principal dimension
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Renanda Bayu Harsi ◽  
Nuzulul Arif

<p align="center">Abstract</p><p>In the process of finding the principal dimension of the ship there are various methods that can be used. In this study, the Comparison method will be used to obtain the main size of the ship and the main dimensions of the ship are obtained, namely, length (L) = 20,152 meters, beam (B) = 5.5 meters, depth (H) = 2,939 meters, draft (T) = 1.5129 meters, service speed (Vs) = 20 knots. The ship's resistance is 152.6 kN at service speed (Vs) = 20 knots. And can be overcome with a power of 2426.31 HP. The power taken to meet these needs is 2500 HP supplied by 2 outboard engines with a power of 1300 HP each.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Comparison Method.</p>

Naše more ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-188
Ahmad Fauzan Zakki ◽  
Deddy Chrismianto ◽  
Aulia Windyandari ◽  
Rizaldy Ilham

Several advantages of multihull, such as catamaran, have been extensively discussed in the previous research. Therefore, this research focuses on developing a catamaran hull form for the fish processing vessel hull. The initial stage is determining the principal dimension and exploring the configurations of catamaran hull forms. The existing high-speed craft catamarans have been adopted to determine the parent model main dimensions using a linear regression equation model. Otherwise, the catamarans single demi-hull geometry was developed by converting and modifying the parent model hull form with enlarging the hull displacement to achieve the deadweight capacity and service speed requirements. The demi-hull spacing configuration with s/L 0.17, s/L 0.20, s/L 0.30, and s/L 0.40 on the resistance characteristics, intact stability, and sea-keeping behaviour were also explored. Furthermore, the comparisons with the previously proposed monohull were presented. Regarding the hull resistance performance, the analysis indicated that the catamaran hull form had better total resistance characteristics than the monohull on the service speed over 23 knots. In the case of intact stability, the analysis results presented that the catamaran hull form has better intact stability characteristics than the monohull. The dynamic stability of the catamarans also gave better dynamic stability at the heeling angle below 41.57°. Otherwise, the catamarans with s/L 0.17 and s/L 0.20 have lower dynamic stability than the monohull at the heeling angle larger than 41.57° and 58.03°, respectively. In the sea-keeping performance, the catamaran hull has shown an excellent rolling motion required for the offshore environment loading/unloading process. The large demi hull spacing of the catamarans hull can reduce the effect of the wave creating load on the roll motion response at the Beam Sea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 15-19
Helly S Lainsamputty

Abstrak Purse seiners as a ship's main small pelagic fish Catcher is increasingly growing in number and size. In the last 5 years has been an increase in purse seine boats in Maluku by 20% and 15% of the overall operating in waters around the island of Ambon. Purse seiners tend to be made traditionally based on experience and not in accordance with the criteria of size comparison of a fish boat. It is very technical and operational feasibility of affect in this speed, stability and longitudinal strength . This research aims to calculate speed, tonnage (GT), the size of the principal as well as set the geometric shapes of purse seiners on the island of Ambon. The methods used in this research is a survey method by gathering primary and secondary data by making observations and measurements directly against the 32 purse seiners in Ambon island. Analysis and discussion is done through estimation the ship's speed by using the formula of Nomura, estimated tonnage (GT) using the Standard Fish Vessel Regulations by the Director-General of Fisheries Catch of Indonesia in 2004, the determination of the optimal size of the principal ship in the empirical formula by numerical – Traung and geometric forms of purse seiner . Estimation against speed (V) and the tonnage (GT) shows that the speed average (Vaverage) = 7.1 knots and tonnage average(GTaverage) = 22.4 tons. The calculation of the size of the principal ship by using empirical methods-numerical based on Traung equation with input of Vaverage and GTaverageindicates that the principal dimension is as follows: LBP = 15.8 meters; B = 4.8 meters; D = 2.2 meters and d = 1.9 meters and form coefficient as follows : CB = 0,6 ; CW = 0,7 ; CM = 0,97 ; CP = 0,62

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 6124
Jin-Won Yu ◽  
Min-Kyung Lee ◽  
Yang-Ik Kim ◽  
Sung-Bu Suh ◽  
Inwon Lee

