marketing orientation
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2022 ◽  
pp. 170-190
Husam Rjoub ◽  
Chiemelie Benneth Iloka ◽  
Vimala Venugopal

Reported in this paper is an interview- and press release-based study that considers the market-driven and market-driving activities within the disaggregated components of a business model. This is based on an empirical study of IKEA in Malaysia over the past 20 years. Market orientation is perceived to be a position on a continuum, not a binary one. The components of the business model employed in this study were developed from Osterwalder and Pigneur. Findings show that over time the balance between driven and driving orientations of the company changed in a number of ways with respect to its business models. This chapter contributes by showing the disaggregated nature of market orientation of driving and driven activities and linking them to a given component of business model as well as reviewing what happened to the driven-driving balance over the course of time. This approach can widely be applied with respect to attempts geared towards understanding the dynamic nature of international retailing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 439-451
Maryono ◽  
Naili Farida ◽  
Ngatno ◽  
Bulan Prabawani

This research aims to test the direct influence of market orientation and innovation capabilities collaboration, with relationship marketing orientation and excellence as mediating variables, on the marketing performance of the micro industry of wood furniture handicrafts. The data was collected using questionnaires submitted by 242 people, and the analysis was carried out using SmartPLS software. The significant impact of collaborative innovation ability and relational marketing orientation on market orientation was shown to have no effect on competitive advantage. The innovation capabilities of collaborating are known to have no significant impact on marketing performance. Competitive advantage has a relationship with marketing performance, and relational marketing orientation has a significant impact on the ability of collaborative innovation. It was also found that relationship marketing orientation has a significant effect on marketing performance. This study is related to improving the marketing performance of the micro industry of wood furniture handicrafts, which has a limited scope, so the results of this study can't be generalized. It was also difficult to determine if there was any bias from the respondents. The marketing orientation of relationships and competitive advantages have contributed significantly to marketing performance. The wood furniture handicraft micro industry must improve collaboration capabilities with dealers and customers and use this as a strategic component to improve the marketing performance of the woodcraft industry. The novelty of this research is related to the capability of collaboration innovation, which is able to improve the marketing performance of small industries.

Ikramuddin Ikramuddin ◽  
Faisal Matriadi ◽  
Em. Yusuf Iis ◽  
Mariyudi Mariyudi

Changes in consumer behavior require companies to rethink their marketing strategies, especially in the digital marketing era. The Covid-19 pandemic has suppressed the marketing performance of MSMEs in a negative direction, so MSMEs need to improve their marketing strategies towards the concept of digital marketing. This study aims to analyze the role of the digital marketing platform, marketing orientation and entrepreneur orientation on the marketing performance of MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic in North Aceh Regency. This research is survey research with a sampling approach, the number of samples used in this study is 131 MSME actors in North Aceh Regency which are determined by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using the Structural Equational Modeling (SEM) software Amos. Based on a survey of marketing managers and MSME managers, this study shows that MSMEs face various internal and external pressures to adopt digital marketing platforms as a medium to improve their marketing. This can be seen from the low perception of respondents on the influence of the entrepreneurial orientation variable on marketing performance. However, in this case, MSME Marketing Performance is influenced by digital marketing and marketing orientation, each coefficient value for digital marketing is 0.215 and CR 3.387 (P-Value 0.000 < 0.05) and marketing orientation is 0.621 and CR 8.466 (P-Value 0.000 < 0.05). ). The involvement of digital marketing and marketing orientation in MSMEs is expected to increase the company's performance and income. To increase digital marketing engagement, MSME actors who focus on relationship-based interactions with their customers through various digital marketing platforms and on-line buying and selling sites are still expected. This research shows how some companies outside of MSMEs have achieved this. This study makes an important contribution in improving the marketing performance of MSMEs through the relationship of digital marketing platforms, customer orientation and entrepreneurial orientation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 12822
Beatriz Forés ◽  
Zélia Breithaupt Janssen ◽  
Heitor Takashi Kato

Family businesses are of particular economic relevance in the international hospitality and tourism industry. However, there are few studies that address their specific characteristics and objectives. The aim of this study is to produce a bibliometric overview that reveals the structure underpinning the analysis of the tourism family business in the business and management research field. The study also reveals the evolution of this research over time, as well as the most relevant related concepts and study gaps. Through a keyword co-occurrence analysis and a systematic review of 129 studies on tourism family businesses published between 1997 and 2020, the main contributions were organized into four thematic clusters, which include specific theoretical approaches. The clusters are Entrepreneurship, Marketing Orientation and Innovation Performance; Capabilities and Competitiveness; Sustainability; and Strategy and Economic Performance. On the basis of these results, this study introduces an integrative framework for tourism family business research, clarifying the rich diversity of research paths that seek to explain tourism business competitiveness, and identifying potential directions for future research aimed at further developing the field.

