behavior motivation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-140
Anna Vladimirovna Shentyakova

Modern megalopolis concentrates all groups of resources including economic, political, cultural, information, human resources, etc. The high population density, economic and geographic situation, complex multiethnic and multicultural structure of large cities contribute to certain types of values and behavioral models in the younger generation. The neo-institutional approach and social capital theory were chosen as a methodological basis. The article examines a number of methodological works devoted to various aspects of the social capital and explores the opportunity for this concept application for analysis of the protest behavior motivation and assessment of the protest potential of young people. Combination of the economic model of multilevel analysis for measuring social capital by S.А. Sysoev and socio-political parameters for the empirical part allowed to clearly defining the main categories and indicators of analysis. Measuring the levels of social capital of a megalopolis with the inclusion a network component expands the range of opportunities for assessing and identifying the protest potential of large Russian cities residents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Martinus Esong

The aim to be achived in this paper is to analyze the relevant pastoral services (praxis) for the problems of seafares in the service area of the Southern  Makale Classics Toraja Church. In this paper, the approach method that i use is a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is research that intends or aims to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects sich as perseptual behavior, motivation, action, etc., holistically, and by means of description in the form of words and language. In addition, the authors also use literature studies. Based on the results obtained from field research and literature riview, the author can conclude that basically the servants (counselors) understand their duties but they have not been able to prove it in the world of service specifically to seafarers (theoretical). This is what makes the image seafarer continue to be under the bad quotes and also experiencing such dire conditions. That is what makes sailors continue to live in deep inner wounds. Servants should make visits, contact seafarers who are far from family, regularly refer seamen, make no distinctions about seafarers and be trustworthy friends. These are the practical things that sailors desperately need. Abstrak: Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penulisan ini adalah hendak menganalis pelayanan pastoral (praksis) yang relevan bagi permasalahan pelaut dalam wilayah Pelayanan Gereja Toraja Klasis Makale Selatan. Dalam karya tulisan ini metode pendekatan yang penulis gunakan adalah metode pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang bermaksud atau bertujuan untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian misalnya perilaku persepsi, motivasi, tindakan, dll, secara holistik, dan dengan cara deskripsi dalam bentuk kata-kata dan bahasa. Selain itu penulis juga menggunakan studi literature atau kajian pustaka. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian lapangan dan kajian pustaka, penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa pada dasarnya para pelayan (konselor) paham akan tugasnya tetapi mereka belum mampu membuktikan hal itu dalam dunia pelayanan secara khusus kepada para pelaut (teoritis). Hal itulah yang mebuat citra pelaut terkesan terus berada  dalam tanda kutip buruk dan juga mengalami kondisi yang memprihatinkan. Hal itulah yang mebuat para pelaut terus hidup dalam luka batin yang mendalam. Para pelayan seharusnya melakukan perkunjungan, menghubungi para pelaut yang jauh dari kelaurga, rutin mendokan pelaut, tidak mebeda-bedakan pelaut dan menjadi sahabat yang dapat dipercaya. Itulah hal-hal praksis yang sangat dibutuhkan pelaut.

Yuliya Tokareva ◽  
N. Shurygina ◽  
A. Tokarev

A study conducted at the request of the company to assess the adaptation of specialists of public catering organizations returning to work after a six-month break showed the presence of pronounced signs of maladjustment. In order to increase the level of adaptation to new working conditions, an adaptation program using online technologies has been developed and implemented. The use of various methods of personnel adaptation, including emotional support through online counseling, conducting a systematic online group, meetings with elements of emotional stability training, served as the basis for accepting new living and working conditions. The results of the repeated study and the comparison of the adaptation parameters in the control and experimental groups confirm that the adaptation program had a positive effect on the employees: a positive trend was found in the change in self-regulation of behavior, motivation to work and a decrease in the signs of maladjustment of employees.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Bordin Rassameethes ◽  
Kongkiti Phusavat ◽  
Zbigniew Pastuszak ◽  
Achmad Nizar Hidayanto ◽  
Jukka Majava

BACKGROUND: Transition into Industry 4.0 has had many significant impacts. Customization symbolizes leanness, flexibility, adaptability, and agility. A business operator needs to recognize the factors that contribute to better utilization of the talents of its workforce and more effective workplace learning. OBJECTIVE: The study aims to provide a construct which highlights effective workplace learning. In this context, a construct represents a broad view of various interrelated ideas and concepts which can point to academic and practical implications. METHODS: The study applies action research which is suitable when observing a transformative change. The study intends to observe and notice how the environmental factors have changed and try to predict their impacts on human capital development. To help verify the suitability of these impacts, a comparison with similar studies or findings is made. Focuses on literature reviews which look at the impacts from Industry 4.0 (on a need to tackle the waste of the talents in a workplace), recent developments of learning (on an emerging importance of informal learning), and survey’s data (on a shift in a workplace’s expectation on the workers). RESULTS: Workplace learning has gradually replaced training and education. The proposed construct can help tackle the underutilization of the talents in a workplace as the workers are nowadays expected to perform the tasks and learn at the same time. CONCLUSIONS: Sustaining learning in a workplace needs to understand behavior, motivation, emotion, and workplace engagement. Informal learning, which reflects the individualization of learning, can enable an organization to deal with workplace learning.

