territorial conflicts
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 243-249
Limei Yang ◽  
Olga Degtyareva

This article explores the role of the media in covering the conflict potential of mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The aim of the study is to analyze the media’s influence on the transformation of public opinion on issues of ethnic or territorial identity. Based on Chinese and Western media coverage, the reasons for unbalanced coverage of intra-territorial conflicts as well as the impact of stereotypes on political behaviour are identified. On the basis of the analysis the role of specific media in neutralizing the intra-regional conflict potential is determined, as well as the peculiarities of the technology of public opinion molding on the part of mainland China.

Alexander G. Kolb ◽  
Malvina Hrushko ◽  
Hanna Teteriatnyk ◽  
Olha Chepik-Trehubenko ◽  
Olha Kotliar

The article analyzes the content of international legal acts related to the protection of the rights of victims of military conflicts. At the same time, its results identify the characteristics of its implementation in Ukraine. It has been established that some of these legal sources have not been ratified by Ukraine or otherwise Ukraine has not given them a binding legal effect. Using a documentary-based methodology close to legal and political hermeneutics, this article develops scientifically sound and relevant proposals aimed at improving the legal mechanism to protect the legitimate interests and rights of the victims of the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine. It is concluded that the current legal problems not only negatively affect the state of law enforcement activity in Ukraine, which is directly related to the content of this process, but also does not allow adequate influence on the determinants that give rise to, and cause military and territorial conflicts in Ukraine, a situation that can be extrapolated to other societies near or far.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-359
Fabio Henrique Gomes Pontes ◽  
Fabiano De Oliveira Bringel

