Pola Spasial Kriminalitas Narkoba di Kota Kendari

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 164
Arif Rahman ◽  
Bahtiar Bahtiar ◽  
Oheo K. Haris

The development of narcotics in Kendari City has spread to ten sub-districts. The purpose of this research is  (1) for analyzing the spatial pattern of drug crime in Kendari City, (2) for analyze the factors causing drug crime in Kendari City; (3) for analyze the factors causing drug crime in Kendari City. The analytical method used in this research is spatial analysis and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study show (1) The spatial pattern of drug crime in Kendari City spreads across ten sub-districts in Kendari City which tends to cluster. 2) Hypothesis testing states that the infrastructure development program the factors causing drug crime in Kendari City are depression factors, economic factors, education factors, trial and error factors, environmental factors, dependency factors, family factors; and (3) Efforts to overcome narcotics abuse of drug crime in Kendari City are Pre-Emtif Efforts, namely (a) Increasing self-confidence in God Almighty, (b) Providing correct and intensive information, (c) Encouraging the creation of alternative community livelihoods . Preventive Efforts are (a) Conducting Counseling on the Dangers of Narcotics Abuse, (b) Conducting Community Disease Operations (Operation Concentrated), (c) City Government Efforts. Repressive efforts are conducting investigations and investigations of perpetrators of narcotics abuse crimes. Persuasive Efforts are to provide encouragement for anti-drug villages where some of these areas are the most frequent criminal acts of narcotics abuse, curative (treatment), rehabilitative (rehabilitation), and socialization. Keywords: Spatial Pattern, Criminal, DrugsPerkembangan narkotika di Kota Kendari menyebar ke sepuluh kecamatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu (1) menganalisis pola spasial krimalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari, (2) menganalisis faktor penyebab tindak  kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari; dan (3) menganalisis upaya penanggulangan penyalahgunaan narkotika kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis spasial dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan (1) Pola spasial krimalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari menyebar disepuluh kecamatan di Kota Kendari yang cenderung mengelompok. 2) Pengujian hipotesis menyatakan bahwa program pengembangan infrastruktur faktor penyebab tindak  kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari adalah faktor depresi, faktor ekonomi, faktor pendidikan, faktor coba-coba, faktor lingkungan, faktor ketergantungan, faktor keluarga; dan (3) Upaya penanggulangan penyalahgunaan narkotika kriminalitas narkoba di Kota Kendari adalah Upaya Pre - Emtif yaitu (a) Meningkatkan keimanan diri terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, (b) Memberikan informasi yang benar dan intensif, (c) Mendorong terciptanya alternative mata pencaharian masyarakat. Upaya Preventif yaitu (a) Mengadakan Penyuluhan mengenai Bahaya Tindak Pidana Penyalahgunaan Narkotika, (b) Mengadakan Operasi Penyakit Masyarakat (Operasi Pekat), (c) Usaha Pemerintah Kota. Upaya Represif yaitu melakukan penyelidikan dan penyidikan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana penyalahgunaan narkotika. Upaya Persuasif yaitu memberikan dorongan bagi kampung anti narkoba yang mana beberapa wilayah tersebut paling sering terjadi tindak pidana penyalahgunaan narkotika, Kuratif (pengobatan), Rehabilitatif (rehabilitas), serta sosialisasi. Kata Kunci : Pola Spasial, Kriminalitis, Narkoba

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-124
Yuliana Yuliana

Housing and settlements are basic human needs. Therefore, the government is trying to meet the community's need for housing. This study aims to see how the housing development program is implemented in Palembang City, monitor this program and also monitor the extent of the housing development program. This research uses descriptive qualitative techniques with interviews. Key information is the Head of the Palembang City Housing and Settlement Area Office, the Head of the Housing and Settlements Section, the Head of the Palembang City Development Planning Agency, and Housing Developers in Palembang City, as well as people living in housing in Palembang City. Then the data obtained from the study were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis methods. The results showed that the implementation of the housing development program in Palembang City has not been carried out properly in accordance with what has been planned by the Palembang City Government.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-60
Lina Kumala Dewi ◽  
Bambang Triono ◽  
Dian Suluh Kusuma Dewi

