basic wage
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Christopher Cramer ◽  
John Sender ◽  
Arkebe Oqubay

Chapter 10 highlights policy priorities capable of generating large productivity improvements, balance of payments improvements, and big increases in employment, especially for rural women. Growth, structural transformation, and welfare improvements in African economies require a sustained high investment rate, led by public sector spending to maximize crowding in of private investment; they require state support for the development of ‘national champion’ firms (and farms); they cannot be sustained without a massive export drive; investment needs to be encouraged in specific kinds of labour-intensive economic activities. This ‘possibilist’ strategy depends developing capabilities for monitoring performance and disciplining recipients of state resources; among the relevant targets for firms are measures to encourage the effective organization and voice of the workers they employ. The strategy also has to include policies to expand the non-inflationary supply of basic wage goods, including intervention to manage grain prices.

L. Kovalev ◽  
I. Kovalev

The most important main points of an improved methodology for determining the costs of maintenance and repair of livestock equipment using standards are considered, the features of accounting and planning of this type of work (technical service of livestock equipment) are noted. The general provisions of the methodology for calculating the basic wage are given, depending on the choice of the form of remuneration by the technical maintenance and repair of livestock equipment. To simplify these calculations, the rationale for establishing a single common coefficient that takes into account the accrual on the basic wages of workers when performing various types of work by farm specialists (accrual of additional wages for workers, social security contributions and the level of overhead from the main wage), etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-124
John Fowler

John Fowler, Educational Consultant, explores how to survive your nursing career

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 66
Zulfikar Putera

The implementation of Kendari City Minimum Wage has not gone well, there is no regulation that can accommodate the interests of workers and companies, the interpretation that minimum wages are basic wages and other benefits wages need to be continued that the minimum wage is the basic wage other than the wages of other benefitsKeyword : Minimum Wage, Welfare

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-102
Soma Sreekanth ◽  
Mr. G Subbareddy ◽  
DR. Venkata Rangaiah

The pay structure of a company depends on several factors such as labor market Conditions Company’s paying capacity and legal provisions. In India, different acts include different items under wages though all the Acts include basic wage and dearness allowance under the term wages. Under the workmen’s Pay Roll act, 1923 wages for leave period holiday pay, overtime pay, bonus, and good conduct bonus form part of wages. Under the payments of wages act, 1936, section 2(vi) anyawards of settlement and production bonus, if paid constitute wages.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (2(64)) ◽  
pp. 59-64
Y.K. Vasylkova

The technology of management decisions was studied in the article. The agricultural enterprises of Kherson region were analyzed. The modernization necessity of morally and physically obsolete fixed assets as an important component of compliance with rules and regulations protecting the environment was proved. The consequences of changes in legislatively established wage were analysis. In the article there is given the analysis of the consequences of implementation of governmental bodies� initiatives on the forming of tax burden when paying salary. It was discovered that increasing of nominal level of labour remuneration in general self cost of production may lead to increasing of selling price and worsening of competitive ratio in comparison with production (work, services) of foreign business entities. It was found that just internal changes in the structure of labour remuneration concerning the increase of a share of basic wage together with the simultaneous decrease of a share of additional wage and premium pays may almost equalize the wage levels of qualified specialists that have considerable intellectual potential and occur the positions of responsibility with the wage levels of unskilled service personnel.

2014 ◽  
Vol 89 (4) ◽  
pp. 419-445
Kea Tijdens ◽  
Maarten van Klaveren ◽  
Reinhard Bispinck ◽  
Heiner Dribbusch ◽  
Fikret Öz

Wage or workforce adjustments in the crisis?1How do organisations respond if the crisis affects their business? Do they adjust wages or workforce? Using data from a continuous employee web-survey firm-level responses to the economic crisis in Germany and the Netherlands are investigated. Workforce adjustments were a continuous strategy. No evidence was found of wage concessions traded-off for job protection. Collective bargaining ensured robust wage-setting rather than employment protection. Basic wage reductions were reported more often for low-educated and low-wage employees thereby increasing wage inequality. Labour hoarding was reported predominantly by young, male employees with a permanent, full-time contract.

Agustina Kocu ◽  
Steelma V. Rantung ◽  
Olvie V. Kotambunan

Abstract In the days of tight competition, efforts to improve the quality and productivity of labor are needed. Improving the quality of human resources in the labor aspect of the system was developed through the integration of education and training on the basis of developments in science and technology. Labor characteristics are traits that entrenched for a long time. Characteristics of the labor force were age, education, region of origin, religion, expertise, skills and productivity. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of the workforce in the industry PT. Canning image of Raja Ampat Sorong. Basic research is a case study and the nature of this research is descriptive. Method of data collection is done by sampling techniques were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The research was carried out for 1 month at PT. Canning image of Raja Ampat Sorong. The company is located in the village of Kampung Baru, Sorong, west Papua. Workforce numbered 631 men, aged 25-30 years at most. Most are elementary school education. Most regions of origin, namely West Papua, while the little originating from Napier. Hindu religion is the least, which many are Protestant Christians. Highest productivity in January, is FP = 3,940,982 per person by the number of 631, while the lowest in December, ie FP = 2,310,085 per person by the number of 129 people. Working time starts at 7:00 a.m. to 15:00, with the basic wage is Rp. 384,000.00. Keywords: characteristics, labor, canning, productivity   Abstrak Di era persaingan yang semakin ketat, upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas tenaga kerja sangat dibutuhkan. Peningkatatan kualitas sumberdaya manusia dalam aspek ketenagakerjaan dikembangkan melalui sistem keteRp. aduan antara dunia pendidikan dan pelatihan atas dasar perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Karakteristik tenaga kerja adalah sifat-sifat yang membudaya sejak lama. Karakteristik tenaga kerja tersebut adalah umur, pendidikan, asal daerah, agama, keahlian, ketrampilan dan produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik tenaga kerja pada industri PT. Citra Raja Ampat Canning Sorong. Dasar penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dan sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik sampling yang dianalisis mengunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 1 bulan di PT. Citra Raja Ampat Canning Sorong. Perusahaan ini berlokasi di Kelurahan Kampung Baru, Kota Sorong, propinsi Papua Barat. Tenaga kerja berjumlah 631 orang, paling banyak berumur 25-30 tahun. Pendidkan terbanyak adalalah sekolah dasar. Asal daerah paling banyak, yaitu Papua Barat, sedangkan sedikit berasal dari Makasar. Agama paling sedikit adalah hindu, yang banyak adalah Kristen Protestan. Produktivitas tertinggi pada bulan Januari, yaitu FP = 3.940.982/orang dengan jumlah 631, sedangkan terendahpada bulan Desember, yaitu FP = 2.310.085/orang dengan jumlah 129 orang. Waktu kerja dimulai pada pukul 07.00-15.00, dengan upah pokok berjumlah Rp. 384.000,00. Kata Kunci:karakteristik, tenaga kerja, pengalengan, produktivitas

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Dwi Kurniawan ◽  
Arby Syihab ◽  
Hendang Setyo Rukmi

One strategy to improve the satisfaction of human resources is to give fair compensation based on the characteristics ofthe their work. Today in PT Bita Enargon Engineering, all division managers are considered to have the same workloadso that they get the same basic wage, even though the workload of each division is not exactly the same. This research willdetermine the base salary using the point system method. The first step of this method is to conduct a job evaluation todetermine the job relative value of each position. The next step is to convert the job relative value to the money value bysubsituting the job relative value into a regression equation developed from the result of a survey on the closest competitors.Based on the job relative value, the basic salary for division heads and department heads can be decided.

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