scholarly journals Prinsip Pengenalan Morfem dalam Bahasa Inggris: Kajian Morfologi

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-209
Suhila Mahamu ◽  
Agus Nero Sofyan

This research aims to classify and identify morphemes recognition in English. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive method. In providing data, the researcher uses listening and note-taking technique. The data used in this study were retrieved from the book Top Grammar: A Guide to Write English. While the theory used is the theory of the principle of morpheme recognition. The results of this discussion can be classified into six principles of morpheme recognition namely (1) the form of indefinite pronouns, comparative and superlative degree and reflexive pronouns; (2) singular and plural forms; (3) the form of the past participle in regular {-d}/{-ed} and irregular {–n} forms; (4) singular and plural nouns, present and past verbs; (5) the form of homonyms and in principle; and (6), the form of free morpheme and bound morpheme. From the results of the classification, morpheme units can be identified based on word form, word class and also the meaning that appears.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasi dan mengidentifikasi pengenalan morfem dalam bahasa Inggris. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam tahapan penyediaan data, penulis menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari buku Top Grammar: A Guide to Write English. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori prinsip pengenalan morfem. Hasil dari pembahasan menunjukan bahwa terdapat enam prinsip pengenalan morfem, yaitu (1) terdapat pada bentuk indefinite pronoun, comparative dan superlative degree, serta reflexive pronoun; (2) terdapat pada bentuk tunggal dan jamak; (3) terdapat data pada bentuk past participle bentuk regular {-d}/ {-ed} dan irregular {–n}; (4) terdapat padakata benda tunggal dan jamak dan kata kerja present serta past; (5) terdapat pada bentuk homonim; (6) terdapat pada bentuk morfem bebas dan terikat. Dari hasil klasifikasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa satuan morfem dapat diidentifikasi berdasarkan bentuk kata, kelas kata, dan makna yang muncul.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 01
Hilpiatun Hilpiatun ◽  
Akhmad Akhmad ◽  
Habiburrahman Habiburrahman

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu 1) untuk mengetahui bentuk kata makian 2) untuk mengetahui fungsi kata makian 3) untuk mengetahui makna referensi kata makian. Metode penelitian ini, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif diantaranya teknik simak dan catat, yaitu penelitian menonton film komedi Sasak OMJ ( Ooo Menu Jarin). Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan 1) bentuk kata makian yang terdapat pada film drama komedi Sasak OMJ (Ooo Menu Jarin) sebanyak 12 kata makian dan terdiri atas dua bentuk bahasa yaitu bentuk kata dasar dan bentuk frase. 2) fungsi kata makian yang terdapat pada film tersebut menurut pandangan Andersson dan Trudgiil ada empat fungsi yaitu a) fungsi “explerive” yang berarti penggunaan makian untuk menyatakan emosi dan tidak ditunjukkan langsung pada orang lain b) fungsi”abusive” yang berarti penggunaan makian yang langsung ditunjukkan pada orang lain c) fungsi “humorous” yang berarti penggunaan makian yang merujuk langsung pada orang lain, tetapi bukan dalam maksud menghina dan yang d) fungsi”auxiliary” yangberarti menggunakan makian yang tidak langsung merujuk pada orang lain, melainkan sekedar cara bicara (lezy speaking), yang sering kali tidak sungguh-sungguh. 3) Makna referensial kata makian yaitu, keadaan, binatang, benda-benda, bagian tubuh dan profesi. Abstract: The purpose of this study, namely 1) to know the form of the word 2) to know the function of the word cuss 3) to know the meaning of the word reference. This method of research, with the technique of data collection using qualitative descriptive method including the reading and note-taking technique, which is the research to watch the comedy movies Sasak OMJ (Ooo Menu Jarin). The results of the study showed 1) the word form found in the comedy-drama Sasak OMJ (Ooo Menu Jarin) as many as 12 words and consists of two forms of basic word and phrase form. 2) The word function that exists in the film according to the views of Andersson and Trudgiil there are four functions of a) function "explerive" which means the use of cuss to declare emotions and not shown directly in others b) function "abusive" Which means the use of the stock is directly shown in others c) function "humorous" which means the use of the laboratory referring directly to others, but not in the intent of insults and the D) function "auxiliary" means using the Cuss That does not directly refer to other people, but rather just a lezy speaking, which is often not earnest. 3) referential meaning of the word cuss i.e., circumstances, animals, objects, body parts and professions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-147
Mohd Fauzi ◽  
Hermansyah Hermansyah

