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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Sehonova Pavla ◽  
Harustiakova Danka ◽  
Mikula Premysl ◽  
Medkova Denisa ◽  
Malacova Kristyna ◽  

AbstractMercury is one of the important pollutants of the environment. Therefore, it’s necessary to monitor quantity of mercury especially in aquatic ecosystems. The main goal of the presented study was to compare the content of total mercury in tissues of fish coming from the Czech Republic, an important carp exporter, with focus on comparison of mercury content between 3 different ponds, its comparison between different fish species and between different tissues of the same species, and estimation whether the mercury content in tissues meets the limit given in the Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 or not. Total mercury concentration was measured in 90 fish specimen sampled from three ponds (Velky Kocelovicky, Mysliv and Zehunsky) in autumn 2018. The values of total mercury in fish tissues was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. The content of total mercury in the tissues decreased as follows: muscle > liver > gonads > scales. The highest average content of total mercury in muscle was 0.1517 ± 0.0176 mg/kg coming from pike caught in Velky Kocelovicky pond. In contrast, the lowest average content of total mercury in muscle 0.0036 ± 0.0003 mg/kg was found in carp tissue coming from the locality of Zehunsky pond. We confirmed that the predatory fish are more exposed to mercury than non-predatory fish. None of the monitored localities exceeded the set regulatory limit. Thus, our study shows that fish coming from these ponds are safe in terms of total mercury content.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2160 (1) ◽  
pp. 012049
Lingmei Li ◽  
Zhaojia Wang ◽  
Suping Cui ◽  
Feihua Yang ◽  
Yanchen Zhu ◽  

Abstract Mercury is one most important global pollutants in the environment. The article studied the mercury migration according to the mercury migration in the cement process, in which a model for the relationship between the mercury input, internal circulation and output is built. In the model, mercury concentration in each stage of the process was calculated and characterized with different input, which were Consistent with actual verification, and then the reasonable method was advised to prevent the mercury pollution. The simulation showed that the mercury input is below 0.1g/t.cli, and the mercury gas emission concentration is below 0.05 mg/Nm3 whenever the mode of raw mill is on or off. But once the mercury input is over 0.23 g/t.cli, the mercury gas emission concentration is over 0.05mg/Nm3 although the mode of raw mill is on. The mercury content in ERM and KA is almost ten times higher than raw material, and the mercury content in KA is almost ten times higher than raw meal extraction, and multiples increase with higher mercury input as well. Even if mercury is continuously enriched internal, there is no limit of mercury concentration saturation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 405
Marcin J. Małuszyński ◽  
Ilona Małuszyńska

Due to the high toxicity of the element itself and its compounds, mercury poses a significant threat to the human natural environment, in particular to the soil and water environment. An additional risk is the possibility of mercury accumulation in various elements of the environment. Soil is one of the most important elements of the natural environment and is the main link in the mercury cycle. The cycle of this element is related to both the natural processes taking place in the environment and human activity. The presence of mercury in the natural environment poses a particularly high risk of its re-accumulation as a result of its re-emission. The aim of the research was to determine the mercury content in the upper layers of soils collected from the area and buffer zone of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park as a potential source of this element’s re-emission to the environment. The paper presents the results of research on mercury content in the upper soil layer from the areas adjacent to the communication routes running through the area of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park and its buffer zone. The mercury content in the analyzed soil samples collected from the area of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park ranged from 0.082 mgHg·kg−1 dm to 0.183 mgHg·kg−1 dm, and in the soils from the cover, these values were slightly higher and ranged from 0.125 mgHg·kg−1 dm up to 0.362 mgHg·kg−1 dm. In order to avoid uncontrolled re-emission and, consequently, possible accumulation of this element in the environment, it is necessary to continue monitoring the level of mercury contamination, among others, in soil.