The construction of public participation has paid his dues. This is that in realizing development projects readily undergoing a failure that empowers people. Related in all process that deals with planning, implementation, the use of results and development monitoring. The rural infrastructure development program (PPIP) is development programs community empowerment. Where people have got to dive headlong in village development, especially physical development he purposes of this research is to find how the participation of the community in the Rural infrastructure development program (PPIP), Ngranget Village, Dagangan District, Madiun Regency. The kind of research is qualitative descriptive. In research, this is the population is the number of household heads involved in the delivery rabat concrete development in Ngranget village which consisted of 95 KK. The majority of informants interviewed in this research was 12 people. Was used in the study data collection method that is Technical Documentation interviews and data available for analysis namely described the results of research or data with a form of what is he got writer whether it is the results of the interviews, or result in appreciating documentation then investigated and the studies of the issue and. The result that the community participation in development in the village of rabat concrete Ngranget mind (planning), low participation in the form of energy high, participation in the form of expertise, quite low in the form of goods low, the form of money and participation is very low.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Meivi M. Kaunang ◽  
Lintje Kalangi ◽  
Treesje Runtu

One source of Regional Original Revenue is local taxes, regional levies and other legitimate local revenue management. Regional levies consist of 3 types of retribution, namely general service retribution, business service retribution and certain licensing retribution. Market’s levies is one type of regional retribution that is included in general retribution whose collection must be in accordance with the existing operational procedure standards to support the realization of its acceptance. This study aims to determine the mechanism of market’s levies collection and the level of effectiveness of market’s levies in the city of Bitung. The research method used is qualitative descriptive analysis, by analyzing the collection mechanism and the effectiveness of market’s levies. The results of the study show that the mechanism of collection of retribution is in accordance with the existing SOP and the achievement of its effectiveness is effective with an average level of 87.13%. Bitung city government can be better able to approach marketers for example by socializing market’s levies regulations so that later can also support the realization of  levies revenue.Keywords : Market’s Levies, Collection Mechanisms and Effectiveness

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-313
Untung Sri Hardjanto

Abstract The study aims to determine the policy of publishing identity cards for children in Semarang. The method of approach taken in this study is normative juridical. Data collection is obtained from the results of interviews and through library research. The data analysis method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the Regional Government of Semarang City in carrying out KIA issuance made PERDA No.4 of 2016, but its implementation was in 2017. Delay in the implementation of MCH due to the lack of coverage of ownership of birth certificates for children. The preparations made by the Semarang City Government in the context of the implementation of the MCH in 2017 are collecting data on children, discussing the additional benefits of KIA with several official agencies and the private sector, conducting comparative studies in regions that have implemented KIA and the basis of its arrangements. Preparation of the Regional Government of Semarang City in the issuance of KIA experienced several obstacles, among others, the unclear distribution of KIA forms, limitations and delays in budgeting, lack of competent human resources for the operation of SIAK. For ITU, the Semarang City Government made an effort to procure KIA sheets themselves, prepare computerized system training or SIAK, and make Mayor Regulations as technical implementation of Regional Regulation No.4 of 2016 concerning Implementation of Population Administration. Keywords: Child Identity Card, Policy, City of Semarang Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan penerbitan kartu identitas anak di kota semarang . Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisa deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Daerah Kota Semarang dalam melaksanakan penerbitan KIA membuat PERDA No.4 Tahun 2016, namun pelaksanaannya pada tahun 2017. Keterlambatan pelaksanaan KIA karena masalah cakupan kepemilikan Akta Kelahiran anak yang masih kurang. Persiapan yang dilakukan Pemda Kota Semarang dalam rangka pelaksanaan KIA di tahun 2017 adalah mengumpulkan data anak-anak, membahas penambahan manfaat KIA dengan beberapa pihak dinas dan pihak swasta, melakukan studi banding ke daerah yang sudah melaksanakan KIA dan dasar pengaturannya.  Persiapan Pemda Kota Semarang dalam penerbitan KIA mengalami beberapa kendala antara lain ketidakjelasan pendistribusian blanko KIA, keterbatasan dan keterlambatan pemberian anggaran, kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang kompeten untuk pengoperasian SIAK. Untuk ITU Pemda Kota Semarang melakukan upaya yakni pengadaan blanko KIA sendiri, mempersiapkan pelatihan sistem komputerisasi atau SIAK, dan membuat Peraturan Walikota sebagai pelaksanaan teknis dari Perda No.4 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Administrasi Kependudukan. Kata Kunci: Kartu Identitas Anak, Kebijakan, Kota Semarang

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Hasniati, Rabina Yunus ◽  
Nurlinah, Sakaria

At the end of the 20th century, there was a significant movement to increase public participation in policy formulation, implementation and evaluation in developing countries.  Participation keeps community life vital and public institutions to be accountable.  When people feel that their participation in development has important value, the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of development will be increased. Therefore, the government should concern to promote  public participation in the development program  that can be enhance accountability This research was conducted in the coastal villages Takalar District South Sulawesi, Indonesia, using a case study approach with a qualitative descriptive analysis method.  This research was explore social capital can enhance coastal communities participation in public fund management.  By using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, the study found that strategies that can be used by the government to increase community participation is to strengthening social capital in the community.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-25
Ardhika Falaahudin ◽  
FX Sugiyanto