Desvendar a relação de poder assimétrica entre Neoextrativismo e o Campesinato na região mineradora de Carajás, é nesse viés em que consiste o esforço de pesquisa demonstrado, parcialmente, neste artigo. Destacamos para isso, ser necessário a relação entre a dimensão ambiental da Questão Agrária na Amazônia. No primeiro semestre de 2021 adentramos na Área de Proteção Ambiental do Igarapé Gelado, APA do Gelado, localizada na Floresta Nacional de Carajás – FLONACA, no Sudeste do Pará, l0cus do nosso estudo. Para a coleta de dados, utilizamos documentos institucionais (IBAMA, ICMBio e Vale/SA). Contudo, a etapa principal da nossa pesquisa foi o trabalho de campo. Utilizamos como técnica de pesquisa, gravações de áudio e entrevistas semiestruturadas, a qual busca dialogar entre o momento da conquista da terra e a relação estabelecida entre a Vale e as famílias camponesas. Além disso, utilizamos fotografias para aproximar o leitor da realidade imagética de nossa pesquisa. Em outros momentos, o uso do diário de campo foi imprescindível. Percorremos os lotes dos colonos que ainda resistem no território. Discorremos sobre isso porque muitas famílias sofreram impactos profundos em seu modo de vida e de produção e, logicamente, em sua reprodução social camponesa. Barragens, vigilância e uso restrito ao território na APA são alguns dos elementos constrangedores às territorialidades dessas unidades familiares. Os dados nos induzem a problematizar a ação da prática mineradora, promovida principalmente pela Vale, que reforça as contradições próprias da sua atividade, causando problemas ambientais ao converter os bens comuns em uma lógica de acumulação permanente. Como consequência, intensifica-se os conflitos territoriais e, contraditoriamente, se abrem possibilidades para a permanência das famílias camponesas que têm resistido no território e construindo sua liberdade tecidas no trabalho diário com a terra. Palavras-chave: Unidades de Conservação; Neoextrativismo; Vale; Direitos Territoriais; Campesinato.   Abstract Our research efforts involve revealing the asymmetrical power relations between neo-extractivism and the peasantry in the mining region of Carajás, as demonstrated in part in this article. In the first semester of 2021, we entered the Carajás Environmental Protection Area FLONACA in the southeast of Pará, the main site of our study. We used institutional documents from IBAMA, ICMBio and Vale/SA to collect data. However, the principal phase of our research was fieldwork. Our research techniques included using audio recordings and semi-structured interviews about the moment of winning land and about the relation between Vale and the peasant families. In addition, we used photography to bring the reader closer to the visual reality of our research. In other moments, the use of field notes was essential. We say this because many families suffered profound impacts to their livelihoods and their production and, logically, in their social reproduction as peasantry. Dams, security, and restrictions to land use in the environmental protection area are some of the elements constraining the territoriality of these family units. The data leads us to problematize the mining activity promoted primarily by Vale, which reinforces the very contradictions of its own activity, causing environmental problems upon converting common goods into a permanent logic of accumulation. As a result, territorial conflicts intensify and, paradoxically, possibilities to remain emerge for families who have resisted within the territory and built their freedom through daily labor with the land. Keywords: Conservation Areas; Neo-Extractivism; Vale; Land Rights; Peasantry.   ¿Para quién es la protección del ambiente? Disputas territoriales entre Vale y comunidades campesinas: El caso de la APA Rio Gelado en Carajás (PA)   Resumen Develar la relación asimétrica de poder entre neoextractivismo y campesinato en la región minera de Carajás fue lo que nuestro esfuerzo de investigación quedó parcialmente demostrado en este artículo. Para ello, destacamos la necesidad de una relación entre la dimensión ambiental de la Cuestión Agraria en la Amazonía. En el primer semestre de 2021 ingresamos al Área de Protección Ambiental Igarapé Gelado, APA do Gelado, ubicada en el Bosque Nacional Carajás – FLONACA, en el Sureste de Pará, el lugar de nuestro estudio. Para la recolección de datos utilizamos documentos institucionales (IBAMA, ICMBio y Vale/SA). Sin embargo, la etapa principal de nuestra investigación fue el trabajo de campo. Utilizamos como técnica de investigación, grabaciones de audio y entrevistas semiestructuradas, dialogando entre el momento de la conquista de la tierra y la relación entre Vale y las familias campesinas. Además, utilizamos fotografías para acercar al lector a la realidad imaginaria de nuestra investigación. En otras ocasiones, el uso del diario de campo fue fundamental. Recorrimos los lotes de colonos que aún resisten en el territorio. Decimos esto porque muchas familias han sufrido impactos profundos en su forma de vida y producción y, por supuesto, en su reproducción social campesina. Represas, vigilancia y uso restringido al territorio en la APA son algunos de los elementos que limitan la territorialidad de estas unidades familiares. Los datos nos llevan a problematizar la acción de la práctica minera impulsada, principalmente por Vale, que refuerza las contradicciones inherentes a su actividad, provocando problemas ambientales al convertir los bienes comunes en una lógica de acumulación permanente. Como consecuencia, se intensifican los conflictos territoriales y, contradictoriamente, se abren posibilidades para la permanencia de las familias campesinas, que han resistido en el territorio y construido su libertad entretejida en el trabajo diario con la tierra. Palabras clave: Unidades de conservación; Neoextractivismo; Vale; Derechos territoriales; Campesinado.

K. R. Ambartsumyan

The current problem of the South Caucasus and Russian-Turkish interaction requires constantly to look back to the historical past, where the roots of all Caucasian ethno-territorial conflicts lie. In this regard, the problem of reforming the Armenian vilayets of the Ottoman Empire is urgent for modern international relations. Neither the genocide, nor the current difficulties of the Armenian-Turkish relations can be adequately considered without studying the situation around Armenia at the beginning of the 20th century.Above all, the author examines the problem of reforming the Armenian regions of the Ottoman Empire, taking into account the interests of the leading powers and is placed in the context of the pre-war peace and bloc confrontation. The main research approach of the study is neorealism, which makes the basis of international relations not only states with their interests, but also alliances of states. In addition to the published musical correspondence of Russian diplomats, the work uses sources of personal origin: the memoirs of S. D. Sazonov - the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, the memoirs of the American Ambassador G. Morgenthau, the diary of the Dutch inspector Louis Konstan Westenenk, archival documents with A. Mandelstam's report on reform projects were introduced into scientific circulation. The study released that the most persistent and consistent position on the reforms of the Armenian vilayets was taken by Russia, which sought to secure the Caucasus, adjacent to Turkey. Refugees were striving from the vilayets to the Russian part of Armenia, therefore, calming down the Armenian population in the Turkish part would contribute to stability in the Caucasian outskirts. However, there was no unanimity in the Entente on the Armenian issue, the outbreak of the First World War prevented the implementation of the project prepared on the eve of the war, as a result, everything turned into genocide for the Armenian people.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (51) ◽  
Bruno Milanez