2021 ◽  
Ramadhani Kitwana Dau

<p>Much has been said and written about the marketing concept. In brief, the marketing concept stresses customer satisfaction as a means of attaining high performance. Past studies have shown that there has been a considerable interest in the marketing concept both in academic circles and in the business world. In spite of its popularity, little effort has been devoted to examining the validity of the marketing concept, i.e., to testing the proposition that the adoption and implementation of the marketing concept will lead to high performance, be it in domestic or export operations. Previous studies of the marketing concept were mainly focused on whether or not firms have adopted and implemented it. A handful of studies has examined the more fundamental question of the link between the marketing concept and corporate performance. However, for different reasons, the findings of these studies are limited. Given this background, the objective of this study was twofold: to develop and empirically test a model of marketing orientation and export performance that can be applied in many settings, and then to identify which aspects of marketing orientation correlate with export performance. The New Zealand manufacturing industry was selected as the empirical setting. A single industry was chosen so as to have a control over industrial differences. Specifically, the manufacturing industry was chosen because of its increased importance to the New Zealand economy as evidenced by the industry's contribution in areas such as export earnings, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment. A model of marketing orientation and export performance was developed. It contained three major components: the measures of marketing orientation, of export performance, and the control variables. It was hypothesized that marketing orientation would be positively related to export performance. The data were collected through a mail survey of 356 manufacturing firms throughout New Zealand. The survey produced a net response rate of 47.6 percent. Scales were developed to measure each of the three components of the model. Cronbach alpha and factor analysis were used to test the internal consistency of the measures. The measures were also subjected to convergent, discriminant, nomological and predictive validity tests. The results showed that the measures employed in this research are both reliable and valid. Furthermore, a test for normality was administered on the dependent variable (export performance) and the results showed that the dependent variable is normally distributed. It is therefore suitable for parametric statistical analyses. Multiple regression techniques were employed to analyse the data The analysis was done at two main levels. At the first level the relationship between marketing orientation and export performance was explored without controlling the exogenous variables. At the second level, the same process was repeated but the exogenous variables were controlled. At both levels of analysis the results gave support to the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between marketing orientation and export performance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ramadhani Kitwana Dau

<p>Much has been said and written about the marketing concept. In brief, the marketing concept stresses customer satisfaction as a means of attaining high performance. Past studies have shown that there has been a considerable interest in the marketing concept both in academic circles and in the business world. In spite of its popularity, little effort has been devoted to examining the validity of the marketing concept, i.e., to testing the proposition that the adoption and implementation of the marketing concept will lead to high performance, be it in domestic or export operations. Previous studies of the marketing concept were mainly focused on whether or not firms have adopted and implemented it. A handful of studies has examined the more fundamental question of the link between the marketing concept and corporate performance. However, for different reasons, the findings of these studies are limited. Given this background, the objective of this study was twofold: to develop and empirically test a model of marketing orientation and export performance that can be applied in many settings, and then to identify which aspects of marketing orientation correlate with export performance. The New Zealand manufacturing industry was selected as the empirical setting. A single industry was chosen so as to have a control over industrial differences. Specifically, the manufacturing industry was chosen because of its increased importance to the New Zealand economy as evidenced by the industry's contribution in areas such as export earnings, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment. A model of marketing orientation and export performance was developed. It contained three major components: the measures of marketing orientation, of export performance, and the control variables. It was hypothesized that marketing orientation would be positively related to export performance. The data were collected through a mail survey of 356 manufacturing firms throughout New Zealand. The survey produced a net response rate of 47.6 percent. Scales were developed to measure each of the three components of the model. Cronbach alpha and factor analysis were used to test the internal consistency of the measures. The measures were also subjected to convergent, discriminant, nomological and predictive validity tests. The results showed that the measures employed in this research are both reliable and valid. Furthermore, a test for normality was administered on the dependent variable (export performance) and the results showed that the dependent variable is normally distributed. It is therefore suitable for parametric statistical analyses. Multiple regression techniques were employed to analyse the data The analysis was done at two main levels. At the first level the relationship between marketing orientation and export performance was explored without controlling the exogenous variables. At the second level, the same process was repeated but the exogenous variables were controlled. At both levels of analysis the results gave support to the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between marketing orientation and export performance.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 12040
Aleksander Panasiuk