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi konteks, input, process dan Produk pelaksanaan program pembinaan olahraga renang di Tirta Serayu, TCS, Bumi Pala, Dezender, Spectrum di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Subjek penelitian ini adalah atlet yang pernah mengikuti kejuaraan renang tingkat Nasional di klub renang Tirta Serayu Banjarnegara, TCS Semarang, Bumi Pala Temanggung, Dezender Purbalingga dan Spectrum Semarang, pelatih dan orangtua atlet yang berjumlah 15 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu análisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan hasil evaluasi program pembinaan olahraga renang klub renang Tirta Serayu, TCS, Bumi Pala, Dezender, Spectrum di Provinsi Jawa Tengah sudah baik, meliputi: (1) evaluasi konteks dukungan dari orang tua atlet kepada atlet sudah baik, (2) evaluasi input, secara umum sumber daya manusia untuk mencapai tujuan program pembinaan olahraga renang meliputi pelatih, atlet, dan pendukung lainnya seperti sarana dan prasarana dan kualifikasi pelatihan telah memenuhi ketercapaian ideal. Meskipun untuk tingkat pendidikan pelatih serta sarana dan prasarana masih ada yang belum memadai, (3) evaluasi proses, secara umum telah berjalan dengan baik. Dalam pemilihan program setiap klub renang sebelumnya menganalisis program yang telah berjalan dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi di lapangan, pelatih telah mengikuti petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan program serta terdapat jadwal rutin dan target latihan serta dilaksanakan latih tanding, try out dengan klub atau atlet dari klub lain dan juga berperan aktif mengikuti kejuaraan, (4) evaluasi Produk, secara garis besar prestasi klub renang di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dicapai para atletnya terbilang sangat baik, dibuktikan dengan prestasi yang telah diraih melalui tingkat daerah, provinsi, nasional bahkan ASEAN.   THE EVALUATION OF POOL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AT TIRTA SERAYU CLUB, BUMI PALA, DEZENDER, AND SPECTRUM IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCEAbstract This study was aimed to evaluate the context, input, process and Produk for the implementation of swimming sports coaching program at Tirta Serayu, TCS, Bumi Pala, Dezender, Spectrum in Central Java Province. The subjects were the athletes who attended the national championships level at the swimming pool club of Tirta Serayu Banjarnegara, TCS Semarang, Bumi Pala Temanggung, Dezender Purbalingga and Spectrum Semarang, the coaches and the athletes’ parents totaled of 15 persons. Data collection techniques were using observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. Data analysis techniques were using quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that generally the evaluation of the implementation of swimming sports development program at Tirta Serayu, TCS, Bumi Pala, Dezender, Spectrum in Central Java Province was good which consisted of (1) In the evaluation context it was good for the parents support for the athlete. (2) For the input evaluation, generally it met the ideal achievement for the human resources to achieve sports coaching program objectives included swimming coaches, athletes, and other supporting facilities and infrastructure such as training qualification, although the level of the coaches education and facilities were not adequate. (3) In the evaluation process, the implementation of swimming club training program in Central Java province generally had been going well. In the program election, each swimming club analyzing the running program based on the field and coaches who had followed the instructions and regular schedule, target practice and the practice match implementation, try out the clubs or athletes from other clubs and also actively follow the championship. (4) On the Produk evaluation, generally the performance of swimming clubs in the province of Central Java achieved by the athletes were fairly good, this was evidenced by some of the achievements that have been achieved through local, provincial, national and even ASEAN. Keywords: program evaluation, swimming sports development program

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-164
Muhammad Muhammad Afandi Naser ◽  
Murshal Manaf ◽  
Tri Budiharto