In response to the increasing number of free trade agreements (FTA) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), it is necessary to develop next-generation fishing vessels for the littoral sea of the Republic of Korea. The main objectives of such fishing vessels are to enhance the comfort of the crew and to improve fuel efficiency under the newly established principal dimension. This paper employs the hull form variation method to obtain a series of forebody hull forms of the 19 gross tonnage class of a coastal composite fishing vessel. Chine breadth modification has been used for hull form variations. The objective function is the minimum value of wavemaking resistance. A parametric study was conducted to observe the effects of design parameters on the objective functions, and hull-form optimization was performed. In addition to the hull-form optimization, the effect of the stern flap was investigated in terms of both resistance and operational performances.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 373
Rui Deng ◽  
Shigang Wang ◽  
Yuxiao Hu ◽  
Yuquan Wang ◽  
Tiecheng Wu

In this study, the effect of joint optimization of the principal dimensions and hull form on the hydrodynamic performance of a bulk carrier was studied. In the first part of the joint optimization process, fast principal-dimension optimization of the origin parent ship considering the integrated performance of ship resistance, seakeeping, and maneuverability, as well as their relationships with the principal dimensions were analyzed in detail based on the ship resistance, seakeeping qualities, and maneuverability empirical methods of Holtrop and Mennen, Bales, and K and T indices, respectively. A new parent ship was chosen from 496 sets of hulls after comprehensive consideration. In the remaining part, a further hull form optimization was performed on the new parent ship according to the minimum wave-making resistance. The obtained results demonstrate that: (a) For the case in which the principal dimension of the original parent-type ship is different from that of the owner’s target ship, within the bounds of the relevant constraints from the owner, an excellent parent ship can be obtained by principal-dimension optimization; (b) the joint optimization method considering the principal dimension and hull form optimization can further explore the optimization space and provide a better hull.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 822-832
Aulia Windyandari ◽  
Adi Yusim

As a sovereign maritime country, Indonesia has an obligation to protect, maintain, and manage marine and fishery resources. Patrol boats as the primary means of monitoring marine and fishery resources are needed in response to several problems and threats that may occur, such as illegal fishing, destructive fishing, violations of zoning in fisheries conservation areas and others. Apart from having to be adequate on the number of units, the patrol boats must also have suitable technology to support pursuit operations and suppress violations. The main objective of this research is to investigate the total resistance and intact stability behavior of the developed axe bow hull geometry for the patrol boat hull. The preliminary design is started with the determination of the principal dimension of the patrol boat. Then the hull geometry configurations were made with the variation of the depth of bow and the water line spline type. In the case of the depth of bow, the bow with the additional depth of 30%, 40% and 50% of the draft was investigated. Otherwise, the water line spline type was configured as convex spline, concave spline and straight spline. According to the numerical analysis, the axe bow hull with the depth of bow of 30% and the straight spline type was presented the smallest total resistance performance. However, in the case of intact stability performance, all developed axe bow hull presented a similar righting moment lever arm (GZ curve). It is indicated that the total resistance of the axe bow hull is influenced by the depth of bow and water line spline type. Furthermore, those variables have a slight influence on intact stability performance.

Albert Weale

Modern contract theories differ from one another along one principal dimension, namely the account of practical rationality that they employ. One class of theories draws upon modern expected utility theory; a second conceives of rationality in terms of deliberative reasoning. The purpose of this chapter is to offer an exposition of these two approaches. Modern utility theory is built upon the idea of imposing consistency conditions on the choices that agents make over alternatives. Utility is understood as a numerical representation of a consistent rank-ordering by individuals over alternatives. Utility theory been applied to studies of the interactions of individuals defined as rational in the required sense, in the form of game theory. Two types of game have been of particular interest to social contract theorist: positive sum bargaining games and the prisoner’s dilemma. By contrast with utility theory, there is no orthodox theory of deliberative rationality. However, there are some important formulations that shape the deliberative form of contract theory. One is the idea of the practical syllogism. Another is the distinction between agent-relative and agent-neutral reasons. A third is the distinction between internal and external reasons. Both utility theory and deliberative theory should be thought to be normative. The principle of universalizability offers a distinctive conception of practical rationality that contrasts with contract theory.

