data measurement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-228
Sinjaya Kusuma ◽  
Cendera Rizky A. Bangun

PT Eigerindo Multi Produk is a company that produces outdoor, travel, and riding equipment. In early 2021, Eiger was hit by a crisis that many concluded was a failed PR activity. Eiger formed a crisis responsibility by providing feedback and creating a discount program for the audience. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the crisis responsibility affected the loyalty of Eiger customers with a post-crisis reputation as an intervening variable. This study uses an explanatory quantitative approach involving 265 samples selected using non-probability purposive sampling technique with criteria that sample must know this case and have used Eiger products. This study uses path analysis as a data measurement technique to prove whether there is a relationship between the variables in this study. Path analysis was carried out using the AMOS 26 tool. The results showed that a post-crisis reputation was a partial-mediation intervening variable. The direct effect in this study is more prominent than the indirect effect. PT Eigerindo Multi Produk merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi alat-alat outdoor, travel, dan riding. Pada awal 2021, Eiger sempat dilanda krisis dikarenakan pemberian surat keberatan kepada beberapa Youtuber yang memiliki kualitas video yang kurang baik. Hal ini banyak disimpulkan sebagai salah satu aktivitas PR yang gagal. Untuk menghadapi krisis ini, Eiger memuat beberapa tanggapan dan membuat program diskon kepada khalayaknya sebagai bentuk dari tanggung jawab krisis tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah tanggung jawab krisis tersebut berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pelanggan Eiger dengan reputasi pasca-krisis sebagai variabel mediator. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif eksplanatif yang melibatkan 265 sampel yang dipilih menggunakan Teknik non-probability sampling, purposive sampling dengan kriteria sampel yang harus mengetahui kasus krisis Eiger serta pernah menggunakan produk Eiger. Penelitian ini menggunakan path analysis sebagai teknik pengukuran data untuk membuktikan apakah ada hubungan antar variabel yang ada di dalam penelitian ini. Path analysis yang dilakukan menggunakan bantuan perangkat AMOS 26. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reputasi pasca-krisis sebagai variabel intervening yang bersifat partial-mediation. Pengaruh langsung dalam penelitian ini lebih besar dibandingkan pengaruh tidak langsung.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Arip Rahman ◽  
Lismining Pujiyani Astuti ◽  
Andri Warsa ◽  
Agus Arifin Sentosa

Turbidity is one of the remote sensing indicators on the  reservoir physical characteristics that can reduce its brightness level. Measuring reservoir physical characteristics traditionally are expensive and time consuming as well. Therefore, remote sensing is used as an alternative for turbidity measurement because it can provide data and products spatially, temporally as well as synoptically with low cost. This study aims to obtain an algorithm using a combination of in-situ turbidity data measurement and Sentinel-2A satellite imagery data. The resulting algorithm can be used to predict and map turbidity in Jatiluhur Reservoir. Based on the multiregression between B3 (green band) and B4 (red band) with in-situ turbidity data measurement, it is obtainted that the regression coefficients are a = 76.77, b = 63.22 and c = -34.31 respectively, with the equation of Y = 76, 77+63.22 X1-34.31X2 (Y=predicted turbidity, X1=lnB3, X2=lnB4). The correlation value between in situ and turbidity prediction is quite strong with a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.60, and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 1.95 NTU. Based on Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) analysis, the deviation is 31.1%. High levels of turbidity can reduce the main productivity of water and its organisms, especially in respiratory and visual problems. Sedimentation caused by high turbidity levels can make siltation which results in reservoir capacity loss.Keywords: Turbidity, remote sensing, Sentinel-2A satellite imagery data, Jatiluhur Reservoir, siltation

Jurnal Segara ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 117
Muhammad Ramdhan ◽  
Yulius Yulius ◽  
Nindya Kania Oktaviana

Tidal data is needed in the field of energy, marine navigation, coastal construction and other activities related to the oceans. Tidal phenomena occur due to the interaction of the earth with space objects. The sea level rise in coastal waters can be modeled by a harmonic function containing tidal constant numbers. From the constants formed can be calculated a Formzahl number that shows the type of tides that occur at the observation station. This paper tries to describe the distribution pattern of tidal types that exist in Indonesian waters based on data observation collected at station belong to  the Geospatial Information Agency. The result is that there are 4 types of tides in Indonesian waters, with the most dominant distribution are  mixed tide, prevailing semi diurnal typel.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2133 (1) ◽  
pp. 012017
Yanhong Bai ◽  
Yun Wu

