto Island, Toronto, Canada. Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese design methodology that was initially created to address many practical issues of site design. Over centuries it evolved to also address many of the same issues that contemporary design theories like Biophilia and Phenomenology seek to achieve, which is an architecture that is spiritually and emotionally engaging and integrated to its natural environment. This thesis uses the rules of Feng Shui to organize programme, site the buildings in its context, and address decisions related to scale, materiality, orientation, and geometry.Feng Shui, Biophilia, and Phenomenology were researched as background preparation to the design thesis. The evolution of contemporary healthcare design was studied through a series of case studies of seminal hospital projects of the late nineteenth to twentieth century. The results and experiences gained from this process are expected to be applicable to other types of buildings

2021 ◽  
Irma Rovika

This thesis tests the effectiveness of Feng Shui to promote human health and well-being through the application of some of its key precepts to the design of an alternative Community Health Centre on Toronto Island, Toronto, Canada. Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese design methodology that was initially created to address many practical issues of site design. Over centuries it evolved to also address many of the same issues that contemporary design theories like Biophilia and Phenomenology seek to achieve, which is an architecture that is spiritually and emotionally engaging and integrated to its natural environment. This thesis uses the rules of Feng Shui to organize programme, site the buildings in its context, and address decisions related to scale, materiality, orientation, and geometry. Feng Shui, Biophilia, and Phenomenology were researched as background preparation to the design thesis. The evolution of contemporary healthcare design was studied through a series of case studies of seminal hospital projects of the late nineteenth to twentieth century. This thesis tests the effectiveness of Feng Shui to promote human health and well-being through the application of some of its key precepts to the design of an alternative Community Health Centre on Toronto Island, Toronto, Canada. Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese design methodology that was initially created to address many practical issues of site design. Over centuries it evolved to also address many of the same issues that contemporary design theories like Biophilia and Phenomenology seek to achieve, which is an architecture that is spiritually and emotionally engaging and integrated to its natural environment. This thesis uses the rules of Feng Shui to organize programme, site the buildings in its context, and address decisions related to scale, materiality, orientation, and geometry.Feng Shui, Biophilia, and Phenomenology were researched as background preparation to the design thesis. The evolution of contemporary healthcare design was studied through a series of case studies of seminal hospital projects of the late nineteenth to twentieth century. The results and experiences gained from this process are expected to be applicable to other types of buildings

Social Forces ◽  
2021 ◽  
Mirjam M Fischer

Abstract Social networks of minoritized societal groups may be exposed to a unique structural force, namely that of social exclusion. Using a national sample of people in same-sex and different-sex relationships in the Netherlands (N = 1,329), this study examines sexual orientation as stratifying factor in social networks. Specifically, it is a comparison of their size and composition. Overall, the networks are similar but a few differences stand out. People in same-sex relationships have larger networks than people in different-sex relationships, which are made up of fewer ties with the family-of-origin and more friends. This lends support to the families-of-choice hypothesis and suggests that people employ resilience strategies, such as alternative community building, to counteract social exclusion from families-of-origin. The results further show that men in same-sex relationships have the fewest same-gender ties in their networks out of both men and women in any relationship type. Overall, the results show that sexual orientation is a dimension worthwhile studying as a stratifying factor of social networks both standing alone and at the intersection with gender.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-28
Cansu Özge GÖZLET

Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an American feminist author of fiction and non-fiction, lecturer and sociologist of the late 19th, early 20th centuries. She integrates her sociological commentary into her ecofeminist vision for an alternative community consisting merely of women in her utopian fiction Herland published in 1915. The community she envisioned can best be read through the lens of cultural ecofeminism with her essentialist view of women’s innate tendency to uphold the sanctity of the environment opting for a peaceful coexistence rather than patriarchal domination. Since men are considered to be impediments to such a coexistence, they are absent from the utopian vision based on sisterhood of all women where they breed through parthenogenesis and raise their daughters as a community rather than in individual family units. Familial relations are not entirely eliminated, rather, as all Herlanders descend from a common maternal ancestor, are biologically as well as culturally connected.

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