Idarah (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan)
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Published By Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam - IAIN Lhokseumawe

2656-8012, 2549-8193

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Lasma Farida

Intensive implementation of coaching to improve the performance of accreditation teams is the full responsibility of the leader of an institution or institution. Similarly, MTsN 2 Bener Meriah is one of the Islamic educational institutions. This study aims to find out how  the intensive application of coaching in an effort to improve the performance of the accreditation team MTsN 2 Bener Meriah. This research is qualitative with descriptive survey techniques. Through interviews, observations, and documentation, the following research results are found: (a) the components of accreditation that become the assessment points in the form of curriculum of each educational program, number of educators, the condition of learners, coordination of the implementation of education, educational facilities and infrastructure, readiness of academic administration, staffing, and household finances, (2) the application of coaching one of them on the components of content standards and process standards, (3) based on the evaluation of activities in the know that not fully the management of MTsN 2 Bener Meriah committed in carrying out the task and not yet maksimanya conflict management so that there is doubt and lack of readiness in maintaining the 'A grade' that has been achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Leni Marlina ◽  
Bashori Bashori

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of life, one of which is education. The transformation and acceleration of education is a challenge that must be faced by the government and educational institutions. This article aims to find out how education policies during the COVID-19 pandemic are in accordance with Circular No. 4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies in the Emergency Period for the Spread of Coronavirus Disease (covid-19) and various teaching media that can be used to support online teaching and learning activities. /on line. This study uses relevant literature review research methods and surveys of students and teachers in one school using a google form which is processed and interpreted as a result. The data taken in this study came from various sources and research results related to the investigated case, then the data was processed using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques, which is a way of processing data that is formulated in the form of words or sentences and data collection techniques using observation techniques. , interviews and documentation. Based on research, various teaching media are used such as youtube, educational platforms such as whatsapp, google classroom, google meet, zoom cloud meeting, the teacherscorner. net and others. The results of this study indicate that the use of teaching media and educational platforms may be an alternative solution in learning, for the sake of continuity of learning in every educational unit during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Ahmad Yani ◽  
Muhammad Anggung Manumanoso Prasetyo

Dayah accreditation is one of the efforts in ensuring the quality of pesantren education services. One of the strategies of pesantren in achieving effective accreditation results is collaborating with external parties. MPU and pesantren are organizations that have the same orientation, namely ensuring the implementation of values ​​based on Islamic law. The research method used is a qualitative diary method. Sources of informants are MPU management and several Islamic Boarding School leaders. The results showed that the MPU's role in the accreditation of the dayah included (2) advisors and policy deliberations related to the fulfillment of educational service standards as the main instrument of dayah accreditation; (2) strengthening external support through optimizing the dayah committee and strengthening organizational committees. The social implications of this research result in collaborative efforts in maintaining community stability. Through the accreditation system, it is expected to be able to improve the quality of education services held by Islamic boarding schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Mochamad Abu Fadlol ◽  
Subiyanto Subiyanto

The era of disruption has an impact on the stability of educational organizations. This study aims to discuss the change management model of Islamic education institutions. The form of adaptation to global developments is to make changes at the system and governance level. This type of research is qualitative with library methods. The data is taken from research results and reference book sources that are relevant to the conception of organizational change, organizational life cycle, innovation change and organizational effectiveness. The results show the strategy of Islamic education institutions in managing change. Change occurs through three stages, the system pioneer stage, the stability stage and the competition stage. The study also found a conceptual model that was specifically described in the form of an Islamic education organizational change model, the concept of the organizational environment, the synthesis of organizational uncertainty, the concept of organizational change and change management, and the typology of Islamic organizational change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Albar Albar ◽  
Suhayria Suhayria

Organizational culture is believed to be an enabler in increasing competitive advantage in higher education. This article evaluates the introduction of higher education into the development agenda and the introduction of sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a parallel but fragmented multilateral agenda and university reorientation. The research method uses qualitative methods with data from interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the study show the manifestation of organizational culture in creating a competitive advantage for universities. The research findings highlight the framework of the organizational culture building model and its framework (competing value framework). In addition, the results of the study indicate the need for strategic planning; adaptation of technological renewal through the practice of a culture of innovation; development of a partnership-based higher education network; interpersonal modalities of higher education service quality; performance improvement through service systems and effective leadership. The focus of attention leads to a competitive advantage strategy model based on university sustainability development. The important role of multi-stakeholder networks is to become a liaison facilitator who mediates between organizational culture and university competitive advantage. The originality of the value of this research contributes to filling the gaps in the literature on cultural studies and organizational behavior in the higher education sector, where the study of organizational culture in relation to creating competitive universities and or organizational resilience is still limited to date. Accreditation as a form of guarantee quality of education This study will discuss strategies to improve accreditation at SMPN 6 Permata and SMP Terpadu Semayoen Nusantara. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategic management carried out by the Principal in Improving School Accreditation. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study technique which is analyzed through a comparative study. Data collection techniques through interviews, observations and documentation of informants came from the Principal and the Teacher Council. The results showed that accreditation was carried out through a comprehensive assessment process referring to the SNP. Meanwhile, SMPN 6 Permata received a C accreditation while SMP Terpadu Semayoen received a B. The two schools have different characteristics of accreditation management, SMPN refers to professional values ​​while SMP Terpadu Semayoen refers to systems theory in the form of strategic management implementation. This research has social implications for public accountability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Muhammad Rizkal Fajri ◽  
Sukatin Sukatin

