implementation of coaching
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Dewi Linarsih ◽  
Muhammad Khemal Andhika

Law in Indonesia is now developing following a variety of human needs. The development of this law was also followed by the development of the prison system into a correctional system based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. The change was made because the prison system only prioritizes the element of revenge and imprisonment only, so that the human rights of inmates are not taken into account. The type of research used in this study is a descriptive type of research. Based on the research that has been conducted the Implementation of Inmate Development in Narcotics Correctional Institution Class IIA Jakarta The implementation of coaching of inmates is stipulated in Article 7 of Government Regulation No. 31 of 1999 concerning The Construction and Mentoring of Community Correctional Officers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Lasma Farida

Intensive implementation of coaching to improve the performance of accreditation teams is the full responsibility of the leader of an institution or institution. Similarly, MTsN 2 Bener Meriah is one of the Islamic educational institutions. This study aims to find out how  the intensive application of coaching in an effort to improve the performance of the accreditation team MTsN 2 Bener Meriah. This research is qualitative with descriptive survey techniques. Through interviews, observations, and documentation, the following research results are found: (a) the components of accreditation that become the assessment points in the form of curriculum of each educational program, number of educators, the condition of learners, coordination of the implementation of education, educational facilities and infrastructure, readiness of academic administration, staffing, and household finances, (2) the application of coaching one of them on the components of content standards and process standards, (3) based on the evaluation of activities in the know that not fully the management of MTsN 2 Bener Meriah committed in carrying out the task and not yet maksimanya conflict management so that there is doubt and lack of readiness in maintaining the 'A grade' that has been achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Darmawati Darmawati ◽  
Asriadi Zainuddin

Implementation of Guidance on Corruption Convicts is one of the things that must receive attention in prisons because it is one of the Extra Ordinary Crimes. In addition, most corruption crimes are committed by people who have a high social status, both in terms of their position before staying in prison as well as in terms of education and economic levels. Arrangements regarding the implementation of guidance for corruption convicts in Indonesia are regulated in the provisions of Law Number 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections and are described through Government Regulation Number 31 of 1999 concerning Guidance and Guidance of Correctional Citizens. Regarding the guidance for corruption convicts, it still refers to the provisions of Government Regulation Number 31 of 1999 where there is no difference in terms of the implementation of coaching which is still carried out through three stages, namely the initial stage, the advanced stage and the final stage. To be able to obtain the right to parole, there are special provisions that are applied to Corruption Convicts, namely in addition to having to behave well while in prison, they must also fulfill the obligation to complete the payment of fines or replacement money to be able to submit a parole proposal.

Olif Skear Prabasini

The implementation of coaching prisoners, whether male, child or female, in an effort to return prisoners to a good society, is very important, not only material or spiritual, but both must run in balance, these are the main things that support prisoners easily in living their lives. after serving the sentence. Guidance in Correctional Institutions is expected to be able to shape the personality and mentality of prisoners who are considered not good in the eyes of the community to become normal and in accordance with applicable norms and laws Real efforts to guarantee the basic rights of women. The purpose of this study is to determine the rights of a child in obtaining legal assistance, to find out and analyze regulations regarding children, and to analyze the mechanism of legal protection for children who are in conflict with the law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
Elsa Vitale ◽  
Francesco Germini

Coaching has become a popular strategy in a complex environment. Nurses who incorporate coaching into their professional practice broaden their skills and opportunities in the entire spectrum of health, wellness, and healing. The aim was to illustrate and compare coaching models and to address their relevance in health promotion. A literature review from 2010 to 2019, retrieved from MEDLINE, reference tracking, and consultation of academic networks, has led to peer-reviewed articles on coaching models for health promotion. A total of 70 articles were found, 45 of which were excluded because too generic and not specific to the clinical nursing field. Finally, only 15 articles that well respected the inclusion criteria have been selected. The implementation of coaching can be seen in several health care fields, especially in nursing, to enhance health by empowering individuals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 701-705
Rokhmad Slamet ◽  
Umi Nihayah

Implementation of coaching for teachers is important to do, because teachers are one of the keys to the success of the implementation of education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supervising school supervisors on teacher performance at SMPN 07 Matraman East Jakarta, to determine the effect of principal's managerial ability on teacher performance at SMPN 07 Matraman East Jakarta, to determine the joint effect of fostering school supervisors and the managerial ability of the principal schools on teacher performance at SMPN 07 Matraman, East Jakarta. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between the guidance of school supervisors on teacher performance at SMPN 07 Matraman, East Jakarta. There is a positive and significant influence between the managerial ability of the principal on the performance of teachers at SMPN 07 Matraman, East Jakarta. There is a positive and significant influence between the coaching of school supervisors and the managerial ability of the principal on teacher performance at SMPN 07 Matraman, East Jakarta.

