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Alena Buchalcevova

The article presents the ISO/IEC 29110 Profile Implementation Methodology that was developed to manage consistent implementation of individual ISO/IEC 29110 Profiles in the open-source content management tool Eclipse Process Framework Composer. Such an implementation enables effective managing of the standard and its publishing in the form of a web application that can be easily and efficiently used. This methodology represents an example of the usable outputs of the ISO/IEC 29110 standard being utilized in education and research in the Czech Republic. Its main elements described in this article can be also used for implementation purposes in other countries. First, the methodology structure is presented, followed by its individual elements, i.e. General Principles, Profile Structure, Profile Element Mapping, Implementation Conventions, EPF Composer Usage Guidelines, and Implementation Process. The evaluation of this methodology was performed during the implementation of the Entry Profile.

Zaure Abdrakhmanova ◽  
Andrey Kan ◽  
Roman Yun ◽  
Sergey Yefimenko ◽  

Purpose.Creating an effective system of online monitoring of ores sent to processing plants, focused not only on the profile element (copper), but also on related (silver, cadmium, molybdenum, arsenic) elements (the need to determine the content of silver and cadmium from 1+ ppm). Creating a procedure for the objective distribution of drain metal between mines. Methods. Study of the influence of numerous interfering factors on the test results of ores on the canvas of technological conveyors of concentrators of Kazakhmys Corporation LLC by X-ray fluorescence method (RFM) became EDXRF RKS RLP-21T determination of low content of silver and cadmium (1 + .ppm). The study was conducted in three stages. At the first stage, the following methods were developed: RKS calibration method, RKS measurement procedure, variable ore-RKS clearance method, RKS – Client ZhZF-1,2 system software for registration and display of RKS content data online. elements and the amount of metal in the railway warehouses of ore from mines and quarries and put into operation three RKS RLP-21T on ZHZF-1 2. In the second stage, four RKS RLP-21T were launched (BZF, KZF, NPR). At the third stage, RKS was launched at ZHZF-1.Аnd the basic principle was used in the research: the deposits are different – the RKS calibration method is the same for everyone. Results. The choice of X-ray fluorescent energy dispersion (EDXRF) ore control station (EDC) for online monitoring of metal content in ores on the canvases of technological conveyors of concentrators at ores size class -300 mm is substantiated. Scientific novelty. For the first time in Kazakhstan, on the scale of a huge mining enterprise Kazakhmys Corporation LLP, in practice, the task of online monitoring of the contents of the main (Cu, Pb, Zn) and accompanying (Ag, Cd, Mo) elements at low (1+ ppm) contents of silver, cadmium and 15+ ppm of molybdenum with an ore size of -300mm. For the first time in world practice, it has been proven that EDXRF RKS can provide online monitoring of complex composition copper-containing polymetallic ores for the content of not only basic, but also accompanying (silver, cadmium) components. For the first time in Kazakhstan on the scale of a huge mining enterprise LLC “Kazakhmys Corporation” in practice solved the problem of online monitoring of the content of basic (Cu, Pb, Zn) and related (Ag, Cd, Mo) elements at low contents of silver, cadmium (1+ ppm ) and molybdenum content (15+ ppm) at ore size -300mm. For the first time in world practice, it has been proven that EDXRF RKS can provide online monitoring of polymetallic ores containing copper for the content of not only basic but also related (silver, cadmium) components. Practical significance. Eight RKS RLP-21Ts were put into production. VTK wagon test points on cone crushers KKD 800/160 KD-1 ZHZF-1, KKD 1500/180 KD-2 ZHZF-1, KKD 1500/180 BZF were liquidated. The procedure of objective distribution of drain metal between mines has been established. Keywords: X-ray fluorescent energy dispersive method, ore control station, input process conveyors of concentration plants, online monitoring of the content of elements in ores.

A. Ph. Ilyushchenko ◽  
L. N. Dyachkova ◽  
V. A. Osipov

The results of studying the process of obtaining complex-profile elements of the substrate of mirrors of optical telescopes from reaction-sintered silicon carbide ceramics are presented. It is shown that the strength of silicon carbide ceramics depends on the dispersion of the silicon carbide powder and on the temperature of reaction sintering. An increase in the sintering temperature from 1500 to 1650 °C leads to an increase in strength by 60 MPa, and to 1800 °C – to a decrease in strength by 40 MPa. An increase in strength is explained by a decrease in free silicon and an increase in the content of secondary silicon carbide, a decrease in strength is explained by an increase in the size of carbide grains. The study of the influence of the modes of soldering of hexagonal elements to obtain a complex-profile element of the substrate of the mirror of an optical telescope on the strength of the soldered seam showed that the introduction of silicon carbide powder 7 μm in size and amorphous boron in an amount of 6 % into the solder composition based on silicon carbide has a positive effect on the strength of the soldered seam. Tests of the brazed specimens at three-point bending showed that fracture occurs along the body of the specimens being brazed, and not the brazed seam. The structure of the brazed joint depends on the composition of the braze alloy and the gap between the samples to be brazed.