Ф.Х. Галиев

Во все времена в обществе преобладало то количество людей, поведение которых не вызывало противоречий с действующим законодательством. Эта ситуация говорит о наличии в обществе своеобразного механизма обеспечения и поддержки правомерных моделей поведения и необходимости исследования особенностей мотивации правомерного поведения. At all times, in a society dominated by the number of people whose behavior did not cause conflicts with current legislaments. This situation indicates the presence in society of a kind of mechanism for ensuring and supporting legitimate models of behavior and the need to study the features of the motivation of legitimate behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Magdalena Poraj-Weder ◽  
Aneta Pasternak ◽  
Michał Szulawski

The article presents the construction and validation process of the Health Behavior Motivation Scale (HBMS), which measures the motivation toward pro-health behaviors in population of healthy adults. The tool is conceptually based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and more precisely on one of its subtheories—Organismic Integration Theory (OIT). In the first stage of the construction, the linguistic validation with competent judges procedure allowed to eliminate the items which were not correctly formulated. Next, the psychometric properties of the HBMS were assessed in three studies. In Study 1 (N = 323, Mage= 31), the factorial structure of the HBMS was assessed with CFA. Since the preliminary structure was rejected, in order to identify the dimensionality of the items, EFA and Horn's Parallel Analysis were performed. The results showed that the HBMS scale has 5–dimensional structure (intrinsic regulation, integrated and identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation and amotivation). In Study 2 (N = 342, Mage= 33), the structure of the HBMS has been confirmed by conducting CFA analysis. Analyses preformed in this study provided good evidence for convergent and discriminant validity as well as the internal reliability of the HBMS subscales. Finally, in the LPA analysis two classes with distinct regulatory profiles have been extracted, which showed differences in the extend of health-related behaviors. In Study 3 (N = 60, Mage= 30) the test–retest reliability of the HBMS was confirmed. The scale can be therefore successfully used in future basic and applied studies as it possesses robust psychometric properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Emilda Sulastri

The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavioral aspects of the accounting information system at Pt. Mandiri Tunas Finance Bengkulu branch is a service company engaged in banking, especially in the automotive financing sector.The purpose of this study was to analyze the behavioral aspects of the accounting information system at Pt. Mandiri Tunas Finance Bengkulu branch is a service company engaged in banking, especially in the automotive financing sector.From hypothesis testing, it is found that behavioral aspects (behavior, motivation, perception) have no significant effect on the accounting information system run by the company.In this study, attitudes have no significant effect on the accounting information system because employees do their work in accordance with applicable rules so that behavior is classified as good. Motivation also has no significant effect on accounting information systems. This shows that the company''s management has motivated employees in the form of rewards or moral support. Perception also has no significant effect on the existing accounting information system at Pt. Mandiri Tunas Finance Bengkulu branch. This is because the way of thinking, tasks and work done by employees is good.

V. I. Tereshchenko ◽  
D.I. Frankiv ◽  
L.A. Khudoliy

The influence of motivation on psychophysiological states of a person is investigated. It is established that motivation is a psychological process that controls human behavior. Motivation is a guiding tool of the individual in the process of achieving goals. At different stages of motivation a person has different psychophysiological states. There are six stages of motivation: 1. The emergence of needs; 2. Finding ways to eliminate the need; 3. Defining goals; 4. Implementation of the action; 5. Receiving reward for the action; 6. Elimination of needs. Psychophysiological state can be called the physiological level of mental state with special energy features. There is a classification of psychophysiological states: neutral (calm, confidence, etc.); activation (excitement, inspiration, rise, concentration, etc.); tonic, those states that reflect the resources of forces (satiety, fatigue, monotony, etc.); tension, showing what level of effort should be applied to the person (tension, stress, sensory hunger, etc.). Thus, in the process of achieving goals, motivation is an important component. Knowing the effect of motivation on a person's psychophysiological states will help him to use this tool in the best way. A survey of 200 people was conducted to help determine what psychophysiological states occur at different stages of motivation. After analyzing the results of the study, it was found that most often in the process of motivation in humans there are activating psychophysiological states, then tension and rarely tonic. When processing the results at each stage of motivation, three psychophysiological states were taken, which the subjects chose more often. It was found that activating psychophysiological states are more common in the first five stages of motivation, tension psychophysiological states are more common in the second, third, fourth and sixth stages of motivation, tonic psychophysiological states occur in the sixth stage of motivation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101625
Yaoping Liu ◽  
Marria Hassan ◽  
Supat Chupradit ◽  
Mohammed Ageli ◽  
Alaa Mohamd Shoukry ◽  

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