Abstract This paper analyzes the influencing factors of data error in chemical analysis of iron and steel materials, including sample preparation factor, sample decomposition factor, analytical instrument factor, reagent factor, analysis method factor. The purpose is to reduce the error of data measurement results and improve the accuracy of data analysis results by studying the measures of eliminating instrument application error, doing a good job in reagent selection, appropriately increasing the number of experiments, strictly following the operation specifications and reasonably using the allowable deviation table.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-182
Nora sari Liandy

The number of different types of businesses that are starting to emerge in Indonesia shows that business development is now accelerating. As a result of the recent increase in the number of enterprises, a lot of businesses will confront strong rivalry in every aspect of their operations in today's market. As a result, every company must be adept and compete fiercely when dealing with competition. However, the predominant problem that could effects the company sustain is through there product quality, customer perception of price as well as customer satisfaction which could effect the customer loyalty. In aim to learn more about this issue, this reseacrh is intended to investigate the effects of product quality, perception of price and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty at CV Bintang Jaya Abadi, Medan. By using a quantitative approach, the sampling method is done by using the Lemeshow formula. Thus, the samples that were taken are 96.04 = 100 respondents. In analyzing all the data, SPSS 25.0 was being conducted in this research and the data was collected by distributing online questionnaires, the data measurement used the 5-point Likert scale to measure all (19) indicators. Besides that, multiple linear regression analysis was utilized in this reseacrh. Based on the results of this reseacrh, it shows that the Product quality (X1) and Customer Loyalty (Y) variables have negative and no significant effect. However, Perception of Price (X2), Customer Satisfaction (X3) and Customer Loyalty (Y) variables have positive and significant effect. This indicates that enterprise should take this factors in implementing the decision or technique towards the business performance in order to achieve the maximum results aswell as to improve the company development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (9(112)) ◽  
pp. 54-64
Hennadii Khudov ◽  
Oleksii Diakonov ◽  
Nina Kuchuk ◽  
Volodymyr Maliuha ◽  
Kostiantyn Furmanov ◽  

The method of determining coordinates of an airborne object using ADS-B receivers was improved. The method involves the following sequence of actions: input of initial data, measurement of coordinates of the airborne object by the radar, checking the availability of data about the airborne object obtained from the ADS-B receivers. In the absence of such data, coordinates of the airborne object are determined only from the data of the radar. The airborne object mark was identified according to information from the radar and the ADS-B receivers. Unlike the known methods, the advanced method of determining coordinates of an airborne object by a radar additionally uses information from the ADS-B receivers. The ADS-B receiver signals were experimentally studied. It was found that the ADS-B receiver has received more than 6,000 messages about airborne objects in a single day. It was established that information about the location of the airborne object contained in ADS-B messages was encoded in CPR format. An algorithm for decrypting the ADS-B messages with a global connection of an airborne object to geographical coordinates was presented. An algorithm for detecting signals of onboard transponders of ADS-B airborne objects was presented. Non-standard ADS-B messages from airborne objects were studied. It was suggested that some short non-standard ADS-B messages were received from small and military airborne objects. Accuracy of determining coordinates of airborne objects by the radar with additional use of the ADS-B receiver was estimated. Dependence of the root mean square error of determining the airborne object coordinates on a distance to the airborne object was presented for various cases. It was established that the accuracy of determining the airborne object coordinates can be raised from 36 % to 67 % depending on the distance to the airborne object

2021 ◽  
Dominic Vincent Ligot

This paper examines opportunities for big data in augmenting public health surveillance. We describe the use of social listening, remote sensing and mobility indices in supplementing surveillance data. We discuss the time varying reproductive number as an alternative to the basic reproductive number for monitoring an ongoing pandemic, present the INFORM risk management model for integrating insights, and discuss modalities for decision support systems. Selected examples of big data surveillance applications are presented along with considerations for further work.

Engineer Nafea Mostafa Muki Nafea ◽  
Dr. Osama Mohammed Elmardi Suleiman

Reliability is the probability that a product, system, or service will perform its intended function adequately for a specified period, or will operate in a defined environment without failure. In this research, the reliability of Berber cement mill studied. The data collected from the information section of Berber cement factory related to the milling section. It includes the daily production reports, the breakdown and the operating time. The operating time between two failures (TTF) was calculated from the daily report of the mill and then a match was made for the data with the probability distributions to find out what is the probability distribution corresponding to the distribution of these data. The best distribution is the Weibull distribution. the Minitab software was applied and then the distribution parameters for the data (measurement parameters c and the shape parameter d) were obtained and then the reliability of each part of the mill were calculated for each hour and the reliability of the system was calculated as a whole. The study found that the reliability of the system is 75% at the first hour of operation. It decreased during continuous operation to 58% due to the poor reliability of the heating system, which has a reliability of 72% and the reliability of the conveying and feeding belts of the clinker, which have a reliability of 75%.

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