The article provides the corrosion examples in metal structures, as well as their types. In most cases, metal structures are used in buildings with an aggressive environment. Corrosion is influenced by factors such as humidity, dust, various gases, technological process and etc. And also corrosion is influenced by the cross-sectional shapes which made the structural rods. There are given recommendations for the corrosion-resistant profiles use in metal structures and measures for their protection against corrosion. Keywords: corrosion, gas, dustiness, aggressive environment, operation, humidity, condensate, profile element, wear, destruction, durability, speed, section.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 313-317
Tetiana Kresan ◽  
Serhii Pylypaka ◽  
Zynovii Ruzhylo ◽  
Ivan Rogovskii ◽  
Oleksandra Trokhaniak

The rolling of a flat figure in the form of an equilateral polygon on a curvilinear profile is considered. The profile is periodic. It is formed by a series connection of an arc of a symmetrical curve. The ends of the arc rely on a circle of a given radius. The equation of the curve, from which the curvilinear profile is constructed, is found. This is done provided that the centre of the polygon, when it rolls in profile, must also move in a circle. Rolling occurs in the absence of sliding. Therefore, the length of the arc of the curve is equal to the length of the side of the polygon. To find the equations of the curve of the profile, a first-order differential equation is constructed. Its analytical solution is obtained. The parametric equations of the curve are obtained in the polar coordinate system. The limits of the change of an angular parameter for the construction of a profile element are found. It is a part of the arc of the curve. According to the obtained equations, curvilinear profiles with different numbers of their elements are constructed.

P A N Lestari ◽  
Ashury ◽  
M Z M Alie ◽  
S Wairara

2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (8) ◽  
pp. 436-438
Yuefeng Hou ◽  
Yue Li ◽  
Zhijun Zhang

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Muhammad Ahdi Hafizha ◽  
Kamaludin Kamaludin

ABSTRAKIndonesia adalah negara berkembang dengan pertumbuhan pembangunan yang cukup tinggi, sementara luas lahan yang tersedia masih tetap dan terbatas. Akibat dari kondisi tersebut, berdampak pada kebutuhan akan rumah tinggal atau hunian akan semakin tinggi, Rumah sederhana 2 lantai yang layak dan kokoh berbasis ekonomis adalah solusi untuk masyarakat tersebut. Profil baja canai dingin adalah jenis profil baja yang memiliki ketebalan dimensi yang relatif tipis dengan rasio dimensi lebar setiap elemen profil terhadap tebalnya sangat besar, karena ketebalan dimensi profil relatif tipis, maka pembentukan profil dapat dilaksanakan menggunakan proses pembentukan dingin. Maka dari itu adanya model rumah sederhana 3D menggunakan profil baja canai yang praktis dan relatif murah adalah solusi masalah tersebut. Peneliti mengkhususkan mengetahui perbandingan gaya dalam dan rasio yang terjadi  pada model struktur 2D dan 3D. Hasil yang Didapat dari rasio balok yaitu 0,98 dan kolom 0,69.Kata kunci: baja canai, rumah, balok, kolom. ABSTRACTIndonesia is a developing country with relatively high development growth, while the available land area is still limited. As a result of these conditions, the impact on the need for residential or occupancy will be higher, simple and economically viable 2-storey house is a solution for the community. The profile of cold rolled steel is a type of steel profile that has a relatively thin dimensional thickness with the width dimension ratio of each profile element to a very large thickness. Because the profile thickness thickness is relatively thin, the profile formation can be performed using cold forming process. Therefore the existence of a simple 3D home model using a practical and relatively cheap steel roll profile is the solution of the problem. The researcher specializes in knowing the inner force ratio and the ratios that occur in 2D and 3D structural models. The results obtained from beam ratios are 0.98 and 0.69 columns.Keywords: cold formed, house, beams, coloum.

Alena Buchalcevova

The article presents the ISO/IEC 29110 Profile Implementation Methodology that was developed to manage consistent implementation of individual ISO/IEC 29110 Profiles in the open-source content management tool Eclipse Process Framework Composer. Such an implementation enables effective managing of the standard and its publishing in the form of a web application that can be easily and efficiently used. This methodology represents an example of the usable outputs of the ISO/IEC 29110 standard being utilized in education and research in the Czech Republic. Its main elements described in this article can be also used for implementation purposes in other countries. First, the methodology structure is presented, followed by its individual elements, i.e. General Principles, Profile Structure, Profile Element Mapping, Implementation Conventions, EPF Composer Usage Guidelines, and Implementation Process. The evaluation of this methodology was performed during the implementation of the Entry Profile.

Felicitas Becker

The contrast between the deep involvement of urban Muslims' exclusionary attitudes in the social struggles of the late pre-colonial period and the absence of references to such struggles in oral accounts of early rural Muslims could give the impression that conversion constituted a slightly anachronistic pursuit of coastal allegiance. Oral sources suggest that conversion occurred as part of an active search for new ritual and social options, and that villagers interpreted their Muslim allegiance to suit the pursuit of divergent aspirations. The ways of conversion among villagers are first described. The chapter also traces how rural Muslims in the inter-war period managed to depart from and reinterpret the problematic associations of Muslim allegiance. It explores the early history of rural mosques, focusing on a group of four mosques founded between c.1925 and 1947. The republicanism of rural Muslims is discussed. Islam had become a fundamental, albeit low-profile, element of social life.

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