V. I. Voitovska ◽  
I. Yu. Rassadina ◽  
N. M. Klymovych ◽  
C. O. Tretiakova

Purpose. Determine the content of heavy metals in the grain of spring barley varieties of different application as affected by the duration of storage. Methods. In the years 2018–2020, 11 spring barley varieties of different applications were studied: grain ‘Stalker’, ‘Vodohrai’, ‘Vzirets’, ‘Ahrarii’, ‘Shchedryk’; universal ‘Enei’; malting ‘Kozak’, ‘Dokuchaievskyi 15’, ‘Etyket’, ‘Helios’, ‘Sviatohor’. The content of chemical elements in the grain (cadmium, lead, mercury, arsenic, copper, zinc) was determined in the dynamics: immediately after harvest, after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Results. In the studied varieties of spring barley, the lead (Pb) content in the grain varied immediately after threshing and after 7 days ranged from 1.01 to 1.12 mg/kg. Reduction of the studied element after 14 days was observed in all varieties. In particular, the lead content was 1.03 mg/kg in ‘Shchedryk’, 1.01 mg/kg in ‘Stalker’, 1.00 mg/kg in ‘Vzirets’, 0,78 mg/kg (the lowest) in ‘Vodohrai’, and 1.12 mg/kg (the highest) in ‘Ahrarii’. Studies have shown that the most sensitive to cadmium (Cd) grain variety of spring barley was ‘Vzirets’ with the content of 0.09 mg/kg immediately after threshing and on the 7th day of storage; on the 14th, 21st and 28th days, the content was 0.08 mg/kg. The content of cadmium in malting barley grain immediately after threshing and after 7 days was 0.08 mg/kg in ‘Sviatohor’, and 0.09 mg/kg in all other varieties. On the 14th day, the accumulation remained unchanged in varieties ‘Dokuchaievskyi 15’, ‘Etyket’, ‘Helios’, ‘Sviatohor’; insignificant decrease was noted in ‘Kozak’ (0.07 mg/kg). After the storage for 21 and 28 days, the cadmium content was 0.07 mg/kg in ‘Sviatohor’ and ‘Kozak’, and 0.08 mg/kg in all others. Conclusions. The lowest cadmium content was determined in variety ‘Shchedryk’. Immediately after threshing and after 7 days of storage it was 0.05 mg/kg, and on the 14th, 21st and 28th days it decreased to 0.03 mg/kg. Immediately after threshing and after 7 days, the mercury content of the varieties varied from 0.07 to 0.03 mg/kg. After 14, 21 and 28 days, the following values were determined: in ‘Vodohrai’ 0.06 mg/kg, in ‘Stalker’ and ‘Vzirets’ 0.05 mg/kg, in ‘Ahrarii’ 0.04 mg/kg, ‘Shchedryk’ 0.3 mg/kg. Depending on the varietal characteristics and duration of storage, the highest content (14.05 mg/kg) was determined in ‘Ahrarii’, and the lowest (12.55 mg/kg) in ‘Shchedryk’. The study of the ‘Enei’ variety of spring barley of universal application allows us to note that the accumulation of heavy metals, as affected by the duration of storage, did not differ significantly from the grain varities.

Oleg L. Lakhman ◽  
Oleg O. Salagai ◽  
Elena V. Katamanova ◽  
Irina V. Kudaeva ◽  
Olga M. Zhurba ◽  

Introduction. Maintaining health and achieving professional longevity is a priority task of medical support for specialists in the power and civil structures of Russia. It is especially important to take into account the impact of several factors of the labour process, as, for example, in the work to eliminate environmental pollution from enterprises producing chemical products, in particular, in the shop of mercury electrolysis. The study aims to explore the health status of employees of law enforcement agencies and civilian personnel involved in the elimination of environmental pollution in the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region as a result of economic activities associated with the production of chemical products. Material and methods. The study examined 370 people, whose average age was 28.4±5.5 years, with an average work experience of 6.0±1.05 years. The method of clinical observations was used, the analysis of the results of an in-depth medical examination was carried out in the conditions of the professional center of the clinic of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution VSIMEI. The level and structure of morbidity by the main classes of chronic diseases have been studied. Results. As a result of the analysis of the data of the periodic medical examination, the structural composition of nosological forms of diseases was presented as follows: diseases of the cardiovascular system - 10%, ophthalmological diseases - 5%, endocrinological diseases - 5%, diseases of ENT organs - 10%, practically healthy persons - 70%. The mercury levels were determined at zero values, with the exception of 4 samples, in which the mercury content in the studied urine samples did not exceed the permissible level established by WHO (10 μg / L), the mercury levels in hair samples did not exceed the biologically permissible level (0.0-2,0 μg/g). Conclusion. This study showed the importance of medical examinations using extended examination methods and the need to monitor the health status of liquidators, since the safety of the work carried out also depends on the quality of workers' health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-197
Rika Ernawati ◽  
Tedy Agung Cahyadi ◽  
Shahensahb Anand Anggian Rambe

Gold processing in Dusun Sangon, Kalirejo Village, Kokap Sub district, Kulonprogo Regency, SpecialRegion of Yogyakarta Province uses amalgamation method. Mercury use in gold processing has apotential impact on environmental damage and health of organism. Therefore, management onmercury-contaminated soil is needed to reduce environmental impacts. However, beforeperforming soil management, it is important to conduct research on initial condition of researchlocation, including research on the soil’s nutrient quality and mercury content. Testing wasconducted in the laboratory. Mercury (Hg) content testing used mercury analyzer testing method.pH testing used ISRIC 6th 2002 method. Organic carbon testing used SNI 13-4720-1998 testingmethod. Total nitrogen testing used SNI 2803-2010 testing method. C/N Ratio testing used SNI 13-4720-1998; SNI 2803-2010 testing methods. Results show that mercury contents in residualsamples of gold ore and soil samples were 4.81 mg/kg and 88.63 mg/kg respectively, which wereincluded in TC-B and TC-A in the aforementioned order. Meanwhile, mercury content in gold oreSamples 1 and 2 were 0.28 ppm and 0.14181 ppm respectively. Soil nutrient content parameters ofOrganic C, Total N, and C/N ratio were found to be very low. These results might be influenced byprocessing activities in gold ore mining.