Organizational culture is believed to be an enabler in increasing competitive advantage in higher education. This article evaluates the introduction of higher education into the development agenda and the introduction of sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a parallel but fragmented multilateral agenda and university reorientation. The research method uses qualitative methods with data from interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the study show the manifestation of organizational culture in creating a competitive advantage for universities. The research findings highlight the framework of the organizational culture building model and its framework (competing value framework). In addition, the results of the study indicate the need for strategic planning; adaptation of technological renewal through the practice of a culture of innovation; development of a partnership-based higher education network; interpersonal modalities of higher education service quality; performance improvement through service systems and effective leadership. The focus of attention leads to a competitive advantage strategy model based on university sustainability development. The important role of multi-stakeholder networks is to become a liaison facilitator who mediates between organizational culture and university competitive advantage. The originality of the value of this research contributes to filling the gaps in the literature on cultural studies and organizational behavior in the higher education sector, where studies on organizational culture in relation to creating competitive universities and or organizational resilience are still limited to date.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-101
Hamdi Mukhtar

Pandemic is one of the factors that causes online learning or commonly called online, reportedly online learning is less effective and disrupts the learning system because as is known many parties are not ready for this online system, both in terms of field practice, students, teachers, regulations, and various means of supporting these online learning. Whereas learning must run as effectively as possible so as not to be left behind in each lesson, therefore this paper will discuss the effectiveness of the learning about (1) the facilities or facilities needed by students and teachers in participating in online learning (2) online shows the flexibility of learning and independence in learning and motivation in learning (3) weak supervision of students and ineffective methods applied by teachers (4) less good signal in certain areas and the cost of internet quota which is quite expensive. The research method used is a qualitative literature method.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-162
Nursyidah Nursyidah

The jigsaw type of cooperative learning model is one type of cooperative learning that is appropriate for the subject of history, material development of Islamic religion and culture in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes and activities by applying the type of jigsaw cooperative learning model on the development of Islamic culture and religion in Indonesia in Class XI-1A2 SMA Negeri 1 Montasik, Montasik District, Aceh Besar District. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The CAR procedure is carried out in a cycle and with stages of planning, observation, and reflection. The subjects in this study were all students of class XI-1A2 SMA Negeri 1 Montasik which included 24 students consisting of 11 boys and 13 girls. Data learning techniques through observation and student learning tests. Data analysis was carried out by means of qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the learning outcomes of students in pre-cycle classics were 50%, in cycle I increased to 75% and in cycle II also increased to 91.7%. The ability of the teacher in the learning organization in the first cycle was quite good, namely 3.4 and increased in the second cycle to be very good, namely 4.6. Student activity in the first cycle was classified as 3,2. Then in cycle II it increased and was classified as good, namely 4.3. This can indicate that student learning outcomes on the material of the development of religion and Islamic culture in Indonesia can be increased by applying the jigsaw cooperative learning model in class XI-1A2 SMA Negeri 1 Montasik, Aceh Besar District.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-134
Muhammad Anggung Manumanoso Prasetyo ◽  
Sukatin Sukatin

The research aims to increase the competing advantages of colleges in Jambi Province, Indonesia, through cooperation between Islamic colleges. The study introduced a model of organizational culture as a strategic value in creating an effective college governance system. Qualitative-type research by descriptive survey methods. In total, 3 rectors and 24 lecturers were interviewed, participated in focused group discussions, and observed. The results of the study showed that the increase in the competing excellence of Islamic colleges in Jambi consisted of increasing the value chain (value chain), which divided the organization into the various activities it was executing in designing, innovation of educational activities, program marketing, and achievements that educational output demonstrated. In addition, effective Organizational Culture became a critical success factor in teaching learning activities in classes as well as in roles as well as in school service. The research makes an important contribution to Islamic educational institutions in competitive college management models that have several stages namely: necessity analysis, planning design, implementation and development evaluation. The proposed model can be made a reference to policy amplifiers in order to increase the quality of higher education nationwide.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-120
Rahmatun Nida Azkiyani ◽  
Novan Ardy Wiyani ◽  
Ahmad Sahnan

This study aims to describe about superior class management in MTs Negeri 3 Pemalang. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach to the type of phenomenological research. Information on research subjects was obtained through interviews, observations and documentation of the Head Master of MTs 3 Pemalang, vice principal of curriculum, vice principal in student affairs, excellent class teachers, and superior class students. While the data analysis technic used consists of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study, that the superior class of MTs Negeri 3 Pemalang has been implemented optimally is characterized by the formulation of the objectives of the superior class compiled by a team consisting of the Principal, the Board of Teachers along with a superior class tutor. The formulation of superior class regulations is carried out carefully by involving important elements in the school namely the headmaster of the madrasa, all teachers, counceling teachers, and committees. The development of superior classroom learning services is characterized by learning approaches, learning methods, learning media, learning tools and solutions to overcome obstacles in implementing learning. The development of excellent class facilities and infrastructure is marked by the planning and analysis of needs, procurement of facilities and infrastructure, maintenance of facilities and infrastructure and solutions to overcome the management of superior class infrastructure. The development of superior class teachers is characterized by recruitment, coaching and training as well as providing solutions to overcome obstacles in the implementation of competency of superior class teachers. Supervision of superior class management is marked by the supervision of learning tools by the School Principal.

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