The tourism market is characterized by a high level of competition. Hence, the entities providing tourism services and creating their offers in tourist destinations take actions aimed at satisfying the consumers’ (tourists’) needs. These activities are realized by achieving the appropriate level of marketing orientation. In terms of behaviour, marketing orientation is based on the implementation of a marketing concept focusing on customers’ needs and also on the achieved economic results. In cultural terms, marketing orientation should be understood as a type of business culture. The study is of theoretical, empirical and conceptual nature. The theoretical part presents the following issues: genesis and essence of marketing orientation and methods of its measurement, the concept and the scope of the tourism market, along with the implementation of marketing orientation issues necessary to assess the functioning of entities on this market. The concept of a system of connections of a selected type of tourist market entity with other entities in terms of shaping marketing orientation was presented. An example of the research on the level of marketing orientation on the tour operator market in selected European countries was presented in the empirical part. Tour operator market entities in Poland are characterized by a slightly higher average marketing orientation than entities from other European countries. Tour operators operating on the Polish market are also more diversified in terms of the level of marketing orientation than entities from other surveyed European countries. The main aim of the study is to adapt the theoretical and methodological issues related to the assessment of the level of marketing orientation to the entities operating on the tourism market. The specific aim is to analyze the level of marketing orientation of the entities on the tour operator market. The following research methods were used: a critical analysis of the literature on the subject, methods of logical operations; observation, quantitative methods, and diagnostic survey based on a standard questionnaire.

Settipalli Sravani ◽  
S. V. Prasad ◽  
P. L. R. J. Praveena ◽  
G. Karuna Sagar

The present study was conducted at Kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh with the objectives to find out the relationship between the turmeric farmers’ profile and their marketing behaviour.  Ex post facto research design was used for the study. Two mandals of Kadapa district namely Mydukur and Duvvur were purposively selected based on the highest area under turmeric cultivation and data was collected from a randomly drawn sample of 90 respondents by a structured questionnaire administered personally as per schedules.  The correlation results of the study revealed that the independent variables viz., age, farming experience, education, material possession, extension contact, training received, achievement motivation and social interaction had positive and statistically significant relationship with the marketing behaviour of the turmeric farmers. Whereas, area under turmeric cultivation and economic status had non-significant relationship with the marketing behaviour of the turmeric farmers. Multiple Linear Regression analysis revealed that all the selected 10 independent variables put together explained about 79.10 per cent variation in the marketing behaviour of turmeric farmers. The analysis of turmeric farmers’ profile indicated that majority of them were middle aged, with less than 2.5 acres of area under turmeric cultivation with medium farming experience, high school level of education, medium economic status, extension contact, training received, achievement motivation and social interaction and they also had medium level of marketing behaviour due to medium levels of planning orientation, production orientation, marketing orientation, market information sources utilization, decision making ability, risk taking ability and innovativeness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Vienna Artina Sembiring

Abstract-This study aims to see the magnitude of the influence of product quality on customer satisfaction at Kopi Gowo Lippo Karawaci, South Tangerang. With the development of people's lifestyles, the marketing orientation changes. In addition, the development of the coffee business in South Tangerang causes a company to improve product quality in order to increase customer satisfaction. Researchers used descriptive quantitative analysis method, with the number of respondents 97 consumers customers at Kopi Gowo Lippo Karawaci, South Tangerang. The result of this research is the simple linear regression coefficient of product quality (X) of 0.301 is positive. This means that if the regression coefficient increases by 1, customer satisfaction (Y) will increase by 30.1%. The coefficient of determination obtained is 0.330 or 33.0%. This value proves that product quality has a 33.0% contribution to customer satisfaction at Kopi Gowo Lippo Karawaci, South Tangerang.   Keywords: Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction

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