This study aims to reveal the representation, relations, and identity of the Maritime Laws using a critical ecolinguistic approach. This linguistic phenomenon is a treasure trove of Malay intellectual property in the past. This type of research is literature research with a qualitative descriptive method. The data was collected by using the method of observing free and speaking with observation and note-taking techniques. The data analysis used the mix and match methods, especially referential equivalents, translational equivalents, and pragmatic equivalents. The results of data analysis were explained using informal methods. The data used is written data from the Malay Maritime Laws. The results have shown that the contents of the text of the Malay Maritime Laws are related to the duties and obligations of seafarers who sail. Ecolexicons, phrases, and sentences related to marine and shipping existed at that time. This fact occurs because the sea has been the lifeblood of the Malay people for centuries and will continue to be passed on to future generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 925-930
Baiq Nurullayali ◽  
Sartika Sartika ◽  
Supriadin Supriadin

This research aims to identify the way of polite language used by Sasak people in Central Lombok. In this research, qualitative descriptive method was employed in analyzing the data. There were three participants that consist of Sasak native speaker from two villages such as Beraim and Dakung village. The data were collected through three techniques that are, observation, interview and documentation. The Results of this research showed that firstly, Sasak language has three levels of polite utterances used by Sasak people such as most polite (Base Alus Utami), more polite (Base Alus Madya), and polite (Base Sasak Biase). When kingdom was exist, Base Alus Utami only used by Perwangse, who was the king or people with high class level in Lombok Island and marked by Raden/Datu, and Dende at the first name. But, when they interacted with the lower class, they used biase language while the lower class of people must use Base Utami then, Base Alus Madya only used by people with the second level in society Baiq and Lalu at the first name, and Base Sasak Biase used by people with the lower class, called Jajar Karang. Secondly, the next generation in Sasak today do not really cosidere the rules when they using the polite language as people used in the past. It can be seen when they are communicating each other. They cannot able to speak with Base Alus Utami even speak with the older people. Only some of old people are still maintenance this language and teach their children but it is so rarely.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-89
Muhibatul Wafiqoh

This study aims to determine the origins of the tradition of telons and pythons, know the procession of carrying out the traditions of telons and pits, and determine the meaning contained in the traditions of telons and pits in Genteng and Gambiran Districts. In this study using a qualitative descriptive method. How to collect data by interview, observation, documentation The research instrument is the researcher himself with the help of tools in the form of a camera and a tool for note-taking. The data obtained are then analyzed in an interactive way. The results showed that: (1) the tradition of the telons and pythons is the alkultura of the cultural culture of Islam with the Hindu religion, (a) the telons are derived from the word telu which means three, the telons are carried out during a three-month pregnancy in hopes the fetus being conceived always gets protection, (b) the pythons are derived from the word pitu which means seven, the pythons are carried out during the seventh pregnancy with the aim of requesting safety for the mother and the prospective baby to be born, (2) the implementation of the telons and the pythons in Genteng and Gambiran sub-districts, (a) the implementation of telons in Genteng sub-district, including: preparing three-color jenangs, implementation in Gambiran sub-district, including: kuluban rice, black jenang, (b) implementing pitons in Genteng sub-district : siraman, pantes, sell salad, sell dawet, selametan. read three verses of the Koran, implementation in Gambiran sub-district: breaking ivory recipe, making four color jenang, sengkolo jenang, rujak, dawet and pendem polo, (3) the meaning of the tradition of telons and pythons is to get children who sholeh-sholeha, can be relied on, both words and deeds, are beneficial to others and respect both parents and survived until the procession gave birth

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Darso Donatus

This study aims at identifying the types of category shifts and explaining their occurrence in the translation of complex noun phrases from English into Indonesian in The Valley of Fear Novel. The data were collected using observation method which was supported by implementing note taking technique in order to find out, identify, and classify the data. The data were analyzed by applying the qualitative descriptive method. The theory applied in this study is the theory of translation proposed by Catford (1965) to identify the types of category shifts found and to explain their occurrence. The result shows that all types of category shifts proposed by Catford (1965) such as structure shift, class shift, intra-system shift, and unit shift are found in the translation. Structure shift occurs in the highest frequency of 339 cases or about 66,86% out of total 507 cases, class shift occurs 75 cases or 14,79 % out of total 507 cases, and intra-system shift occurs 48 cases or 9,46 % out of total 507 cases, and unit shift occurs 45 cases or 8,87 % out of total 507 cases. The occurrence of category shift is caused by the different characteristics of source language and target language.