Siufong Acón Araya ◽  
Marianela Salazar Ramos

Se realizó una investigación de corte cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y alcance descriptivo con una muestra de 303 estudiantes de las Facultades de Ciencias Exactas, Ciencias de la Salud y Ciencias Sociales (Universidad Latina de Costa Rica), en los que se buscaba reconocer las actitudes que tienen respecto a la estadística como materia de estudio y como herramienta para la comprensión de situaciones cotidianas. Se utilizó la escala de Estrada (2002). Se obtuvo confiabilidad α=0.87. Se determina que la principal dimensión en cuánto a la percepción de la estadística, es la afectiva. Se encontró con más frecuencia actitudes positivas hacia la estadística en estudiantes de ciencias exactas, a pesar de que todos los estudiantes consideran que la estadística no sólo sirve a este grupo.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 606-612
Román Nuviala Nuviala ◽  
Mónica Aznar Cebamanos ◽  
Alberto Grao-Cruces ◽  
Alberto Nuviala Nuviala

El elevado abandono deportivo extraescolar preocupa a las organizaciones deportivas. La satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios de actividades deportivas extraescolares influye en la continuidad de práctica. Existen relaciones significativas entre las dimensiones de calidad del servicio y cultura organizativa de la organización con la satisfacción y valor percibido del usuario, siendo el factor humano la principal dimensión predictora de calidad percibida. Objetivos del estudio: i) conocer la cultura organizativa que manifiestan los Técnicos deportivos, ii) averiguar la satisfacción, el valor percibido del usuario/a y la cultura organizativa en las diferentes organizaciones y iii) relacionar satisfacción y valor percibido de los usuarios con la cultura organizativa de los Técnicos del deporte extraescolar. Métodos: La población de estudio estuvo formada por 1.080 alumnos/as y 95 Técnicos de actividades deportivas extraescolares de 22 centros de Secundaria. Resultados: La valoración de la satisfacción por los deportistas fue de 4.33±0.78 y del valor percibido fue de 3.72±1.06. La cultura organizativa mostró unos valores medios de 3.63±0.41, siendo la variable Implicación la mejor valorada. Al relacionar cultura organizativa con satisfacción y valor percibido, dio como resultado modelos de regresión lineal conformados por dos variables: Misión con un valor Beta de (coeficientes).173 y de .262 e Implicación con valor Beta (coeficientes).140 y de .198. Conclusión: Una buena cultura organizativa conlleva un aumento de la fidelización, lo que la convierte en un factor más a tener en cuenta en la reducción del abandono deportivo extraescolar y la mejora del beneficio empresarial.Abstract. The high withdrawal rate in extracurricular sports represents a concern for sports organizations. Satisfaction and perceived value of users of extracurricular sports activities is a reason for continuity in them. There are significant relationships between the dimensions of service quality and organizational culture of the organization with satisfaction and perceived value of users, human factor being the main predictive dimension of perceived quality. Objectives of the study: i) to know the organizational culture expressed by sports technicians, ii) to find out satisfaction and perceived value of users, and the organizational culture in the different organizations and iii) to relate satisfaction and perceived value of users with organizational culture of extracurricular sports technicians. Methods: The study population was composed by 1,080 students and 95 extracurricular sports activities technicians from 22 secondary schools. Results: Satisfaction assessment for athletes was 4.33 ± 0.78 and perceived value was 3.72 ± 1.06. The organizational culture showed average values of 3.63 ± 0.41, the “Implication” variable being the best valued. By relating organizational culture with satisfaction and perceived value, it led to linear regression models consisting of two variables: Mission with a Beta coefficient values of .173 and .262, and Implication with Beta coefficient values of .140 and .198. Conclusion: A good organizational culture leads to increase in loyalty, which points this out as another factor to be taken into account for the reduction of extracurricular drop-out and the improvement of business profit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 101701 ◽  
Joost van der Putten ◽  
Maarten Struyvenberg ◽  
Jeroen de Groof ◽  
Thom Scheeve ◽  
Wouter Curvers ◽  

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