Abstract. This study aims to explain the characteristics of flood-affected areas, in order to analyze land suitability and spatial use in flood-affected areas and to formulate the concept of controlling the spatial use of flood-affected areas. This research is qualitative-quantitative with the analysis techniques used are scoring analysis, superimpose analysis, qualitative descriptive analysis and space envelope analysis. The results show that there are three classifications of flood hazard, namely low, medium and high, where in the high flood-prone areas in Sinjai city there are five villages, namely Balangnipa Village, Biringere Village, Bongki Village, Lappa Village and Samataring Village. The results of the second research objective were obtained from the overlay prone to flooding and the spatial pattern of the Sinjai urban RDTR, where the dominant spatial pattern of high flood prone areas is in the housing zone which covers an area of ​​564,185 hectares. The direction of the strategic concept based on three classifications of flood hazard in Sinjai urban areas is proposed in the form of disaster mitigation in the form of recommendations for flood control in accordance with the characteristics of flood-prone areas, and in controlling spatial use in the form of zoning regulations and permit proposals at the research location granting land use permits for each area prone to high, medium and low flood disasters.   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerangkan karakteristik kawasan terdampak banjir, guna menganalisis kesesuaian lahan dan pemanfaatan ruang pada kawasan terdampak banjir dan merumuskan konsep pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang kawasan terdampak banjir. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif-kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis skoring, analisis superimpose, analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis amplop ruang. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat tiga klasifikasi kerawanan banjir yaitu rendah, sedang dan tinggi yang dimana pada kawasan rawan banjir tinggi di perkotaan Sinjai terdapat di lima kelurahan yaitu Kelurahan Balangnipa, Kelurahan Biringere, Kelurahan Bongki, Kelurahan Lappa dan Kelurahan Samataring. Adapun hasil tujuan penelitian kedua yang didapat dari overlaynya rawan banjir dan pola ruang RDTR perkotaan Sinjai, dimana yang berdominan pada pola ruang kawasan rawan banjir tinggi terdapat di zona perumahan yang luasnya sebesar 564.185 Ha. Arahan konsep strategi berasarkan tiga klasifikasi kerawanan banjir di kawasan perkotaan Sinjai diusulkan dalam bentuk mitigasi bencana berupa rekomendasi pengendalian banjir yang sesuai dengan karakteristik pada kawasan rawan banjir, dan pada pengendalian pemafaatan ruang berupa peraturan zonasi dan usulan perizinan di lokasi penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa  terdapat perbedaan perilaku pemberian perizinan penggunaan lahan pada setiap kawasan rawan bencana banjir tinggi, sedang maupun rendah.

Wiwik Hermawati ◽  
I N. Sutarja ◽  
Mayun Nadiasa

The endeavor of Denpasar City Government in establish the wellbeing of its people especially the underprivileged households is conducting a house renovation aid program in order to accomplish the essential privileges of livable and healthy housing. With numerous problems during the development program execution, therefore, this study is carried out to evaluate the program implementation to determine the program effectiveness index and its relationship between the program effectiveness and the increase of the wellbeing of underprivileged households. The primary data are composed from survey feedbacks of sequence of questions in a questioner. While, the secondary data were collected from Office of Spatial Planning and Housing of the City of Denpasar and other related agencies. The methods used in data collection consist of interviews and questionnaires.  Out of 30 questions in the questioner, all were affirmed valid and reliable. The analytical tool utilize in the study were descriptive analysis, effectiveness analysis in term  of input variables, output variables, outcome variables and impact variables which modify Dantes' formula; and Chi Square analysis to distinguish the relationship between program effectiveness and program's impact to wellbeing improvement. Of the five Dante's categories of effectiveness index, the analysis of the feedbacks of 68 respondents which distributed in four districts in the City of Denpasar are presented in this study. The total score value of program implementation effectiveness, indicated by X, X = 4581, within the range 3400 ? X ? 4760. This index value showed that the implementation of the house renovation for underprivileged households aid program is classified to be less effective. The value of Chi Square of the study is greater than its critical value (47.33 > 13.277). It is indicating that there is a significant relationship between program effectiveness and the program impact to the people wellbeing improvement. It is suggested that when the program and its impact is to be continued, the effectiveness variables need to be optimized and so the managements improvements in order to increase the wellbeing of the underprivileged households.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 123
Muhammad Ardian ◽  
Arief Marizki Purba

This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Medan Outer Ring Acceleration Area Program in the Medan Tuntungan District and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors. The research method used is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of the accelerated development program for the outer ring region in Medan Tuntungan District was effective and was able to add and improve several facilities and infrastructures, not only road infrastructure, health infrastructure, educational infrastructure, but also added economic infrastructure. Factors that support infrastructure development in the District of Medan Tuntungan include Support of all citizens to government policies through proposals submitted to the Medan City Government regarding the need for infrastructure development in the District of Medan Tuntungan, in the context of accelerating regional development. Factors hampering infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan Subdistrict are the lack of public awareness of the use and maintenance of infrastructure provided by the government, so that conditions are easily damaged and the limited regional budget for infrastructure development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55

The contribution of the Surabaya city government is an provision of freedom of production based on the level of creativity and innovation. Building Suroboyo bridges, dancing fountains, bulak parks, and fish centers that make up the area to better place towards prosperity. MSMEs will also increase regional income. MSMEs indirectly apply maqashid sharia. Using qualitative descriptive analysis to understand how MSM can be used in the perspective of Islamic economics from the side of Maqashid al-Shari'ah.

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