Sirok Bastra ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
NFN Sarman

As one of the products of culture, oral literature has inntimate connection with the life of the communities whereoral literature existed, related to the society in the past, present, and future. The relationship can be seen throughvarious signs and symbols that appear. It’s interesting to study or explore the inter-sign relationship. Therefore,this paper examines how problems of semiotic expression legendary figure which appear in The Tale of RajeBeikor? This study aims to describe the form of the appearance of a legendary figure in the saga Raje Beikor. Byusing a qualitative descriptive method, this research goal is expected to be achieved. Based on the result of dataresearch analysis found some behaviors that imply the expression of semiotic figures depicting the life cycle ofliving things beginning with the birth, childhood to adulthood, until became a king to death. There are manylegends in the Bangka Belitung Islands who need more in-depth assessment both in terms of the semiotic andother fields of study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
Femmy Lumempouw ◽  
Rosalina Rolany Rambing ◽  
Erenst Mantiri

The researcher discusses some of the forms of local wisdom in relation to the tradition of building houses. This study is entitled Analysis of the Symbolic Meaning of the Lexicon in the Tradition of Building a Residential House in Preparation for Selection of Building Materials as Local Wisdom in the Tombulu Minahasa area: Ethnosemantic Studies. Research related to local wisdom is important because now people in the Tombulu area when building houses no longer follow the traditional way like the way our ancestors did in the past. The researcher explores and reveals the symbolic meaning of the lexicon like what is used in building houses as local wisdom in the Tombulu Minahasa area. The objectives of this study are (1) to identify and classify the lexicon on the tradition of building houses on the selection of building materials as local wisdom in the Tombulu area; (2) Explaining the symbolic meaning of the lexicon in the tradition of building houses in the selection of building materials as local wisdom in the Tombulu area. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers describe and explain narratively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1028
Diyah Zulfa Jauhara ◽  
Eka Sari Setianingsih ◽  
Moh. Aniq Khairul Basyar

The background of the research problem was that some parents were less concerned with the religious values of their children. Many children did not care about their religious activities such as the lack of interest in memorizing prayers and reciting the Qur'an. The problem in this research was the religious values contained in Tere Liye's novel “Hafalan Shalat Delisa”. The purpose of this research was to reveal and describe the religious values found in Tere Liye's “Hafalan Shalat Delisa” novel. This research was qualitative research using a qualitative descriptive method by describing events, character attitudes, as well as dialogue between characters using note taking techniques. The validity of the data was measured through source triangulation. The results showed that there were several religious values found in "Hafalan Shalat Delisa”, a novel by Tere Liye, namely faith, morals, and worship.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Gusti Ayu Made Rai Suarniti

The title of this paper is “Psychological Analysis of Protagonist in Rowling’s Harry Potter and The Sorcerer Stone. The aims this study were to find out the psychological problems of protagonist in it his case the problems of emotional feelings that showed in the story and also the influence of protagonist emotional feelings to his surroundings or his self. The data were collected by reading the novel thoroughly then using the note-taking technique before being identified into Psychology aspect. The collected data were descriptively analyzed by using qualitative-descriptive method to classify the types of protagonist emotional feelings and influence of protagonist emotional feelings to his surroundings or his self-found in the novel. Based on the result of the analysis, it is found there are two kinds of emotional feelings, those are: negative emotional feeling and positive emotional feeling. And the analysis he focused on the psychological analysis of protagonist in dealing with his emotion that showed in the story. According to the data, protagonist emotion can influence his surrounding and his self. It make emotional feeling become an influencer of a situation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Elza Leyli Lisnora Saragih ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi

This study aimed to describe the construction and how the formation pattern of serial verbs in Batak Toba language through X-bar theory.  A qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using note-taking and interview techniques was used. Data were collected from interviews with native speakers and the text of Toba Batak language almanac. In analyzing the data, a method of distribution was employed. The results showed that the formation pattern of serial verbs in the Batak Toba language consisted of 4 types namely which were [transitive V1+ transitive V2], [transitive V1+intransitive V2], [intransitive V1+ transitive V2], and [intransitive V1 + intransitive V2]. The first type, [transitive V1+ transitive V2] is formed from the predicate that followed by the object + the predicate and followed by the object. The next formation, [V1 transitive + V2 intransitive] is formed from predicates followed by object + predicates and not followed by the object. The later type, [V1 intransitive + V2 transitive] is formed from predicates that not followed by object + predicates and followed by an object. Further, the last type, [intransitive V1 + V2] is formed from a predicate not followed by an object + a predicate and not followed by an object.

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