Faye Koenigsmark ◽  
Caren Weinhouse ◽  
Axel Berky ◽  
Ana Morales ◽  
Ernesto Ortiz ◽  

Total mercury content (THg) in hair is an accepted biomarker for chronic dietary methylmercury (MeHg) exposure. In artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) communities, the validity of this biomarker is questioned because of the potential for contamination from inorganic mercury. As mining communities may have both inorganic and organic mercury exposures, the efficacy of the hair-THg biomarker needs to be evaluated, particularly as nations begin population exposure assessments under their commitments to the Minamata Convention. We sought to validate the efficacy of hair THg for public health monitoring of MeHg exposures for populations living in ASGM communities. We quantified both THg and MeHg contents in hair from a representative subset of participants (N = 287) in a large, population-level mercury exposure assessment in the ASGM region in Madre de Dios (MDD), Peru. We compared population MeHg-THg correlations and %MeHg values with demographic variables including community location, sex, occupation, and nativity. We observed that hair MeHg-THg correlations were high (r > 0.7) for all communities, regardless of location or nativity. Specifically, for individuals within ASGM communities, 81% (121 of 150 total) had hair THg predominantly in the form of MeHg (i.e., >66% of THg) and reflective of dietary exposure to mercury. Furthermore, for individuals with hair THg exceeding the U.S. EPA threshold (1.0 μg/g), 88 out of 106 (83%) had MeHg as the predominant form. As a result, had urine THg solely been used for mercury exposure monitoring, approximately 59% of the ASGM population would have been misclassified as having low mercury exposure. Our results support the use of hair THg for monitoring of MeHg exposure of populations in ASGM settings where alternative biomarkers of MeHg exposure are not feasible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 1256-1264
Abdullah Alsanad ◽  
Azel Almutairi ◽  
Heba Alhelailah

Globally, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are increasing consistently, and Kuwait is not an exception. However, these lamps contain mercury, which is highly injurious to human health and the environment. This study assessed Kuwaiti respondents' awareness using a large-scale national survey conducted on a random sample of 6210 individuals  (response rate 84.3%). The questionnaire was comprised of four sections and utilized skip logic branching. The modes were paper-based, face-to-face interviews, and electronic structured questionnaires.  Data were also analyzed through the Pearson chi-square test to know the significant differences in lamp type preferences and the reasons for the preferences. Almost half of the participants (51.4%) knew the difference between incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Only 11.1% were using incandescent lamps solely in their houses. The remaining 88.9% used fluorescent lamps (38.4%) or both types (50.5%). The results showed that 48.3% think fluorescent lamps save energy, whereas 81.3% of people were unaware of their mercury content. The knowledge patterns towards breakage showed that respondents who chose the proper response were 31.9% for evacuation, 14.6% for aeration, and 7.3% for turning off the AC. The awareness of populations to take appropriate actions towards proper disposal was very poor in case of fluorescent lamp accidental breakage or when it completes its life cycle because most of them did not know about the proper evacuation, aeration, and cleanup measures. These findings are beneficial for the government and policymakers to take essential steps to create relevant awareness channels among the country's communities for safety from expected health hazards.

Heliyon ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. e08681
Carley L. Lowe ◽  
Renee Jordan-Ward ◽  
Kathleen E. Hunt ◽  
Matthew C. Rogers ◽  
Alexander J. Werth ◽  

Toxics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 309
Zhaojun Wang ◽  
Yangjie Zhang ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Xu Li ◽  
Xuhang Zhou ◽  

The mercury that is released from the centralized treatment of municipal solid waste is an important source of atmospheric mercury. We chose the main urban area of Changchun as a representative area. Environmental factors such as total mercury content, temperature, wind speed, and other factors were measured in samples from the trash cans of two types of collection points (trash cans and garbage stations), the topsoil under the selected trash cans, and the ambient air above the selected trash cans. The potential ecological risks of mercury pollution were evaluated. The results showed that the mercury content levels of all sample types in the refuse transfer station were higher than the garbage cans and there were no significant differences observed between soil surface mercury and garbage cans. The mercury content levels in the atmosphere and the surface soil at the garbage collection points were found to increase along the cascade relationship of the garbage collection. However, there were no correlations observed between the atmospheric mercury content levels and the surface soil mercury content levels with the attachments and the sum of the former two. There were no correlations observed between surface soil and the attachments, or among the attachments, surface soil, and the atmospheric mercury content levels. The mercury content levels in the attachments, surface soil, and atmosphere of the garbage collection points in the study area were negatively correlated with the loop lines. Meanwhile, the potential ecological risk indexes of the garbage cans and garbage stations were found to be high. The chronic non-carcinogenic risks of mercury to children and adults were determined to be very low. The risks of mercury to children were higher when compared with adults. The highest non-carcinogenic risks of mercury pollution were determined to be within the central area of Changchun.

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