Resumo: Argumenta-se que, apesar dos estudos críticos realizados ao longo do século XX sobre os riscos de um crescimento baseado em recursos naturais, a emergência do neoliberalismo, a crescente financeirização do setor das commodities e a ascensão da Ásia impulsionaram o aprofundamento da dependência do extrativismo em países latino-americanos. Essa dinâmica resultou em novos e complexos conflitos territoriais e inviabilizou a capacidade de reprodução de muitas comunidades tradicionais. Esse processo explicitou limitações das críticas até então formuladas, levando à construção de novos paradigmas que buscavam complementar parte das análises existentes e tensionar as propostas de solução que essas análises apresentavam. Ao longo do texto, com base em uma extensa revisão bibliográfica, primeiramente se descrevem as principais abordagens sobre a relação entre extrativismo e crescimento econômico do século XX: Economia Neoclássica, Estruturalismo e Teoria da Dependência, Trocas Ecológicas Desiguais, Maldição dos Recursos Naturais e Redes Globais de Produção. Em seguida, apresenta-se o contexto econômico e político da região entre os anos 2000 e 2020 e abordam-se exemplos de políticas públicas voltadas para o fortalecimento do extrativismo. Por fim, discute-se a natureza territorial dos conflitos resultantes e avalia-se como eles levaram a novas proposições para se debaterem as relações entre ambiente, sociedade e economia. Palavras-chave: mineração, desenvolvimento, neoextrativismo, pós-extrativismo, pós-desenvolvimento. EXTRACTIVE ECONOMIES AND DEVELOPMENT: INCONSISTENCIES AND CHALLENGES Abstract: Along with the text, I argue that, despite the critical studies developed in the XXth century about the risks of a natural-resource-based economic growth, the emergence of neoliberalism, the increasing financialisation of the commodity sector and the rise of Asia increased the dependence of Latin American countries on extractivism. This dynamic produced new and complex territorial conflicts and destroyed the reproductive capacity of many traditional communities. This process made explicit the limitation of the existing economic critiques, resulting in the proposal of new paradigms, which complemented prevailing analysis and questioned their proposed solutions. Based on an extensive literature review, I first describe the main approaches that debated the relationship between extractivism and economic growth: Neoclassic Economics, Structuralism and Dependency Theory, Unequal Ecological Exchange, the Resource Curse, and the Global Production Networks. Then, I describe the regional socio-political context between 2000 and 2020, and present some public policies developed to strengthen extractivism in Latin America. Finally, I debate the nature of the resulting territorial conflicts and evaluate to what extent they proposed new perspectives to discuss the relationship between the environment, society and economy. Keywords: mining, development, neoextractivism, post-extractivism, post-development ECONOMÍAS EXTRACTIVAS Y DESARROLLO: CONTRADICCIONES Y DESAFÍOS Resumen: Diferentes estudios críticos, realizados a lo largo del siglo XX, señalaron los riesgos del crecimiento económico basado en los recursos naturales. Sin embargo, todavía se argumenta que el surgimiento del neoliberalismo, la creciente financiarización de los sectores económicos vinculados a los commodities y la expansión acelerada en Asia han profundizado la dependencia del extractivismo en los países latinoamericanos. El agravamiento del extractivismo provocó nuevos y complejos conflictos territoriales e hizo inviable la reproducción social de muchas comunidades tradicionales. Este nuevo contexto explicitó las limitaciones de las críticas al proyecto de desarrollo en curso, conduciendo a la construcción de nuevos paradigmas que buscaban complementar parte de los análisis existentes y cuestionar las propuestas para superarlo. Primero, a partir de una extensa revisión de la literatura, sistematizamos los principales enfoques de la relación entre el extractivismo y el crecimiento económico del siglo XX: Economía Neoclásica, Estructuralismo y Teoría de la Dependencia, Intercambio Ecológicamente Desigual, Maldición de los Recursos y Redes Globales de Producción.Posteriormente, abordamos el contexto económico y político, así como políticas públicas orientadas a fortalecer el neoextractivismo en América del Sur, entre los años 2000 y 2020. Al final, discutimos el carácter territorial de los conflictos derivados del extractivismo y evaluamos cómo estos llevaron a nuevas propuestas políticas y teóricas para debatir las relaciones entre naturaleza, sociedad y economía. Palabras clave: minería, desarrollo, neoextractivismo, postextractivismo, posdesarrollo.