Baharuddin Baharuddin

This study aims to improve teacher discipline in teaching by optimizing the guidance of teachers at SMP Negeri 2 Babussalam. This research is a school action research (PTS) which aims to increase the role of teachers in the teaching and learning process. The subjects in this study consisted of 26 teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Kubu Babussalam. The results showed that the action of optimizing the guidance of teachers can improve discipline and teacher performance in teaching, it can be seen from the percentage of teacher discipline after reflection is obtained by 83%, an increase compared to the initial data of only 58%, the increase in teacher activity can also be seen from the observation analysis Teacher activities obtained by a percentage of 85%, there was an increase compared to the initial data of only 65%, because it can be concluded that the implementation of coaching can improve teacher discipline in teaching at SMP Negeri 2 Kubu Babussalam Rokan Hilir. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-46
Arifai Arifai

Tujuan penelitian menganalisis pelaksanaan pembinaan narapidana anak pada lembaga pemasyarakatan di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Jenis penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan tipe penggabungan antara penelitian hukum normatif dengan penelitian hukum sosiologis yang terkait pelaksanaan pembinaan anak narapidana di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pelaksanaan pembinaan narapidana anak pada lembaga pemasyarakatan di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang meliputi pembinaan kepribadian dan kemandirian, hal itu akan memberikan dampak yang kurang baik kepada anak narapidana ketika melakukan reintegrasi dengan masyarakat yang diberi stigma negatif oleh masyarakat. Rekomendasi penelitian hendaknya para Pimpinan di instansi LPKA, Lapas dan Rutan untuk memaksimalkan Kerjasama dengan intansi terkait dalam rangka pembinaan narapidana anak dalam menjalani hukuman pada lembaga pemasyarakatan di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. The research objective was to analyze the implementation of the development of child prisoners in prisons in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The type of research to be carried out is descriptive research with the type of combining normative legal research with sociological legal research related to the implementation of child prisoners in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The results showed that the implementation of coaching child prisoners in prisons in Southeast Sulawesi Province which includes personality and independence development, will have an adverse impact on child prisoners when reintegrating with a community that is given a negative stigma by society. Research recommendations should be made by leaders in LPKA, prisons and detention centers to maximize collaboration with related institutions in the framework of fostering child prisoners in serving sentences in prisons in Southeast Sulawesi Province.

2020 ◽  
Vol 69 (12) ◽  
pp. 773-795
Markus Gottwald ◽  
Claudia Globisch ◽  
Peter Kupka ◽  
Philipp Ramos Lobato

Zusammenfassung Im seit Januar 2019 gültigen Teilhabechancengesetz bleibt der Teilhabebegriff im Gesetz wie der Gesetzesbegründung unterbestimmt. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Akteure des jobcenterexternen Governancekontextes mit welchen Deutungen die lokale Umsetzung des Teilhabechan­cengesetzes rahmen. Dabei lassen sich zwei Interpretationen des zentralen ­Konzepts der sozialen Teilhabe beobachten: Im ersten Fall wird Teilhabe als Integration in den ungeförderten Arbeitsmarkt verstanden, im zweiten werden die Instrumente selbst als Teilhabechance interpretiert. Diese unterschiedlichen Verständnisse haben Einfluss auf die Umsetzungsperspektiven wie die Auswahl der Teilnehmenden, die Akquise von Arbeitgeber*innen, die Freiwilligkeit der Teilnahme und die Umsetzung des Coachings. Darin manifestieren sich arbeitsmarktpolitische respektive sozialpolitische Prioritäten, die nicht aus dem Gesetz, sondern aus übergeordneten Werthorizonten abgeleitet werden. Abstract: Social Participation and Subsidised Employment: Perspectives of Interpretation and Implementation In the Participation Opportunities Act (Teilhabechancengesetz), which has been in force since January 2019, and the explanatory bill, the concept of participation remains underdefined. This article examines which actors in the governance context outside the job centres frame the local implementation of the law and how they interpret it. Two interpretations of the central concept of social participation can be observed: In the first case, participation is understood as integration into unsubsidized employment; in the second, the instruments themselves are seen as participation opportunities. These different understandings influence the implementation perspectives such as the selection of participants, the acquisition of employers, the voluntary nature of participation and the implementation of coaching. They are manifestations of a labour market vis-a-vis a social policy perspective, which are not derived from the law, but from higher value horizons.

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