Zsolt Kozma ◽  
Zsolt Jolánkai ◽  
Máté Krisztián Kardos ◽  
Bálint Muzelák ◽  
László Koncsos

During the 20th century in the Hungarian lowlands the emphasis was put on maximizing provisioning ecosystem services (ES), which caused the weakening of regulating and other services. With the growing environmental pressures, it is crucial to apply a more adaptive landscape management. This, however, leads to territorial conflicts, as large areas with water-tolerant land cover (i.e., wetlands, meadows, riparian forests) are needed to buffer extreme hydrological events.We present some findings of the WateRisk project, a research that focused on the possible solutions of these conflicts. In a scenario-based case study, we analyze the outlined issue for the Szamos-Kraszna Interfluve, a 510 km2 lowland catchment heavily affected by excess water. Scenarios were evaluated with an integrated methodology that focuses on the water budget and the total values of ES. The efficiency of the drainage network was found to be minor/moderate as it provided only -1–5% reduction in the spatial extents of inundations, and it contributed only ~20% to the elimination of water coverage. Furthermore, comparing the present (defense-focused) and the alternative (water retention focused) scenarios, the latter turned out to provide higher monetary value for the summed individual and social benefits of ES. This underlines the need for extensive adaptive measures in both water management and landscape planning to create resilience and the ability to cope with contemporary environmental challenges.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (57) ◽  
Palloma Menezes ◽  
Julia Moura

O presente artigo tem o objetivo de investigar as relações entre violência, sociabilidade, mobilidade e educação em Campos dos Goytacazes a partir da experiência de adolescentes cumprindo medida socioeducativa. O artigo apresenta reflexões sobre como a violência impacta na forma pela qual jovens em semiliberdade se movem por diferentes territórios urbanos e se relacionam com a cidade e a escola. O texto está estruturado em cinco partes. Na primeira, apresentamos o projeto de pesquisa e extensão, que deu origem ao presente trabalho, apontando como ele pode ser pensado como um exercício de antropologia pública. Na segunda seção, discutimos brevemente como a “violência urbana” em Campos dos Goytacazes pode ser associada a conflitos territoriais relacionados ao comércio varejista de drogas na cidade. Na terceira seção, apresentamos o Centro de Recursos Integrados de Atendimento ao Adolescente, onde realizados a pesquisa. Em seguida, apresentamos as percepções que os próprios jovens têm do CRIAAD e do sistema socioeducativo. Na quinta seção, a partir da descrição de cenas etnográficas, debatemos as dificuldades de jovens em semiliberdade de se moverem pela cidade devido às dinâmicas associadas à violência urbana e, consequentemente, de acessarem a escola.Palavras-chave: Violência. Antropologia Pública. Sociabilidade. Mobilidade. Educação.  “Socio-educational measure is prison”: perceptions of young people in semi-freedom about violence, sociability, mobility and education in Campos dos Goytacazes Abstract: The paper aims to investigate the relationship between violence, sociability, mobility and education in Campos dos Goytacazes based on the experience of adolescents that are under socio-educational measures. The article presents reflections on how violence impacts the way young people in semi-freedom move through different urban territories and relate to the city and the school. The article is structured in four parts. In the first, we present the research and extension project that gave rise to this work, pointing out how it can be thought of as an exercise in public anthropology. In the second section, we briefly discuss how “urban violence” in Campos dos Goytacazes can be associated with territorial conflicts related to the drug trade in the city. In the third section, we present the Integrated Resource Center for Assistance to Adolescents, where we carried out the research. Then, we present the perceptions that young people themselves have of CRIAAD and the socio-educational system. In the fifth section, based on the description of ethnographic scenes, we discuss the difficulties of young people who are fulfilling the socio-educational measure of semi-freedom to move around the city due to the dynamics associated with urban violence and, consequently, to access school.Keywords: Violence. Public Anthropology. Sociability. Mobility. Education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (7(71)) ◽  
pp. 7-12
U. Mahmudov

The article analyzes ethno-territorial problems inherited from the post-soviet period, their features. The mistakes made, the available opportunities and suggestions for solving the problem are given. The role and place of Uzbek diplomacy in recent years, as well as the geopolitical situation in the region will be discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 69-89
Hernán Cuevas Valenzuela ◽  
Jorge Budrovich Sáez ◽  
Claudia Cerda Becker

The analysis of the neoliberal restructuring of Chilean port cities and their hinterland suggests there was a functional coupling of neoliberalisation, precarisation, reterritorialisation, extraction, and logistics. To address this process properly, we expanded the boundaries of our analytical scale to include not only the port city, but also its hinterland, and be able to examine the flow of commodities and labour. The analysis demonstrated that the effects of neoliberal restructuring of Valparaíso and its hinterland has had interconnected ambivalent effects. Although social and economic restructuring of agricultural hinterland and port terminals in Chile increased land and port productivity and economic competitiveness, this pattern of capitalist modernisation benefitted neither the increasing masses of temporary precarious workers in the countryside nor port cities such as Valparaíso, marked by territorial inequality, socioecological damage, urban poverty, and a growing sense of closure of the littoral and reduced access to the ocean. These negative externalities and frictions have triggered local political controversies, commercial and economic disputes, labour strikes, and urban and socio-territorial conflicts.

Zoltán Elek ◽  
Miklós Bán ◽  
Attila Fülöp ◽  
Attila Marton ◽  
Márk E. Hauber ◽  

AbstractThe brood parasitic Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus is best known for its two-note “cu-coo” call which is almost continuously uttered by male during the breeding season and can be heard across long distances in the field. Although the informative value of the cuckoo call was intensively investigated recently, it is still not clear whether call characteristic(s) indicate any of the phenotypic traits of the respective vocalising individuals. To fill this gap, we studied whether the call rate of male cuckoos (i.e., the number of calls uttered per unit of time) provides information on their body size, which might be a relevant trait during intrasexual territorial conflicts. We captured free-living male cuckoos and measured their body size parameters (mass, wing, tail and tarsus lengths). Each subject was then radio-tagged, released, and its individual “cu-coo” calls were recorded soon after that in the field. The results showed that none of the body size parameters covaried statistically with the call rates of individual male Common Cuckoos. In addition, we experimentally tested whether the “cu-coo” call rates affect behavioural responses of cuckoos using playbacks of either a quicker or a slower paced call than the calls with natural rates. Cuckoos responded similarly to both types of experimental playback treatments by approaching the speaker with statistically similar levels of responses as when presented with calls at the natural rate. We conclude that male Common Cuckoos do not advertise reliable information acoustically regarding their body size, and so, cuckoo calls are neither useful to characterize cuckoos’ phenotypic traits directly nor to indicate environmental quality indirectly.

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